Chapter 6
Not long after, Zhang Ji, led by Shan Xiangling, arrived at the core hall of the Chiyun Sect.

Above the main hall, Shan Beilong, the leader of the Red Cloud Sect, occupies the main position. There are three figures below him, the other three of the Four Heroes of Red Cloud, Ye Dongliu, Xiao Nanqin, and Yin Ximeng.

Shan Beilong is a very majestic middle-aged man. It is said that his cultivation has reached the extreme level of the Earth's Ultimate Realm. Xiao Nanqin and Yin Ximeng are both women. Their faces are veiled and their appearance cannot be seen clearly, but they are clearly graceful. The figure is enough to make people fascinated.

As for Ye Dongliu, his appearance was clearly middle-aged, but his hair was snow-white. Like his disciple Ye Huaifeng, he carried a sword on his back.

Zhang Ji stepped forward, bowed his hands to the four people in the hall and said, "Disciple Zhang Ji, I would like to pay my respects to my four uncles and uncles!"

When Shan Beilong saw that he regarded himself as a disciple of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. The Scarlet Cloud Sect had invested a lot in Concubine Xiao and Zhang Ji, so naturally he did not want the royal family members that he spent a lot of resources to train to be dissatisfied with the Red Cloud Sect. close.

"His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince has traveled thousands of miles to come to the Red Cloud Sect. If there is any lack of hospitality, I hope you will forgive me."

"I am a junior. The sect leader and my uncle directly called me by my name. Within the Scarlet Cloud Sect, I am considered to be half a disciple of the Scarlet Cloud Sect." Zhang Ji said with a smile.

"Hahaha, okay, then I'll call you Ji'er." Shan Beilong laughed, and then said: "I heard a message from Xuan Jia saying that Ji'er has made rapid progress in your cultivation recently, and you need to practice more Resources surge.

You regard yourself as a disciple of the Red Cloud Sect. As a master, I can't be too stingy. If Ji'erqian needs anything, just ask, and the master will definitely satisfy you. "

Hearing this, Zhang Ji smiled with satisfaction and said slowly: "In more than two months, there will be a royal competition. I want to win the first place in the royal competition, so that my father will pay more attention to me.

In the future, more cultivation resources and more power will be obtained, which will be of greater help to the Red Cloud Sect.

It's just that my current cultivation level is still slightly insufficient, so I hope that my master can provide me with a Qi Gathering Powder or equivalent cultivation resources every day in the next two months or so. "

Shan Beilong nodded slightly when he heard the first half of his words, but when he heard the last part, his brows furrowed deeply.

Yin Ximeng, who had not spoken until now, spoke calmly, with a cold voice.

"A portion of Qi Gathering Powder is worth thousands of silver coins. With just one word from His Highness the Eighth Prince, the Chiyun Sect would have to pay hundreds of thousands of silver coins for it. Don't you think it's inappropriate, Your Highness?"
Although the prince of the county is noble, only the person who can ascend to that position in the end is the real winner and can bring gains far exceeding hundreds of thousands of silver coins to the Red Cloud Sect.

As far as I know, the Seventh Prince Zhang Tiangui has reached the extreme realm of cultivation and is the best heir to the throne of the County King. Does His Highness the Eighth Prince think that he can compete with His Highness the Seventh Prince? "

"Junior sister, shut up. No matter how strong Zhang Tiangui is, it has nothing to do with the Red Cloud Sect. Ji'er is the one our Red Cloud Sect supports." Shan Beilong scolded loudly, but he just waited for Yin Ximeng to finish.

Zhang Ji is not a hot-blooded young man with no brains and impulsiveness. There is no way to tell that this is a black and white show between the two. He pulled out the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, inserted it on the ground, and said loudly: "Zhang Tiangui is indeed powerful. I can't do it now." enemy, but sooner or later I will defeat him.

As for whether I am worthy of the Chiyun Sect's investment, today I will use this knife to prove it to all my uncles and uncles.

I am a minor in the Huangji Realm who broke through three days ago. If any warrior in the Huangji Realm in the Red Cloud Sect can defeat me today, I will never mention the cultivation resources again. "

Shan Beilong and Yin Ximeng looked at each other and nodded.

"Ji'er has something to ask for, and we should do our best to help him, but hundreds of thousands of silver coins are not a small sum for the Chiyun Sect.

Let's do this, if you, Ji'er, can defeat Huaifeng, the Chiyun Sect will fully assist you. "

Zhang Ji turned to look at Ye Huaifeng, who was standing quietly not far away. According to Xuanjia, Ye Huaifeng's cultivation had reached the peak of the Huangji Realm, and he was the most talented person among the younger generation of the Red Cloud Sect.

"It's a deal!" Zhang Ji pulled the Heaven-Suppressing Sword from the floor and turned to look at Ye Huaifeng. "Senior Brother Huaifeng, please give me some advice."

There was no expression on Ye Huaifeng's dull face, and he just slowly pulled out the wolf-head sword from behind.

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince, please be careful!"

The blade of the wolf-head knife turned, and a cold light came in an instant. Zhang Ji used the nearly perfect mountain-opening sword technique to meet Ye Huaifeng's knife. After the first blow, both of them took a few steps back. After the first move, they were evenly matched.

Shan Beilong and the others all had a glint in their eyes. Shan Xiangling, who was standing next to Xuan Jia, looked at the two people fighting with swordsmanship in the field and couldn't help but admired: "Senior Brother Eighth Prince is obviously one level lower than Senior Brother Ye, but yet To be able to fight evenly is worthy of being a member of the royal family.

It's just that Senior Brother Ye will eventually reach a higher level and his Qi will be more abundant. I'm afraid that Senior Brother Eighth Prince will be defeated in the end. "

Xuan Jia looked at the two people fighting in the field. They had exchanged more than ten moves. Hearing Shan Xiangling's words, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly. If His Highness the Eighth Prince really only had this level of strength, how could he dare to challenge the entire Chiyun Sect? A warrior in a realm.

Zhang Jishi deployed his mountain sword technique and fought with Ye Huaifeng for more than ten moves. He was quite satisfied with his opponent. He had cultivated a human-level mid-level sword technique to the level of Dacheng, and the power he could unleash reached thirteen oxen.

But that's it, Zhang Ji's sword power changed, and the originally heavy mountain-opening sword technique became extremely explosive.

"There are tigers in the mountains!"

The sword gleam loomed on the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, and the speed of the sword increased by several percent, stirring up sound waves in the air, like the sound of a tiger roaring.

Ye Huaifeng's complexion suddenly changed and he quickly raised his sword to block it. However, Zhang Ji's long-prepared sword was so easy to resist. He only felt that the hand holding the sword went numb, and then the whole sword came out of his hand, the Heaven-Suppressing Saber. The blade of the knife was placed on his neck.

"This is the tiger sword technique!" Shan Beilong, who was watching the battle, said in shock when he saw this sword.

Zhang Ji put away the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, looked at Shan Beilong, and replied: "Uncle Master, what I just performed was the Tiger Sword Technique, the spirit-level martial skill of my Yunwu royal family."

"Ji', okay, okay, you can practice spiritual-level martial arts in the Xiaoji position of Huangji Realm. Even if you are not a county king in the future, you will definitely be a powerful warrior who can stand up to the sky and the earth. These two You will stay in the Scarlet Cloud Sect for many months, and whenever you need it, the Scarlet Cloud Sect will use all the strength of the sect to satisfy it."

"Thank you so much, uncle!" Zhang Ji replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Walking out of the main hall, a beautiful figure stood in front of Zhang Ji, it was Shan Xiangling.

"Senior Brother Eighth Prince, you are really amazing. Senior Brother Ye is already an undefeated genius at the same level in the Chiyun Sect. Senior Brother, you are actually able to defeat him across realms.

Senior brother, can you guide me in martial arts training? "Shan Xiangling asked expectantly.

Zhang Ji smiled lightly and said: "If Junior Sister Xiangling is willing, you can naturally come to me. I will stay in the Scarlet Cloud Sect for the next two months or so."

"Yeah! That's really nice."

Seeing Shan Xiangling leaving excitedly, Zhang Ji could only smile helplessly. With such a simple and beautiful girl by his side, the rest of the days in Chiyun Sect would not be boring.

(End of this chapter)

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