Chapter 84
The book was released on September 9th, and it has been more than a month now, and it’s finally time to write my acceptance speech.

This is the author's second book about Eternal Fandom. I think I have made some progress, but I am still the same loser with many shortcomings.

On the first day the new book was released, there were 46 collections. I know these are brothers who came from the previous book. Thank you very much for your continued support.

It will be released soon, so I won’t say much more. The editor has given me a release time of noon tomorrow, which is about [-] o’clock, so don’t wait for the update tonight. My update time is pretty weird, hahaha~
Here comes the key point, will it be released soon or will it be updated?The answer is of course, a small burst, four updates on the first day of release, and then three updates for six days, making up a week.

Every time the first subscription exceeds [-], an additional chapter will be added, so I would like to ask for the first subscription here. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the readers who support me, thank you for your continued recommendation votes, monthly votes, and rewards from time to time.

Speaking of rewards, the readers are happy to see it and give me rewards. I can't spoil the fun. I will establish a written record here. In the future, a single reward of [-] points will be added to the chapter, and the increase will be proportional.

Finally, thank you very much for your support!
Please recommend me, please give me a monthly pass, please subscribe, please give me rewards, and please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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