Chapter 137 Zombie Secrets
Of course he was fine, but the royal zombies he devoured were in trouble.

Because this royal zombie is being suppressed by the Sanmao Divine Seal in the space inside his body, unable to move at all.

It turned out that the zombie had been swallowed by him and was struggling around in the space inside his body to escape.

But the San Mao Seal directly showed its power and suppressed this royal zombie, so now he doesn't feel any discomfort.

【inform!The royal zombie has been subdued. You can turn it into a puppet to improve its defense performance. Do you want to start puppetization? 】

The voice of the great sage sounded.


Ding Hai responded without hesitation, if you can get a thug for free, don't do it for free!
The next moment, a colorful dazzling light burst out from the space inside Ding Hai's slime, turning into a beam of light that enveloped the royal zombie.

The golden San Mao Seal seemed to know the Great Sage's intention, so he relaxed his restrictions and allowed the light beam to transform the royal zombies.

In the colorful light pillar, the eyes of the royal zombie gradually became dull, and the Sanmao talisman also shot out a golden light, leaving an order on the forehead of the royal zombie to help the great sage quickly turn the royal zombie into a puppet.

Soon, the light gradually weakened and the light beam was retracted, leaving the royal zombies still standing in place.

Ding Hai's consciousness appeared in the space inside his own body. Looking at the royal zombie, he couldn't help but wonder: "Great Sage, has it completely turned into a puppet?"

【inform!The royal zombies have been completely transformed into puppets!Now you can give it orders! 】

Ding Hai's eyes lit up: "Ahem, in that case, let's give this zombie a name first. Let's call it Xiao Huang."

After all, he was a border prince during his lifetime, so it was normal for him to have a prince in his name.

As for his surname, his surname is "Ding", and his full name is Ding Xiaohuang.

The next moment, the royal zombie knelt down to Ding Hai, and Ding Hai instantly received the message from the royal zombie.

This is expressing its surrender to Ding Hai.

Ding Hai was very happy, finally having a free thug.

Then he put Xiao Huang into temporary hibernation, and his consciousness exited the inner space.

At this time, Taoist priest Qianhe led everyone back to Taoist priest Simu's house.

Seeing everyone's embarrassment, Taoist Priest Simu was very surprised: "Qianhe, what's wrong with you? Why did you go and come back?"

"Brother, this is what happened."

Taoist priest Qianhe told the story about how the royal zombie turned into a bronze-armored zombie and how Ding Hai finally subdued the zombie.

Hearing this, Taoist Master Four Eyes was frightened: "Qianhe, you are very lucky this time! Fortunately, you have the Patriarch with you, otherwise you wouldn't be able to stop the bronze-armored corpse!"

He naturally knew how powerful the bronze-armored corpse was. Ordinary Taoist techniques were useless against it, but it was also extremely powerful. The corpse poison was several times more powerful than ordinary zombies. Even the glutinous rice probably couldn't keep up with the erosion speed of the corpse poison.

If the zombies were advanced to a higher level, even Daluo Jinxian might not be able to be saved.

"Yes, I have learned a lesson this time." Taoist priest Qianhe also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ding Hai took action this time, otherwise there would be no return.

Now that he thought about it, he still felt a little frightened.

He decided not to take these orders when he went back. He must ask clearly before taking them in the future, otherwise he would not be able to survive even if he had a few lives!
"By the way, what will you explain then?"

The four-eyed Taoist priest turned his attention to the group of little brothers.

Originally, Chizuru was going to hand over the body to her employer, but now that the zombies are all gone, Chizuru might have to lose something by taking this trip. "I'll explain this later, ugh~"

"Junior brother, I'm not talking about you. Now that the Qing Dynasty is gone, why do you still care about this matter? I'm afraid that what these royal zombies have done has other intentions~"

When he said this, Taoist Priest Simu narrowed his eyes and flashed a light.

"Where do you start talking about this?" Taoist priest Qianhe was stunned for a moment.

"Haha, you should know that although the Qing Dynasty is gone, there is still some luck left. The so-called centipede insect is dead but not stiff. Do you think if there is a big dynasty, their rulers will not have no backup plan?" Four Eyes said He smiled and asked.

This sentence made Master Qianhe think deeply.

Yes!From ancient times to the present, none of these kings, ministers, generals, and ministers are powerful, but they all have a common goal-immortality!
"Senior brother, you mean..."

Taoist priest Qianhe's eyes widened.

"That's right, in the early years when the leader was still there, he once observed the fate of the Qing Dynasty. Although it was bound to perish under the general trend, there seemed to be signs of condensation that would not break up. Therefore, the elders suspected that the Qing Dynasty seemed to be raising zombies. Achieve immortality!”

When he said this, Taoist Priest Simu's expression condensed slightly.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" At this time, Ding Hai intervened.

"Ancestor!!" Taoist Priest Simu and Taoist Qianhe saluted hurriedly upon seeing this.

"Just now, Simu, did you say that the Qing Dynasty Zombie was real or fake?"

As soon as Ding Hai exited the inner space, he heard Simu and Qianhe talking about this matter, which aroused his interest.

"The founder didn't know that although the Qing Dynasty died, the world has never been at peace since then. Since then, zombies have become more and more troublesome. My Maoshan disciples all went down the mountain to eliminate zombies. Once, zombies even appeared in an underground palace. Thousands of zombies ravaged a village. At that time, all three mountains of Fulu were mobilized. It took a lot of effort to quell the zombie scourge. Later, another Maoshan ancestor discovered that all of these zombies were related to the Qing court. Two of the zombie kings were royal relatives of the Yehenala family. Later, after investigation by my Maoshan ancestor, I found that many of the fugitive dignitaries in the Qing court had become zombies, and they still retained their consciousness in life. Although they did not know that they were refining Where does the corpse method come from, but it is not difficult with their methods."

Taoist priest Simu told Ding Hai everything he knew.

Ding Hai was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that the Qing Dynasty still had hidden methods. I'm afraid it was not trying to create a zombie dynasty!
If they really succeed, the world will be plagued by zombies.

"Then where is their lair?" Ding Hai continued to ask.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes shook his head: "Then I don't know. The elders of the sect have also searched before, but they seem to be trying to hide it. If they know, then we, the Three Mountains and Four, will not let it go!"

"Yeah~ By the way, those zombies from the border royal family are also from the Qing royal family, right?" At this time, Ding Hai seemed to have thought of something.


Both Shimu and Qianzhe were confused, why do you ask this?
"Then I might be able to find out some clues about this secret."

Because there is a ready-made royal zombie lying in the space inside his body!
With a thought in his mind, Ding Hai released Xiao Huang.

The zombie suddenly appeared in front of everyone, making a dull sound with the ground, startling everyone.

When the black steward and the young brother saw the prince they were familiar with, their faces turned pale.

After all, they had all seen the fierce power of the prince last night.

The Qing soldiers beside them also picked up their swords to protect the two masters and servants, but they could not hide their anxious faces.


Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe subconsciously raised their mahogany swords, but hadn't this royal zombie already been killed?

(End of this chapter)

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