Chapter 148 Nintendo appears

Uncle Jiu found a place to set up the altar, then turned on his music pocket watch and waited quietly for Nintendo to come to his door.

Not long after, an inexplicable dark wind came.

"Why is it so cold?"

Ah Hao couldn't help but shiver and muttered.

"Here you go, be quiet!" He gave Ah Hao a numb look.

When everyone looked around, they saw a tall and skinny zombie jumping out of the woods at a very fast speed, and soon reached the ambush set by Uncle Jiu.

Several talisman arrows hit Nintendo directly. Nintendo felt like he was stabbed by something, so he pulled out all the talisman arrows inserted in his body and broke them off.

"How is this possible?" Uncle Jiu was stunned.

The talisman arrows I prepared were soaked in black dog blood for 49 days, and were refined with Maoshan's secret method. Even if Fei Zong is hit, he will remove a lot of corpse energy. Now this Nintendo has nothing to do. !
"I still don't believe it!" Uncle Jiu jumped out of the grass, appeared in front of Nintendo and directly put two corpse-killing charms on Nintendo's head.

The two corpse-suppressing talismans shone with a faint golden light, but Nintendo was completely unaffected by the talismans, and roared directly towards Uncle Jiu to grab him.

Uncle Jiu nimbly dodged, and then tried other Taoist techniques, but they still didn't work for Nintendo.

He was also hit on the chest. If he hadn't worn a heart armor on his chest, or else the two ribs on his chest might have been broken.

"Xiao Huang! Come on!"

Ding Hai saw that Uncle Jiu was helpless against Nintendo, so he ordered the royal zombies to go up and start fighting.

Xiao Huang jumped up and gave Nintendo a big slap in the ear, knocking his head off.


Nintendo was also confused, no brother, why are you hitting me?We are the same kind!

But Xiao Huang didn't care about this and slapped Nintendo again.

The head was knocked off directly.

This scene made people look shocked.

I go!Are the zombies raised by the ancestor so powerful?With two palms, the head of Nintendo, who was not afraid of Taoism, was blown away.

Nintendo: [○`Д○]
Good guy!Did I give you face back? Do you like to hit me so much?
Nintendo picked up his head and pressed it straight.

Then he stretched out his claws and grabbed at the royal zombie, but the sharp nails that could cut through trees broke directly after hitting the royal zombie.

Nintendo: (ΩДΩ)
What the hell kind of thing is this? !
Why is this skin so hard?

His nails can even break a big tree that the two of them are hugging. Now this zombie's skin can't be inserted into it, and it's broken?What's happening here?
But the next moment, the slaps from the royal zombies followed.

Nintendo's head immediately turned around in a circle of love, turning back to where it was before.

Nintendo: "."

Great, I'm angry!I'm really angry!

This big brother has no sense of martial ethics at all!
But at this time, Ding Hai's order came through: "Xiao Huang, stop playing around, beat this girl to me directly and make her crippled so that she can't get up again."

After receiving the order, the royal zombie's eyes flashed fiercely, and he used more power than before, and put both palms down.

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)
Xiao Huang's powerful power directly acted on Nintendo, dispersing a lot of the corpse energy from his body.

Uncle Jiu and others on the side couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

If this fist to flesh scene directly affects them,
Hiss~ It’s so scary!

Seeing Xiao Huang beating Nintendo until it was smoking, and the zombie aura dissipated immediately, leaving Nintendo temporarily unable to resist.

"Xiao Huang, suck up all his corpse energy and turn this mutated species into a normal species."

Ding Hai continued to issue orders.Xiao Huang nodded to Ding Hai, then grabbed Nintendo directly, revealed a pair of sharp fangs and bit him directly on the neck.


Nintendo kept screaming, struggling hard, and stretched out his claws to hit the royal zombie.

But after this claw scratched Xiao Huang's body, it was really not painful or itchy, because Nintendo had just been beaten to a semi-crippling state, and its strength had been reduced a lot. An attack of this level was not enough to hurt the royal zombie.

"Master! That zombie raised by Mr. Hai is eating zombies!"

Ahao said in horror, his body trembling slightly.

He had never seen such a horrific scene.

But Momadi gave him a shudder: "What are you talking about? This zombie is sucking the corpse energy from Nintendo's body so that he can't become a zombie."

"Oh oh oh~" Ahao also calmed down.

The corpse energy in Nintendo's body was gradually sucked out by Xiao Huang, and his originally ferocious face gradually became calmer, and his skin became almost like an ordinary corpse, and then he fell straight to the ground.

After completing the task, Xiao Huang wiped his mouth gracefully, then knelt down in front of Ding Hai and resumed his life.

"Very good, let's go back first!"

Then, Ding Hai collected the royal zombies.

The zombie qi that had just been sucked into Nintendo's body must have strengthened his zombie thug a lot, so it was better to let him return to space to stabilize his strength first.

"Okay, done! Send him back to Ren Mansion!"

Ding Hai yelled twice, then lay on the little fox and returned to Ren Mansion with Uncle Jiu and others.

"Master, this corpse."

Ahao glanced at Nintendo lying on the ground and asked.

"Hurry up and carry it back!"


"Ah what? Do you want me to come?" He gave him a numb look. Speaking of which, Ah Hao lost the Nintendo indirectly, otherwise they would not have suffered this jail sentence.

"Okay Master~" Ah Hao had no choice but to ask his junior brother A Qiang to help carry Nintendo's body back with a grimace.

However, it took a lot of time to get back to Paradise Town. After all, the journey was quite far.

And the reason why Ding Hai didn't bring them back for a ride was to teach Mama's master and apprentice a lesson.

Since you lost someone else's body, you have to carry it back yourself. Even if you have learned a lesson this time, let's see if these three people dare to cause such a thing again next time.

It also took Mamadi's master and apprentice a whole day to send Nintendo back, and he was panting from exhaustion.

After all, without Ding Hai's free ride, it would take at least two days to walk from Tai County to Tiantang Town.

But luckily they hired a carriage on the way, which saved half the time.

When Ren Zhuzhu and others saw Nintendo being carried back, they asked them to put it into the coffin quickly.

After all, the dead are in peace, and after struggling for so long, the matter is finally resolved.

Ding Hai didn't care how the Ren family took care of Nintendo's funeral, but Uncle Jiu was asked to stay and help Nintendo perform a ritual.

After all, Mamadi and the others could even lose the body. After such an incident, they didn't dare to let Mamadi be in charge of Nintendo's funeral. Momadi was originally responsible for this matter.

Now I just leave the ritual part to Uncle Jiu, but the reward for delivering the body to Mamadi is not small. After all, it takes a lot of hard work to send the body back all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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