Chapter 156 Goodbye Awei
When the village chief heard this, he sent someone to inform the villagers. After all, this thing cannot be drunk, otherwise he, the village chief, would be greatly responsible if something went wrong.

After solving these problems, Uncle Jiu looked at the water source here for a while and then suggested to continue moving to the top of the water source. Maybe that is the source of the problem.

However, on the way they met an unexpected person.

Ah Wei!

"Awei? Why are you here?"

Uncle Jiu was also stunned. He had allowed Ah Wei to be sent to live with his distant relatives. How could he appear here?

At this time, Ah Wei was trying to please a woman with heavy makeup, looking like a proper dog licker.

"Uncle Ninth? Are you there too?" Ah Wei couldn't help but be stunned, and then he greeted him enthusiastically.

Although he was taught a lesson by Ding Hai before, he still has a better memory.

"We also want to ask you, why are you here? Didn't you go to be a captain somewhere else?" Ding Hai asked.

"Hey, I didn't expect Haiye to be here. It's really disrespectful. I didn't see it."

Ah Wei immediately put on a flattering smile when he saw Ding Hai. After all, he was beaten and taught by Ding Hai before, but he still vividly remembered it.

Later I heard that this man was the ancestor of Uncle Jiu, so he should not be offended.

Even though Ah Wei is so arrogant, he still knows how to deal with such a big boss.

"Okay, why did you get here? I heard before that you went to a handsome relative of yours to be the captain. How did you come to Huangjiacun?"

Ding Hai doesn't care about his attitude towards him, as long as this kid admits his mistakes in his past actions.

Ah Wei was a little embarrassed, how to explain this?

Originally, I told my handsome uncle that I could work as a security guard at his house, but I changed my mind for some reason, and then I came to Huangjiacun.

But what can he do?
After all, you still have to listen to what your elders say.

"By the way, how can you be here too? Could it be that you are here?"

Ah Wei suddenly thought of something.

"There have been strange illnesses in Huangjia Village recently. You should have heard that the village chief even hired a doctor but couldn't cure it, so we suspect it's caused by Feng Shui or evil spirits."

Ding Hai replied.

"No, why is that thing here?"

Ah Wei's face changed slightly. He had heard that his cousin's father had turned into a zombie. Fortunately, he was subdued in time, otherwise it would have brought disaster to Renjia Town.

"It's hard to say whether it's a zombie or something? By the way, that woman is also your cousin?"

Ding Hai glanced at the woman in a dress.

Avi nodded.

"Okay, you boy, I didn't expect to get another cousin, keep up the good work!"

Ding Hai patted his shoulder.

But Ah Wei always thought it sounded weird.

"Cousin~" came the cousin's cooing voice, which made Ding Hai couldn't help but shiver.

"Hey! Cousin! I'm coming over right now!"

Ah Wei, who heard the call, responded hurriedly, and then told Uncle Jiu that we would talk to him next time and then went to accompany his cousin in a small dress.

Qiu Shengwencai looked at Awei's dog-legged appearance and sighed.

"I didn't expect that a woman with such strong tastes as Ah Wei would be able to do it!"

"My role model!"

"It's such a lick of a dog!"

Uncle Jiu glared at them: "What are you talking about? Let's continue on our way!" "Oh~ good master."

At this time, holding Ding Hai's family music, he couldn't help but ask: "Master Hai, who was that person just now? What else is dog licking?"

"The guy who just put on the glasses is called Awei. He was the captain of Renjia Town before, but later he was sent to another place by Ren Fa if he didn't do well. I didn't expect to come here."

"As for dog licking, this is a brand new and strange thing among dogs. In short, Jia Le, you remember one sentence: lick until the end and there is nothing left!"

Ding Hai said to Jiale with a serious face.

Knorr:? ? ?
The weirdest dog?

What kind of dog is that?

He has only heard of wolf dogs, milk dogs, and singles~ Hey, what is this licking dog?

But Ding Hai couldn't help but shake his head when he saw the interaction between Awei and her coquettish cousin.

This cousin felt so artificial that Ding Hai couldn't help but punch her.

But forget it, after all, it is the path Awei chose, and he has to finish licking it even if he cries.

Soon, everyone came to a waterside, but under Ding Hai's inspection, the water seemed to be turbid and had an unknown aura.

And there seems to be something hanging on the vines under the water.

"Water whip!"

The next moment, a whip transformed from water suddenly emerged from the originally relatively calm river and wrapped directly around the tree vine. Ding Hai waved his hand, and the tree vine was immediately pulled out by the water whip.

The vines and doors were covered with black and smelly bat carcasses.

"Why are there so many bats here?"

When Huang Cun came back to his senses from the scene where Ding Hai cast a spell just now, he was dumbfounded when he saw this strange scene.

"Who did this? I'm afraid it's not the death of our Huangjia Village!"

Other villagers also came over, their expressions ugly.

They really didn't expect that there were actually a group of bat corpses here. The daily drinking water in the village basically came from the water source here. Now they found these dead bats. No wonder people in the village have been doing strange things recently. Now there is an explanation.

But who killed these bats and put them here?

It also destroyed the feng shui pattern of Huangjia Village. If they find him, he must be taught a lesson!
The people in Huangjiacun were a little angry.

"Village chief, do you know where these bats come from?" Uncle Jiu also asked with a frown.

Village Chief Huang shook his head: "I don't know about that. There are basically not so many bats in our village, and don't bats generally like to stay in dark and humid places?"

Seeing this, Ding Hai also sprayed out a stream of talisman fire, burning the bat corpses and the tree vines.

Although the tree vines and bat corpses were still wet, the flames Ding Hai sprayed were no ordinary flames. They could burn all evil things.

The dead bats were burned to ashes in a matter of moments.

"Village chief, it's best to have someone check if there are any bat nests nearby. If there are any, burn them immediately, otherwise a similar situation will easily happen."

Uncle Jiu said with a serious face, although he was also confused about what was going on?But the most important thing is to find the nests of these bats and destroy them as soon as possible.

After all, bats carry a lot of bacteria from the outside world, and they live in dark and humid places all year round, so they are likely to be contaminated with unclean things.

"I know, Awei! Awei!"

Immediately afterwards, the village chief called Ah Wei to explain the task.

"Village Chief, I'll go search right away! The mission must be completed!"

Ah Wei said confidently, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not a zombie den or a ghost den.

(End of this chapter)

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