All the changes in the world begin with Tom Cat

Chapter 159 Village Chief Huang: How come the coffin was dug out?

Chapter 159 Village Chief Huang: How come the coffin was dug out?
"Yes, this water source is not polluted. It seems to be drinkable." Uncle Jiu nodded.

"By the way, Master, Haiye and I discovered something strange just now." Qiu Sheng told Uncle Jiu about the bat swarm just now.

Uncle Jiu frowned slightly when he heard this, and then said: "Don't worry about it for now, let's finish the exploration first, and we'll take a look later."

Then, Uncle Jiu continued to work. He was going to use Maoshan's lotus dragon-seeking method to find the Feng Shui veins here.

But this requires some tools.

Soon, under the command of Uncle Jiu, an eight-sided funnel connected to a pipe was inserted into the ground, and there was a rune on each side, leaving a small round hole with a red thread wrapped around each of the small round holes.

Eight red lines radiate out in the shape of a lotus, straightening in all directions.

After doing this, Uncle Jiu took out a lotus and placed it in the funnel. He put a glass bead into the lotus, took out a talisman, lit it, and threw it into the lotus.

And the lotus seemed to become shimmering, as if there was a kind of power condensing.

Not long after, the small glass bead jumped a few times, passed through the small round hole in the southwest along the red line, and was still rolling on the thin red line. Ding Hai was also surprised in his heart.

Uncle Jiu is indeed Uncle Jiu!

It wasn't until the glass bead stopped that Uncle Jiu ordered Wencai to stick bamboo sticks on the ground around where it stopped and tie a red thread to mark it.

But it wasn't over yet. Uncle Jiu knelt down, next to the red line mark, Qingqing pinched a piece of thread at the place where the glass bead stayed, and lifted it gently.

The red line was quickly bounced up. If you look closely, you can see that there are still water droplets on the red line.

"Wencai, insert the wooden sign here!"

Uncle Jiu pointed to a place on the ground.

"Okay, Master." Wencai responded, and then inserted the prepared wooden sign.

Uncle Jiu walked up to Village Chief Huang: "Village Chief, the water source has been found."

"Ah? Really?" The village chief was very surprised.

"Really, this mountain is the leader of water. I just used Maoshan's secret method of finding veins to find that this is the place where water veins meet. It is the point where the four seas unite, meaning there is an endless supply. This water level pattern is different from the previous one. The dragon ball vomiting blood is also a good Feng Shui situation."

Uncle Jiu nodded and explained.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's break ground quickly!"

The village chief couldn't wait.

"Not yet, let's wait until after lunch so that everyone can have a rest."

"Yes, then I ask everyone to stop what they are doing."

The village chief responded and took Uncle Jiu and others to prepare to go back to the village for dinner.

But Ding Hai expressed that he wanted to stay here for a while: "You go and eat first, Jia Le and I will stay here for a while."

"Then I'll trouble you, Patriarch."

After that, the village chief and his party returned to Huangjia Village with Qiu Shengwencai.

When they were almost gone, Jia Le asked him somewhat puzzledly: "Master Hai, why don't we wait until we finish eating before coming back?"

"Watch a good show."

"A good show?" Jiale was confused.

"You'll know later. You can't leave my side without my order later."


Although Jia Le didn't know what was going on, it was better to listen to the ancestor.

"Invisibility + sound insulation + camouflage barrier!"

The next moment, the two figures disappeared from the spot.

Ding Hai knew that bats rely on ultrasonic waves to detect the surrounding environment. In addition to being invisible, they must also add a camouflage attribute. Otherwise, even if they are invisible, these bats can still detect their presence through ultrasonic waves, which can alert the snake. Not good.

Not long after waiting, the bats hanging on the tree flew out.

Some of the bats stood guard on all sides, observing the surroundings like sentinels, while some of the bats flew to the wooden sign that Wen Cai had just inserted.Then he grabbed the wooden sign with his claws and inserted it in another place.

After doing this, the bats left directly.

"Hai Ye? What is this?" Jiale was surprised.

"Don't be surprised. These bats may be servants of a certain demon. They may want us to dig out some bad things here."


"Zombie or some monster or something?"

"Huh? Why don't we put this wooden sign back in its place?"

Jia Le said that he was about to step forward to get the wooden sign back to its original position, but was stopped by Ding Hai.

"No, I still want to use this method to fish."

"Fishing?" Jia Le didn't understand what this meant. Does it have anything to do with fish?

"This fish is not that fish. In short, don't get the bat to the wooden sign and put it back to its original position. First, insert a new wooden sign in its original position."

"Oh well."

Jia Le also quickly followed suit.

After doing this, Ding Hai hung a bunch of garlic on the wooden sign placed by Jiale to prevent the group of bats from causing trouble again later.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Then, Ding Hai jumped on Jiale's head and returned to Huangjia Village for lunch.

When we first arrived in Huangjia Village, the courtyard of the village chief's house was already filled with banquets, and Uncle Jiu and the others were already seated.

"Grandmaster, are you back? Please take a seat quickly!"

Uncle Jiu saw Ding Hai coming back and greeted him hurriedly.

Ding Hai also jumped to the table where Uncle Jiu was sitting. There were plates of delicious food in front of him, including roast chicken, pork belly, and soy sauce fried eggs.
"Grandmaster, do you have any questions?"

When Ding Hai heard this, he knew that Uncle Jiu was asking about those bats.

"Well, as expected, those hanging rats moved the wooden sign to another place, but I have already made arrangements, so don't worry."

"Well, that's good. I'd like to see what kind of monsters come to stop this."

Uncle Jiu nodded, a light flashing in his eyes.

No matter what monsters and monsters are behind this, Lin Jiu can't let it go!
He actually dared to cause trouble when doing things for others. Do you really think that Lin Jiu has a good temper?

Then everyone ate.

However, Ding Hai's big eater scene made others stunned for a moment.

After all, no one has ever seen someone devour a plate of food right in front of them.

Uncle Jiu didn't care. It was rare and strange. After all, he was used to it when he was in Yizhuang.

Although it is not clear what the digestive physiology of this slime is, it is the spiritual pet of Patriarch Sanmao after all. This appetite is nothing. After all, there are many demons and beasts in Taoist classics that can even swallow a mountain. Woolen cloth.

After lunch, everyone continued working.

This time, with the intervention of Ding Hai, the workers excavated in two places, one was the original location, and the other was the location after being moved by bats.

However, the digging speed at the original wooden sign was faster, and soon someone shouted: "There is water in it!"

The village chief was overjoyed when he saw this and was about to go take a look, but there was also a reaction from another place.

"The coffin has been dug up!"

Village Chief Huang:? ? ?

How come the coffin was dug out?
(End of this chapter)

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