Chapter 161 Zombies vs Vampires

Junru's cousin was caught in front of the mummy. The mummy grabbed her in front of him and bit her neck directly.

"Ah~" Junru's cousin screamed and gradually lost consciousness.

She felt that the blood in her body was gradually draining, and her whole body was drooping.

"Cousin!" Awei shouted, but now he was too scared to go forward to save her.

Now he was still worried about his own safety. If this Western zombie drank his cousin's blood, he would definitely turn around and target him.

How to do?What should I do?
Ah Wei was also flustered.

"You kid, I warned your cousin once before, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't help the greed in my heart."

Suddenly, Ah Wei felt a chill in his head, as if something had fallen on his head.

When I took a closer look, I realized it was the big boss Ding Hai.

"Master Hai, you are finally here, my cousin~"

Awei just wanted to speak to express his sadness at losing his horse, but Ding Hai interrupted him directly.

"Okay, now that she has been sucked by this vampire, she will probably change soon. Then you can reunite with your cousin."

"Ah? Are you saying that my cousin will turn into a Western zombie?" Ah Wei was stunned.

"What do you think? Okay, now the rightful owner has almost recovered."

As he said that, the appearance of the vampire in front of him changed drastically. It was different from the one just now. He was wearing a black robe, which was almost the same as the image of the vampire in his impression.

The vampire threw away cousin Junru, then spread out his hands and roared at the moon, as if to celebrate his return.

Originally, he planned to capture the four-eyed boy and resurrect his lover, but a strange thing seemed to break in. Although it looked harmless on the outside, the vampire's survival instinct told him that this blue dumpling Not to be messed with.

"Xiao Huang, let's play with him!"

Ding Hai directly released the royal zombies, which shocked Ah Wei.

"Why is there another zombie?"

"Don't panic, I raised this zombie. I want to see if this vampire can deal with my zombie. Let's take action!"

After Ding Hai explained something, he directly gave orders to the royal zombies.


The royal zombie roared, jumped on both feet, and jumped directly in front of the vampire.

The vampires were stunned. How could a compatriot with an aura similar to his appear?And it still looks like he's going to attack him?


The vampire didn't show any weakness and roared back.

The royal zombie blinked slightly and stared at the vampire.

Okay!Little brother, besides the master, you are the first one to yell at me!

Without saying a word, the royal zombie slapped the vampire away, smashing a potted plant.

"I'll go!" Ah Wei was stunned for a moment.

Is this zombie so strong?He directly slapped the Western zombie away with one palm. If it had been him, he would have been unable to get out of bed and move around for a month.

If Ding Hai heard Ah Wei's thoughts at this moment, Ding Hai would only say where he is!

Not to mention the infinite power of zombies, their corpse poison is much more powerful than those of vampires. Once they are not removed with glutinous rice in time, it will be a matter of seconds to turn into zombies, especially for those powerful zombies, even if they use glutinous rice, they will become zombies. Glutinous rice may not be able to remove corpse poison.In addition to having the same characteristics as vampires, the corpse poison of zombies is also full of a kind of evil spirit.

This corpse-evil aura can also attract the souls of the dead and give birth to some evil things.

Vampires and zombies both have blood-sucking characteristics, but they have many differences.

Vampires can be seen as another kind of strange creatures, while zombies are simply corpses that produce ignorant minds.

And in terms of the way of promotion, vampires become weaker from generation to generation as their bloodline dilutes, and they cannot upgrade to more advanced and powerful vampires through their own efforts.

Although zombies are also more particular about bloodline breakthroughs, zombies can absorb moonlight and practice. As long as they survive the catastrophe, they will become a more powerful zombie species, which will not have sunlight, Taoism, etc.

The vampire also came to his senses, stood up straight, and looked at the royal zombie with an unkind expression.

He was still in a daze when he was shot flying, and he hadn't reacted to this sudden attack.

And he didn't expect the royal zombie to be so powerful, directly surpassing him.

It seems that he cannot compare with the big brother in front of him in terms of strength, so he needs to use some other methods.

The vampire is not an idiot. He directly summons his servant bats to harass and attack the royal zombies.

The bats kept attacking the royal zombies one after another. Although they did no harm to the little emperor, these flying mice were also very troublesome and they would run away as soon as they were caught.

"Xiao Huang, use thunder and lightning to knock down these mice that look like flies!"

This is how the royal zombies began to execute the order after receiving Ding Hai's instructions.

Ding Hai looked calm. Did he really think that using these rats to harass Xiao Huang would be useful?
How naive!

The Royal Zombie had been hit by a thunderstorm before and had the property of resisting lightning.

After being subdued by Ding Hai, the royal zombie was given the ability to control thunder and lightning, which means that this zombie can also discharge electricity.

The next moment, a subtle electric arc appeared on the royal zombie's body. The electric arc spread quickly and directly electrocuted all the bats surrounding him.

clap clap~
Bats fell to the ground one after another.

This made the vampire stupid.

How come this big brother still discharges electricity?
no!It looks like he can't be beaten, so it's better to escape first.

Having made up his mind, the vampire recruited more bats to distract the royal zombies.

And it took this moment to let the remaining bats fly away with it.

After another wave of electric bats, the royal zombies also saw the vampires flying into the air and were about to leave.

Can he let it succeed?
He jumped directly, jumped dozens of feet high, and caught the triumphant vampire with one claw.

Vampire: (ΩДΩ)
Do not!
Under the influence of gravity, the vampire was accelerated by the royal zombies in a straight line, making a hole in the ground.

But it's not over yet.

The royal zombie grabbed the vampire stuck in the pit, and then began to swing it wildly left and right.

bang bang bang~
Every time it was hit, there was a hole in the ground.

Now the vampire can be said to have been smashed by the royal zombies to the point where he can no longer resist and collapses on the spot like a lump of flesh.

Although vampires are different from humans in that they can recover quickly even if they are injured, but now that Xiao Huang is smashing him here and there, it will take a certain amount of time to recover, and it cannot be recovered all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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