Chapter 167 Start

When Elder Tiehe heard this, his expression became a little excited.

This is the complete Maoshan heritage!

No wonder the three of them have made such great progress!

You know, Maoshan has gone through thousands of years, and although it has survived the wind and rain, it has also lost a lot of inheritance.

And these inheritances are quite important in today's Dharma-ending period.

Ding Hai saw the veteran Taoist's excited expression and it was clear that he wanted him to pass on these Maoshan inheritance.

But don't rush, you have to take your time. Anyway, this complete Maoshan inheritance was given by Patriarch Sanmao, and he will compile it into a book when the time comes.

"Okay, I will hand over all these inheritance methods to you when the time comes. Now it is important to complete the business."

Ding Hai said.

"That's what the Patriarch said." Elder Tiehe hurriedly suppressed his somewhat turbulent heart. Now that Maoshan is expected to be revitalized, he is also very happy, but now it is more important to complete the business to avoid annoying the boss in front of him.

"Okay, let's arrange it in three days. At that time, Simu, Qianhe, and Lin Jiu will be the executors, and Tiehe will preside over the meeting. I will be there to help you."

After all, for this kind of afterlife and salvation matters, it is almost enough to rely on Uncle Jiu and a few people. If there is any accident in the process, he can also take action directly.

"Yes, Patriarch."

Elder Tiehe, Uncle Jiu and the others all agreed.

During the next period of time, everyone also began to prepare relevant magic weapon materials, and then recuperated.

Because salvation not only requires a lot of mana, but also requires the presiding mage to be in a very good mental state.

Of course, Yizhuang still has enough materials for magical artifacts. Even if there is a shortage, the literary talent Qiu Sheng will be asked to do errands to make up for it.

After everything was ready, Ding Hai directly asked everyone to gather in the courtyard of Yizhuang.

"Are you all ready?"

Ding Hai said to everyone.

"We're all ready!"

"Very good, don't worry about it so much later. Just like last time, we will arrive soon."

Uncle Jiu, Wen Cai, Qiu Sheng and others: "Understood!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes, Taoist Priest Qianhe and Elder Tiehe, who still didn't know the truth, all had question marks on their faces.

"The King of Gluttony!"

Ding Hai stretched out a hand, and a black vortex suddenly emerged from his palm. Before Taoist Master Tiehe and the others could recover, it was taken into Ding Hai's body space.

Next, he has to use the space movement skill he just evolved. The range that can be covered is twenty miles, and the mass grave is just within the coverage range.

However, this skill has limitations. It can only be used to move itself. It cannot make other people move together. It can only swallow them first and then move with them.

"Okay, now the destination is the mass grave!"

The next moment, Ding Hai's figure disappeared directly. Under the transformation of space, he had reached the entrance of the mass grave.

He released everyone; "We're here!"

The four-eyed Taoist priests and others were still confused. They only felt that after their eyes went dark, they arrived at their destination within a few seconds.

Uncle Jiu was very calm and explained: "Uncle, there are two junior brothers, don't panic, this is the ancestor's space method. The strange space we just entered is like the sky in a pot."

After listening to Uncle Jiu's explanation, everyone understood that it was Patriarch Ding Hai who had shown his great power.

At the same time, they were also surprised that Ding Hai had such spatial movement ability.

"The Patriarch has such magical powers!" Even Elder Tiehe praised him. After all, no other cultivating force in Maoshan or even the world has mastered such the ability to move in space.

Maoshan is booming!

There was uncontrollable joy in Elder Tiehe's eyes, and he was also planning how to coax the big boss Ding Hai back to Maoshan. Naturally, Ding Hai didn't know what he was thinking, and he was about to get down to business now.

"Okay, let's go in. Remember to collect your breath, so you don't scare the ghosts."

Ding Hai told Uncle Jiu and others that after all, Uncle Jiu and his masters had the righteousness and magic power of cultivators, and all weak ghosts and ghosts would basically stay away after seeing them.


Then, Ding Hai took the lead into the mass grave.

A touch of blue hair is very conspicuous in the forest at night, wandering like a blue elf in this silent night.

The lonely ghosts hiding in the dark places in the forest were all attracted by this blue color. They stuck their heads out of tree holes, tombstones, and pits to look at Ding Hai and his party.

"Okay, just stop here!"

Ding Hai stopped. In front of him was a wasteland full of unnamed tombstones. The weeds on the tombstones were almost three feet high.

"Your Excellency Ding Hai, I've been waiting for a long time!"

As soon as a sound like the chirping of a lark fell, a man dressed in red appeared with the blue smoke. Zhang Xiaoqin, the ghost leader of the mass grave, appeared.

"According to the agreement with you, I have brought people to save your ghosts. I will be on the sidelines and let them preside over it!"

Ding Hai is not good at salvation either, so he should save some virtue for these juniors.

Zhang Xiaoqin nodded, and then called the ghosts from the mass grave.

In the mass grave, the souls of the dead gathered more and more under the call of the ghost king, so that a strong ghost energy rushed towards his face, and even Uncle Jiu's cultivation level frowned.

Ding Hai immediately took action and set up a barrier to isolate the ghostly energy in the sky.

Although Uncle Jiu and the others were able to withstand the impact of this huge evil energy for a period of time, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and Jiale were different. Their cultivation levels were still relatively low, and now they were shaking like chaff. Like a child.

"Much better, I was so cold just now!"

"I thought I was back in the Great Cold~"

"Wencai, Qiu Sheng, Jiale, and the rest of you, Southeast and Northwest, hurry up and set up the altar!"

Taoist Master Simu shouted to several disciples.

"Here comes the master!"

In response to a roar, several people put all the things they had prepared in preparation for setting up the altar.

"Qingqing, please help me prepare too!"

Master Ikkyu is also ready to mount the horse. Although he is a disciple of Buddhism, he can still help a little bit by saving the souls of the dead, which can speed up the process.

"Okay, Master."

Then, Qingqing helped Master Yixiu prepare the scripture wooden fish and so on.

Uncle Jiu and others also put on Taoist robes.

Before they came, they had all fasted and bathed to quiet their minds and bodies, so that they could reach heaven and extradite the magic power of the gods.

There were two huge soul-calling flags on both sides of the altar, swaying in the flowing wind.

Flowers and fruits, three teas and four wines, three meats and four vegetables, fragrant candles, rice and steamed buns were all placed on the table one by one, and baskets of paper money were also prepared.

At this time, Uncle Jiu took a big step, climbed onto the altar, and began to clean the altar.

The so-called pure altar is a procedure in Taoist rituals, including the steps of inviting saints, transforming, summoning generals, setting up sacrifices, and sprinkling water. Its purpose is to remove evil spirits and filth from every corner inside and outside the dharma venue and the entire temple. , cut off the tiredness in the altar.

However, this is a matter of salvation, and the altar ceremony is still a little different. Some of the steps need to be simplified to avoid harming the souls who want to be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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