All the changes in the world begin with Tom Cat

Chapter 170 Earth Fire Breaking the Forbidden Method

Chapter 170 Earth Fire Breaking the Forbidden Method

"Lord Ding Hai, this is what we had agreed upon before."

Zhang Xiaoqin took out the ancient dragon-patterned mirror and handed it to Ding Hai.

Taoist Priest Simu's eyes lit up when he saw this ancient mirror: "Is this the sealed spiritual weapon that senior brother mentioned before?"

After accepting Zhang Xiaoqin's commission, Uncle Jiu sent a letter about the spiritual weapon to Maoshan Mountain Gate and Qianhe.

Master Yixiu also came up and took a look at the ancient mirror. This is the legendary spiritual weapon!

But of course he will not be greedy. After all, Ding Hai has been given a chance before, and he will not be greedy, otherwise he will violate the greed precept.

"Yes, but this mirror seems to have restrictions. If it is not broken, it will not be able to show its true power."

Ding Hai is also very curious about the ancient dragon-patterned mirror in his hand. He wants to see if he can lift the restrictions inside it when he has time.

Just as Taoist Master Simu was about to touch the ancient mirror, he was interrupted by the sharp-eyed Uncle Jiu with a snap.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes retracted his hand and said to Uncle Jiu with a look of resentment: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"This mirror is a magical weapon. What if you accidentally break it by tampering with it?" Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm just touching~"

At this time, Elder Tiehe didn't care about pretending to be a harem, but asked Ding Hai: "Grandmaster, I wonder if you can lift the restriction here?"

If it can be lifted, then there will be no need to bother trying to crack it.

"Let me try it!"

Then, Ding Shilai asked the King of Wisdom to scan the dragon-patterned ancient mirror.

【inform! Object: Dragon-patterned ancient mirror. It was discovered that there is a huge power of the Five Elements inside, which is sealed by a restriction. Its function cannot be known, but there is an unknown spiritual body sleeping inside, which can be awakened after the restriction is unlocked. 】

"Then how to unlock this restriction?"

Ding Hai then asked, this unknown spiritual body must be the weapon spirit of this ancient mirror.

Perhaps it is the only one who knows the origin of this ancient mirror.

【inform! To lift the restriction, you need to soak it in magma for three days. 】

Ding Hai:? ? ?

"King of Wisdom, are you sure you are not kidding me? Soaking in the magma? Wouldn't this thing be gone by then?"

He felt that the King of Wisdom was messing with him.

【inform! I don't have enough time to play around yet. Please observe the lines on the side of the mirror. There is a line of small words. 】

Ding Hai was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at the mirror and observed it carefully.

Sure enough, there was a line of black words engraved on it that was so small that it almost took a microscope to see clearly.

[The ban can be lifted after three days of soaking in the fire slurry of the earth]

Ding Hai: "."

Is there something wrong with the owner of this ancient mirror?

Who can read such small characters? If he hadn't had a special physique and his eyes could zoom, he probably wouldn't have been able to read this line.

And who would engrave the method of lifting the ban on the ancient mirror?

And why do you have to soak in lava for three days? It will all be gone by then!

【inform! Ancient mirrors are made of special materials and are resistant to high temperatures, with a tolerance range of about [-] degrees Celsius. 】

Ten thousand degrees Celsius? ! !

Could this be made of diamonds?

wrong! Diamonds are not as resistant to high temperatures, right?

According to the knowledge of chemistry in middle and high schools, diamond, also known as diamond, has a melting point of about [-] degrees Celsius, and the melting point of this ancient mirror is actually higher than that of diamond!

How outrageous! "Grandmaster, how are you? Can you lift the restriction?" Seeing that Ding Hai seemed to be distracted, Elder Tiehe said.

"It can be lifted, but it requires some special methods."

"What can we do?" Everyone focused their curious and expectant eyes on him.

"You just need to find a place with earth and fire and soak it in it for three days."

Crowd: ? ? ?

Earth fire? Isn't that magma?

Wouldn't it be gone if you throw it away?

Patriarch, are you sure this is the right approach?

"Ahem, that's what I said. This mirror is made of a special material and will not be destroyed by fire."

After Ding Hai explained, several people suddenly opened their eyes.

Is there any material like this in the world that can withstand the temperature of magma?

This is impossible!

"Okay, don't worry about this anymore. I'll just go look for places with earth fire when I go out to travel, right?"

The land of China is so vast, there should be volcanoes and the like. Can't we just find a volcano and throw it into it?

"If there are geothermal fires, they should be in volcanic areas. However, as far as I know, there seem to be few active volcanoes in eastern China. Others where geothermal fires are emerging should be in Sichuan and Chongqing, or even further away."

Uncle Jiu said.

Ding Hai frowned when he heard this.

yes! Many volcanoes in eastern China have basically become extinct volcanoes after tens of millions of years of geological evolution. I don’t know if the volcanoes in Changbai Mountain are still active at this time.

According to records, the last eruption of the Changbai Mountain volcano was probably not long after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

"Let's take this matter one step at a time. Each of you should go back and rest first. Tiehe, come with me!"

Later, Ding Hai called Elder Tiehe elsewhere, took out several temporarily compiled Maoshan cultivation method booklets and handed them to him.

"This is what I compiled from the complete inheritance, including the Qi Entrainment Technique, the Divine Invitation Technique, etc. I will talk about the rest after I travel."

"Thank you, Patriarch!" Elder Tiehe accepted these inheritances excitedly. Although these are only part of the complete inheritance, if you take them back to the mountain gate and let the disciples of the sect practice, you will get twice the result with half the effort!

Before Elder Tiehe could finish his excitement, Ding Hai took out a stack of blue-level talismans as thick as a ledger.

"Blue level talisman!"

Elder Tiehe was shocked when he saw this.

"Are all these blue-level talismans drawn by your own hands, Grandmaster?"

"Nonsense, who else could I be? By the way, there are also three red-level talismans. You can use them sparingly. I can only draw up to five at a time."

Ding Hai then handed the three red-level talismans to Elder Tiehe.

He can produce the lowest level yellow-level talismans in batches. Now that he has made a breakthrough, he can also produce a certain amount of blue-level talismans. The red-level talismans require more energy and mana. With his current strength, he cannot draw them at once. More than five.

As for the higher gold talisman, it's not that he hasn't tried it, but he doesn't know why. Whenever he has this idea or idea, there always seems to be an inexplicable warning, as if he is not allowed to draw the golden talisman.

As for the purple-level talismans, don't even think about it. They should only be drawn by immortals who are beyond the world.

Anyway, this is all he can do with a slime!

"Red level talisman!!! This..." Elder Tiehe was even more shocked than before.

At this time, he could no longer express his inner surprise in words.

Ever since Liu Bowen cut off the dragon vein, the world's spiritual energy has gradually dried up, and no one can draw red grade talismans.

Now that he was lucky enough to see it, how could this not shock him?

(End of this chapter)

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