Chapter 174 The Green Hat

Ding Hai threw the soul crystal to the little fox and stopped caring about it.

"These three brats actually left me and ran away like this!"

Zhang DaDa was a little angry when he saw that his three buddies had all run away. He pretended to be ghosts to scare him first, but now that there are real ghosts, he just abandons him. It is really unfaithful. Fortunately, he regards them as his brothers.

But then again, what is the origin of this little blue-haired brother? He actually summoned another ghost and killed the mirror girl ghost with just one click?

Could it be that he is an expert in Maoshan?

But are there any masters in Maoshan so young?

"Little brother, you are really amazing. By the way, don't you know who this girl is?"

Zhang boldly swallowed and glanced at Zhang Xiaoqin.

He doesn't dare to offend this aunt!

"Oh, this is my subordinate. You can call her Sister Zhang. She is a ghost king. She is a much stronger ghost than the scumbag female ghost just now. Even a ghost can't beat her."

Ding Hai explained calmly, and he was right. Zhang Xiaoqin was the ghost king. Although he was not as good as an underworld boss like Zhong Kui, he was not afraid of ordinary ghosts either.

"Then where are you from, young guest?"

Zhang boldly asked next.

"I am a disciple of the Maoshan sect, but a descendant of the ancestors of Maoshan."

Zhang DaDa: "."

The seniority of the ancestor?

Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Although Zhang Dadan has not read many books, he has met many Maoshan Taoist priests. For example, the two famous Taoist priests near Shilipo are almost ten years old. How can someone of this ancestor's generation be senile?

"But you don't look the same at your age, right?"

"Can't I be good at keeping my appearance? Forget it. Believe it or not, the trouble is over. You thought this female ghost was so powerful. Let's go and go back to sleep!"

After saying that, Ding Hai turned around and walked out of the room, yawning out of boredom.

Zhang Xiaoqin also automatically returned to the gourd, and the two little ones followed him out the door.

"Wait a minute! Young guest!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang DaDa quickly called out to Ding Hai.

"What's wrong?" Ding Hai stopped, turned his head, and looked at him with some confusion.

"I wonder what you would call that young guest?"

Well, after the scene just now, Zhang Dadan's doubts were relieved a lot.

Now he called Ding Hai to ask him something.

"Ding Hai, just call me Haiye."


Zhang DaDa looks weird, but don’t care, Hai Ye will be Hai Ye.

"Ahem, Master Hai, I had a strange dream recently. That dream is still very impressive to me. I didn't pay attention to it at first, but tonight made me have doubts about that dream."

"Oh? What dream?"

Ding Hai sat back again.

"Actually, Shilipo calls me Zhang DaDa, and I am really bold. I have slept in a cemetery before, but this nightmare happened after the cemetery. I often wake up from my dreams, covered in cold sweats from fear."

"When I go to sleep at night, I always dream about two ghosts chasing me. I try to run away, but they open their teeth and eat my flesh. I wake up in pain every time. The dream is very real. I still wake up after I wake up. I feel a dull pain where the thigh was bitten.”

After hearing Zhang's bold words, Huang Laosan spoke.

"Fat man, this is not a good dream of yours! It seems that you have been in a lot of trouble recently!"

"Who's talking?!" Zhang Dadan was immediately surprised. He originally thought it was Ding Hai who was talking, but Ding Hai didn't move his mouth at all.

"Fat boy, stop looking, it's me who's talking!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Dadan saw Huang Laosan, who was lying on the ground, jump directly onto the table, straighten up and put his hands on his hips.

"Are you talking?"

Zhang DaDa reacted immediately and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"What the hell? You're not polite. Do you want the Great Immortal to know?"

Huang Laosan glared at him.

Zhang DaDa's face turned slightly pale at this time, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Monster! !

"Okay, Dahuang, don't scare people!"

Ding Hai patted Huang Laosan's head.

"Okay!" Huang Laosan saw that he was asking for trouble and stopped talking.

"Don't be afraid. This little fox and Huangpizi are my pets. They have become spirits, but they were tamed by me. Don't worry." Ding Hai comforted Zhang Dadar.

"Okay." Zhang DaDa breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Now he is [-]% sure that this blue-haired young lady is the ancestor of Maoshan.

Otherwise, some Maoshan Taoist priest not only raised a ghost king, but also raised two monsters?

"Zhang DaDa, what Dahuang said just now is indeed true. Generally speaking, if you are chased by a ghost, it means you are in trouble. If you are still chasing you, then you should be careful recently. Someone may use people around you to attack you. Bait it out and set a trap that can be fatal if you fall into it.”

"And if you are awakened by a ghost, it means that there is a friend who is hypocritical, and your wife should also be careful about being labeled." Ding Hai remembered that Zhang Bold's wife Hongxing seemed to be in cahoots with Mr. Tan, and was also planning to harm him. And he was going to find a Taoist priest from Maoshan to do something to harm him.

And this Taoist priest from Maoshan seems to be Zhenren Qian. Now that he has met him, he, the patriarch, will teach this obsessed disciple a lesson.

Maoshan's precepts are "good versus evil, fighting for life", and it also stipulates that one cannot rely on one's own magic to make money or harm one's life.

"Ah?" Zhang DaDa was stunned.

Someone wants to harm me?

Will my wife cuckold me?

If this is true, he must punish that bitch!

No wonder my wife was wearing a new dress this morning. When I asked her where she bought it, she said it was free!

Is there such a thing as pie in the sky?

Now that I think about it, Zhang DaDa feels a little strange.

Could it be that I was really cheated?

Zhang DaDa fell into deep self-doubt.

"Haiye, do you think this dream spirit is not working?" Zhang boldly asked.

"If you believe it, it will work. If you don't believe it, it won't work. Okay, if you want to verify whether what I say works, don't you go home tomorrow afternoon and see what your wife is doing?"

The next day

Zhang boldly took Ding Hai for a walk around Shilipo and then prepared to go home.

Originally, he planned to go back in the morning, but Ding Hai persuaded him to wait until the afternoon. After all, he had to give the couple some time to be caught and raped in bed~

Zhang boldly turned around the alley, only to see a man in front of his door leaning on the crack of the door to peek, and he would laugh strangely from time to time.

"Which bastard is this? Dare you watch my wife take a shower?"

Zhang DaDa immediately became angry and kicked the man directly.


The man screamed in pain, turned around and saw that Zhang DaDa was back.

"Bold, are you back?"

"If I don't come back, why don't you? Tell me! Why are you sneaking around in front of my house? Are you watching my wife take a shower?"

Zhang boldly grabbed his collar and said angrily.

"Be brave, you will know if you look inside. Your wife is enjoying it~"

After that, the man broke away from Zhang DaDa and ran away.

Zhang DaDa was confused by these words.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard a strange voice coming from inside the door, which seemed to be his wife's voice.

"Strange? Wife, shouldn't it be!"

Zhang DaDa immediately remembered something, and then looked through the crack in the door.

It doesn't matter what I saw, my whole body turned green after seeing it.

I am!

This bitch! Actually there


Zhang boldly started banging on the door.

"Come out! Open the door for me!"

They both stopped when they heard the knock on the door.

"Zhang Zhang boldly, why is he back?"

"I do not know either?"

The shaking bed in the room also stopped, and two heads emerged from the mosquito net.

It is Mr. Tan and Zhang Bingdao’s wife Hongxing.

Mr. Tan is a little old man wearing a small round hat, with a look of shock on his face.

"Leave first! It will be troublesome if he finds out!"

"Well, be careful yourself."

Although Mr. Tan was old, he moved very neatly. He held his clothes, pushed open the window, and climbed out.

Zhang DaDa also kicked the door open at this time.

After walking into the back room, he saw only his wife on the bed and no one else. Zhang DaDa was stunned.

"What about people?"

"Who is that? What did you do just now? Were you almost shocked?" Hongxing asked in a pretentious manner.

"Then what were you doing just now?"

"Of course I'm sleeping? I was so startled!"

Hongxing rolled her eyes, looking impatient.

"Sleeping? I saw someone in the house just now. Are you sleeping with someone else?"

Zhang boldly asked.

"What are you crazy about? How could I possibly sleep with someone else?"

Hongxing panicked, but continued to pretend to be impatient.


Zhang boldly wanted to say something else, but his wife pretended to be fine.

When I really catch the adulterer, I will beat you two adulterers and adulterers to death!


(End of this chapter)

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