All the changes in the world begin with Tom Cat

Chapter 179 Corpse Demon and Maoshan Suppressing Demon Cave

Chapter 179 Corpse Demon and Maoshan Suppressing Demon Cave

At present, in addition to zombies, there may be an evil creature similar to zombies that causes this kind of symptoms.

That's right, wight!

Corpses are essentially a type of zombie.

However, there are certain differences between corpse monsters and zombies, and they often change their appearance to confuse humans.

"How come there is a corpse monster here?" Uncle Jiu frowned, very puzzled.

You know, if a monster like the zombie wants to maintain its original form, it must keep killing people.

And the conditions for birth are relatively harsh, unless someone deliberately refines the corpse demon!

Someone did it on purpose!

Uncle Jiu subconsciously thought of the Feng Shui master whom he had defeated in a previous battle.

Could it be that he was up to something?

It's very possible!

"Uncle Jiu, what's going on?" Captain Zhao couldn't help but ask after seeing the change in Uncle Jiu's expression.

"Captain Zhao, let everyone disperse now. It seems that something evil is causing trouble, but don't be afraid. Don't go out casually at night. It's best to stay home as soon as it gets dark."

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, the onlookers suddenly panicked.

"Uncle Jiu, are there really dirty things?"

"Uncle Jiu, I feel like this is not very reliable. How about I buy two talismans from you? It doesn't feel safe if they don't stick to each other."

"Yes, yes, yes~"

Suddenly someone said this, and someone immediately remembered that Uncle Jiu was still a Taoist priest, and the talismans he drew were real.

"Okay, everyone, please be patient for a moment. I still have the yellow talisman in our yizhuang. Come to my place later and take two from each house to post on the door."

Uncle Jiu immediately said that he also understood the panic of the townspeople. There were still many yellow talismans in Anti-Justice Village. These were left by Ding Hai before.

"Thank you very much, Uncle Jiu. I will send you some eggs later."

"Yes, it must be very hard for Uncle Jiu to draw talismans. He really needs to recuperate. I'll stew some chicken when I get back."

After appeasing everyone, Uncle Jiu asked Captain Zhao to carry the corpse to the back of Yizhuang, and put a corpse suppressing charm on Drunk Qiang's forehead to prevent the corpse from transforming.

After Uncle Jiu returned to Yizhuang, he was also thinking about how to deal with the corpse demon hiding in the dark. If he didn't get rid of it, the people of Renjia Town would be in danger.


At this time, Elder Tiehe had returned to Maoshan and was explaining to several elders about going to Renjia Town in the Patriarch Hall.

"It's really a great merit~"

The great elder Chixiao touched his white beard. He was praising the salvation of the ghosts in the mass grave.

"However, I didn't expect that Lord Zhong Kui would actually appear."

Judging from Elder Tiehe's description, it was a chance encounter with an underworld judge like Zhong Kui.

"By the way, what should we do about the Yue Qiluo that Emperor Zhong Kui mentioned? Do we in Maoshan need to send someone to investigate?" Elder Tiehe asked.

"It's not necessary for now. Since Emperor Zhong Kui is dispatched, the demon girl will definitely not be able to escape. Besides, isn't Patriarch Ding Hai also here?"

Master Chixiao is obviously not interested in the threat posed by Yue Qiluo.

Although this female evil spirit can be regarded as an old monster from hundreds of years ago, compared with the spiritual pet of Sanmao Patriarch like Ding Hai, it is obviously not proportional.

"By the way, the spiritual weapon that the female ghost king traded was a mirror. The ancestor took it away for the time being, saying that he was going to Changbai Mountain to find a way to crack it."

Elder Tiehe spoke up.

"It's okay, but it's a pity that I couldn't see the face of this spiritual weapon. Anyway, Patriarch Ding Hai will get it back when he returns to Maoshan."

Master Chi Xiao didn't pay much attention to this matter, but instead he remembered one thing: "But you shouldn't be returning empty-handed, right? Otherwise, you won't be happy when you come back."

When Elder Tiehe entered the hall, he had noticed it a long time ago.

"Hey! Look, I almost forgot! There is a surprise in this bag! Open it and take a look!"  "What is this?" Chixiao asked suspiciously.

However, he still took it and opened the bag to take a look. His body trembled and he was stunned.

"Are these blue-level talismans and red-level talismans? Where do they come from?!"

Master Chi Xiao's voice suppressed his excitement and asked.

At present, even the leader of Maoshan can only draw blue-grade talismans. As for red-grade talismans, he can't even think about it.

Ever since that Dragon Vein Slayer, no one seems to be able to draw such high-level talismans.

Now I can still see red-grade talismans. It’s really an eye-opener for the founder!

"This is drawn by Patriarch Ding Hai. He said he could only draw five at most, so he gave two to me, and the rest are blue-level talismans."

Then, Elder Tiehe pointed at the stack of blue-level talismans.

Master Chixiao: "."

Well, he hadn't been in this mood before.

After all, there used to be blue-level talismans, but now there are a lot of them.

This feeling is like that of a nouveau riche.

"I have to put these talismans away. The things in the Demon Cave in Houshan Town have been getting more and more restless recently. I can just use them to cure them."

Master Chi Xiao put away these talismans like treasures.

Elder Tiehe didn't care, because he had already taken out a few blue-level talismans and used them himself. After all, it was very difficult to draw blue-level talismans, and even he needed to spend a lot of time.

Suddenly, the two people turned their heads and looked in the same direction.

"Senior brother, it seems that those things from the Demon Suppressing Cave are about to attack the seal again."

"Well, let's go over there. We can just use the talisman to suppress them, so we won't have to worry all day long."

Then, the two elders left the palace and came to the entrance of a cave in the back mountain.

The entrance to the cave was sealed by a round arched door. In the middle of the door was a huge Bagua rune. There were also unknown evil-suppressing talismans tattooed around it. The runes flashed red from time to time.

This is because something inside the warning has changed.

There are many other Maoshan disciples surrounding the entrance of the cave. Of course, the entry-level disciples cannot come here. Only core disciples and elders can come here.

After all, this demon-suppressing cave contains many evil spirits that Maoshan cannot eliminate, and the greatest threat among them is a thousand-year-old zombie king.

"Great Elder!"


When everyone saw the two coming, they made way.

"What's the situation now?" Master Chixiao frowned and looked at the runes emitting red light.

"Great Elder, the situation is not good. The rune has issued three warnings today. I'm afraid of what's inside," a person stood up and said.

Everyone was silent when they heard this. The higher-ups knew what kind of monsters were sealed inside.

If it were really released, wouldn't the world become even more chaotic?

By then, Maoshan's culpability will be even greater.

"Hmph! I don't let the old Taoist have a good sleep every day. Now they are packing their things. Okay, open the door and leave a few disciples and elders to guard the door. Everyone else comes in with me!"

Master Chixiao snorted coldly, and then ordered.


(End of this chapter)

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