Chapter 192 All parties gathered

Soon, a cold wind blew in the courtyard, making everyone wrap up tightly.

A dark passage appeared, followed by laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha·"

Ding Hai didn't even have to guess, the hearty laugh was Zhong Kui's.

"Huh? What is this?" Zhong Kui saw the feast in front of him as soon as he came out.

"This is the offering specially prepared for you by Mrs. Zhang."

Ding Hai came closer and explained.

"Offering?" Zhong Kui was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and looked at the others who were in awe.

"So that's it. Thank you very much, Mrs. Zhang. I would rather obey your orders than to be respectful." Zhong Kui also accepted the offerings from the Zhang family and collected them all with a wave of his hand.

Although a Yin God like him hardly needs to make a living from offerings, he still accepts them gladly. After all, he can't refuse the incense of mortals.

Because in the Age of Ending Dharma, we don’t know if the underworld can still be connected to the human world.

Mrs. Zhang was also overjoyed when she saw this. She was also afraid that the underworld god would not accept her incense tribute.

"Your Excellency Ding Hai, it's not as simple as asking me to pick up the incense, right?" Zhong Kui turned his attention to Ding Hai and asked.

"I have captured Yue Qiluo, and I sent a message to you to take her away."

Ding Hai pointed to Yue Qiluo, who was packed in a sack, and asked Zhang Xianzong to carry him over.

Zhong Kui:"."

I go! What a monster!

When he asked Yin Shuai Wuchang to hunt down this witch before, the witch seemed to have used a secret method to escape, but unexpectedly she fell into Ding Hai's hands.

This is so effortless!

Zhong Kui waved his hand and took Yue Qiluo away.

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you. It's very important!"

At this time, Ding Hai spoke.

"Anything else? Okay, let's talk about it alone!"


Afterwards, Ding Hai and Zhong Kui came to a quiet corner and set up an isolation barrier to shield them from prying eyes.

"Tell me! Why should you hide yourself from others like this?" Zhong Kui asked.

"How should I put it? In fact, I plan to cooperate with you to end the chaos in China."

Zhong Kui couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

"Are you referring to things in the mortal world? If that's the case, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

After all, the underworld is an underground place that houses the souls of the dead. It can only manage the world after death and cannot interfere with the affairs of the underworld, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the order of heaven.

"No, you should also know that in the current chaos in China, the human warlord war is only secondary. It's just the monks and evil spirits from outside who are taking advantage of this to cause trouble. What I want to say is these outsiders!"

Ding Hai shook his head and explained that it was naturally impossible for him to interfere in the current trend of the times, otherwise it would be bad for him to be easily written down by Tiandao.

It's just that the mission of the system now is to quell the demon chaos in Kyushu, and these demons and monsters happen to be one of them. Ding Hai needs to establish an alliance, not only to expel those foreign demons, but also to deter some local demons.

This is indispensable for the cooperation between the local monks in China and the underworld.

He probably won't be able to do it alone.

"It's not impossible to handle this matter, but if you pass this sentence, you need to ask Yan Jun for instructions before he can give you an answer."

After all, the stakes in this matter were so important that he alone as a judge could not make this decision.

However, this matter is also conducive to the balance of yin and yang, and he thinks it can be done.

It is one thing that this land is suffering from war now. The main reason is that there are too many monsters and ghosts, and the underworld cannot spare any time to deal with it. If Ding Hai's idea can be realized, It is not a good thing for the underworld.

After Zhong Kui agreed, he directly opened the passage to the underworld and returned. After all, he was also a judge and had a lot of work to do.

Then, Ding Hai also took Little Fox and Huang Laosi to say goodbye to Zhang Mansion and returned to Maoshan. After all, the matter was done, and now they were waiting for Zhong Kui's reply.

A few days later, Zhong Kui also came in person to inform him of the underworld's decision, and the final result was agreement.

However, the underworld will only be responsible for catching the kind of ghosts that exist on the land of China. For evil cultivators, the local cultivation forces in China need to deal with them.

Ding Hai also readily agreed.

Therefore, after Master Chixiao learned about Ding Hai's plan, he quickly sent a notice to other local cultivation forces of good and evil to hold a large meeting.

And it was also conveyed in the name of Ding Hai.

For a time, the Chinese cultivation world was shocked.

No, shouldn’t Patriarch Sanmao’s spiritual pet also be in heaven?

Why did you end up in the human world?

But no matter what, this is also their senior, so they still have to go and see what kind of activities Maoshan is going to do.

Under the turbulent storm, various cultivating forces in China gathered towards the Maoshan Ancestral Court, which also attracted the attention of some warlords, but they were quickly ignored.

After all, these warlords are still carving up territory and busy fighting wars, so they have no time to care about the affairs of these monks and Taoists.

If you should fight, you still have to fight!

At the same time, Uncle Jiu in Yizhuang also received a letter from the sect and was also puzzled.

"What is the Patriarch planning? He actually called on all the cultivation forces in China? Is he preparing some big plan?!"

The more Uncle Jiu thought about it, the more likely it became. After all, Ding Hai didn't play according to common sense.

"That's all. Let's take Qiu Shengwencai with us in two days. By the way, we can help these two brats gain some knowledge!"

After Uncle Jiu made his decision, he sent a letter to Junior Brother Qianhe in the next town. When the time comes, they will go to the Maoshan Ancestral Court together.

This way we can also take care of each other.

Of course, not only Uncle Jiu, Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Master Yixiu also received this invitation letter from Maoshan.

"Monk, are you going?"

"Of course I went. This is your ancestor's invitation. The poor monk speculates that something big will happen, otherwise you, Maoshan, wouldn't be so mobilized."

"Yes, you should bring Qingqing with you this time. When the time comes, I will also bring Jia Le. I also need to let these two juniors go to Maoshan to see it, lest Jia Le say that I did not take them to Maoshan Ancestor." Meet all the ancestors in court."

"Well, then I'll go back and pack my things. I'm afraid I'll have to take a train to Maoshan this time, and it will take a few days to get there."

"Okay, I'll go back and pack my things too."

The two of them turned around and went back to their respective houses.

some town

A Taoist priest wearing a Yin-Yang robe and a mustache couldn't help but frowned when he saw the letter in his hand.

This person is Uncle Jiu's elder brother, known as Maoshan Thunder Dharma King Shi Jian.

"What's wrong dad?"

At this time, a handsome young man came over and asked. "The ancestral court sent a letter to all the cultivation forces in China to discuss important matters together! This was initiated by our astonishingly senior Patriarch Ding Hai."

"Ah? Dad, what do you think this big move is about?" Shi Shaojian was a little confused.

"Don't guess, we'll find out when we get there."

Shi Jian stopped talking after putting down the letter.

Seeing this, Shi Shaojian stopped asking and left to pack his things.

one month later

All the major cultivating forces gathered in Maoshan. The Maoshan ancestral court has not been as lively as it is now since hundreds of years ago. It can be said that it is full of people.

"What do you think Maoshan is trying to do this time? Such a big move has not been revealed!"

"who knows?"

"Fellow Taoist, aren't you from Longhu Mountain? Aren't you and Maoshan the three sects of Fulu? How come there's no news at all?"

"Although the three mountains are closely connected, it doesn't mean they know everything."

"Okay, but I didn't expect that Maoshan would hide the ancestors who descended from the upper world this time. It was really unexpected. My ancestors are either in the underworld, and those ascended ancestors have also lost contact now."

"Who says it's not the case? It's been like this since the end of the Dharma."

Just when everyone was confused, Master Qingyun, the leader of Maoshan, walked out of the hall and used a secret method to amplify his voice: "Comrades, be silent!"

After the words were spoken, the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Fellow Taoists, thank you for your hard work coming all the way. This time we have summoned all the fellow Taoists to gather in Maoshan to discuss important matters, which are also important matters of China!"

Master Qingyun specifically emphasized his tone and looked around at everyone present.

Everyone only felt a strong coercion pressing down on them, which was a sign that their realm was higher than theirs.

At this time, someone raised his hand to speak, and the leader of Qingyunzi indicated that he could ask questions.

"Does this fellow Taoist have any questions? If it is a major event this time, Pindao and others will explain it in detail."

"No, Master Qingyun, have you achieved a breakthrough in cultivation?"

The man shook his head, but looked at Qingyun Zhenren with a hint of expectation.

When everyone heard this, they also focused their attention on Qingyun Zhenren, hoping to get an answer from him.

After all, the pressure that Master Qingyun brought to him just now was too terrifying.

As a result, many people speculated that the leader of Maoshan might have made a breakthrough.

You must know that it is difficult to practice in the current world of cultivation. It is basically stuck at the level of Qi refining stage, and it has been stuck and unable to break through.

"Yes, Pindao has condensed the golden elixir, and now there is no need to worry about longevity!"

As soon as Master Qingyun finished speaking, everyone immediately exploded.

"What?! Golden elixir!"

"The leader of Maoshan actually broke through the golden elixir! This is a big deal!"

"Oh my god! I was actually able to see a monk in the realm of Golden Core in the year of !"

"Hmm, the current head elder of Pindao is only in the realm of foundation building, and he has been unable to break through the golden elixir!"

There was a lot of noise below, and Master Qingyun had to stop it again.


This voice also carried a hint of the coercion of the golden elixir's magic power, which made everyone quiet down and stop making noise.

After all, the leader of Maoshan in front of him is a golden elixir, and these rookies cannot be offended.

Seeing this, Master Qingyun also nodded with satisfaction, and then said loudly:

"Fellow Taoists, we'll talk about Pindao's breakthrough later. Let's talk about important things now!"

In fact, the reason why he was able to successfully break through was thanks to the Maoshan inheritance passed down by Ding Hai, which alerted Master Qingyun, who was already in seclusion, and then he gained some insights and finally broke through.

Now everyone pricked up their ears to listen. When they were on the road, they were also curious about what Maoshan was going to do with such a big move.

The results are about to come now.

"This sect has called all fellow Taoists here to quell the demon chaos in China, including the demons brought in by foreigners and the monks causing trouble. And this time, our sect's Patriarch Ding Hai also contacted the underworld for cooperation and assistance."

Master Qingyun spoke eloquently.

But it brought huge waves to the hearts of everyone present.

This is also true for Maoshan's own disciples.

"Wow! Senior brother, what do you think? I didn't expect that the founder and the leader would have such a big game, and they would even join forces with the underworld! This is to unite the cultivation forces in China!"

Simu touched Uncle Jiu with his elbow and asked in a low voice.

"If it can be done, it will be a matter of immeasurable merit, and it will also be beneficial to me, Maoshan, but..."

Uncle Jiu frowned slightly.

It’s just that the resistance faced must be quite large.

After all, the world is in chaos now, and many fellow practitioners have too much time to take care of themselves. They are not monolithic, unless there is something that makes their hearts move.

"Brother Lin Jiudao, since the founder of your noble sect did this, he must have deep meaning. Maybe he has also taken this matter into consideration." Master Yixiu interjected.

"Master's words make sense." Uncle Jiu nodded.

"It makes sense. You, the monk, are not my ancestor. How do you know?" Taoist Master Shimu glanced at Master Yixiu.

"Haha, what you said, fellow Daoist Four Eyes, is biased. Have you underestimated the wisdom of senior Ding Hai?" Master Yixiu chuckled.


"Okay, Simu, stop making trouble. We'll see what the master arranges later."

Uncle Jiu was helpless and directly interrupted Taoist Priest Simu's nonsense.

People from other sects were whispering among themselves, discussing what the purpose of Maoshan was in doing this?

"Now, let's ask the ancestor of our sect from the lower world - the spiritual beast slime Dinghai, the ancestor of Sanmao, to explain it to everyone!"

Master Qingyun suddenly spoke, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and everyone stopped discussing it.

Ding Hai appeared in front of everyone and briefly introduced himself.

Originally, when other sects saw Ding Hai's appearance, they were suddenly shocked and then suspicious. However, after Ding Hai directly showed the talisman given by the Patriarch Sanmao, they no longer doubted it.

"Everyone, China is currently in chaos, and you all know the situation outside. Logically speaking, practitioners are not allowed to participate in secular disputes, but now foreign cultivators have also joined in, including those demons, ghosts, and our local people. Some evil spirits are also ready to move."

Ding Hai began to give an emotional speech, indicating that Maoshan did this to calm down the extraordinary unstable factors in Kyushu so as not to affect the general trend of the world.

Of course, there is also Ding Hai's selfishness in this.

He wanted to use this opportunity to "clean up" the house in China, get rid of those foreign monks who had done evil, and preserve as much local cultivation power as possible, as well as the sect's practice methods and precious cultural relics for the future development of China.

Because in one or two hundred years, the spiritual energy will revive, and then it will be a time of great strife!

(End of this chapter)

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