All the changes in the world begin with Tom Cat

Chapter 265: Pass it on! Don’t let Bilian be taken advantage of by a pig!

Chapter 265: Pass it on! Don’t let Bilian be taken advantage of by a pig!

"Fuck, this wild boar is so fierce!"

"Zhang Chulan's Golden Light Spell was shattered by it!"

"Even more powerful than Zhang Chulan!"

"Brother Pig! Don't fuck Bilian!"

"Come on, Brother Pig. If you win, I'll treat you to a feast!"

The audience at the scene strangely began to support the Wild Boar King, waving flags and cheering for him.

The wild boar king couldn’t understand what these humans were calling out, it only knew that the human in front of him was dead today!
Huff huff ~
The wild boar king's nose trembled, and he stomped on the ground hard again. The ground cracked and a crack rushed towards Zhang Chulan like a snake.

"Why is this pig so powerful?!"

Zhang Chulan hurriedly used his skills to dodge, but a hole appeared where he was originally standing.

"Goodness! Luckily I dodged it in time, or I would have fallen into the hole!"

But at this time the Wild Boar King's second wave of attack had arrived.

The wild boar king took advantage of Zhang Chulan's distraction and rushed towards Zhang Chulan like a pig.

"Here we go again!"

Zhang Chulan suddenly felt something was wrong. If he got hit, his body would fall apart.

"Come on, Brother Pig, defeat Zhang Chulan for me! Don't let Bilian do it completely!"

The audience was cheering happily, but Zhang Chulan was upset when he heard it.

Damn, brother, is this really necessary?

"No, if I continue like this, my strength will be exhausted. I must win with one strike!"

A gleam of light flashed in Zhang Chulan's eyes. It was time to use the Five Thunders Method.

However, he first activated the Golden Light Spell, covering his body with golden light, and then jumped with both feet, directly over the head of the Wild Boar King.

The wild boar king looked back and saw that this human was actually using the golden light trick again. Look at it, it was shattered!

Then, the Wild Boar King stomped on the ground again, sending out a strong shock wave, which broke Zhang Chulan's golden light spell.

But Zhang Chulan was not panicked at all, as he had already expected such a situation.

"Next, I will turn you, a dead pig, into a roasted suckling pig!"

Zhang Chulan chuckled, spread his hands, and lightning condensed on his palms.

"Yang Wu Lei Fa! Palm Thunder!"

A ray of lightning shot out from Zhang Chulan's palm, transformed into a dragon, and bit towards the wild boar king.

The old Taoist priest looked thoughtfully at Zhang Chulan's performance of the Yang Five Thunder Method, and noticed the unusual expression on his young disciple's face.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, Lingyu is really concerned about this child!
The Five Thunders Method can be regarded as the unique learning of the Tianshi Mansion. It is actually the Five Qi. The innate Qi has existed since the moment a person is born. If you want to be more particular about it, you have to combine it with the theory of the Five Elements.

Pure Yang governs fire and is called Heart Qi, while the Shaoyin in Yang governs metal and is called Lung Qi.
When the five Qi gather together into one, the method practiced is called the Five Thunders Method.

The heart fire leads the golden lung's Qi to attack others, which is called the crimson palace thunder, also known as the yang five thunders.

People who have lost their virginity regard the kidney water as the most important and the liver wood as the most important. When they use their Qi, it can penetrate every hole like mercury, so the Yin Five Thunders are also called water organ thunders.

Tian Jinzhong: "Is that the Yang Wu Lei that Chu Lan used?"

The old Taoist nodded: "Not bad, it seems that Huaiyi is still teaching Chu Lan seriously, although there is still room for improvement."

But he always felt that the wild boar was not so easy to defeat.

Just as Yang Wulei was about to hit the Wild Boar King, a silver pillar emerged from the soil like bamboo shoots after spring rain.

However, Zhang Chulan's Yang Wu Lei miraculously turned a corner and hit the silver pillar.

"what is that?"

"The silver thing that looks like a bamboo pole."

"They actually cracked Zhang Chulan's thunder magic." "Why does this thing look a bit like a lightning rod?"

lightning rod?
No way!
Everyone, including the old Taoist priest, looked over and sized up the thing in front of the Wild Boar King that looked like a lightning rod.

"What is this? Never mind, look at me, Yang Wu Lei!"

Zhang Chulan used the Yang Wu Lei Fa again, but the lightning was pulled by a strange force and sucked onto the lightning rod.

"Oh my god! What's going on?"

Zhang Chulan was stunned. Could this thing be a lightning rod?
Not to mention how it appeared, it actually broke his own Yang Wu Lei. What is going on?

But the Wild Boar King would not miss this opportunity.

The pig advances suddenly!

It hit Zhang Chulan directly, and Zhang Chulan was knocked away.

"Zhang Chulan was knocked away!"

"Zhang Bilian was hit by a pig!"

"Pass it on! Don't let Bilian be taken advantage of by a pig!"

The audience cheered continuously.

"Oh my god~ If I hadn't used the golden light in time to block some of the force, I would probably be in the hospital now."

Zhang Chulan stood up from the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner. The force of the wild boar's impact just now was really great!

"Hmm? I wonder where that wild boar was just now?"

When Zhang Chulan looked up, the Wild Boar King was nowhere to be seen. Even the audience were stunned.

"Where's Pig Brother?"

"Why did you disappear?"

"I thought I just saw a whoosh, and then it disappeared."

"That lightning rod seems to be missing too."

Everyone was wondering about the Wild Boar King's situation, and the old Taoist priest was also frowning.

The wild boar just now disappeared without a trace, and his Qi-searching method could not find it. No, it was as if the pig appeared out of thin air.

It's incredible~
Naturally, everyone talked about the funny news that Zhang Bilian was pushed away by a pig, especially those strange people who were unhappy with Zhang Chulan, who breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so cool~"

However, Zhang Chulan left the arena confused. Seeing Xu San and Xu Si were both there, he asked in confusion:
"Fourth brother, did you see the wild boar just now? It disappeared as soon as I got up."

"Don't talk about it. We haven't found anything either. I guess the other aliens present don't know the situation either. Let's ignore it for now. If the sky falls, there are others to hold it up. Go and rest first."

"Oh okay."

Zhang Chulan had no choice but to follow the two to the rest area.

at the same time
Ding Hai laughed like a violin as he watched Zhang Chulan being pushed away by the wild boar king. On the drawing board next to him was a scene of Zhang Chulan's fight just now. The most obvious scene was the one where Zhang Chulan was pushed away by the wild boar king.

That’s right, Shushu was the one who did everything just now. Shushu is the culprit!

But no one would suspect a harmless little mouse, right?
I have to say, Jerry's paintbrush is really powerful. It has such a strong power.

But it was almost halftime, and he should find something to eat.

So he returned to Zhang Chulan.

"Master Rat, where did you go just now? I couldn't find you anywhere. Oh, by the way, I was just attacked by a strange wild boar. Damn it, if I knew where this wild boar came from, I would definitely catch it and eat it!"

Zhang Chulan said indignantly that he had embarrassed himself greatly.

Just think about it, a great man like Zhang Chulan was actually defeated by a wild boar. Wouldn't he be laughed at by the alien world?

(End of this chapter)

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