The billionaire who leads the land

Chapter 103 Sky-high Price Chapter Flow Group

Chapter 103 Sky-high Price Return Group

[Galaxy丨Looking for Friends Alliance Management WeChat Group]

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Huh? 25 returns, do we want to grab them all?

Wang Xinghe: Yes, although the current situation has not been stated clearly, everyone can actually see it. The swordsman in the snow will continue to fight until the final chapter. There is at least a 400% chance that he will not join us next season. Together, so when we get there, even including those who have been integrated from Liangzhou and Jingzhou this season, we will only have [-] people.

This time S2 has brought in five districts, with more than 2000 people in each district. Our power is too small, so the return group must be in our own hands no matter what.

Good friend: I heard that in the districts that merged this time, District 3999, District 4000, District 4001, District 4002, and District 4003, among these five districts, 1 is actually not enough. I think, the combat power is average, it is a very ordinary S3999 zone server, but this [-], because it is also a leopard zone, it seems to have a very powerful sponsor.

Xiao丨Jiuyi: If there are powerful financial backers, then they will definitely want to capture as much return flow as possible. We want to grab all the return flow, which is not easy.

Wang Xinghe: It’s nothing difficult. This time for S2, you don’t need to consider the cost-effectiveness, and no matter how they bid, I’m 200 yuan higher than everyone else. If he’s a good critic, you can ask him to charge a full red three. Ten thousand, then I have thirty thousand and two hundred.

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: OK, I understand what you mean, Mr. Xing, don’t worry, we will go back to the group to recruit people.


Wang Chuan's worries were not groundless. Ever since the single-kill battle with Yu Feng, Wang Chuan had been in constant contact with Zhan Yu Feng for more than a month.

While confirming that he will definitely follow Wang Chuan to compete in S2 next season, Zhan丨Yufeng also delivered a piece of exciting news to Wang Chuan this morning, that is, the final chapter of War to the End and Snow in the Snow丨Hen Dao Xing have internally decided on S2 After being integrated together, Han Dao Zhi Tianming will serve as the sponsor.

And they obviously cannot be neutral. No matter how the next season develops, this force will definitely be the enemy of Xinghe丨Zhiyin.

For the remaining district servers in other combined districts, since District 3999 has a powerful financial sponsor, it is unrealistic to want others to join forces with me. Therefore, after this operation, except for that Apart from the 25 returnees, the only thing Wang Chuan can fight for is the remaining three districts to see if he can win them over as teammates.

"Oh, my head hurts..."

Taking off his glasses, Wang Chuan rubbed his eyes tiredly. Suddenly, a new message notification sounded from the WeChat login on the computer.

Putting on the glasses again, he clicked on the WeChat page and saw that it was a new friend request.

"4003 Lang丨Fisherman?"

Looking at the ID of the person who sent him the friend request, Wang Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up. Wang Chuan had heard about this District 4003 Langmeng. When the announcement of the joint district came out at noon, Wang Chuan was already there. For the first time, I briefly learned about the progress of the S1 season in these districts.

Unlike Zone 4003 and Zone [-], which were decided more than half a month after the opening of the zone and entered the friendly match stage, Zone [-] had to play until three days before the end of the season before the winner was finally determined.

If there is no internal strife in this kind of district server that has been fighting fiercely for a whole season, then in the S2 season, the combat effectiveness will definitely be much stronger than those who have friendly matches at the beginning of the district.

After all, many combat knowledge and habits cannot be trained through friendly matches. They still have to be practiced in actual combat with real swords and guns. 【WeChat】

Wang Xinghe: Who are you?

Lang丨Fisherman: Hello, I am the 4003 District Conqueror League, the leader of the Lang League, Fisherman. We will be divided into the same district next season. I was thinking, come and get familiar with you, Mr. Xing.

Wang Xinghe: Oh, let me tell you, your note seems familiar. It turns out to be the leader of the Lang Alliance.

Lang丨 Fisherman: Mr. Xing, do you have any specific arrangements for next season?
Wang Xinghe: Not yet. This is not just a joint district announcement. It gives me a headache here.

Lang丨 Fisherman: I was thinking, is it possible for us to work together next season?I have a few tidbits here that you may not know. Starting from S3999, 1 has been ready to kill your 4000 district. Zero-one, zero-two, and 3999. Their three districts have been around since S[-]. Even before the announcement came out, there was already a conspiracy.

Wang Xinghe: Good guy, doesn’t that mean I’m going to be beaten next season?
Lang丨 Fisherman: It seems like this so far. In fact, they have also approached me, but to be honest, four against one is not interesting. Sutu, although winning is important, experience is equally important, so I want to ask You, depending on whether you are willing to form an alliance, won't be able to fight four against one, but you may not be unable to win two against three.

Wang Xinghe: Oh?Brother, you are a bit beyond my expectations. You actually want to come and play a disadvantageous game with me even though you have an advantageous game at your fingertips.

Lang丨 Fisherman: Hahaha, how should I put it? The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Besides, I know what the situation is in your area. An alliance of 200 people has already invested 3999, but I don’t know which one it is, so if I I also voted 3999, which is equivalent to four districts and one alliance attacking you.

Even if I win with this configuration, I can only get one separatist regime if I die. I have hundreds of people in one district. One separatist regime shell is not enough no matter how you think about it. But with you, if I win, I can get at least two separatist regime shells. Son?It can also be considered to be for the benefit of the brothers.

Wang Xinghe: That’s okay, brother, I’m honest enough. Don’t worry, I won’t tell lies about winning the friendly match, but as long as you win this season, I guarantee you will get rewards from all regions.

Lang丨 Fisherman: No problem, then we’ll see you in the division group tomorrow.


The conversation between the two went quite smoothly. Wang Chuan, who was currently focusing on a major general who was short of troops, could not refuse Lang丨 Fisherman's initiative to throw himself into his arms.

One more person is an extra force, not to mention, there are hundreds more people.

At first, Wang Chuan planned to take the initiative to talk to the diplomats in District 4001 and District 4002 to see if there was any possibility of cooperation. However, since the known information now almost confirms that these two companies have become the younger brothers of District 3999, Naturally, Wang Chuan was too lazy to make such meaningless efforts and attempts.

Just when everything seemed to be going on track, at eight o'clock that night, there was another piece of breaking news about Area 4000. Starting from the post bar, it quickly became popular.

Even on some short video platforms, many popular bloggers immediately started to follow suit and report on this newly popular news.

【shock! The financial owner of District 4000 looked at the galaxy and spent 5 yuan to buy the return group at a sky-high price! 】

(End of this chapter)

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