[Star Alliance Core Management WeChat Group]

Wang Xinghe: @Everyone, the leader urges us to go ahead and clean up the Huai side. After cleaning up, we will attack the city on time at three o'clock in the afternoon. The Yanjin Pass Fortress is full, and we are ready to break through and enter Yanzhou at any time!

Tiger Step丨Guan You: Is it coming? Is it going to be an endless decisive battle with Fate丨Drunken?

Huang丨Mo Ertong: It doesn’t count as a decisive battle. I feel like it’s just the finishing work at most. Hahaha, after fighting for so many days, we have taken away the fate of Drunk and Drinking Endless in Sili’s city. Now the resources on both sides are There is actually some difference in output.

Tao丨Zuiyin Qianqiu: If nothing else happens, tomorrow's Yanjin battle can almost be regarded as the final battle in this district. If Fate丨Zuiyin Wuwu wins, then there will definitely be more games this season.

If we win, then I feel that the fate is likely to go up the mountain. After all, if we are beaten to our hometown, there is no need to continue to waste with us.

Wang Xinghe: Well, you are basically thinking the same thing as me. The Battle of Yanjin is the real decisive battle in this district. It all depends on who can win.

Hubu丨Guan You: Hahaha, is there any need to say it? We will definitely be the ones to win. It’s just a life of drunkenness and endless drinking. Look at me holding them with one hand.

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: When you break the level, should you hit the few unowned levels, or the one in the middle that is occupied by Mingzuiyin Endless? I feel like it’s better to fight on both sides, otherwise it will be a bit difficult for us if Zuiyin is stationed endlessly.

Wang Xinghe: No, just hit the one in the middle. I want the other side to watch helplessly as their hometown is completely destroyed by us from the front!

Huang丨Mo Ergong: Yes, Mr. Xing is very powerful. I like it very much. This is how you should fight. Some people are timid, and fighting is not interesting.

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Grandma is a bear, why do I feel like you are insinuating on me?

Huang丨Mo Ertong: Hahahahaha, how could it be? Brother Qianqiu, you know me, of course I love you.


Up to now, there is almost no suspense in the Sili battlefield. For Wang Chuan, the next step of the Star Alliance has become an even more headache for Wang Chuan.

For the Star Alliance, there are actually not many options for the next step, or there are only two options. One is to break through Yanjin, go to Yanzhou, and then gradually go north to encroach on the endless territory of Death.

Although this method is relatively slow, if you go all the way naked, it won't take long to force most of the members of Ming丶Drunken Endless to go up the mountain.

The other method seems a bit more abstract, simply break through Yanjin, and then after entering Yanzhou, do not move towards the hinterland of Yanzhou, but directly break through Guandu, go to Jizhou, take a shortcut and then break through the pass into Qingzhou.

The two methods can only be said to be different ways to achieve the same goal. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For a while, Wang Chuan was still a little confused.

But no matter what, no matter what fighting style and route the Star Alliance chooses, Yanjin Pass, this ninth-level pass, will definitely stand in front of the Star Alliance. Not only Wang Chuan, but also Lord Hong丨Hu suddenly smelled the suddenly strong smell of gunpowder in the air at this moment.

The Yanjin Pass is no longer just a pass at this moment, it is also the only battlefield where the two sides will launch a final decisive battle!

Soon, the time came to eight o'clock the next night. At this time, in front of the Yanjin Pass, the huge fortress group of the Star Alliance that spread to the other side of the valley, without exception, had all been blocked by red dots. Full of them.

[All emails] Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Attention everyone! Everyone, the main force will hit the level at eight o'clock sharp, demolition and waiting for my email! Brothers, we all know that Yanjin is already the last line of defense. As long as Yanjin is captured, the conquest will be completely secure for us!

In order to live up to the efforts we have put in this month, and to live up to the expectations of every brother in our Star Alliance, show your execution ability! Roubu is stationed at the war-torn place at the pass. All the other brothers, let's break through Yanjin and enter Yanzhou! Go, go, go!


Tao丨Zui Qianqiu's email was like a burst of stimulants, pricking the hearts of the three hundred or so members of the Star Alliance.

Even before many people had finished reading their emails, sparse arrows from the outermost fortresses of the Covenant fortress group had begun to shoot towards the Yanjin Pass.

Time passed by minute by second. In just a few minutes, the arrows that the members of the Star Alliance focused on Yanjin Pass had changed from a few scattered arrows at the beginning to a torrent of arrows now. A torrent rushing toward Yanjin like an endless river!

A rough estimate is that there are at least a thousand arrows, which are as if they are going to eat Yanjin alive!

On the other side of Yanjin, Ming丨 Zuiyin Endless, who had long been aware of the Star Alliance's actions, was already at the Yanjin Fortress, ready to garrison at any time.

Red Tiger Lord, the once high-spirited leader of the drunken and endless alliance, was looking at the hundreds of arrows shot from the Star Alliance fortresses with a livid face.

The Rising Sun Regiment in Qingzhou, the Qin soldiers from the Hulao Pass area who had not returned, including the Chunmeng who had betrayed him before, these people had tortured him for too long, leaving him physically and mentally exhausted.

Hong丨Master Hu is not sure how Hongtu, who was just destroyed this morning, should feel now, but taking himself as an example, a deep sense of powerlessness has spread to Hong丨. Lord Tiger’s whole body.

Watching Yanjin, a matter of life and death for the drunken drunken master, is just a mechanical thing that a member of the drunken drunken endless has to do out of fate.

He now even wished that the Star Alliance would rush all the way to Qingzhou and confirm the news of the fateful defeat of Zuijiu Endless, so that he could escape from the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible.

[All emails] Red丨Master Tiger: Wait for my email to be stationed again, the Spartans are harassing the front row of the Covenant and the war-torn ground.

An all-league email contains only a few words. Comparing it to the original email, which was full of high-spirited and high-spirited, now Hong丨Tiger Lord’s exhaustion and powerlessness, at most, it’s just a life丨Drunk and endless all-league more than 300 A common portrait of the members.

It is said that if a soldier is defeated, the whole group will be defeated. Although this statement is somewhat inappropriate when applied to today's fate, Zuiyin Endless, it is crude but not crude, and there is no contradiction in the truth.

Soon, just a few minutes later, a large number of arrows fired by members of the Star Alliance hit the top of the Yanjin Pass like a meteorite! (End of chapter)

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