Chapter 305 Crush
"Tsk, the strongest combat power, instead of fighting the Sea Alliance, is coming to bully us? Then I want to see how much combat power you have left when you fight across states!"

Naturally, the movements of the Star Alliance could not escape the eyes of the Tutu Alliance leader, the Gardener, the Bull Demon King. When the Hello Group suddenly withdrew from the battlefield just now, he guessed that all members of the Star Alliance were already in place. To think that the Star Alliance's offensive came so quickly!
[E-mail to all] Gardener | Bull Demon King: God Machine Group, Bear Group, Sea King Group, Wind Group, (255.1021) Speed ​​up the garrison! The set fire from the opposite side is coming!

All the remaining members will gather at the fire alliance mark position at 2:30! We can't let the opponent dominate the battlefield, Yalei's mother will be destroyed by them!


Facing a T2-strength opponent like the Star Alliance, Gardener丨Niu Demon King did not dare to neglect, but similarly, it was the first time the two sides met, and he did not want to put Tutu at a disadvantage from the beginning.

So after much deliberation, the Gardener丨Niu Demon King decided to move all the high-level battle groups that Tutu was famous for, such as the Guiyi Group and the Sa Group, to attack.

As for the members of the four regiments used to garrison, they are generally the backbone of Tutu. However, judging from the arrows fired by the Covenant, it seems that the Covenant's fire team only has three main regiments, and four regiments are stationed in the three regiments. As a group, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like something that could cause problems.

However, soon, when the time reached two-thirty in the afternoon, the situation on the battlefield seemed to have proved his miscalculation!
At exactly two-thirty, the main force of the three Star Alliance regiments, which exceeded 250, pounced on Tutu's defense line like a group of hungry wolves!

In an instant, just for a moment, the two hundred or dozens of teams stationed on the link ground by Tutu suddenly dispersed!
"Fuck you, Niubi."

The battle is still going on. Facing the steel torrent composed of the three high-level Star Alliance fighting groups, the Huangtang Group, the Tiger Stepping Group, and the Tavern Group, Tutu's main force of the four group members stationed on the garrison is like a piece of tissue paper. , was torn to pieces on the spot easily and freely!

At the same time, the large rocket heads Tutu fired at the Covenant position also arrived at the target point as scheduled. The battles on both sides almost happened at the same time, but the results showed completely different scenes.

It has to be said that the combat effectiveness of the Guiyi Regiment is indeed second to none in Tutu. Looking at the battles between the two sides, almost more than 70% of the members of the Guiyi Regiment, the battle reports are at least advantageous.

But one thing you need to know is that Taozui Qianqiu has been wary of this for a long time, so there are as many as five regiments remaining on the front line! There are now close to 320 people in the Star Alliance, and these five regiments have a total of 200 people!
If issues such as attendance rate are taken into account, the number of Covenant troops stationed on the battlefield far exceeds the number of rocket heads in the Atlas.

Because of this, although the Guiyi group played very well from the scene, they still failed to win the link land.

"This Guiyi Group is still fierce."

After a round of fighting, before Wang Chuan could continue to comment on the Guiyi Regiment, the second command email from Tao丨Zui Qianqiu had already appeared in front of everyone in the alliance.

[All emails] Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Well done, brothers! The first piece of link land is taken. In the next round, the fire is gathered. The desolate group, the tiger step group, the tavern group, the martial arts group, and the horse riding group. All the brothers in the five groups are stuck at 254.1020: seconds. The group fire () ! No matter what, we must win the goal!
Brothers from the Shield Group, Zhiyin Group, and Golden Scale Group will continue to work hard, and the front row link ground will continue to be fully occupied!

Compared with the first command email, Tao丨Zui Qianqiu made considerable adjustments in the second round of the Star Alliance's attack. It was originally three regiments attacking and five regiments garrisoning, but now it suddenly changed. It became five regiments to attack and three regiments to defend.

Such a choice is undoubtedly a gamble. Once the defense line is breached by Tutu, Tutu, which has a geographical advantage in comparison, is likely to quickly push back the Covenant position.

But similarly, if it can be defended, then with Tutu's hard power, it is simply impossible to withstand the fire of five groups including the three high-level battle groups of the Star Alliance! Soon, the rocket heads of Star Alliance members once again appeared above Tutu's position, and as time passed by, the overall number of rocket heads began to rise rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed. With.

As a result, a difficult problem was placed in front of the Gardener丨Ou Demon King. After just one round of fighting and almost losing more than one-third of the main force of the alliance, facing the Star Alliance's obviously more rapid offensive, the figure Figure, as the only T3+ alliance in this region, how to choose?

【All emails】Gardener丨Ox Demon King: Attention! The front row is fully occupied! Spartak focused his fire on time at three o'clock in a second and deceived the opponent's main force! No matter what, we must not let the Star Alliance break through our mountain pass position!

Facing the Star Alliance's offensive, which seemed to be a fight to the death, even if the Gardener丨Ou Demon King had a good mentality, he did not dare to play against the Star Alliance again for a while.

It only took one day from the time Tutu broke through the border and entered Jizhou. Although the Jieqiao battlefield has always been carried out with Tutu's advantage, in fact, the only position they gained in one day was Yamaguchi. Just this piece.

Once the Yamaguchi defense line is lost, with the strength of Star Alliance T2, it is very likely that Tutu's hard work throughout the previous day will be completely wiped out in a very short period of time.

The Gardener丨The Bull Demon King doesn't dare to bet, and he doesn't want to bet. T3+ fights T2. Although the Gardener丨The Bull Demon King is confident, he is not a fool. Everyone knows this kind of battle. He should not be thinking about how to win. It's about how to keep Tutu in an invincible position as much as possible.

It's just obvious that as the commander of the Star Alliance, Taozui Qianqiu obviously does not intend to spend a long time with Tutu in the mountain pass area. Otherwise, he would not directly organize two rounds of gathering all the effective forces. fire.

Soon, as the commanders of both sides clicked to send their command emails, more and more arrows began to appear in everyone's field of vision.

[Star Alliance Core Management WeChat Group]

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: @Everyone, hurry up. There is a big wave of fire on the opposite side. There are a lot of arrows. In addition to the original garrison team, is there any other group that wants to volunteer to garrison there?
Wu Yu丨The Third Chapter: Well, otherwise, our Wu Yu regiment will be stationed there? I feel that if there are four regiments, they should have a chance to withstand this wave of concentrated fire.

Wang Xinghe: No need. Trust me, the people coming from the other side must be Spartans.

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Ah, it is indeed possible, but no one can guarantee that all the people who come are really Spartans. What if the main force of several groups comes and we accidentally lose the link? That would be uncomfortable.

Wang Xinghe: It doesn’t matter, just trust me and it will be over. When have I ever tricked you? Don't think too hard about Tutu. He can defeat a T3+ strength alliance. Except for the Guiyi group, there are almost no groups that can be defeated in the entire alliance.

In that wave of attacks just now, at least nearly half of their main force must have died. Now facing our level of concentrated fire, how could he squeeze out so many main force and focus the fire while stationed? So without even thinking about it, this fire must be a group of Spartans, here to deceive the garrison.

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Okay, since Mr. Xing said so, we don’t have anything to say, just do it and be done.


(End of this chapter)

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