The billionaire who leads the land

Chapter 309: Sili Competition

Seeing the unfavorable start, Tao丨Zui Qianqiu immediately sent a command email to stabilize the morale of the troops.

However, all experienced players know that if Sili is defeated in the first week of the zone, the defenders must be captured within twenty minutes no matter what. Otherwise, if it is later, the manpower in the early stage will only be a low-level demolition team. As it stands, the level's durability of 120,000 is no joke.

Fortunately, the second wave of attacks began, and the remaining twenty groups of skull defenders did not appear in disgusting lineups. Only the last group of group riders, Lu Bu, was a tough nut to crack.

The defenders were destroyed, and the remaining 120,000 durability seemed to be more than enough for just over forty minutes.

Seeing that the durability was rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, Wang Chuan's nervous heart could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

At 10:46 a.m., Ming Dynasty Love Story took the lead in capturing Hulao Pass, and then, at 11:10 p.m., the Star Alliance did not lag too far behind and successfully captured Tongguan Pass.

Overall, although the Star Alliance lags behind slightly, it is not completely left behind.

After successfully capturing Tongguan, several Star Alliance eunuchs wasted little time and quickly began to pave the way along the official road towards Luoyang.

A total of six eunuch cars relayed to each other. Whether it was efficiency or speed, the Star Alliance had maximized it. They were running towards Luoyang as if they were running towards their new wife. They wished their eyes would light up.

Soon, two hours passed quietly. When the Star Alliance had arrived in the area of ​​Hongnong County, it entered Sili from Hulao Pass. The Ming Love Story, which had a shorter straight-line distance, also arrived at the original Wujun County of Sili. City: Xinzheng.

"Tsk, it seems that the first battle will probably start around the White Horse Temple. Even if the speed is maxed out, it is still difficult to catch up with the half-hour time difference."

Looking at the big map, Wang Chuan rubbed his chin. What makes people feel headache is actually not where the Sili War will start. After all, it will be fought wherever it is fought. The real headache is that in this Sili War, regardless of whether the Star Alliance will No matter what, we must fall into the dilemma of a two-front battle, or even a three-front battle!

The situation is quite unfriendly to the Star Alliance.

[Southern camp jointly manages WeChat group]

Daming丨Ling Lingqi: @Everyone, please pay attention, brothers, the Star Alliance has entered Sili and can implement the next plan!

New World丨God of War: OK! Our Nuclear Weapons丨We are ready for the New Year. Shengzi made a concession yesterday and is going to take the Nuclear Weapons Group down to the fields and mountains to play with the wandering army in a few days. Although we have lost one high-level battle group, we still have more than 300 people. With the establishment, it is not a problem at all to contain two or three Star Alliance regiments.

Xihua丨老仙: I just don’t know what Tutu is thinking. If Linglingqi you can really bring Tutu and Haimeng together, then our season will be really stable.

Daming丨Ling Lingqi: It is very difficult to win over the Sea Alliance. Tutu is not a problem. I contacted them yesterday. If nothing happens to them, they should be able to kill the two Star Alliance groups in Youzhou. , unless the Star Alliance is willing to ignore the conflict and allow Tutu to enter Jizhou, otherwise the Star Alliance will never have the slightest chance in the three-front battle.

New World丨God of War: Indeed, in the T2 game, it’s all T2 alliance. He wants to conquer three of them. Isn’t that just a joke? Just fuck them and that's it.

Daming丨Ling Lingqi: The biggest problem now is that we need to cooperate with each other. We expect that there will be a battle with the Star Alliance in the Hongnong area tonight, so tonight, you must re-enter through the Jieting Pass. Yongzhou, forcing them to divide their troops in another wave and go back to defend. New World丨God of War: Don't worry, we will switch on and off on time at nine o'clock tonight. The idiot Shengzi who stepped on the horse at that time even released the street pavilion in order to cease the war with the Star Alliance. Let me take a look. I am planning to open it in Jiameng tonight. Guan Xu flashed a shot, then mobilized his troops to gather at the street pavilion, and directly destroyed him.

Daming丨Ling Lingqi: Don’t take it lightly. I have been dormant since the opening of the zone. I just want to make the biggest opponents set up enemies everywhere, and then concentrate my strength to give them a heavy blow. Now that the zone has been open for eight days, basically all the brothers have They are almost developed, but their resources are just not enough to keep up with the high-intensity battle. At this time, letting the Covenant open three frontal battlefields will really cost them their lives.

Xihua丨Old Fairy: Don't worry, we won't pull the hips here, but Linglingqi, don't forget the one hundred conquest quotas promised to us.

Daming丨Ling Lingqi: Hahaha, of course I will not forget it. Not one of the one hundred conquest quotas will be missing.


Naturally, Wang Chuan didn't know about the exchange between the Ming Dynasty Love Story and Nuclear Weapons丨New Year. Now Wang Chuan was putting all his thoughts on the territory of Hongnong County in Sili, where the war was about to begin.

Throughout the afternoon, members of both sides spent the intense and intense paving operations. It was already eight o'clock in the evening when the front rows of both sides came into close contact without fighting.

The battlefield was placed in Sili Hongnong County without any suspense.

"This Ming Dynasty love story actually wants to divide three battlefields directly in Hongnong County? Something is wrong."

Wang Chuan observed the situation in Hongnong County and relied on the attendance system to continuously analyze the troop movements of the Ming Dynasty. He soon realized that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, if it is known that the Star Alliance has detached some of its troops to stay in Youzhou to contain Tutu, then the most important thing the Ming Dynasty should do if it wants to win is to concentrate superior forces in Sili and attack them in a wave. It's better to push it out, instead of actively dividing Hongnong into three small battlefields like now.

"Could it be that? Damn it! Sure enough!"

When Wang Chuan realized that something was wrong, his first reaction was to quickly slide the map to pay attention to the New Year's trends in Nuclear Weapons. As soon as he clicked on the Nuclear Weapons丨New Year Alliance interface, Wang Chuan already discovered a problem.

The original leader of the alliance, Nuclear Explosion丨Shengzi, has been replaced by Nuclear Explosion丨One of the other two sponsors of the New Year: New World丨God of War!
It can be seen from the official list that Nuclear Explosion丨Shengzi is not only not the leader of the alliance, but is no longer even an official. In the more than a minute that Wang Chuan was checking the data, another one was dismissed.

What this means is actually very obvious, that is, Nuclear Explosion丨Shengzi did not successfully resolve the internal conflicts of Nuclear Explosion丨New Year as he expected. On the contrary, he was even pushed out of office!

"Jieting? Or Jiameng?"

At this time, Wang Chuan's expression had become extremely serious. Nuclear Explosion丨Shengzi stepped down and gave way at this time. Of course, it was quite difficult for Shengzi himself to accept. Similarly, it was also quite a big deal for the Star Alliance. Unbearable results.

Wang Chuan didn't know what Shengzi was thinking about the nuclear explosion. At this moment, he didn't have the time to care about Shengzi's thoughts, because when he moved the game screen to Jieting Pass and Jiameng Pass, that was When Wang Chuan moved his vision to the pass, Wang Chuan had already realized the seriousness of the problem. (End of chapter)

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