Chapter 53: Voted?

"I would like to see how long you can last on this Guantao battlefield."

As time passed by, the advantage of Xinghe丨Seeking Friends on the Guantao battlefield began to become more and more obvious, and the range of the battlefield-free area began to move towards the depths of the battlefield at a speed visible to the naked eye. Spreading.

Judging from the current situation, although it is indeed difficult to achieve the goal of razing the Guantao battlefield within three hours as stated in Tao丨Zui Qianqiu's email, the previous system requirement of defeating Qingqing Grassland within three days does not seem to be possible. suspense.

From Wang Chuan's point of view as a veteran player, putting aside those metaphysical factors, unless Yangzhou can directly cross Xuzhou and rush over to help, there will not be any comeback in Qingqing Prairie. Chance.

But is it really possible that Yangzhou will come?No matter how you look at it, it is simply impossible. For the sake of an "ally" with which we only have a verbal agreement, we would directly give up the great battlefield in the south and instead plunge into the quagmire of Qingzhou?
No matter how you look at it, this is not a good deal at all. If Wang Chuan were the leader of the Yangzhou alliance, he would definitely not support it. Therefore, Wang Chuan believed that the current Yangzhou would also not choose to support it.

So what Wang Chuan is looking forward to seeing now is no longer a comeback on the battlefield, but simply wants to see how long this green grassland can last under his current hands!

But at the same time that this thought appeared in Wang Chuan's mind, suddenly, there was a sudden sound, and a new unread message appeared in the lower left corner of Wang Chuan's game screen.

Originally, Wang Chuan thought that this was a good brother in the alliance who was looking for something to do with him, but when he opened the chat box and saw the ID of the person who sent him the message, Wang Chuan's expression couldn't help but become playful. got up.

Yes, the person who sent him the message is the actual leader of Qingzhou and the leader of the Qingqing Grassland Alliance: Manchu Yangyang!


Manchu Yangyang: Are you here?Interested in chatting?

Wang Xinghe: Yes, what’s wrong, good brother?

Manchu Yangyang: I'm curious, do you think you have any hope of conquering this season?
Wang Xinghe: Haha, I think whether we can conquer is another matter, but judging from the current situation, our hope of conquering should be greater than that of the Qingzhou brothers.

Man Yangyang: But you must know that if you want to conquer, just defeating us is not enough. Whether it is Yangzhou or Yizhou, their hard power is actually much stronger than ours in Qingzhou. This region, the whole of the South Stronger than the north.

Wang Xinghe: I can see it, so if I can’t even kill you, then why should I talk about conquest?right?
Manchu Yangyang: Hahahaha, it seems that you are not a person who likes to beat around the bush. Let me just say it straight. My purpose of coming to you is very simple. I want to make peace with you. What do you think? If you are interested in chatting, ?

Wang Xinghe: Why don't you tell us first?
Man Yangyang: I won’t talk to you about those nonsense. I know that the reason why you are so impatient to enter Qingzhou. I heard that the verbal agreement we reached with Yangzhou can only be regarded as one aspect. The most important thing is that you are eager to get it. Take advantage of our vitality to eat our Qingzhou, right?
Wang Xinghe: Yes, I am very clear about my own strength. If I don't eat you, it is impossible for me to conquer this season. Bingzhou is not willing to integrate with us. They are still my allies, so I can only eat you.

Manyangyang: Well, it seems that my guess is right. To be honest, I was thinking this morning that no matter what the outcome is, I will fight you at Guantao Pass for ten days and a half, even if I can't bear it anymore , and it won’t let you play comfortably.Wang Xinghe: Then why did you suddenly change your mind?
Manchu Yangyang: Two reasons. One is your growth, which makes me, how should I say, amazing. I know that simply absorbing an owl group should not bring such a big change to you. In the final analysis, It's you, Wang Xinghe, the financial backer of Youzhou who has played a role, so I approve of you very much.

The other one is actually simpler. After you broke through, I went to Yangzhou for support. In fact, I knew that they would not come. Yangzhou had already taken the initiative in the Yizhou battlefield. It was impossible at this time. To help us, give up watermelons as big as the south, but their attitude makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Now that the battle has reached this point, it is impossible for Qingzhou to do anything this season. Once the morale is dissipated, it is too difficult to gather it back. I don’t have the ability. Therefore, since it is going to be integrated anyway, then instead of Waiting to be integrated into the unfamiliar Yangzhou, I might as well defect to you. After all, we can’t get to know each other without fighting, right?

Wang Xinghe: Hahaha, you are right, but since you took the initiative to find me, you must also have requirements for integration, right?

Man Yangyang: Of course, I won’t tell you too much. I want 45 to 50 people from Qingzhou, and they need to be organized separately. We cannot be broken up and reorganized. The leader must also be our own Qingzhou people. Moreover, the military rewards of the Qingzhou Regiment must be the same as those of your headquarters. A bowl of water is even, and then we need a commander. I don’t ask for a quota of conquests. I believe you will treat this thing fairly.

Wang Xinghe: Uh, it’s gone?
Manchu Yangyang: Huh?What else should there be?

Wang Xinghe: Hahaha, I thought you would make some unreasonable requests. If these are just the requirements, there is no problem at all. I can only say that I am looking forward to the Qingzhou brothers joining us.

Manchu Yangyang: Damn, it seems that my request was too little, and I lost blood!
Wang Xinghe: Hahahaha, when can you leave the field?How long will it take for the list to be given to me?

Manchu Yangyang: If you are sure there is no problem, go down to the field in the afternoon and start organizing to join the league tomorrow. The list will be given to you tonight.

Wang Xinghe: OK, no problem. Then, I look forward to your joining.

Slow Sheep: I hope you can conquer this season and don’t let me make a mistake in my bet.


After finishing the chat with Manyangyang, although Wang Chuan didn't show anything, he actually knew very well that his mood was already excited to a certain extent!
Qingzhou actually voted directly!
This is still somewhat hard for Wang Chuan to believe, but it is still understandable. After all, in S1, it is not easy to gather morale. The defeat in Beiping directly caused the fighting spirit of Qingqing Prairie to plummet.

Now that I had received a beating from myself at the Guantao Pass, it was inevitable that I would give up.

But even though he surrendered directly to himself, Wang Chuan still couldn't help but wonder, could it be that God opened his eyes and dropped a pie from the sky for him?

(End of this chapter)

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