The billionaire who leads the land

Chapter 95: Melee among the 5 alliances, the battle for Chang'an

Chapter 95: Melee among the Five Alliances, the Battle of Chang'an

Xinghe丨Mizhiyin and Xuezhong丨Fighting Swordsman both have their own teammates waiting to enter the battlefield, so a very fantasy scene appeared on the battlefield, that is, no one on either side was in a hurry.

Here in the snow, the Hard Knife Shop relies on card-free tactics to keep delaying time. Over there, in the galaxy, Mi Zhiyin doesn't look anxious at all. He is almost waiting for every hour to take a small step forward, and then Then he continued to stop where he was.

On the other hand, the west side of Chang'an belongs to the battlefield of Liangzhou War丨The Gods Are Coming. The two sides are fighting fiercely. Since it is not clear when the melee will start, Beiliang丨Overlord Spear does not dare to let it be assigned to deal with Xinghe at the beginning.丨The three regiments who were looking for friends easily went to support the west side, so from the beginning to the end, the battlefield on the west side of Chang'an was in the snow丨A regiment of fierce swordsmen fought against each other丨The gods descended into an alliance.

The first two days were fine, but now the situation is different. Liangzhou is not a fool. Who can't see that the decisive battle has come?Therefore, even those beings in Liangzhou who were not considered to have excellent combat capabilities suddenly started working hard from today on.

Although Liangzhou's combat power is not high, it can't bear the large number of people. On the battlefield on the west side of Chang'an, about 50 people fought against [-] people from Yizhou. They fought hard and created quite a lot of trouble for the fierce swordsmen in the snow. .

Noticing that the battlefield positions on the west side were showing signs of gradually moving back, Beiliang Bawangqiang had no choice but to transfer the fierce sword Zhi Tianming to the west side to help with the defense and withstand the pressure.

With the addition of such a red man, the battlefield on the west side of Chang'an finally withstood the pressure, and the two sides barely returned to a [-]-[-] situation.

Soon, the time came to around three o'clock that afternoon. At the end of the battle, the battle finally succeeded in reaching the Galaxy丨not far behind Mi Zhiyin's position. The two sides faced each other across the river. No one was the first to fire the first shot. courage.

At the same time, the long-awaited Jinfeng Xiaoyu Tower was completely completed in the Niyang area, and immediately began to roll towards the Chang'an battlefield.

It seems that in just a blink of an eye, the Yongzhou battlefield actually accommodates five alliances!
Moreover, these five alliances are still the only five established forces remaining in District 4000 since the server was launched.

The arrival of Jinfeng Xiaoyu Tower is a complete announcement that the decisive battle, which can determine more than 90.00% of the future of the entire district, is finally about to begin!
[All emails] Beiliang丨Overlord Spear: Attention everyone!Except for the brothers on the west side of the battlefield, all the remaining members are stationed at the footstep (553, 354)!The garrison in the connecting area is full, everyone is left, all the main troops are stuck at 554.353 o'clock, and the target point of fire is concentrated ([-])!The brothers from Yangzhou have arrived. From now on, it’s up to us to take the lead in this decisive battle!


The fierce swordsman who had been dormant in the snow of Chang'an for a long time finally chose to be the first to ignite the gunpowder that had filled the air under the command of Commander Beiliang's Overlord Spear.

Since we’re going to fight, let’s just have a big one!
Soon, as the command email of Beiliang Bawang Gun was clicked to send, the battlefield was suddenly covered with rocket heads from the members of the Hard Knife Club in Snow.

Countless rocket heads, like hungry wolves one after another, pounced on the front row of Xinghe丨Zhiyin, as if the two sides had not officially started a battle, and the Overlord Spear wanted to directly crush the opponent with its momentum.

"Hey, is it because we have arrived in Yangzhou that we can't help it anymore?"

There was a shrill enemy attack siren in his ears, which immediately attracted Wang Chuan's attention. Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Chuan seemed a little excited, but at the same time he was also a little disappointed.He originally wanted to see how long the Beiliang Overlord Spear could hold back, but he didn't expect that Yangzhou had just arrived, and the Overlord Spear here could no longer hold back its temper.

[Galaxy丨Looking for Friends Alliance Management WeChat Group]

Wang Xinghe: @Everyone, Yizhou has started to move, the leader should hurry up and make arrangements!The Zhiyin Regiment and the Xiao Regiment are responsible for the Yizhou battlefield in Chang'an. The Yangcun Regiment and the Tao Regiment are responsible for the Yangzhou battlefield on the east side. The commander of the regiment quickly made arrangements. They should garrison and garrison and do what they should do. The importance of this battle must not be Do you need me to say more?If you win, you can win the victory directly. If you lose, you have to think about it in the long term. So I hope that everyone can bring up 120 points of energy.

In addition, in order to stimulate everyone's fighting spirit, from now on until the end of the decisive battle in Chang'an, on both sides of the Chang'an battlefield, whether it is a fierce swordsmanship in the snow or fighting to the end, they will eat their team's main force. , 30 yuan, get the main force of a team with eight to ten reds, 100 yuan, get the main force of a team with more than ten reds, 200 yuan, get the main force of a team with all reds, such as the fierce sword丨Lang Jun, Zhan丨Yu Feng, fierce sword丨Zhi Tianming, the main force of these people, gets [-] yuan for a team!

Turn over the ground, thirty for one dollar!A fortress, 50 yuan!All in all, it’s just one sentence, rush me hard!

Xiao丨Jiuyi: Huh?Damn it, how much?30 yuan to turn over a piece of land?Oh my god, are you crazy, Mr. Xing?How much does it cost to pay for this fight?
Nanxun: This, this, this, I’m fucked, brothers!The two garrison cities I started this season are finally going to be put to use!

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Niubi!Not even Boss Xu, who is known as the number one financial backer of the Tui Tu, would be willing to give up such a reward, right?Don't worry, Mr. Xing, you will never lose this battle!
Wang Xinghe: Money is a small issue, the main thing is to win, hurry up and make arrangements. On the west battlefield, @知音丨 is here, you will be in charge. On the east side battlefield, @桃丨zuiqianqiu, you will be in charge, and be careful, east side I have arranged for Jingzhou Jinfeng Xiaoyu Tower to help, so as not to accidentally injure friendly forces.

Tao丨Zui Qianqiu: Got it!

My friend is here: Got it!


The rewards Wang Chuan issued for this decisive battle in Chang'an undoubtedly caused an uproar within the entire galaxy.

Whether they are veterans who have come down from the Conquest Season to experience the new area, or old and newbies who have rolled through the S Season countless times, or they are newbies who have just entered the game and experienced the game for the first time, in After hearing the news conveyed by their respective group leaders, there were only four words to describe their current state: jaw-dropping!

I think back then, in the first generation of the World Cup, it only cost 30 yuan to open a fortress, and only a dozen yuan for a red field. Wang Chuan directly cost [-] yuan to open a fortress, and [-] yuan for a red field, not to mention There is also the indescribable additional reward of taking the main force.

Many people actually have no idea about the highest level of reward: 200 yuan reward for a team that has full red. Most members of Xinghe丨MIZhiyin have set their goals at the lowest level from the beginning: eating A reward of 30 yuan for a whiteboard team.

I can't beat Man Hong, but I can't beat White Board to death?As long as I feel better about this battle, let alone next season, I'm afraid I can earn back all my monthly passes in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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