Chapter 114 The arrival of September

——Time flies so fast, September has already arrived without even paying much attention.

After asking the guards at the camp gate, Yang Ji was now sure that Liu Bei and the others had returned to Fenggao City, and even Yu Jin had returned to Fenggao City with them.

"Tsk, forget it, it's not an important matter anyway. Besides, with the character of that guy Zichuan, he will definitely not leave a talent like Xu Shu aside.

Now Xu Shu is probably studying at the newly built Taishan College in Zichuan, or else he was sent by him to serve as a county magistrate in a county below.

After all, even if he hasn't learned much about this aspect of knowledge, given Xu Shu's own qualifications, perhaps learning while practicing is the best way for him to learn. "

Yang Ji talked to himself as he walked back to the laboratory, not caring whether Bai Mei who was following behind him could know any information about this, but fortunately this kind of information was public.

——Time will not stop its forward flow because of anyone or anything, just like now, September of 190 has arrived in the blink of an eye.

Not many things happened in September worthy of Yang Ji's attention. Of course, this was just not worthy of Yang Ji's attention, but for Liu Bei and Chen Xi, it was very worthy of attention.

Even if he knew that Yang Ji would not pay attention to this information, Chen Xi would still send this information to Yang Ji's laboratory in the military camp outside the city. Regardless of whether Yang Jiguan paid attention to it or not, Yang Ji had to know this information.

Just because Yang Ji is a member of Liu Bei's force, and he is still a high-level person, not to mention that Yang Ji is also one of Liu Bei's original team members, it is already destined that Yang Ji must know these things.

Although Yang Ji always says that he is not good at strategy, Yang Ji is an awakened spiritual talent after all. Just because of this, no one will really believe that Yang Ji is not good at strategy.

By September, Taishan County had been completely pacified, and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Hua Xiong and others had all withdrawn their troops and returned to Fenggao City, but they were not in the military camp now.

Instead, he went to assist Chen Xi in completing the road construction plan of Taishan County. After all, Taishan is still in short supply of people with management capabilities. Even if Lu Zhi and several other great scholars supported a group of scholars, it was still not enough.

Speaking of Lu Zhi, we have to talk about the three great scholars Guan Ning, Bing Yuan, and Wang Lie who were called by Lu Zhi. Because Lu Zhi deeply felt that he could not develop extraordinary organs by himself, Lu Zhi flew directly I went to Liaodong and invited these three people to Mount Tai.

That's right, it was Lu Zhi who gave full play to his superb mobility of internal energy separation and ran to Liaodong. He told the three of them the information he had obtained, and then they decided to pack up and go south.

Of course, Chen Xi would not refuse the joining of these great scholars. Since they were unwilling to serve as officials in Taishan County, he would arrange for them to teach in the newly established Taishan Academy, continue their old profession, and develop new extraordinary talents. The secret art of organs can be taught to Xu Shu who is studying there.

When Yang Ji saw the news, he had to sigh at the mystery of fate. Because of Yang Ji, Liu Bei did not leave Xu Shu in Yingchuan to study on his own.

As a result, Xu Shu lost the teachings of Pang Degong, but it is different now. When Lu Zhi and others taught at Taishan Academy, Xu Shu could directly accept the teachings of the four great Confucian scholars.

Although it is impossible for Xu Shu to become a disciple of one of the great Confucian scholars, it does not mean that they will not teach Xu Shu with all their heart, just because they are great Confucian scholars who do not hesitate to spread knowledge.

They are not called great Confucians because of their knowledge. They are called great Confucians just because they are willing to spread what they have learned throughout their lives, even though all they can do is pass on this knowledge to their disciples.

After Taishan was completely pacified in September, Chen Xi was able to spare more time and manpower to carry out the construction of Taishan County. Coupled with the scholars supported by Lu Zhi and others, Chen Xi finally had enough manpower to build the entire Taishan County. Sort it all out.

Of course, what he didn't expect was that basically no one received a reply to Liu Bei's invitations to recruit talents. In other words, these people were not optimistic about Liu Bei at all.

Even guys like Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, and Gu Yong who came from aristocratic families sneered at Liu Bei's men who came to recruit them, and knocked Liu Bei's face to the ground without hesitation.

This is the sequelae of what Chen Xi and Liu Bei said when they left Yingchuan. Didn’t you, Liu Bei, rely on your own efforts to show the strength that makes me and other aristocratic families look at you? Then don’t think about getting any help from us aristocratic families now. .

At the same time, September is the time when Yuan Shao takes control of Jizhou. Anyone can think of who the aristocratic families like them are betting on, and the apparent gap between Jizhou and Taishan is really too big.

At the same time, because Yuan Shao took over Jizhou, the Zhen family, one of the local aristocratic families in Jizhou, also quietly reduced its investment in Taishan, because in their view, Yuan Shao, who was also from a well-known family, had more potential than Liu Bei.

Although Liu Bei's identity has been proven by the clan government and he is a clan member of the Han Dynasty, this does not prove that Liu Bei is stronger than Yuan Shao. After all, Yuan Shao's ability was already demonstrated when the eighteen princes challenged Dong.

Although the four generals under Liu Bei's command, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and Hua Xiong, had internal Qi separated from the body, the battlefield was not a place where the internal Qi separated from the body could determine victory or defeat.

What's more, the Yuan family of four generations and three princes is not unable to recruit strong men who can compete with several strong men under Liu Bei's command. Moreover, with the help of the Yuan family, the resources that Jizhou can control are not at all a small Taishan without the help of any aristocratic families. County can be compared.

Although Lu Zhi and several great scholars went to Taishan County, which worried them for a long time, Liu Bei did not grant any official positions to these great scholars, but only arranged for them to teach in the newly built academy.

Moreover, Liu Bei did not use the influence of these great scholars to obtain more benefits. He only accepted the scholars they brought, and did not use this to send invitations to many scholars in the world.

In the eyes of the noble family, these actions are an extremely stupid thing. From this, it can be seen that Liu Bei's Taishan forces have no resourceful people who can see the value of Lu Zhi and others.

Therefore, in their view, Liu Bei's words in Yingchuan were just big words, just venting his anger at being treated coldly by many aristocratic families in Yingchuan.

However, Chen Xi had expected these things, so Chen Xi still did his own thing and was not affected at all. After all, he did not have the help of those people.

Aren't there still Jian Yong and Fan Qin helping here? Besides, even if they are too busy, he is still here. It's just a matter of missing a few cups of tea.

Although the Zhen family's withdrawal of capital made Liu Bei a little angry, it was not enough for Liu Bei to go to the Zhen family to find trouble. After all, he could see clearly now. Even if I have their support, it will only delay the time to conquer the world. It doesn't seem to be much different from doing it alone.

If they want to withdraw their investment and bet on others, then let them decide for themselves. Anyway, it is not that we cannot achieve our own goals without them.

However, in Chen Xi's view, Liu Bei must take some action this time, otherwise he will really look down upon these aristocratic families, although the aristocratic families have never looked down upon them.

But Liu Bei must have some counterattack this time. After all, Liu Bei is still a prince, and not everyone can come here to have a try.

They failed to recruit celebrities, but were ridiculed. Now even wealthy businessmen dared to take advantage of them. Although the Zhen family was one of the many aristocratic families in the Han Dynasty, they were not purely wealthy businessmen.

But this doesn't mean that Liu Bei doesn't want to take them to play with him and ignore them. After all, in the Han Dynasty, the aristocratic family still has the right to speak and dominate public opinion.

Faced with such humiliation, you, Liu Bei, didn't even dare to come out and rebut directly. Instead, you hid in Mount Tai and acted like an ostrich. Isn't this just a pure master who only enjoys comfort?

This is the public opinion that those aristocratic families will convey to the people, even if it is just because Liu Bei does not want to pay attention to them, even if Taishan is prosperous and prosperous when Liu Bei and the others govern it.

But Chen Xi really doesn't want to believe how much integrity those aristocratic families have left, or whether they have any integrity at all.

So this time Liu Bei had to show something, let the world see Liu Bei's anger, let the world know that Taishan can still do what they want to do even without them.

For other aristocratic families, they are a little out of reach now, and there is no reason to mess with them, but the Zhen family is different, although Chen Xi does not want to completely fall out with the Zhen family.

As long as you apologize to Liu Bei, the matter will be over. They won't care whether the Zhen family is sincere or not, as long as they can keep their face.

So Chen Xi assigned Jizhou's business to Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, asking them to squeeze out the Zhen family's salt industry and horse business outside the Great Wall, so that the Zhen family would realize their mistakes and apologize to Liu Bei.

However, these were not the main reasons why Yang Ji left the laboratory in the military camp and went to the Government Affairs Office. After all, there was nothing worthy of Yang Ji's attention in September except this matter.

Of course, when Yang Ji knew that Lu Su and Mi Zhu had joined Taishan County, it was already three days later. After all, Chen Xi did not send information to Yang Ji every day, and Yang Ji did not read the information sent by Chen Xi every day.

Yang Jineng found out that these two people had joined Liu Bei's army after returning home last night and hearing the girls at home discussing the fact that there were two more chairs in the Government Affairs Office.

Although Yang Ji can no longer remember the time development of the original work, the only people who can join Liu Bei's command at this time point in September are Lu Su and Mi Zhu.

Because during these days, Yang Ji was basically training his own regiment in the military camp and did not go out to assist Chen Xi in completing the Taishan construction plan, so Yang Ji is still relatively leisurely now.

In addition to organizing and training his own headquarters, he also organized the soldiers in the military camp to carry out a literacy campaign. With the support of Lu Zhi and other scholars, the literacy and literacy work of the soldiers can now be carried out normally.

In fact, if Yang Ji was just busy training the headquarters and organizing literacy work, Chen Xi would definitely drag Yang Ji to the Government Affairs Department to help. After all, Yang Ji's work efficiency is much higher than that of Jian Yong and Fan Qin. .

It's just that in addition to organizing training, Yang Ji also has to provide daily consumption of paper for the entire Taishan County. Although Chen Xi has ordered people to study the paper production process, this is not a simple matter.

In addition to making paper, Yang Ji had to continue making tips. Yang Ji didn't know what Chen Xi needed so many tips for. Anyway, he would never use this thing as a warehouse.

But maybe, after all, who knows if Chen Xi will suddenly have an idea and insist on using these tips as a warehouse.

It's not that the tips made by Yang Ji can't be used as a warehouse, but it's a question of whether it's worth it. Although Yang Ji made it easily, you can let others try it and see if they can draw it. A basic rune from a space-expanding rune set is considered good.

Therefore, in addition to organizing literacy training, Yang Ji often had to etch space expansion runes into the warehouse built by Chen Xi. He also had to disguise the expanded space according to Chen Xi's requirements, at least until they had the power to dominate the world. Before, if you can avoid exposure, don’t expose it.

When Yang Ji walked into the Government Affairs Office, the people who were originally unhappy with Yang Ji because of Lu Zhi were now full of respect for Yang Ji because of the arrival of Lu Zhi, Wang Lie and other great scholars. They came to the Government Affairs Office with Yang Ji last time. The hall is completely treated in two ways.

Because of the endorsement from Lu Zhi and others, Chen Xi now also opened up the qualifications for them to practice extraordinary secret arts, even though they were the ones who spread the news about extraordinary organs.

Chen Xi would not do anything to them. At most, he would expel them from Taishan and never hire them in the future. At the same time, the great scholars who endorsed them would also have a mark on their resume.

These restrictions had already been made clear to them when the secret skills were distributed to them. If they really wanted to have their own way, Chen Xi and Lu Zhi had nothing to do.

After all, there are always people who are not smart enough to do things. It is not unreasonable to be discarded directly after being used. I have been working here for several months in Taishan, and I have not discovered the specialness of Taishan. It is not unimaginable to be abandoned. .

Lu Zhi did not tell them about the development of a new extraordinary organ by Lu Zhi. After all, even if he told them, they would not be able to help much with their ability. As long as they work well in the Government Affairs Department and don't make mistakes, that's all. The best help to them.

"Ziyu, you are here, come quickly, let me introduce this person to you." Chen Xi looked up and saw Yang Ji walking in, and quickly greeted him.

(End of this chapter)

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