The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 116 I need to get some people involved!

Chapter 116 I need to get some people involved!

——I don’t think the two of us can handle this, so let’s get some people to jump in together. The few people over there who have curious faces are really good.

Of course Lu Su was very interested in Yang Ji. Before coming to Taishan County, he had only heard of Yang Ji's name, but he had no idea what kind of abilities Yang Ji had.

After all, every morning and evening when Yang Ji left and returned to the city, he would hang a rune on himself to reduce his presence. Ordinary people and those elite spies could not detect Yang Ji passing by in front of them.

Because the runes hanging on Yang Ji's body would make them subconsciously ignore Yang Ji's figure. Even if they later recalled who passed by them, they would still regard Yang Ji as an ordinary citizen.

This is why Liu Bei, Chen Xi and others allowed Yang Ji to travel back and forth between the military camp and the city every day without fear of spies from other forces discovering Yang Ji.

Otherwise, even if Yang Ji is a warrior with inner energy separated from the body, they will not let Yang Ji wander around with confidence. For those aristocratic families who know a little about Yang Ji's abilities.

Even if the inner energy leaves the body, they still have the ability to get what they want, it's just a matter of how much they have to pay, although doing so will offend several spiritually gifted awakeners behind Yang Ji.

But as long as Liu Bei still wants to help the Han Dynasty and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, and Chen Xi still wants to complete the construction of the Han cultural circle, he will have to face these aristocratic families, even if Chen Xi is strong enough to bow to the aristocratic families, or even make the aristocratic families bow their heads. There is no future.

But when it comes to the ability to do bad things, the sons of their aristocratic families who have little success but more than failure claim to be second, and no one dares to say first. This is their common thought when facing ambitious princes.

Besides, they didn't plan to do anything to Yang Ji. They just wanted to ask Yang Ji some questions. They really didn't want to completely offend him, not to mention that there were several spiritually awakened people standing behind Yang Ji.

How many aristocratic families can exist in this world that can stand up to the desperate calculations of someone with an awakened spiritual talent without breaking a sweat, unless your family also has an awakened spiritual talent to guard against it.

Of course, the family knew that it was because of Yang Ji's help that Fanliang was able to sublimate his spiritual talent through his own family education. Although Fanliang insisted that he was only able to integrate what he had learned and sublimate it because of Yang Ji's guidance. Spiritual gifts.

But they didn't believe Fan Liang's statement at all. After all, everyone present at Yang Ji's actions saw it with their own eyes. The three-layer magic circle rising on Fan Liang's body was clear evidence.

These messages were basically only occasionally circulated among the upper echelons of the relevant aristocratic families. People who were not high-level enough could not receive any information about Yang Ji's abilities, and they themselves blocked the information within a certain range.

Although I'm not optimistic that Liu Bei, the little brat who weaves mats and sells shoes, can make any waves, it will be different if Yang Ji is here. What if Yang Ji really points out another spiritually gifted awakener.

Therefore, they have been arranging spies in Taishan County to investigate Yang Ji's actions. Liu Bei has more than once caught spies sent by aristocratic families to investigate Yang Ji's news.

So when Yang Ji said he wanted to set up a laboratory in the military camp, Chen Xi, Liu Bei and the others were in favor of it. At least Yang Ji didn't have to always appear in the crowd and be caught by spies.

But who would have thought that Yang Ji could actually reduce his own presence, so Chen Xi and the others no longer restricted the scope of Yang Ji's activities. After all, you have to find Yang Ji in the crowd first.

Therefore, under the blockade that was not tacitly understood by all parties, only those at the top knew about Yang Ji's ability. The aristocratic family knew that Yang Ji had the ability to awaken people's talents.

Although the aristocratic family guessed correctly that Yang Ji can awaken people's talents, they guessed wrongly what kind of talent Yang Ji can awaken people. They don't know what the expressions of those aristocratic families will be like when they know this.

It was only after Chen Xi handed over the extraordinary secret technique to him that Lu Su knew what kind of position Yang Ji occupied in Liu Bei's side. It can be said that Yang Ji, who had developed the extraordinary organ secret technique, was now the only one among Liu Bei's forces. Under Chen Xi, even if Yang Ji does not hold any high-level positions.

So now Chen Xi and Yang Ji, the No. 2 and No. 3 figures, are conspiring together, and it seems they have encountered some difficulties that made them hesitate about their plans.

How could they not be curious? When Yang Ji set up the mental barrier, he and Chen Xi had already become the most eye-catching objects in the Government Affairs Office.

"Xianhe, can you guess what they are discussing?" Lu Su asked Jian Yong, the eldest here. After all, Jian Yong was the most familiar with Chen Xi and Yang Ji among the three of them.

Jian Yong shook his head and said that he didn't know, "If I could guess what they were discussing, I wouldn't have to help Zichuan here."

"Uncle Huber, what about you, can you guess it?" Lu Su turned around and asked Fan Qin. Although Fan Qin had only been here for a short time, he had awakened his spiritual talent after all, so he might be able to tell something.

Fan Qin glanced at the new Lu Su and felt that he still needed to give this new colleague some advice. "If you have the time to speculate here, you might as well go up and ask them directly after they have finished discussing it. With their two personalities," Fan Qin said. , most likely they will tell us directly.”

Lu Su was a little confused by Fan Qin's words. Yang Ji had already put up a mental barrier, indicating that this matter was not suitable for them to know. How could he ask it himself and they would answer it.

But seeing Jian Yong with a look of approval, Lu Su was a little shaken in his heart. Should he ask Chen Xi directly? Comparatively speaking, he was relatively familiar with Chen Xi.

"Then it's up to you to tell Duke Xuande about this?" Yang Ji said to Chen Xi while lifting the mental barrier.

Yang Ji, who didn't plan to invest too much energy in this, decided to leave this problem to Liu Bei to think about. After all, Liu Bei was a clan member of the Han Dynasty, and it was Chen Xi who was troubled, not Yang Ji.

After hearing Yang Ji's blame, Chen Xi said helplessly, "You just leave the problem to me? You made this suggestion first. No, we have to go together!"

Yang Ji raised his eyebrows, "If you hadn't given me the hint first, how could I have told you this? In the final analysis, it was you who suggested it first. At most, I just expanded it a little."

After Chen Xi heard Yang Ji's words, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Can you call it a little expanded?"

Chen Xi's original plan was just to recruit tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to threaten Jizhou after absorbing Qingzhou, and then make some extra money later after the war between Youzhou and Jizhou started. But now after Yang Ji’s "one" expansion and supplement, he is heading directly towards the goal of defeating Jizhou in the first battle. It can only be said that Yang Ji is better in terms of imagination.

"Zichuan, what were you two discussing inside just now? Why do you still need to ask the lord for instructions?" Fan Qin asked Chen Xi directly under Lu Su's surprised gaze.

Fan Qin was really surprised this time. What on earth did Chen Xi and Yang Ji discuss, and they actually reached the point where they needed to ask Liu Bei for instructions. You must know that Liu Bei gave Chen Xi the greatest decision-making power.

Liu Bei opened up complete internal political power to Chen Xi, and even opened up part of the military power to Chen Xi. In other words, Chen Xi alone can decide most of Taishan's affairs.

Now add Yang Ji, unless Liu Bei himself comes out to object, otherwise no one in Taishan County can veto their two decisions. As a result, Liu Bei needs to be notified now. What big thing happened!

Chen Xi looked at Fan Qin who spoke out and Jian Yong and Lu Su who looked curious. "It's nothing big. I just chatted with Ziyu about our next military plan."

"If you want to participate, that's not impossible." Chen Xi thought for a moment and decided to bring these people in. After all, he and Yang Ji are basically not good at filling in details.

So if you want to complete such a shocking case now, you have to find some helpers (crossed out)... to help with the details and fill in the execution details.

Fan Qin, who felt a dark wind blowing, frowned and thought of the Qingzhou strategy plan they had discussed earlier. Could it be that Yang Jiyou had come up with some magical thing.

A rune creation that is enough to drastically change the already determined Qingzhou strategy plan, or a new way to enhance the legion's combat effectiveness? If this is the case, it does need to be reported to Liu Bei.

"Ziyu, have you researched anything again?" Jian Yong also asked Yang Ji directly as if he had thought of something. It would be better to ask the person involved directly for this kind of thing.

Lu Su was very surprised when Fan Qin asked the question he wanted to know so naturally, and Chen Xi answered Fan Qin's question without any hesitation, although he only answered what was discussed.

Then Jian Yong turned the topic directly to Yang Ji, explaining that all these changes were caused by Yang Ji, and they could accurately capture this information. It seemed that he still underestimated Yang Ji's role here.

Yang Ji shook his head, "I don't have any new research projects recently. I have been training my headquarters legion, organizing soldiers to carry out literacy work, and completing some projects assigned by Zichuan.

If I have to say that my research has yielded something, it is probably that my skill in making tips has improved a lot, and I can produce several more tips in a unit of time than before. "

Yang Ji's words made everyone present except Lu Su twitch their mouths. This was something they didn't expect. Yang Ji's production speed was already ridiculous enough, but now it can be improved.

Relying on the simplest standard space expansion rune set woven by Yang Ji, coupled with the spiritual power that he has already carried his spiritual talent, plus the solidified Civic Spirit Seed.

It would take them at least a day to etch the corresponding set of space expansion runes on a piece of cloth. (Except Jian Yong, who takes longer.)

Being able to make a tip bag in one day is already their greatest ability. I didn't expect that Yang Ji could actually improve his efficiency on the original basis. It can only be said that the gap between people is really a big gap. It’s an unknown piece worth exploring.

"Hey, what day is it today? Ziyu, you came to the Government Affairs Office. Do you have anything to do?" While Chen Xi and the others were feeling sad, Liu Bei and Zhao Yun walked into the Government Affairs Office.

Zhao Yun was also a little surprised and said hello to Yang Ji. After sitting down, he looked at the newly arrived Lu Su. This man and Mi Zhu, who was running outside now, had a good reputation among their small circle of generals. .

After all, among the many invitations sent by Liu Bei, Lu Su and Mi Zhu accepted them and came over. Compared with other so-called celebrities, Lu Su and Mi Zhu's behavior was unique.

When Zhao Yun was observing Lu Su, Lu Su was also observing Zhao Yun, who was famous in Hulao Pass. Although he knew from rumors that Zhao Yun was a pretty boy, he didn't expect that he was really... young.

Liu Bei ignored the mutual observation between Lu Su and Zhao Yun. He first introduced Lu Su and Zhao Yun to each other, and then asked Yang Ji the reason for coming to the Government Affairs Office today.

After all, since Yang Ji established a laboratory in the military camp, he rarely comes to the Government Affairs Office. If there is nothing wrong, Yang Ji will not come here. This is what he said himself, although this sentence will become Just hit Yang Ji in the face with the boomerang.

"Do you have such a profound stereotype about me?" Yang Ji looked at each of them speechlessly. Why did everyone think that he came to the Government Affairs Office to either have something to do or to look for trouble?

You can't think that he just came here to sit down and miss the atmosphere when he worked here! Unfortunately, his colleagues didn't think so, which made him scratch his head.

"But since you moved out from here, every time you come here you are either in trouble or looking for trouble. Now you say you are here for vacation, who can believe you!" Chen Xi couldn't help complaining.

Yang Ji looked at the expressions of approval on the faces of the people around him, (except for Lu Su, who looked confused and didn't know anything), "Isn't that just the right time? Hey, why don't you listen to my quibbles!"


Yang Ji waved his hand and once again deployed a mental barrier around him. [It feels like the number of times mental barriers have been used has increased recently,] and murmured in his heart.

When Liu Bei saw Yang Ji's operation, his face couldn't help but become serious, "Even the mental barrier has been set up. It seems that what you brought about this time, Ziyu, is very serious!"


Mr. Xuande, it’s not me who’s causing trouble this time. Don’t just blame me. This time it’s the guy next to you who’s causing trouble! Yang Ji pointed at Chen Xi and said.

(End of this chapter)

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