Chapter 119 I wonder if I can do it

——I don’t know how I became the commander of the Grand Army. I just thought I could do it, and then I——I did it.

"Being able to command more than a certain number of troops and maintain the organizational strength of a group army during combat is only a basic ability of commanding a large army.

This is also a hard standard for becoming a commander of a large army. If the troops you can command cannot meet the corresponding standards, then you cannot be called a commander of a large army.

Even if you can lead your own headquarters to surround hundreds of thousands of people on the opposite side, you cannot be called a commander of a large army, because your own command bonus can only be added to your own headquarters army, and for group armies other than your headquarters army. There isn't much command bonus.

This kind of command bonus refers to the use of multi-line command operations to give full play to one's own strength advantages, using the majority of one's own forces to surround and annihilate the opponent's small number of forces, in order to achieve the effect of bullying the weak. "

In fact, Yang Ji himself doesn't know much about what the basic abilities of commanding a large army include, but he knows what abilities he has now.

"Does being a commander of a large army only require command ability?" Chen Xi thought of some of the content he had read, and already had a clearer impression of commanding a large army.

"Of course it's not just about commanding ability. If you just rely on commanding ability, you won't be able to become the commander of a large army. There are many people who can command more than a certain number of troops.

Perhaps such a person should be equipped with an auxiliary person who can identify the battlefield situation, determine the location of the opponent's command nodes, predict the opponent's command, and make corresponding changes according to changes in the battlefield.

It may be possible to win on a large-scale battlefield where the total force reaches a certain order of magnitude, but such people are often not called commanders of large legions. At most, they are called auxiliary string puppets. "

"In other words, the basic abilities required to become a commander of a large army are to be able to command more than a certain number of troops, and to be able to identify changing battlefield situations, judge command nodes, command prejudgments, and make corresponding decisions based on changes in the battlefield?"

Chen Xi finally concluded that although he knew that this was not all the requirements for becoming a commander of a large army, but now even the real commander of the large army, Yang Ji, could not fully express the specific requirements, so don’t expect him, Chen Xi, to be able to tell about the army. The command is all summed up.

Yang Ji thought for a while and agreed with Chen Xi's summary, "I don't know much about the specific needs of commanding the army, and what Zichuan said is just my own feeling.

You can just use it as a reference. When you encounter an army commander in the future, don't rigidly apply it, although the basic abilities of every army commander are basically the same.

But people are inherently different. The foundation of others is not necessarily my own foundation. It may also be my own limit. This is all uncertain. "

"By the way, Ziyu, what is the minimum number of troops required to command a large army?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji.

Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi, "It must be at least fifty thousand people, and it needs to extend at least twenty command lines to be called a commander of a large army. These two conditions are the mandatory conditions for becoming a commander of a large army.

Generally speaking, those who can command more than 50,000 people can basically extend twenty command lines, so these two conditions are basically treated as one condition. "

"What is the line of command?" Chen Xi once again asked Yang Ji his question. This question was also the question of most people present. Fortunately, Chen Xi directly asked this question on their behalf.

"The line of command is the combat order that you can convey and be carried out by the soldiers on the front line. The number of lines of command determines how many troops you can mobilize on the battlefield at the same time to accomplish your tactical goals, which is the so-called multi-line command. "

Just as Chen Xi wanted to speak, Yang Ji spoke first. Yang Ji ignored Chen Xi's resentful eyes and said directly, "I only have twenty-five command lines, which can only be regarded as a barely qualified level."

After listening to Yang Ji's words, Chen Xi said thoughtfully, "In other words, the commander's command needs to be extended to the front-line centurions to be considered a complete line of command?

But didn’t you say that your command comfort zone is about 100,000 people? If there are twenty-five command lines, not only can they command twenty-five centurions, that is, only 2,500 people. How can it be 100,000? "

After Yang Ji heard Chen Xi's question, he said angrily, "Is there something wrong with your ears? The number of command lines limits the number of troops I can dispatch at the same time. It does not mean that I can only mobilize so many troops on the battlefield. troops!"

Looking at the confused people, Yang Ji thought for a moment and used an example that everyone could understand, "Let me tell you this, the total force you can command is your total mental capacity.

The command line is the instantaneous output of your mental power. The instantaneous output determines the maximum output power of your mental talent. That is, what kind of effect the instant burst of mental talent can produce depends on the instantaneous output.

The number of command lines limits the instantaneous output, not the total force you can command. The essence of the two cannot be confused. Can you understand? "

Fan Qin and Chen Xi looked at each other, and Chen Xi continued, "Don't we understand if you said this earlier? There is no need for us to guess here."

Chen Xi's words made Yang Ji a little nervous. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Yang Ji was worried that once he spoke his mind, he might be beaten by the people here.

Yang Ji, who originally wanted to say more, suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. He just sat on the chair and watched silently as Chen Xi and the others discussed matters about the command of the army.

"Hey, Ziyu, why didn't you speak?" Chen Xi suddenly found that Yang Ji's voice was missing from the discussion. When he turned around, he saw Yang Ji sitting on a chair drinking tea quietly, without thinking at all. Signs to participate in discussion.

This is not possible. Regarding the command of the army, only Yang Ji knows best now. If Yang Ji does not participate in the discussion, they will not be able to discuss anything.

Yang Ji raised his head and glanced at Chen Xi expressionlessly, and sighed. He couldn't help but wonder why he was deceived by Chen Xi into boarding the ship in the first place.

At that time, I was really naive. I actually believed in the characterization in the novel and naively thought that Chen Xi was just a little white flower. Now I have finally suffered the tricks from the adult world.

Yang Ji held the tea cup with both hands, feeling the hotness from the tea, and said helplessly, "I don't know what to say, I only know so much about commanding the army.

If you really want to know more relevant knowledge, I suggest you go to Master Lu. After all, he is a serious army commander, although he is just a beginner.

But after all, Master Lu has received a serious military inheritance. Compared with a wild army commander like me who relies purely on intuition and grew up in barbarism, his knowledge is a systematic military knowledge, and it is more suitable for you. Such a noob. Chen Xi blinked, "Isn't Master Lu currently studying extraordinary secrets in the academy? We can't go directly to trouble him, not to mention you're not here now."

But is what you just said true? Do you really not know more about the situation? "Chen Xi questioned Yang Ji, somewhat suspecting that Yang Ji was perfunctory with them.

Yang Ji was a little helpless. He knew he wouldn't be here today, but now he has nothing to do. "I don't rely on professional military knowledge to command operations.

I have always relied on my own intuition and my own rune attainments to command the army in combat. What I tell you is a summary of everything I have learned in the military.

I can no longer acquire any decent military knowledge unless I go to Master Lu to learn basic military theories and transform my military understanding into general military terminology. "

Although Yang Ji himself has truly grown into a large army commander, if you want him to publish any theoretical research results in related aspects, then you are looking down on him.

Yang Ji's ability to become an army commander did not rely on his military knowledge and understanding, but on his own intuition, which is the legendary talent party.

Whenever there are some subtle changes in the battlefield situation, Yang Ji's intuition will always detect the changes first, and then his brain will belatedly aware of the changes on the battlefield.

In order to cooperate with his own intuition, and at the same time to avoid being caught by those legion generals who are full of execution and action, and then be taken away with one move.

In such an environment, Yang Ji's commanding style could not help but adopt the style of military situation. In other words, Yang Ji was proficient in the two combat methods of military yin and yang and military situation.

Every time before a war, Yang Ji would equip his soldiers with the necessary talent formations to improve the morale and combat effectiveness of his soldiers. Of course, now that Yang Ji has the legion talent, he no longer needs to arrange the corresponding talent formations. What kind of talent you want to bless, you can just issue an order and it will be done.

Then he used his own army as the vanguard to tear up the battle line, and the two wing armies withstood the enemy forces on the left and right sides. Then the strongest head army violently tore open the enemy's defense line, and then commanded the central army to enter the field and dismantle the enemy's defenses. Command nodes gradually erode the enemy's effective strength.

Yang Ji's battle consisted of three steps. First, the main army went up to tear up the front, then the left and right wing armies went up to expand the front. Then the Chinese army stepped forward to take over from the main army to suppress the enemy while dismantling the command nodes. This cycle gradually eroded the enemy.

Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji dumbly. He really didn't expect that Yang Ji relied on his own intuition when commanding the battle. Isn't this the legendary military situation.

Coupled with Yang Ji's ability to rub talents on the spot, isn't this the perfect yin and yang of soldiers? However, Yang Ji is different from those commanders who need to mobilize the will of his soldiers. Yang Ji can really give different blessings to his soldiers.

Moreover, it is a bit incredible that Yang Ji can command a total force of more than 100,000 in this way, and he can also extend his command ability to 25 command lines.

"So, can your intuition also extend twenty-five lines of command?" Chen Xi chuckled and said to Yang Ji, although Bing Situation also has the ability to command a certain number of armies.

But they don't have more than 20 command lines like Yang Ji. Their fighting style is one word, and the word "reckless" runs through their command careers.

Although they also command a certain number of armies, their command method is to take the lead and charge upward, or their own army leads them and the army to charge upward. They will not extend their command to hundreds of people like Yang Ji. Team.

Yang Ji was silent, and then he lay flat on his back. They could guess whatever they wanted. Anyway, he didn't know how he became the commander of the army. He just thought he could do it, and then he did it. .

"Ziyu, don't be silent. Tell us more about the command of the army." Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji speechlessly as he lay flat on his back.

I really can’t figure out why Yang Ji fell flat and died so easily. Oh, by the way, I didn’t seem to have the words ‘lay flat and rotten’ at that time.

Yang Ji said in a muffled voice, "What can I say? Could it be that I told you that I could become the commander of the army just because I thought I could do it, and then I did it?"

Liu Bei and others: "..." Look, are these still human words? If we weren't all colleagues, otherwise everyone would have picked up the chair under their buttocks and knocked it directly on Yang Ji's head. Anyway, Yang Ji Now that the inner energy has left the body, it cannot be destroyed at all.

Chen Xi opened his mouth. Isn't this just making trouble for himself? If he had known it earlier, he wouldn't have asked. "Well, since we don't even know, then we won't ask." So as not to ask again. What truth makes me feel unbalanced.

When Yang Ji was lying down, Chen Xi exchanged information with Liu Bei and others with their eyes, and decided to give up talking about these things with Yang Ji, lest Yang Ji would show up later and make them lament the gap between people. words come.

Chen Xi released his mental power and poked at the mental power barrier that Yang Ji had put up, hitting the formation hole left by Yang Ji and lifting the mental power barrier.

Chen Xi turned around and said to Yang Ji expressionlessly, "Ziyu, it's time for you to go back and train the soldiers. It's better not to stay here. We still have some things to discuss."

After Yang Ji heard Chen Xi's ruthless voice, he just stood up and prepared to leave the government affairs office that could not accommodate him. At the same time, he muttered, "You guys are so ruthless. You just throw them away after use. You want to eat some meat when you are killing a donkey." .”

"What are you mumbling about?" Chen Xi appeared behind Yang Ji, hanging his head on Yang Ji's shoulder just like a scene that often appears in TV dramas.

Feeling the cold wind blowing by his ears, Yang Ji jumped away without even looking back and trotted away from the Government Affairs Office. Otherwise, he would really be pressed to the ground and rubbed by these envious and jealous guys. .

After seeing Yang Ji leave the Government Affairs Office, everyone who was still looking fierce slumped down on their chairs, covered their faces with their palms, and shook their heads.

Chen Xi sat on the chair again and put his hand on his forehead, "Is this the fatal blow that the god of learning will deal to the scumbag who has a little bit of thought?"

(End of this chapter)

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