The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 121 The recruitment order from Mount Tai

Chapter 121 The recruitment order from Mount Tai

——Our meeting today has two themes. One is to sort out the affairs after we take over Taishan, and the other is to discuss and decide on next year’s work policy. —Chen Xi

When Yang Ji walked to the gate of the side hall dedicated to meetings, Xu Chu was already standing guard outside the gate of the side hall, and there were even tiger guards led by Xu Chu scattered around.

"Hey, Zhongkang, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your strength has improved a lot. It seems that they are all here," Yang Ji greeted Xu Chu.

Xu Chu patted his head honestly, "This is all thanks to the gravity bracelet you made for me, Ziyu." Xu Chu showed Yang Ji the gravity bracelet on his wrist.

"All the people who are qualified to participate in the meeting have arrived. Now you are the only one missing. Come in quickly and don't keep them waiting." Xu Chu opened the door and said to Yang Ji.

Yang Ji nodded to Xu Chu, then walked straight through the door and walked into the side hall. At the same time, he was still thinking that Xu Chu's performance today was really very different from before.

If it were Xu Chu in the past, he would probably have just opened the door and let Yang Ji in instead of saying a few words to Yang Ji at the door. Moreover, the Xu Chu in the past couldn't say what he just said.

After Yang Ji walked in, he saw a long table in the middle, just like the current conference room. Yang Ji glanced at it and saw that everything that should come had already arrived.

Liu Bei sat at the top of the table, and the rest were divided into civil and military officials on both sides. The civil servants' side was already full, and there was only one empty chair at the top of the table on the general's side.

Yang Jicai didn't care whether he was classified as a civil servant or a military general, as long as he remembered to leave a seat for himself, it was true. Although he didn't know why he was classified as a military general.

After sitting down, Yang Jicai discovered that Xu Shu was actually here, and he was still sitting next to the civil servants. Although he was sitting at the bottom of the table, being able to sit here actually represented the will of Liu Bei and Chen Xi.

Chen Xi stood up and saluted Liu Bei first, then scanned the audience, "Since Ziyu has arrived, let's officially start today's meeting.

There are two themes for today's meeting. One is to sort out the specific affairs after we take over Taishan this year, and the other is to discuss and decide on the major policies for next year. "Chen Xi wrote the two themes of today's meeting with chalk on the blackboard.

"Let's talk about our current situation first. Since we took over Mount Tai in May, we have taken in a large number of refugees with work-for-relief services..." Chen Xi slowly told them about their achievements after taking over Mount Tai. Everyone present was excited. It was a proud smiling face.

"The above is what we have achieved in the past four months," Chen Xi put down the report in his hand. At the same time, the blackboard was filled with keywords that Chen Xi had detected.

"Thank you again, Zichuan, for your help." After listening to Chen Xi's work report, Liu Bei finally had a clearer understanding of his territory.

It's not that Liu Bei didn't know the changes in Mount Tai before, but in the face of the data listed by Chen Xi, Liu Bei could more intuitively feel how big the changes in Mount Tai were.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, Mr. Xuande. Five hundred thousand people and ten million stones of food are barely enough." Chen Xi said helplessly.

With his ability, he can only achieve this level at this stage. Even with Zhao Yun, he traveled all over Mount Tai and taught some planting techniques to increase production to the people.

However, the limitations of population, cultivated land area, and improved varieties have already determined that Mount Tai's grain output will not be too high this year, which will barely meet Chen Xi's plan.

In addition, the ten million dan of grain is just for grain production. It does not mean that the taxes they collect are so much. According to the farming order made by Zhao Yun, the tax rate is 40% in the first three years, and then resumes 30% of the tax rate.

In other words, the current grain output of Taishan County is 10 million dan, and the tax they can collect is about 4 million to 4.5 million dan of grain.

And because there are no middlemen to scratch the bones, they can only get so much tax, and after the people pay the tax, what is left is all the people's own rations.

With these four million stones of grain entering the warehouse, many of Chen Xi's plans have a basis for execution. Although the plan can be implemented by purchasing Xuzhou's grain.

But this is food. In troubled times, only food is the real hard currency. Buying food from other people is ultimately a castle in the air. As long as others remove this beam, the Taishan County they finally built will really be lost. Give it to someone else.

With these four million grains, their plan for Qingzhou can officially begin, although they have also sent people to various places in Qingzhou to mix sand.

But because his foundation has not been laid firmly, Chen Xi doesn't really want to fill it with too much bait. Now Chen Xi is looking for stability. As long as he can survive the days when his family has no food output, then the rest will fall into place. That’s all.

"Four million stones of food is enough to support our harvest until next summer. Even if we include the refugees in Qingzhou, we can still survive." Chen Xi directly defined the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou as refugees.

After all, they are all a group of wanderers on the land of Qingzhou. They have no stable residence and no self-sufficient large-scale wandering gang. They are not refugees. How can they be rebels? Don't be kidding.

"In the process of conquering Qingzhou, my suggestion is to build wherever we conquer. The same goes for Zilong's farming order. Then we will be in trouble for Zilong."

Chen Xi put down the report in his hand and said to Zhao Yun seriously. This time Zhao Yun can be said to be wearing two hats. He has to perform his duties as a general and at the same time as a field commander.

But for Zhao Yun, these are not big problems. After all, as a person with inner energy separated from the body and awakened spiritual talent, he has such awesome ability to withstand pressure.

Although Zhao Yun still has the spiritual talent to awaken, it is only for a few days. He is waiting for the autumn grain harvest to be completed, which is when Zhao Yun awakens.

Zhao Yun nodded, "Will the refugees gathered at that time be placed directly in the field camp, or will there be other arrangements?" Zhao Yun also followed Chen Xi's words and called the armed gangs wandering in Qingzhou land refugees.

Chen Xi looked through the report in his hand and said to Zhao Yun, "It's better to settle them in your field camp. After all, you still have to give these refugees something to do to eliminate their alertness, otherwise they will really... The land turned into armed gangs.”

While Yang Ji was listening carefully to Chen Xi's report, he was thinking about other things. It wasn't that Yang Ji didn't want to hear the data, but that Yang Ji was indifferent to these things.

After all, Yang Ji was just an ordinary person in his previous life. Even if he could know these data from news reports on TV, he only knew it. As for making him understand the meaning behind these data, then don't Overthink it.

The secrets hidden in it are not something that ordinary people like Yang Ji can study and understand, and these things are too far away from the daily life of Yang Ji as an ordinary civilian. It is not what Yang Ji should focus on, what he should focus on is his own day. Have you earned enough money to eat?

Even if there is an opportunity to learn this knowledge now, or Chen Xi is happy to teach Yang Ji this knowledge, because if Yang Ji can learn even a little bit, he can leave some related matters to Yang Ji to handle. . It's a pity that Yang Ji is not interested in this knowledge. If he has time, he might as well deduce how to extend the existing mental power system, so that people who major in mental power can also achieve the sixth realm similar to the martial arts golden elixir. exist.

Yang Ji was thinking about whether warriors in this world can condense a martial arts golden elixir when they are in the sixth realm, then whether those who major in spiritual power can also condense a special 'Dao Fruit'.

Then Yang Ji heard Chen Xi talking about business competition, how to manipulate the aristocratic family, and then extended from the aristocratic family to Xun Yu, who was under Cao Cao's command.

And he shamelessly said that he had to join forces with Lu Su to compete with Xun Yu. After talking about Xun Yu's abilities, he talked about Xun Yu's connections.

In short, he belittled his ability to the point of complete disgrace, making Xun Yu look like a 'god-man', while he himself was just an ordinary person with some ability.

Then the poor plan appeared, "Since the talents of the aristocratic families will not be used by us, then we will invite talented people from all over the world to join Mount Tai!" Chen Xi stood up from the chair and saluted Liu Bei.

"Please Xuande Gong issue a recruitment order to recruit talents from all over the world, regardless of origin, only ask for talents!" Chen Xi's voice made everyone present feel Chen Xi's determination.

Except for Yang Ji and Liu Bei, everyone present was shocked by Chen Xi's recruitment order. Especially Lu Su and Fan Qin, who had already realized that if this recruitment order really spread throughout the world, they would Maybe he really dies from his family.

Fan Qin was just stunned for a moment, and then stood firmly beside his brother-in-law, firmly supporting Liu Bei in issuing this recruitment order, even though he was the only son of aristocratic family present.

But the ability of Chen Xi alone is enough to overthrow the entire Han Dynasty family, not to mention the inexperienced Yang Jizhu. Now the military and politics are all in his hands. What can those aristocratic families do to compete with them?

Although the rest of the people don't know what kind of impact the Han Dynasty will have after issuing the talent recruitment order, they know what the talent introduction policy that the Han Dynasty has been implementing.

The imperial examination system, a system that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of the Han Dynasty since it was perfected by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was later controlled by aristocratic families. Now Chen Xi actually wants to use the recruitment order to break the monopoly of the aristocratic families. How not to shock them.

Liu Bei smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew very well that once he issued this recruitment order, it would mean that he had broken the recommendation system that had been in place for four hundred years, or in other words, twelve hundred years.

Although he is not the first prince to break this recommendation, the current world has just changed from a world of military nobles to a world of aristocratic families.

But if he doesn't have the courage to break the existing rules and rebuild the world, how can he realize his desire to rebuild the Han family's world, as well as the ideals of everyone here...

Liu Bei looked at Chen Xi who looked determined and said softly, "Zichuan, let me draw up the recruitment order."

Chen Xi moved his lips, but still didn't say anything. He just nodded lightly to Liu Bei, and then looked at Lu Su, who was still tugging at his sleeves, and Fan Qin, who looked indifferent.

Chen Xi said, "Xuan Degong was not the first person to do this. Someone had done this long ago in history. Qin Xiaogong's order to recruit talents was exchanged for Shang Yang's reform, which directly eliminated the seven hundred years of chaos since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. .”

Chen Xi looked at Lu Su, who was still holding on to his sleeve and refused to let go, and once again mentioned a famous figure, "King Yan Zhao built a golden platform to recruit talents from all over the world, and he only promoted talents. Then Qi State... Zijing, you Let’s talk”

Lu Su was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing, and quickly let go of Chen Xi's sleeves, "Ahem, the Yan State was so weak that it was once attacked and destroyed by the Qi State.

King Yan Zhao, who succeeded to the throne, could only look at the ruined capital and sigh. It was so difficult to change the status quo of the weak Yan State, and the wise men in the world only came in and out of the Qi State, and would not be nostalgic for the weak Yan State.

King Yan Zhao had no choice but to build a high platform and invite wise men from all over the world. Guo Wei offered money to buy horse bones. Then the wise men from all over the world recognized King Yan Zhao's sincerity, so Le Yi, Zou Yan, and Ju Xin entered the Yan Kingdom. After that, the Qi State was almost defeated by Le Yi. It’s a matter of attack and destruction. "

After Lu Su threw out the messy thoughts in his mind, he directly threw out a basket of historical allusions, demonstrating his ease with historical allusions.

At the same time, it also let people present who were not aware of the second example know the story of Golden Platform. As for the story of Shang Yang's reform, it is so classic that even Zhang Fei can tell it clearly.

After Lu Su was awakened by Chen Xi just now, he just thought that Chen Xi asked him to tell these historical allusions so that he could leave a good impression in other people's minds.

I didn't expect that this was because Chen Xi was not familiar with the history. He only knew that this person existed, but he couldn't deal with people and things.

When Yang Ji heard the names from Lu Su's mouth, it seemed that the only ones he knew were Le Yi and Zou Yan. After all, these two people had appeared in textbooks.

As for the other people who appeared in Lu Su's mouth, Yang Ji was not very familiar with them. He had a feeling that he had seen this name somewhere but felt strange at the same time.

"Please remember, Mr. Xuande, that there are many talented people in the world. The Jixia Academy of Qi State claims to have attracted all the talented people in the world. However, when King Yanzhao paid homage to General Le Yi on the Golden Platform, the great Qi State blocked the way. The weak Yan State could not survive and was almost destroyed.

Our situation now is very similar to that of King Yan Zhao. The talents of the Han Dynasty seem to be completely attracted by the aristocratic families, but I am sure that as long as you issue the recruitment order, there will be some talented people who can't stand the behavior of the aristocratic families and help us. Defeat the counterattack from the aristocratic family and rebuild the world of the Han Dynasty! "

Chen Xi stood up and saluted Liu Bei, "Please give the order to Duke Xuande!"

Lu Su stood up, took a deep breath, and also saluted, "Please give the order to Duke Xuande!"

Yang Ji stood up and made a little loud noise. Others who were still immersed in Lu Su's story woke up, and then said in unison:

"Please give the order, my lord, to invite talented people from all over the world to Mount Tai!"

 At the end of September in the year 190, Liu Bei, the general of Anton, issued an order to recruit talents from all over the world to Mount Tai, regardless of their origins or past, only their talents and virtues. Five hundred years after the reign of Queen Yan Zhao, the second volume of the Recruitment Order appeared. (Excerpted from Chapter of "The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms", "Order to Recruit Talents")

  When can I write such a sentence? Hey.



(End of this chapter)

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