Chapter 129 Gathering

——Most of the bandits in Yongzhou have now been incorporated by us, and now we are the largest bandit leaders in Yongzhou. —Hua Xiong

"Zijian, what are Zichuan's plans for your trip to Chang'an?" Yang Ji asked Hua Xiong boredly. It's already December, and the weather in Yongzhou has already turned cold. .

However, Yang Ji's inner energy was separated from the body after all, so it was only a mere sub-zero temperature, and there was no way to break through his inner energy defense, but those soldiers did not have this ability.

So they are currently sleeping in a bandit's den on a certain mountain in Yongzhou. It is still too cold outside for these ordinary soldiers.

Of course, the Terrorist Battalion under Hua Xiong does not have such worries. After all, all the Terrorist Battalions are now soldiers with internal energy. Although the internal energy is not condensed much, at least the first wave of internal energy is there. .

Therefore, the soldiers of Terror Camp are currently training outside during the winter period. With the help of Torch, these soldiers are not the same as before. As long as Hua Xiong is away, they will become stragglers.

Now they are no different from normal soldiers, unless someone can eradicate the elite talents they currently have from the will of the legion.

Otherwise, based on the longing for the torch in the hearts of these soldiers, even if Sima Yi's Jedi Heavenly Power comes, there is no way to directly extinguish the torch in their hearts. At most, the function of the torch will be reduced to a dog. After all, it comes from the hearts of the soldiers. The deepest fear cannot be eliminated by external means.

And now Hua Xiong, under the guidance of Yang Ji, has trained the talent of Torch Fire into the instinctive skills of the soldiers. In the future, even if someone can really eliminate the fear of the soldiers' internal energy, they will not be able to erase the skills they have trained them to. skills.

That is because the Terrorist Camp has been able to carry elite talents for too short a time, and their quality, will, and understanding of talents have not reached the standards that can smelt talents. Otherwise, Yang Ji would have taught them the skills of smelting talents.

Speaking of which, the concentration of the essence of heaven and earth is insufficient now. Otherwise, Yang Ji would have stimulated their elite talents to the extreme and strengthened the quality of the soldiers by overflowing the talent intensity and feeding back the physical quality of the soldiers.

Although the current concentration of heaven and earth essence can barely implement this method, the required talent intensity is a bit outrageous. Even if Yang Ji can do it, the current soldiers cannot bear the talent overflow of this intensity.

As for the talent merging method, it does not apply to Hua Xiong and Yang Ji. After all, Hua Xiong has not yet found his own legion talent, and Yang Ji wants to use his own legion talent to harvest the legion's elite talents.

So now they can only familiarize themselves with and refine their elite talents through training. After all, it is better to improve in training than to improve their skills on the battlefield.

The Yongzhou bandits who were recruited by Yang Ji Huaxiong and the others did not have the ability to withstand the cold. With the organizational skills of these people, it was good enough to gather in a group to keep each other warm.

But Yang Ji is not a devil after all. It is impossible for them to work outside in the cold weather to repair the bandit village nested in the mountains. After all, Yang Ji and Hua Xiong brought more than 6,500 people to this village. Its original size cannot be expanded at all.

Therefore, in order to have more space for himself and give these bandits a place to spend their energy, Yang Ji organized these bandits to expand and repair the entire village.

After Hua Xiong's raids for a period of time, Hua Xiong and the others have now collected most of the bandits in Yongzhou. The mountain top where they are located alone has gathered more than 6,000 bandits, plus the bandits they brought with them. People and horses, almost thirteen thousand people and horses have gathered here.

However, with so many people gathered in one place, the little food Hua Xiong and the others brought was not enough to eat. If it weren’t for the one hundred thousand stones of tribute food in the warehouse that suppressed the hearts of the thieves, otherwise the thieves would The bandits have rebelled long ago.

However, it was an official tribute, and it was not something they could use casually. Therefore, in order to solve the food problem, Hua Xiong took these thieves out to do some side business and recruited other thieves in Yongzhou. .

Until now, most of the bandits in Yongzhou have been recruited by Hua Xiong. Of course, they are the kind of people who serve as cannon fodder. However, Yang Ji still selected some soldiers who are more in line with their mainstream values ​​​​in Taishan to add to the two of them. Under his command.

By now, Hua Xiong's men have been replenished to a strength of 4,500, and Yang Ji's men have been replenished to a strength of just over 2,000. If Yang Ji's requirements were not strict, the strength of his men would have to be 4,000. Thousands upwards.

After all, this is a legion that wants to be Habayashi's substitute players. Now that there are choices, Yang Ji will of course have to carefully screen them, although it is strange to select Habayashi's substitutes from among the bandits.

But when there are more people, there will always be some existence beyond one's knowledge, such as thieves and bandits who adhere to morality. There are so many people gathered in the village now. Who would be willing to go up the mountain to become a bandit if they can survive.

So under Yang Ji's organization, these thieves were able to activate cloud energy. The Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou had to exceed a certain scale to activate cloud energy, but they only had more than 6,000 people and they were able to activate cloud energy...

However, if they can turn on the cloud gas, they can also save Hua Xiong and Yang Ji's men the consumption of cloud gas. After all, if they can pay the heating bill themselves, it is better to let them pay it themselves.

Hua Xiong, who was observing the training of his subordinates, heard Yang Ji's voice behind him and turned to look at Yang Ji. He still can't understand why Yang Ji allowed those bandits to activate the cloud energy.

You know, although the food of these bandits is better than that of the Yellow Turbans all over Qingzhou, in fact it is just like that. Logically speaking, a group of such soldiers cannot activate the cloud energy at all.

After all, the qi extracted from food has been used to maintain life. Where is the excess qi used to form clouds? Although even people who are about to starve to death will release trace amounts of qi, but six thousand people Just wanting to turn on the clouds on such a large scale, isn’t this just whimsical?

But reality tells Hua Xiong that he is the only one who has a whim. For people like Yang Ji, even ants would probably let them turn on the cloud energy.

Hua Xiong sighed, "You should have already guessed what Zichuan asked me to do. Why are you still asking me? If you have this time, you might as well train the legion you just formed."

"It's enough to have Huo Ying to train with him. With his current ability, it's enough to train with some basic subjects." Yang Ji glanced at the soldiers who were also training in the snow under the leadership of Huo Ying.

Hua Xiong hesitated for a moment, "Wolf Cavalry is a cavalry after all. Is it really okay to train with infantry drills?"

Yang Ji shook his head, "What's the problem? It's just basic physical training now, not to mention there are no horses now, so even if I want to do cavalry training, I don't have to train."

However, I have received news that there may be three or four thousand horses for sale in Yongzhou. Who do you think is the most suspicious of these horses that need to be sold in Yongzhou? Yang Ji changed his voice and told Hua Xiong the news he had received.

Although this news was dug out by Yang Ji from the depths of his own memory, it does not mean that his intelligence ability is really that strong, but Yang Ji did not lie about military information. After all, someone in Yongzhou really wants to take action with three to four thousand people. horses. Hua Xiong frowned, and then sneered, "There are only two or three forces capable of taking action on horses of this size now, and the only ones who need to take action in Yongzhou are the iron cavalry and the wolf cavalry.

However, the Wolf Cavalry is under the care of Gao Shun and Zhang Liao, so there is no possibility of taking action on the horse that depends on it, and Zhi Ran and A Duo are not in Chang'an now.

Who else could sell their horses under such circumstances? The only ones in Chang'an would be the cavalrymen. "At the end, Hua Xiong's words were full of weakness.

Have the Xiliang cavalry, who were once so proud, fallen to this point? I don’t know how big the gap is between them, who were once known as the best cavalry in the world, and the cavalry under their own command.

A cold and stern look appeared on Hua Xiong's face. Since they had abandoned their pride as Xiliang Cavalry, don't blame him for taking back the assets belonging to Xiliang Cavalry from them.

After gathering himself, Hua Xiong said to Yang Ji, "Do you know where their transaction place is? Since we are pretending to be bandits now, it shouldn't be a problem to do something related to bandits, right?"

Yang Ji looked at Hua Xiong with a strange expression. Why did he always feel that Hua Xiong's words were mixed with a bit of gnashing of teeth and a feeling of hatred, and even a hint of loss.

Yang Ji shook his head, "I just received the news. As for their trading location and trading time, I don't know. You need to collect the information yourself."

Hua Xiong was a little surprised, but he quickly thought of what Yang Ji wanted to do, "Don't you want to enter Chang'an City at this time?

No~, if you leave now, I won't be able to manage the entire village. Otherwise, you should wait for a while and then go in with me. "

Hua Xiong really wanted Yang Ji to follow him and wait until the time specified by Chen Xi before heading to Chang'an City. This was not only about the management of these 13,000 people, but also about Yang Ji's safety.

You must know that Chang'an City is in a lot of chaos now. Although it is still relatively easy to see on the surface due to the suppression of Xiliang Iron Cavalry and Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry, there is no way to stop the dark things in private, or Said no one wanted to care.

Yang Ji shook his head, "No, for me, it's the same no matter when I go in, after all, no one will notice me.

If you can't manage the people in the village, you can go to Huo Ying, and he will help you. Although his management level is not good, he is still better than you, a guy who only knows military management. "

Hua Xiong was about to speak when he was interrupted by Yang Ji, "Okay, don't persuade me. Since you know you can't persuade me, you don't need to persuade me. You have to use people when it's time to use them. Don't let go when the time comes." No shame."

"You can go if you want, but at least you have to bring a few people with you, otherwise you don't want me to agree to your report of leaving the team. After all, I am the highest officer of this team."

Hua Xiong is very tough, even saying that he is the supreme commander of this operation. Although he is indeed the supreme commander of this team, he just does not usually use the power given by Chen Xi. .

Now that it was all said and done, Yang Ji had to agree with Hua Xiong's suggestion, "You can ask me to bring a few people with you, but I need to designate who I want to bring."

"Okay, who do you want to take with you?" Hua Xiong thought for a while and agreed to Yang Ji's conditions. If he still disagreed, Yang Ji would have disappeared right under his nose.

"You Fang, Lu Yang, and Wang Teng, that's it for these three people. You should let them go, right?" Yang Ji looked at Hua Xiong with a smile on his face, and now he finally found a chance to transfer these three people. Under his own command.

Hua Xiong almost laughed out loud and cursed with a smile, "No wonder you helped them rename them. They were waiting here. I finally had a few masters under my command, but now you have to take them away again." "

Yang Ji said with disdain, "What kind of master has finally appeared? Do you think I don't know what is happening to the elite backbone and soldiers under your command? Do you need me to count them for you?"

"No, Ziyu," Hua Xiong quickly stopped Yang Ji from continuing, "I didn't say no, I will transfer them to your command right now!"

Although most of the soldiers in his infantry legion were just newcomers who had just introduced Qi into their bodies, only a small number of elite backbones had completed the condensation of internal Qi, and the backbone of the Qi masters had been taken away by Yang Ji.

But he didn't mention his cavalry legion. You must know that with the blessing of Yang Ji's Qi-entraining military formation, his cavalry legion is now full of internal support, and there are even more than a dozen backbones who have become powerful through Qi training.

In the end, Wang Teng and the three of them fell under Yang Ji's command. When Yang Ji goes to Chang'an City tomorrow, the three of them will serve as Yang Ji's bodyguards, although their strength is not enough in front of Yang Ji.

However, yes and no, are two different things!

"By the way, how are you going to deal with Lu Bu then? Lu Bu is not easy to communicate with." Although Chen Xi didn't know the purpose of sending Yang Ji to Chang'an, the Yulin Wolf Cavalry reserve force prepared by Yang Ji, he Still know what to use it for.

While Yang Ji was packing his things, although there was nothing to pack, he answered Hua Xiong's question, "Although the leader of the trapped camp is Lu Bu, the military soul of the trapped camp was not shaped by Lu Bu.

What's more... In short, Lu Bu will agree, so there's no way he can't agree. "

Hua Xiong was even more confused, "I know that Gao Shun is the creator of the trapped camp, but the commander-in-chief of Bingzhou is Lu Bu after all. If we can't convince Lu Bu, even Gao Shun won't mobilize the power of his military soul to help us render the soldiers we prepared." Transform into a wolf rider?"

Yang Ji sneered, "The generals in Bingzhou must be suffering and struggling in their hearts right now, otherwise they wouldn't sit back and watch Lu Bu fall into gentleness, and Lu Bu himself wouldn't be able to let himself fall!"




(End of this chapter)

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