The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 13 Preparations before the night attack

Chapter 13 Preparations before the night attack
Dong Zhuo's pre-war meeting

"My child, please rush to Hulao's aid and ask your adoptive father for permission."

Lu Bu once again put forward his request for a battle at the table. He already knew that Hua Xiong broke through at Hulao Pass, but he was still killed by the master of the coalition army with three swords.

Hua Xiong, who was able to kill with three swords after breaking through, was already considered a master in Lu Bu's eyes and was worthy of him killing him himself.

Dong Zhuo waved his hand nonchalantly, signaling Lu Bu not to worry, and then looked at his most trusted adviser Li Ru, asking him to come up with a solution for him.

"There is no problem with General Xu Rong guarding Hulao Pass, but behind us, Han Sui incited the Qiang people to rebel again."

"Although there are two generals, Li Jue and Guo Si, blocking the way, the number of Qiang people is still a bit too large."

"It would be better to transfer General Xu from Hulao back to guard the rear. With General Xu's ability, he will definitely not cause the Qiang rebellion to cause any waves."

"The Prime Minister personally led the army to fight against the coalition forces of the Kwantung princes in Hulao. This time the Prime Minister's action will surely make the princes in the world realize the strength of the Prime Minister, so that the princes will not dare to resist the Prime Minister again."

Li Ru gave an indifferent solution that Dong Zhuo didn't want subconsciously, but who made him accustomed to Li Ru's suggestion over the years.

"That's it. Then transfer Xu Rong to Hangu Pass, and the generals will follow me to Hulao Pass to meet with the Guandong rat generals."

Dong Zhuo almost didn't think about it and directly agreed to Li Ru's proposal.

[Can the princes of Guandong really not be able to suppress even Xu Rong?Wouldn't it be enough to add [-] troops to Xu Rong to crush the army of the Guandong princes? 】

[Does the Prime Minister really need to lead the troops there in person?Is it really necessary to dispatch Xu Rong to suppress the Qiang rebellion instigated by Han Sui? 】

Gao Shun sat behind Lu Bu and watched Dong Zhuo accept Li Ru's suggestion with an expressionless expression.

Although Gao Shun was not good enough for him to see Li Ru's plan, he knew how to command troops. He knew that Xu Rong, who commanded [-] soldiers and horses, was enough to defeat the princes of Guandong.

If you don’t understand, don’t think about it. Maybe there are some powerful people in the coalition forces, but no matter how powerful they are, can they beat us?
"Zichuan, since you know that someone will attack you, why don't you inform the other princes?"

Liu Bei looked at the rising fog gradually covering the entire coalition camp, and asked Chen Xi in confusion.

In this case, the other princes should be notified to make preparations, so as to reduce the damage to the coalition forces, or even design a wave to kill many people who came to attack in a sneak attack.

"Who will believe our statement and just rely on our guesses? These fogs may have started by themselves. Besides, who can guarantee that the enemy will take advantage of the fog to sneak attack? Even I can't guarantee it. "

"Even if the princes are notified and prepared, what will happen if the enemy does not come for a sneak attack and does come after dawn the next day?"

"If the enemy really comes for a sneak attack, how can we explain to the princes how we know that the enemy is coming for a sneak attack."

"Or maybe we guessed based on the current heavy fog that the enemy was going to attack us. Who would believe it?"

"So it's best not to notify them. If you do, it will cause a lot of trouble. Now that the princes are attacked without knowing it, they will definitely be in a hurry."

"At this time, Duke Xuande, who has been well prepared, can naturally rely on the elites of Youzhou under his command to help other princes. Isn't this your prestige?"

"And it can also make the princes owe a favor. Maybe it can be used at some time."

Hearing that there was such a method of taking chestnuts from the fire, Liu Bei could only respond silently, and then nodded, saying that he would just do it.Notifying will cause a lot of trouble, but not notifying will bring rewards. In this case, a normal person would choose not to notify.

Even Liu Bei would not refuse such a harvest. After all, in his impression, his power was not strong enough to hold on to the princes here.

It's better to choose not to notify. Who told me to have a counselor who could know Dong Zhuo's movements in advance?

"Do you need my help?" Yang Ji, who was awakened by the noise outside, saw Chen Xi and Liu Bei finishing their conversation and stepped forward to ask.

"It's better to disperse the fog directly. It will be easily dispersed if I come."

Chen Xi looked at the soldiers who were still a little confused under the command of Liu Bei. Although they were notified in advance, they were still a little panicked during the night battle. But under the command of the middle and lower-level generals, they could at least carry out the orders normally.

"You go help Xuande Gong organize the army first. I'll dispel the heavy fog here and test the depth on the other side."

After Chen Xi heard Yang Ji's words, he clenched the sword in his hand, and his eyes shone with a different light. The person opposite was most likely Li Ru, so he had to test his skills.

When Yang Ji saw Chen Xi's high-spirited look, he didn't think much about it. Instead, he thought about the previous night battles in another world, then looked at the moonlight obscured by the fog, and decided to give the soldiers the ability to sense the enemy.

Under effective command, the scattered clouds gathered above their heads, forming a large cloud that enveloped Liu Bei's troops.

Using mental power to mobilize and reorganize the cloud structure, in the surprised eyes of Chen Xi and Liu Bei, the cloud energy was reconstructed into a cloud formation that could be blessed on the soldiers.

The clouds falling from the sky emitted a mysterious light and fell on the soldiers, connecting them with the clouds in the sky in order to obtain the blessing of the military formation.

This time Yang Ji used a cloud formation that could improve the soldiers' perception, although it could not directly allow the soldiers to see the enemy in a dark night without moonlight.

However, it can sense the enemy's location, and the higher the strength, the further away it can be seen. As long as the consumption of cloud energy is lower than the output of cloud energy, the blessing will not disappear.

Liu Bei felt the blessing on his body and didn't know what to say. Is this the blessing of the military formation? It's really a magical power.

It turns out that this is what Ziyu meant by helping, but it doesn't seem to be an orthodox way of arranging military formations. This is very different from General Huangfu's feeling.

Chen Xi, on the other hand, looked at the changes in the clouds in the sky and felt the flow of spiritual power above, and knew that this was the formation recorded in the book.

It turns out that civil servants can also use spiritual power to guide and reconstruct the structure of clouds to build military formations.

But how do those commanders who know military formations but are not good at mental power build military formations?

Yang Ji, on the other hand, didn't think too much and just continued to sort out the structure of the clouds to make the flow of clouds smoother.

After sorting out the cloud structure again, Yang Ji looked at the coverage area of ​​the formation and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, all his soldiers were covered, otherwise he would have to expand the coverage area of ​​the formation.

Those soldiers who were blessed by the military formation felt as if a ray of moonlight illuminated the earth, and the original darkness suddenly receded.

Although the place that can be seen is not very far, in this darkness where no one can see, the only thing that can be seen is the winner who can survive.

(End of this chapter)

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