Chapter 135 This must be a misunderstanding...

——I don’t know why, but there’s something obviously wrong with Cai Yong’s eyes when he looks at me.

After Cai Yong heard Yang Ji's words, he was obviously stunned for a moment. He thought a lot, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Do young people nowadays like to play like this?

Seeing that Cai Yong was silent, Yang Ji said, "Cai Zhonglang must also know what is happening in Chang'an City now, and you should also understand where you are now." Yang Ji glanced at Cai Yan behind Cai Yong, Cai Yong looked back at his daughter belatedly.

"Oh, by the way, Lu Ziqian, Wang Yanfang, Guan Youan, Bing Genju, and Hua Ziyu are also teaching at Taishan Academy. They are the ones who asked me to invite you to Taishan this time."

Yang Ji suddenly thought of an excellent person to dump the blame on. Although they didn't really ask him to invite Cai Yong, he helped them save a great scholar. What's wrong with borrowing some of their names? There's no problem at all. All right.

After Cai Yong heard the names of Lu Zhi and the other four people, the gloomy expression on his face eased a little. Although Yang Ji's statement looked false, it was actually also false.

But after reaching this level, he could legitimately follow Yang Ji to Mount Tai. He was no longer kidnapped, but invited, although the inviter was a bit rude.

Of course Cai Yong knew what Wang Yun and the others were planning, but he could not and could not participate. After all, he was admired by Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo was so cruel.

And Dong Zhuo was a blessing to me. Wang Yun and the others were able to prevent themselves from being affected because of their status as great scholars. However, if they even mentioned Dong Zhuo's benefits, they would be regarded as sympathizing with the traitor. Imprisoned in the name of.

Cai Yong knew that Wang Yun and the others would definitely do this. They were forced too much by Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo's own actions all contributed to Dong Zhuo's identity as a traitor.

Cai Yong first took a deep look at Yang Ji, and then turned to look at his eldest daughter. Since marrying off his youngest daughter, Cai Yong has turned away from his family's inheritance.

Cai Yong took a deep breath and said, "Zhaoji, go back and pack your things. Let's go to Mount Tai. I want to see why those old guys invited me there."

After seeing Cai Yan nodding and taking people to pack things, Cai Yong turned to look at Yang Ji and was silent for a while, "Ziyu, do you mind if I call you that?"

Yang Ji nodded, "You can call me whatever you want. This is your right as an elder."

Since Yang Ji agreed, he, Cai Yong, was not polite. Who told you to invite you in such a rude way? "I wonder if Ziyu can arrange some help. We have too many books to bring to Mount Tai."

Yang Ji was stunned for a moment. He remembered that when Li Ru took Cai Yan to Mount Tai in the original work, Cai Yan didn't bring many things with him. Could it be that all the books collected by Cai Yong were robbed at that time, or because time was urgent, so Cai Yan Didn't Yan take him to Mount Tai?

But later when Liu Bei, Chen Xi and others moved the capital back to Chang'an City, they did not mention that there were many books hidden in the Cai family's mansion. Did they miss it or remember it wrongly?

Looking at the smiling Cai Yong, and then thinking about the four thousand volumes of books in Cai Yong's Luoyang mansion, are there also four thousand volumes of books here, or are there more?

Yang Ji cautiously asked Cai Yong, "May I ask how many books Mr. Cai wants to take to Mount Tai?"

If their existing kit cannot hold all these books, Yang Ji will have to make a space equipment with enough storage space on site.

Yang Ji touched the brocade bag hanging on his waist, [Fortunately, I have used the secret technique of directional warming to cultivate some materials with spatial properties during these days. Otherwise, these books would not be able to be moved back to Mount Tai. Maybe those guys will talk about me then. 】

Cai Yong saw Yang Ji wipe his forehead with his hands a few times, then touch his beard and said with a smile, "Not much, not much, not as good as the collection of Luoyang Mansion, which is only about two thousand volumes.

If Ziyu cannot help me bring all these books to Mount Tai, then I will have to entrust them to some old friends who are still in Chang'an. "

Of course Cai Yong was just teasing Yang Ji. After all, these were two thousand scrolls of bamboo slips. How could they, more than a hundred people, move them away in such a short period of time.

However, Cai Yong was not joking when he said that he would entrust these books to his old friend. After all, after he left Chang'an City, he didn't know when he would be able to come back.

Although bamboo slips are more durable, they still need someone to maintain them. Otherwise, if no one cleans them for a few years, believe it or not, they will directly become a granary for ants.

"Two thousand volumes?" Yang Ji took a breath when he heard the number reported by Cai Yong. He really didn't expect that Cai Yong would collect so many books.

Although the number of words that can be written on two thousand scrolls of bamboo slips may not be comparable to that of a slightly longer online novel, the more than 1.2 million words of bamboo slips contain basically all knowledge and wisdom, but now As for online novels, it’s hard to say.

Seeing Yang Ji's shocked look, Cai Yong guessed that Yang Ji couldn't bring these books to Mount Tai. After all, these were two thousand volumes of bamboo slips. There was no way a hundred of them could take them out of Chang'an. city.

Cai Yong shook his head. It seemed that he had to entrust these books to his old friend. However, when he was about to ask someone to find a blank bamboo slip and pen and ink, and write a letter to explain to his old friend, Yang Ji spoke. .

"Mr. Cai, can you order someone to take them to the place where the books are stored?" Yang Ji pointed to the soldiers behind him.

Cai Yong was stunned for a moment and said with some surprise, "These are two thousand scrolls of bamboo slips. Are you sure you can take them out of Chang'an City without being discovered?"

Cai Yong knew that since Yang Ji dared to bring people to invite him, it meant that he must still have people outside Chang'an City. As long as he could get out of the city, it would not be a problem.

Yang Ji said with certainty, "Don't worry, Mr. Cai, we will definitely be able to take these bamboo slips out of Chang'an City."

Since Yang Ji has said this, Cai Yong will not say anything more. It will be clear later what moves Yang Ji can use.

Cai Yong called a servant and asked him to take Yang Ji's soldiers to take away the family's collection of books.

Yang Ji signaled to Wang Teng and asked him to take people to pack up the collection of books and see if one hundred kits could carry away all two thousand scrolls of bamboo slips.

After Wang Teng took people to pack the books, Yang Ji and Cai Yong were left awkwardly facing each other, not knowing what to say.

Fortunately, Cai Yan's appearance broke the awkward atmosphere between the two parties, otherwise Yang Ji would have planned to tell some cold jokes to lighten the atmosphere.

Seeing his daughter coming out with Jiao Weiqin in her arms, Cai Yong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. God knows why he always felt the atmosphere was a bit depressing when facing Yang Ji alone.

Seeing Cai Yan holding Jiao Weiqin in his arms and carrying a small bundle on his back, Yang Ji thought for a while and took out a kit from his arms and handed it to Cai Yan. Cai Yan looked at the kit handed over by Yang Ji, opened her mouth, and had to look at her father for help. After all, her father was still here, so it was impossible for her to bear this kind of thing.

Of course, Cai Yong saw the scene in front of him, and also saw his daughter's eyes asking for help, but he stopped his thoughts of intervening and cast his gaze towards the night sky.

Ever since Cai Yan was returned by the Wei family, the name of Ke Fu has been with Cai Yan. Now, finally, a young man dared to accept Cai Yan. Cai Yong was happy before it was too late, so how could he stop him.

Cai Yong had heard of Yang Ji's name, otherwise he wouldn't have believed Yang Ji's words and decided to follow Yang Ji to Mount Tai.

Although Yang Ji basically hid under the glory of Chen Xi after Liu Bei took over Taishan, the few words about the technology research and development department that circulated in Taishan mentioned Yang Ji's name.

And those who spread the news mentioned Yang Ji's special status in Mount Tai, reminding them that there was not only Chen Xi but also Yang Ji in Mount Tai.

It's just that those aristocratic families who were extremely curious about Yang Ji and the people sent to explore Yang Ji couldn't see him at all, or in other words, they couldn't find any trace of Yang Ji at all.

If Yang Ji hadn't taken the initiative to appear in front of everyone, or if Taishan's senior officials had gone looking for him, outsiders would never have seen Yang Ji at all.

As for Cai Yan's identity when he entered Yang Ji's home, Cai Yong didn't care at all. As long as he was still alive, Cai Yan's identity could not be lower.

As for why Yang Ji appeared in Chang'an City, it was not something Cai Yong could guess, but it was probably to take advantage of the turmoil in Chang'an City to 'invite' some people.

Seeing her father's eyes ignoring her request for help, Cai Yan knew what her old father was thinking, but she also had her own persistence.

Seeing that Cai Yan did not take the tip bag he handed over, Yang Ji blinked and then belatedly remembered that in this era, it seemed that such things could not be given away casually.

But they have already taken it out, so they can't take it back. Anyway, after they know the function of this bag, they won't have misunderstandings...

Yang Ji thought for a while and then said, "This bag is a storage bag. You can put the things in your hands into it and free your hands, just like now."

Yang Ji reached out and touched the brocade bag at his waist, and his sword appeared in his hand.

Cai Yong, who originally wanted to ask what the storage bag meant, almost stared out of his eyes after seeing this scene. No wonder Yang Ji was confident that he could take away the books in his home. It turned out that there was such a treasure.

He now finally understood what kind of organization the Technology R&D Department was. It co-developed such technology. No wonder Yang Ji almost disappeared after Liu Bei took over Mount Tai and became a legendary name.

[This kit is so beautiful, it seems very suitable to be used as a token of love for Zhao Ji. ] Cai Yong looked at the kit in Yang Ji's hand, and the thoughts in his mind suddenly slipped in another direction.

Cai Yan sighed and said in a cold voice, "Please forgive Yan for not accepting such a precious treasure."

Yang Ji tilted his head, "Maybe this thing is very precious to you, but to me, it is just a gadget that can be made casually, not something very precious."

Cai Yan's bright eyes looked at Yang Ji in disbelief, and her lips opened slightly. With her ability, she could certainly tell that what Yang Ji said was true, but it was precisely because it was true that she felt incredible.

Cai Yong looked at Cai Yan, who was shocked by Yang Ji's statement, but still had a look of rejection on his face, and knew that his daughter already knew what he was thinking.

When Yang Ji saw that Cai Yan still had a look of rejection, it was pretty good-looking. However, since Cai Yan refused, Yang Ji was ready to take the kit back into his arms.

However, Cai Yong snatched it away and stuffed it into Cai Yan's hand. At the same time, he asked Yang Ji, "Ziyu, how do you use this storage bag?"

Yang Ji looked at the kit that had disappeared from his hand, as well as Cai Yong who had a look on his face, and Cai Yan who looked a little shy and angry. He didn't know what was going on.

However, under Cai Yong's urging, he still replied, "You can use the storage function by channeling your own mental power or inner energy into the bag."

After hearing Yang Ji's answer, Cai Yong turned around and urged his eldest daughter to try to see if this storage bag was as magical as Yang Ji said. If it was really so magical, he would ask Yang Ji for one, and he would be quite confident. Go ask Yang Ji for one.

Cai Yan glared at her old father, but looking at the excited old father, Cai Yan still channeled her spiritual power into the kit. She had not seen her old father so happy for a long time.

After channeling his mental power into the kit, Cai Yan naturally knew how to use the kit, and then Jiao Weiqin, who was holding him in his arms just now, disappeared with a swish.

Cai Yan thought for a moment, then handed the kit in his hand to his father, "Father, do you want to try the magic of this kit?"

Cai Yong blinked, looked at Jiao Weiqin who had disappeared into Cai Yan's arms and the kit handed to him, and then turned directly to look at Yang Ji.

Cai Yong coughed a few times and said, "Ziyu, do you have any extra tips like this? If so, give me one as well."

Since Yang Ji said that he made this kind of kit at random, then he must not have only these two on him.

As for the one that his daughter handed to him, it was a token of love that Ziyu gave to Zhaoji. How could he, as a father, take it and play with it?

Looking at Cai Yong, who was asking for a tips bag, and Cai Yan, who had an obvious expression on his face, Yang Ji scratched his head and took out another tip bag from his arms.




(End of this chapter)

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