The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 138 The special “legion” brought by Dong Bai

Chapter 138 The special “legion” brought by Dong Bai

Thinking of Dong Bai's spiritual talent and the solidified version of the collaborative army formation he taught her, Yang Ji couldn't help but put his forehead on his forehead and smiled bitterly. He really didn't expect Dong Bai to be able to combine these two things.

The spiritual talent awakened by Dong Bai is called [Beast Control], which is the name given by Yang Ji. Anyway, the effect is very similar to the abilities obtained by the protagonists of many beast control novels on the Internet, so Yang Ji thinks Dong Bai can go into this aspect. develop.

Dong Bai's talent allows her to communicate directly with animals through language, and she can see the next step of training a certain animal, and greatly improve Dong Bai's own affinity for animals.

Yang Ji didn't know why Dong Bai would awaken this kind of spiritual talent. Dong Bai's own wisdom was obviously not bad. Shouldn't the sublimation of wisdom and knowledge awaken spiritual talents? How could he suddenly turn to the path of knowledge and skills? .

Yang Ji was puzzled by the explanation, and in the end he could only attribute it to the type of dream world that Dong Bai experienced from gods and men. Maybe Dong Bai experienced this type of dream world of controlling beasts.

That is to say, Yang Ji didn't know what type of time silhouette Chen Xi intercepted, otherwise he wouldn't have doubted Dong Bai's awakening talent.

Although most of the time silhouettes intercepted by Chen Xi were about Dong Bai's own future, Chen Xi also mixed some knowledge from other extraordinary systems into it.

Even the operator Chen Xi doesn't know what this extraordinary knowledge is. After all, he just randomly intercepted it from a certain vortex in the long river of time.

However, this is also in line with Chen Xi's original intention of making trouble. After all, he really doesn't want to play the game that has been destined for the future.

Yang Ji originally taught Dong Bai the solidified version of the collaborative military formation, just so that Dong Bai could turn a certain number of rabble into mixed soldiers.

After all, even if Dong Zhuo dotes on Dong Bai, he can't arrange a team of elite soldiers to protect her. At most, it's a team of regular soldiers. In other words, Dong Zhuo doesn't believe that someone can break into Meiwu under his nose.

"What type of special army did she bring?" Although he wanted to complain now, Yang Ji still wanted to know what type of beast-controlling army Dong Bai had created.

"The Dog Legion, what did the lady tell us?" Hua Xiong wanted to call that special legion the Dog Legion, just like Dong Bai.

But Hua Xiong felt that even dogs could activate the cloud energy now, and he might not know when these dogs would jump up and punch him, so Hua Xiong decided to respect these dogs a little bit.

Even a person like Li Ru, when he saw the dog army that could hold up a cloud of energy, had to sigh that humans are inferior to dogs, and then went up to study it carefully.

"That's right. There seems to be no other animals besides dogs that she can come into contact with that have certain combat capabilities and can also achieve coordinated operations."

Yang Ji was not surprised. When she first learned about Dong Bai's talent, she had told her about this concept.

In other words, Dong Bai should have had this concept herself, but she couldn't realize it yet, so she used the collaborative army formation on Gouzi.

"That is, there is another situation. The legion brought by Miss is all equipped with internal energy..."

Hua Xiong didn't know how to evaluate this special army led by Dong Bai. After all, people were really inferior to dogs now.

Even people like Yang Ji don't know how long they have spent and how much energy they have spent in order to equip all their soldiers with internal energy. As a result, the current situation...

"..." Yang Ji opened his mouth, but finally shut up. He didn't know that Dong Bai could do this.

Cai Yong from behind was also extremely shocked. He had lived for so long and had never heard of such a thing.

This era is really becoming more and more magical. I don’t know what things will happen in the future that will shatter people’s minds.

Everyone moved forward silently in the tunnel, silently digesting the news brought by Hua Xiong.

Soon, the tunnel came to the end. After exiting the tunnel, it was outside Chang'an City. The men and horses arranged by Hua Xiong were waiting here, and they were also on guard.


After spending a lot of time, Yang Ji and the others finally caught up with Li Ru and his party. They found a relatively secluded spot on the road to rest for a while.

Coupled with the hidden military formations arranged by Li Ru, their safety is still guaranteed.

When approaching the camp, Yang Ji saw many dogs patrolling the surrounding areas in groups.

After discovering Yang Ji's approach, they did not bark loudly like ordinary guard dogs to alert their owners that a stranger was approaching.

Instead, they watched Yang Ji's actions from a distance, and a few dogs escaped from the tracking team. They probably went back to report their findings to Dong Bai.

"What's going on?" Hua Xiong couldn't help but look at Yang Ji. He really couldn't understand the behavior of these dogs. Aren't they supposed to stay by Dong Bai's side?

"Probably on patrol..." Yang Ji sighed. He was a little confused now. Why could Dong Bai do this?

Although he knew that Dong Bai had received the inheritance of dreams from gods and men, Yang Ji did not ask about this aspect. Yang Ji only knew that Dong Bai had received dreams from gods and men.

As for the content of dreams given by gods and men, Yang Ji did not ask further. After all, he himself had received dreams given by gods and men, but in a different form.

Although through the abilities Dong Bai is showing now, Yang Ji can roughly guess what inheritance Dong Bai has received.

But what Yang Ji didn't guess was that the dream that Dong Bai received from a god was caused by Chen Xi.

As a dog barked, the group of dogs that were blocking the front made way for Yang Ji and the others.

Yang Ji could tell that the barking just now was the sound of the puppy he gave to Dong Bai, so the sound was still a bit immature.

After all, when Yang Ji picked it up, it was just a newborn puppy. Now he can become the leader of the dog because of the strength of his inner energy.

When he first met Dong Bai, Yang Ji only knew that Dong Bai was weak due to awakening his talent, but did not know what Dong Bai's talent was.

But one day, Yang Ji discovered that the little puppy he picked up had inner energy, and it was not because of the sacred stone that it had inner energy.

This aroused Yang Ji's curiosity, and then he found out about Dong Bai. It was only after that that Yang Ji knew what the effect of Dong Bai's talent was.

Soon, Yang Ji and the others entered the camp. From the first glance, it was clear that Hua Xiong could not have arranged this camp, and it must be Li Ru's handiwork.

Yang Ji glanced around the camp and saw Cai Yan and Dong Bai looking at him in the middle of the camp, but Dong Bai was in a low mood.

After seeing Yang Ji approaching, Dong Bai threw himself into his arms and cried loudly, releasing his emotions. Yang Ji didn't say anything, but just hugged Dong Bai a little tighter. Cai Yan sighed, looked away from Yang Ji, and stepped forward to support his old father. He didn't know if his father's idea could still be realized now.


"How is she?" Li Ru asked Yang Ji. After all, she is Dong Zhuo's granddaughter. Since she has escaped death, as an elder, it is her duty to take care of her.

"It's nothing serious. I'm asleep now. I think my mood will stabilize after I wake up." Yang Ji told Li Ru the doctor's diagnosis.

Li Ru nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked the question he was most concerned about now, "When did you two meet?"

After all, Dong Bai hugged Yang Ji as soon as he came up, and before seeing Yang Ji, even if she was the only one in the Dong family, she was just in a low mood.

Li Ru thought that Dong Bai was a person who didn't understand family affection, but it turned out that he didn't want to show his vulnerability in front of strangers.

When Li Ru asked this question, the eligible people immediately pricked up their ears, wanting to hear how Yang Ji deceived a little girl.

Yang Ji found a place to sit down, "You should know by now that she has awakened her spiritual talent, right?"

Li Ru suddenly said, looking at the group of dogs gathered next to 'Big Yellow', "No wonder she can cultivate so many special... dogs."

If it was the effect of a spiritual-like talent, he would also be able to understand why Dong Bai could equip these dogs with internal energy and the most important cooperative combat ability.

As for the clouds and solidified military formations created by Dong Bai, in Li Ru's opinion, they are not the essence at all, if these dogs cannot obey Dong Bai's command.

No matter how much mental power Dong Bai invested, he could not maintain the stability of the military formation, because Gouzi's position would also affect the cloud trajectory of the military formation.

"So, do you know why she awakened her spiritual talent at this age?" Yang Ji asked Li Ru again, and also gave a hint.

Li Ru was silent for a while and then shook his head. Even if he was Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, he wouldn't have frequent contact with Dong Bai. How could he possibly know Dong Bai's specific situation.

"The dream given by the god made her know the fate of herself and her family." Dong Bai had just told him the reason why he met him on a street in Chang'an City.

"Gods teach dreams, immortals..." Li Ru murmured to himself, Dong Bai's situation reminded him of his own experience.

Yang Ji just shook his head in his heart and did not express his inference. How could the immortals who are still alive have the knowledge of beast control in another world.

But that’s fine. In the future, when Dong Bai shows off his wonderful tricks, he can just throw them at the immortal.

While Yang Ji and Li Ru were thinking about their own things, Jia Xu walked out of nowhere.

While Yang Ji was taking care of Dong Bai, Jia Xu went to Hua Xiong to get some information about Yang Ji and the extraordinary secrets he was most concerned about.

Originally, he thought Hua Xiong would be hiding something, but he didn't expect Hua Xiong to directly say everything he could.

However, it was only within the scope of the questions raised by Jia Xu himself. If there were some questions that Jia Xu had not asked himself, Hua Xiong had no intention of telling Jia Xu directly.

After all, he has a very bad impression of Jia Xu now. If he hadn't known that Jia Xu's ability would be of great help to them, Hua Xiong wouldn't have revealed so many things to Jia Xu.

"Cough..." Looking at the two people in a daze, Jia Xu couldn't help but cough a few times, wanting to remind them that he had something to do with them now.

But Yang Ji just glanced at the fat Jia Xu, and then continued to wander around. He didn't think that Jia Xu came to see him, after all, they were not familiar with each other.

Li Ru came to his senses and asked Jia Xu, "Does Wen He have a problem with me?" Looking closely, even Li Ru thought Jia Xu came to see him.

"... Wen Ru, why didn't I realize that you have a narcissistic side before?" Jia Xu was immediately silenced by Li Ruqian.

"Oh, it turns out Wen He didn't come to see me," Li Ru said with a stiff smile and looked at Yang Ji, who was still in a daze.

After seeing Li Ru's stiff smile, Jia Xu couldn't help but recall the last time Li Ru showed such a stiff smile. It seemed like a powerful Qiang tribe was wiped out.

"Oh~, Wen Ru, your face is so stiff, you better not smile in the future, it will scare the children, and leave a shadow of their childhood, which will be troublesome."

When Yang Ji came back to his senses, he saw Li Ru's stiff smile. It was really scary, so Yang Ji directly gave Li Ru a suggestion.

After Li Ru heard Yang Ji's suggestion, his stiff face became even harder, and even his fists became stiffer. Don't think that I won't dare to say hello to your face if you use the extraordinary secret technique.

However, Li Ru retracted his fist in time, because he would be a good person from now on, how could he attack a young man like Yang Ji.

PS: It's definitely not because of the radiance of will blooming in Yang Ji's eyes and the radiance flowing on his sword.

"Hey, Wenhe, why did you come to us?" Li Ru asked Jia Xu.

Jia Xu rubbed his hands, "Well, Ziyu, can you also make a copy of the extraordinary secret technique you brought out for me?"

When Yang Ji brought out the extraordinary secret technique in Li Rujia, Jia Xu became very curious about the extraordinary secret technique.

Now that he learned the specific information about the extraordinary secret technique from Hua Xiong, he became even more curious about the extraordinary organs.

Although he is also a warrior who has become a warrior by practicing Qi, after all, in Xiliang, if your martial arts value is not high, no one will listen to you at all.

But Jia Xu is very interested in the flexible inner energy brought by extraordinary organs. For people like him, this is just a few decades of life gained in vain.

Even though the inner Qi brought by the extraordinary organs is lower than the inner Qi he already possesses, it cannot withstand the lifespan bonus brought by the flexible inner Qi.

"Extraordinary secret technique? Didn't you ask Wen Ru or Zijian to copy it?" Yang Ji asked a little strangely. He thought that someone like Jia Xu would directly ask Li Ru or Hua Xiong to copy it.

(End of this chapter)

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