Chapter 142 The outrageous plasma cannon

When Hua Xiong left Yang Ji, he asked Yang Ji to help etch a copy of the extraordinary secret technique, saying that he wanted to give it to Zhang Ji.

Yang Ji didn't ask why he gave the extraordinary secret skill to Zhang Ji. After all, Yang Ji originally wanted to save Zhang Ji, who was considered to be a smarter person among the cavalry.

Originally, Yang Ji wanted to use Chen Xi's name to talk to Hua Xiong. After all, Chen Xi had used the divination method in front of them at Hulao Pass. It wouldn't be a big problem to use it again now.

But unexpectedly, Hua Xiong said it himself, which happened to save Yang Ji from the unknown danger caused by pulling the tiger skin.

As for why Hua Xiong sought extraordinary secret skills for Zhang Ji alone, it should be that they all knew about Zhang Ji's physical condition, or Chen Xi told him.

After all, Li Jue and the others don’t need to worry about their physical problems at all. As for Zhang Ji, Yang Ji is not very clear. In fact, Zhang Ji did not leave a deep impression on people compared to those others in the original work. impression.

What Yang Ji can remember is that Zhang Ji died of illness due to poor health, and the rest is that Zhang Ji left a legion of cavalry and the Zou family to Zhang Xiu.

I hope that the secret technique sent by Hua Xiong can save Zhang Ji's body. Zhang Ji is just a person who practices Qi to become a gang. It is not that the inner Qi is separated from the body, and there is no way to ignore most of the diseases in the world.

After Hua Xiong left, Yang Ji no longer paid too much attention to Zhang Ji's situation. It was enough for Hua Xiong to pay attention.

Sooner or later, the extraordinary secret skills sent out now will yield a Zhang Xiu and at least one reorganized Xiliang cavalry.

Walking on the streets of Chang'an City, which had become more lively again, Yang Ji thought about how he could persuade Lu Bu to return to Bingzhou, and even if it didn't work, he would get Yu Lin's equipment.

It is definitely not possible to use the reason that the Bingzhou wolf cavalry cannot defeat the Xiliang cavalry led by Li Jue, Guo Si and others. If that is really the case, it would be strange if Lu Bu didn't knock him away with a halberd.

Yang Ji himself must be fine. After all, Yang Ji is a person with the ultimate inner energy separation, but the deal between Taishan and Lu Bu is definitely corrupted.

So now we definitely can't go to Lu Bu to talk to him first, but we should go to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun. These two are the really smart people in the current Bingzhou Group.

However, Yang Ji didn't want to go find them at this time. At this time, they probably didn't believe that they would be defeated by Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others.

Standing not far in front of Lu Bu's Mansion, I looked at the Bingzhou soldiers who were still suffering a little in their hearts even though they had defeated the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and the Flying Bear Army in Chang'an City.

Yang Ji felt that there was no need to convince Lu Bu and others. He only needed to tell them the current situation in Bingzhou, and they would probably return to Bingzhou themselves.

However, there is a prerequisite: they must first fight with Li Jue and others who came from Liangzhou, otherwise Lu Bu will probably not return to Bingzhou, but will stubbornly fight elsewhere.

After thinking about this clearly, Yang Ji returned to his residence in Chang'an City and waited for Lu Bu's defeat.

Soon, Li Jue and Guo Si fought from Liangzhou to Yongzhou. Lu Bu led the soldiers from Bingzhou out of Chang'an City and fought a battle with the Xiliang cavalry.


Lu Bu was defeated in the end, even though he single-handedly killed the army led by Guo Si and almost killed Guo Si with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

It is a pity that if the military formations of both sides were not about to close up and the clouds were about to cover the entire battle area, Lu Bu would have created a miracle of single-handedly defeating a Xiliang cavalry.

Although he almost fell into the siege of the iron cavalry, in this one-on-one duel with tens of thousands of people, he also discovered the psychological flaws he had had since Hulao.

That kind of spirit that he could defeat even if thousands of people were there washed away his dusty martial arts heart.

After washing away all his troubles, his heart of harmony with martial arts made him realize how ridiculous his past attempts were.

If Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and the others saw themselves like that, they would probably find it...ridiculous.

He actually lost confidence in himself and turned to research on integrating Guan Yu's will, Zhang Fei's power, and Zhao Yun's speed into himself.

If it hadn't been for this defeat, I might have continued on this wrong path until they surpassed me one after another.

But after this defeat, he realized clearly that he was who he was, and he was the peak of martial arts named Lu Bu!

He doesn't need to pursue other people's abilities at all. He can stand at the highest peak of martial arts by relying solely on his own abilities!

It's a pity that the invincible personal force could not put down the Chang'an rebellion caused by Li Jue and Guo Si.

In desperation, he could only lead Langqi and his family to withdraw from Chang'an City and find a new place to live.

Standing at the fork in the road between heading north into Bingzhou or heading east out of Guanzhong, Lu Bu hesitated.

If you go north, you will reach Bingzhou, which is the hometown of yourself and your soldiers. Entering Bingzhou is equivalent to going home.

But is I really qualified to return to Bingzhou now? Although it was Ding Yuan who led them south to Guanzhong, where were he and these Bingzhou men when the Hu people went south to plunder?

He knew that he and these Bingzhou men wanted to go directly north and return to Bingzhou, but he couldn't pass his own test.

Unable to face his own heart, Lu Bu could only go eastward with the Wolf Rider, but if he went eastward, he himself would not know where to go, and where would be his temporary habitat?

The soldiers of Bingzhou silently followed Lu Bu's footsteps heading east. They wanted to go north to Bingzhou like this, but they still firmly followed Lu Bu, the strongest individual warrior.

"Report, General, there is someone coming to visit you." When they found a place to set up camp, a messenger reported to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu raised his eyebrows, but did not speak. Instead, he watched them discuss who would visit them at this time.

"Could it be someone sent by a certain prince to recruit us?" Zhang Liao guessed. After hearing Zhang Liao's guess, Lu Bu and others nodded in agreement with his guess.

After all, even if they were forced to withdraw from Chang'an City, their strength was still at the forefront of the Han Dynasty, and the well-informed princes might send people to recruit them.

"I just don't know which princes have such good news, so they found us a few days after we left Chang'an?" Gao Shun asked doubtfully.

Then everyone in the camp looked at Zhang Liao, wanting to draw a conclusion from him, even if it was just a guess, after all, he was the one who came to this conclusion first.

"Don't look at me. If you want to know who it is, can't you just invite someone in and ask?" Zhang Liao said speechlessly.

After hearing Zhang Liao's words, everyone looked at Lu Bu to see what suggestions he had. Although they knew that Lu Bu could not give any suggestions, Lu Bu was their lord after all and they always had to ask. Just as Lu Bu was about to speak, his eyes flashed, and his mind seemed to detect a familiar stranger.

Lu Bu nodded and agreed to Zhang Liao's suggestion. Now he really wanted to see who this guy who could cause his spiritual fluctuations was.

Soon, the messenger led a young man into the camp. This young face made everyone present begin to doubt whether Zhang Liao's guess was correct.

Which force would send such a young envoy, and it is also an envoy to recruit the princes? Although they do not have a base to settle down, their strength is not weak even among the entire Han Dynasty.

As soon as Yang Ji entered the camp, he noticed that Lu Bu, who was sitting at the top, was looking at Yang Ji with interest, and the corners of his mouth were gradually rising, as if he saw a master worthy of challenge.

Lu Bu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he pounced directly on Yang Ji without disturbing anyone else in the camp.

Yang Ji, who was just about to introduce himself, felt a terrifying power rush towards him, like a strong wind and huge waves, beating on his will.

Unfortunately, this is of no use to Yang Ji. After all, Yang Ji also has the ultimate inner energy separation and is in the same realm as Lu Bu.

Although he can't compare to the cheating Lu Bu in terms of combat effectiveness, he is only intimidating and cannot do anything to Yang Ji.

The only one present was Gao Shun, who seemed to sense something and looked back and forth between Yang Ji and Lu Bu in surprise.

"Yang Ji and Yang Ziyu of Mount Tai have met Marquis Wen and all the generals." Yang Ji saluted Lu Bu unhurriedly.

When Yang Ji was saluting, the breeze blowing from nowhere stirred the hem of Yang Ji's clothes and the hair on his temples.

After hearing Yang Ji announce his family name, everyone in the camp couldn't help but look at Lu Bu. The defeat at Hulao Pass put a layer of dust on Lu Bu's martial arts heart.

"Are you from Taishan Liu Xuande? So, you were there when Hulao Pass was closed, so why didn't you take action?" Lu Bu said slowly, while reaching out to hold his Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand. .

Lu Bu pointed his Fangtian halberd at Yang Ji, and the surrounding essence of heaven and earth began to boil with Lu Bu's will. The endless pressure was restrained by Lu Bu in this small tent.

As early as when the surrounding heaven and earth essence began to boil, Gao Shun used military souls to hang a barrier on those generals who had not yet achieved the separation of inner energy from the body.

Otherwise, when these generals faced Lu Bu's outburst of will, they would probably be affected.

Seeing Lu Bu actually picking up Fang Tian's painted halberd, Zhang Liao secretly thought something was wrong. Sure enough, Lu Bu burst out with his own coercion.

Zhang Liao immediately picked up his sword and wanted to attack Yang Ji. After all, it would not be a simple master who could make Lu Bu explode with such power, but Gao Shun held him down.

"Gong Zheng?" Zhang Liao looked at Gao Shun with confusion, wondering why he wanted to stop him.

Gao Shun just pointed at Lu Bu, who had not yet made a move, then pointed at his own brain, and then let go of Zhang Liao.

After Zhang Liao came back to his senses, he remembered that if he was really an enemy, Lu Bu would not say so many words and just go up with a halberd. How could he be talking nonsense like now?

Yang Ji shrugged, "At that time in Hulao Pass, I was only practicing Qi to become a gang. Unless I was dying, how could I rush to face the extreme internal Qi separation from the body?"

Yang Ji didn't care that Lu Bu pointed Fang Tian Huaji at him, after all, he should be regarded as his benefactor now.

In the letter sent from Luoyang to Lu Bu, Yang Ji left a ray of his own willpower. Lu Bu might not have been able to discover that ray of willpower because his heart was dusty.

But for Lu Bu, who even went one step further after his Taoist heart was washed away, he would definitely be aware of the power of his will left in the letter.

Although Lu Bu was unable to detect this ray of will power at that time, his divine will would definitely record it. After all, the person who could use the power of will in this way was exactly the person he longed to meet.

Now that Lu Bu's will meets Yang Ji's will again, Lu Bu will definitely be reminded that the person in front of him has a will that he has encountered before, or maybe Lu Bu still retains the original volume of letters.

"The letter during the great fire in Luoyang should have been written by you, right?" Even though he had determined the identity of the person in front of him, Lu Bu still had to ask.

Zhang Liao was stunned for a moment after hearing Lu Bu's words, and then remembered that he received a letter from a fellow in Bingzhou when he was in Luoyang.

[Is Fengxian dissatisfied with this person using the name of fellow Bingzhou fellow? But this person can be regarded as saving our reputation to a certain extent. Why do we still attack this person? 】

Zhang Liao felt a little crazy at this time. Although this person borrowed the name of their fellow Bingzhou fellow to send them letters, Lu Bu's character should not make such a big move.

Yang Ji nodded, "Yes, although the idea of ​​writing you a letter was not mine, the handwriting on it was left by me. You should have discovered the will above, right?"

"Huh, if that's the case, then I will no longer hold you accountable for using the name of my fellow Bingzhou fellow." Lu Bu snorted coldly. Although he no longer held Yang Ji accountable for using the name of his fellow countryman, he did not put down the method in his hands. Heaven painted halberd.

"But... let me weigh your strength first!" Lu Bu said hello to Yang Ji.

The tip of the halberd hit the ground, and with a strong movement of the wrist, the halberd blade flew towards Yang Ji from top to bottom, and an outrageous blue-purple plasma cannon appeared on the halberd blade.

Yang Ji had already pulled out his sword when Lu Bu took action, but after seeing this outrageous plasma cannon, his heart was already numb.

Although it is said that using the plasma cannon as a flat A is basically Lu Bu's patent, it did not say that Lu Bu could use the plasma cannon at this time, and it still hit him in the face!

The inner energy and will directly covered the sword, and Yang Ji had no time to make more preparations. He must not let the plasma cannon directly come into contact with himself and the sword.'s better not to say it. If it really comes true, he will suffer a huge loss.

Since Lu Bu attacked from the bottom up, Yang Ji pressed his wrist down and the sword blade directly hit the halberd blade. Fortunately, he had exercised his body regularly, otherwise he might not have been able to take Lu Bu's move. .

The plasma cannon attached to the halberd blade was like butter, being cut open by the blade. At the same time, due to the force Lu Bu exerted on them from top to bottom, the plasma that was divided into two parts penetrated the tent and flew into the sky.

"It seems that your will is bright enough, but your inner energy is still at the initial stage." Lu Bu looked at Yang Ji, whose hair had stood up, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but say.

When Lu Bu saw that Yang Ji didn't answer, he immediately increased the force on his wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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