The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 145 Do you want to sacrifice a military soul?

Chapter 145: Do you want to sacrifice a military soul?

"Indeed, if you rely on yourselves alone, there is really no way to peel off the Yulin Army Soul in a short time. It will take ten years to complete the peeling off anyway."

Yang Ji nodded directly and acknowledged Gao Shun's statement, but this was without his help, so it would take as long as it did in the original work to peel off Yu Lin's military soul.

"As you said, there is no way we can peel off Yulin's military soul in a short time now. Even if you get these equipment, it seems to be of no use, right?"

Gao Shun's mind was racing at this time, since Yang Ji knew that it would take him so long to peel off Yu Lin's military soul.

And if the Yulin Army Soul is not attached to the equipment again, these equipments will be no different from those top-level equipment, and there is no way to use these equipment to recreate the Yulin Army Soul.

But looking at Yang Ji's current appearance, it is estimated that Yu Lin's equipment will be taken back now, which means that Yang Ji has a way to help him peel off Yu Lin's military soul in a short time.

"Since I can come to you, of course I have a way to help you solve this problem." Yang Ji replied with a smile.

Although Yang Ji didn't think about this when he first started thinking about Yu Lin's equipment, even if he was unprepared, Yang Ji could solve this problem now.

A flash of light flashed in Gao Shun's eyes, and he immediately said to Yang Ji, "Okay, I'm just waiting for your words. I'll go and gather the soldiers trapped in the battle!"

Yang Ji quickly stopped him and said, "Don't worry yet, I have one more thing that I need Gongzheng's help with."

After all, the two thousand and five soldiers he had prepared long ago are still waiting for the power of the military soul trapped in the camp to transform them.

Gao Shun was stunned for a moment. He thought that Yang Ji only had this one thing, but he didn't expect that there were other things.

"Tell me, what else is there?" Gao Shun asked angrily, if it wasn't something related to the military soul.

Even if Yang Ji's internal energy is extremely separated from the body, Gao Shun will definitely... not do anything to Yang Ji. After all, this is the God of Wealth after they merge with the state.

Although the real God of Wealth in Bingzhou is not Yang Ji, the God of Wealth is called by Yang Ji. After rounding, it is equivalent to the God of Wealth.

"Gongzheng should also know that the military soul has the ability to exaggerate and transform non-military soul soldiers, right?" Yang Ji said to Gao Shun with a smile.

Gao Shun opened his mouth. Can he say that he didn't know about it because he had just achieved the military soul?

However, Yang Ji said that after having this understanding, combined with the relevant knowledge he had gathered from the Yulin Army Soul, it seemed that it could be done.

Gao Shun said in a low voice, "So what you asked me to do just now was to consume the power of the military soul trapped in the battle to transform the soldiers you brought into Yulin soldiers?"

It has to be said that Yang Ji's plan was really interconnected. First, he opened up Lu Bu's heart, and was able to get Lu Bu to agree to lead them north to merge with the state.

With this favor, they were developed into Taishan's peripheral forces, and at the same time, they were allowed to occupy Bingzhou as a peripheral force.

Avoid being occupied by Yuan Shao when Bingzhou is in a vacuum period, adding new challenges to Taishan's unification process.

Then he took back Yu Lin's equipment on the condition that it could help the trapped camp peel off Yu Lin's military soul, and then asked them to help use the power of the military soul to render and transform a group of Yu Lin's soldiers.

Gao Shun could no longer count how many eagles Yang Ji had shot down in the process.

But can they say no? It's impossible to refuse. Well, according to the current situation, they even have to ask, 'Do you need anything else? '.

Yang Ji was stunned for a moment, "Ah, shouldn't the soldiers transformed by the trapped army souls be wolf knights? How come they turned into Yulin soldiers?"

After saying that, Yang Ji remembered that it seemed that the original book had indeed said that the Wolf Cavalry was created by General Wei in order to provide troops for the champion.

And the Yulin Guards were forcibly created by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Wei Qing in order to retain the military soul ability of the Champion Cavalry. It seems reasonable that the Wolf Cavalry can replenish Yulin's troops.

But Yang Ji vaguely remembered that the Wolf Cavalry was created by Wei Qing to learn the horse fighting skills of the Xiongnu guards, and was later used to supplement the champion cavalry.

"Oh, I remembered it. The Yulin Guards and the Wolf Cavalry are indeed from the same army. It is normal for the Wolf Cavalry to supplement Yu Lin's troops." Yang Ji touched his own in embarrassment. Head.

"No, no, I didn't ask you to transform Habayashi Soldiers. Besides, it consumes the power of the military soul trapped in the camp. How can you transform Habayashi Soldiers?"

Yang Ji suddenly realized that what he wanted was not a military soul soldier at all, but just an ordinary Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry.

Moreover, what was consumed was the power of the military soul trapped in the camp, not the power of Yulin's military soul. What kind of Yulin soldiers were transformed?

This time it was Gao Shun's turn to be embarrassed, "I have just achieved the Military Soul, and I am not familiar with everything about the Military Soul."

After hearing Gao Shun's forced explanation, Yang Ji also wanted to complain, but in order to maintain the friendly relationship between them, he suppressed the desire to complain.

However, Gao Shun's idea of ​​directly transforming soldiers with military souls seems to be a good idea. After all, Yu Lin has three hundred years of military souls, so he must have a lot of military soul reserves.

Although Yulin's soldiers disappeared into history, the spirit of Yulin's army has not completely disappeared. It is still entrusted in Yulin's equipment.

Therefore, even if most of Yu Lin's military soul power was consumed, some should still be left, otherwise Yu Lin's military soul would not be able to maintain it until now.

Seeing that Yang Ji was silent, Gao Shun thought that Yang Ji was thinking about how to ask them for some elite wolf riders as seeds.

After all, their Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry is one of the three major cavalry in the world, and their Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry is the most versatile among the three major cavalry, although its output is relatively low.

But this does not erase the power of their Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry. Even if the Wolf Cavalry is not used as the main cavalry, it can still be used to supplement other cavalry regiments.

Gao Shun thought for a while and then sent a message to Lu Bu, "Fengxian, how about we send three thousand wolf cavalry as seeds to Mount Tai?"

After receiving the message from Gao Shun, Lu Bu thought about the current situation in Bingzhou and the supplies he needed, and felt that it was still necessary to establish a good relationship with Taishan.

"Gong Zheng, you handle it." Lu Bu directly gave Gao Shun full authority to handle this matter. Compared to dealing with these trivial matters, he still preferred to study martial arts.

After hearing Lu Bu's message, Gao Shun had a rough solution in mind.

"Ziyu, you also know how difficult it is for a military soul army to reserve a little military soul power.

Anyway, even if you take back Yu Lin's equipment, you can't immediately sacrifice a military soul to make Yu Lin reappear.

So, how about you allocate 500 elite wolf riders from us as reserve seeds for Yulin soldiers? "

Although it was three thousand elite wolf riders when I told Lu Bu, it became five hundred when I told Yang Ji.

But Gao Shun didn't say that he couldn't bargain with Yang Ji. He couldn't just give it a try. What a prodigal person he was. Although Lu Bu focused on the extraordinary secret arts, he did not completely ignore the conversation between Gao Shun and Yang Ji.

Hearing that Gao Shun directly turned three thousand elite wolf riders into five hundred elite wolf riders, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

However, he did not stop Gao Shun from doing this. After all, after they returned to Bingzhou, they would also send troops north to regain the land occupied by the Hu people.

Yang Ji nodded, and then as if he suddenly reacted, he immediately asked Gao Shun, asking in an incredible voice.

"Sacrifice a military soul to recreate Yulin's military soul?!" Yang Ji's shock seemed to be real. Anyway, Gao Shun and Lu Bu couldn't sense any falsehood.

After all, Yang Ji was really shocked by the fact that Yulin's military soul really needed to be sacrificed to another military soul to reappear.

Even though I have known about this situation from the original work, I still have a trace of delusion in my heart. After all, this is reality, and it should be somewhat different from the novel.

But when I actually heard the news from Gao Shun, the person involved, that it was true, I was really shocked.

Even Lu Bu on the side couldn't help but put down what he was doing after hearing the news.

Although the military soul of the trapped camp was not created by him, the trapped camp is his personal guard after all, so he can still sense what happens in the trapped camp.

However, he could no longer sense the Yulin Army Soul possessing the trapped Army Soul.

Faced with Yang Ji's shock, Gao Shun smiled bitterly and said, "If Yu Lin's military soul hadn't been absorbing the power of the military soul trapped in the camp, otherwise I wouldn't be sure about this news."

When Yulin's military spirit first conveyed this news, Gao Shun himself didn't believe it. He could even produce a military spirit to sacrifice to you.

Then why should I reappear this old thing like you? Wouldn't it be better to just use the new military soul?

Are you seeking the power of your military soul that has been accumulated for three hundred years, but now the soldiers carrying the military soul have disappeared.

Only the military soul attached to the equipment originally worn by the soldiers is left. How much power of the military soul can be left?

Yang Ji frowned, trying to find a way to circumvent this restriction. He couldn't really sacrifice a military soul to Yu Lin.

Yang Ji did not intend to waste the military souls that appeared in the original work on such meaningless things, except for the Xiongnu guards.

Moreover, Yang Ji also planned to give a push to push the legions that might have achieved military souls to the position of military souls.

After all, the things buried in the world line in the original work also exist in this world line, and a lot of outside things have also slipped into it.

This has to make Yang Ji worry about those guys who come in and connect with the forces outside the world, and create a big fun for them from within the world.

There is no telling when the battlefield between the two realms or all realms will be opened, so the military soul that can be preserved must be preserved.

After all, as long as the power of the military soul can continue to be generated, then the empire-level forces will continue to produce elite-level soldiers.

In Yang Ji's plan, the Yulin Guard was one of the two military souls that carried the empire's will. The other military soul, Yang Ji planned to separate the Jingling Guard's military soul.

There is no need to say more about Yulin Wei. Three hundred years have made him qualified enough to carry the imperial will of the Han Empire.

The Jingling Guards, who carry the legacy of their comrades in arms, are more suitable than other military souls to carry the will called [Guardian].

In Yang Ji's plan, these two military spirits will not directly participate in the battlefield, but will serve as blood generators while guarding the country.

Once the war begins, it will be difficult for the military souls fighting on the front line to consume the power of the military soul on a large scale to exaggerate and transform soldiers.

But the two military souls staying in the country are different. With the support of the empire's will, they don't worry about the consumption of the power of the military soul at all.

After all, with the support of the empire's will, the power of their military souls can recover much faster than those without the support of the empire's will.

Of course, these are just Yang Ji's own plans. Whether they can be realized is another matter.

Back to the present, Yang Ji does not intend to sacrifice the Xiongnu guards to the Yulin Guards. This is reserved for Hua Xiong's Divine Iron Cavalry. After all, it is not that Yang Ji has no other way to awaken the spirit of Yulin's army.

Although Hua Xiong's headquarters will be mostly replaced by the Flying Bear Army's reinforcements, isn't there still some seed left? Then wouldn't it be enough to let the Flying Bear transform some soldiers and return them?

As for whether Hua Xiong can lead the revamped headquarters to attack the military soul, that is Hua Xiong's own business.

Yang Ji has already prepared the stage for Hua Xiong. It will be up to him whether Hua Xiong, who has an extra brain than in the original work, can seize the opportunity.

If it doesn't work, Yang Ji will have to talk to the author and give Hua Xiong a small hook or something.

After suppressing the random thoughts that popped up in his heart, Yang Ji remembered that Gao Shun seemed to have said that he would allocate five hundred elite wolf riders to him.

Thinking of this, Yang Ji's eyes lit up. Originally, he had no idea of ​​taking away any soldiers from Lu Bu, otherwise he wouldn't have prepared 2,500 men.

But, now that Gao Shun has taken the initiative, don't blame him for having sex in vain.

At that time, these 500 people will be directly regarded as the backbone and merged into the 2,500 people he brought.

"Gong Zheng, did you just say that you would dispatch five hundred elite wolf riders to my command?" Yang Ji confirmed to Gao Shun.

If the wolf cavalry mobilized are elite enough, Yang Ji wouldn't mind awakening the Yulin Army Soul on the spot. If the time comes and he spreads the military soul, wouldn't the reorganized Yulin Guards be back?

As for the issue of fighting strength, it is not a problem at all in Yang Ji's opinion. He has a lot of time to train the Yulin Guards' combat skills. The main thing now is to resurrect the Yulin Army Soul first.

What's more, the military spirit of the Yulin Guards has not completely disappeared, which proves that the inheritance of the Yulin Guards has not been completely cut off, and it will be enough to activate it when the time comes.

Gao Shun was stunned for a moment, wondering why Yang Ji's topic had changed here, but he nodded anyway.

"Yes, that's right, we plan to deploy five hundred elite wolf riders to your command."

(End of this chapter)

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