Chapter 178 Support and Fear

Thinking of this, Huang Zhong couldn't help but take a breath. This was not Yang Ji's alarmist talk, but something that might really happen in the battle of Yanzhou.

If, as Yang Ji said, Chen Liu really sent a support team, was the defeat of Xun You and Cao Ren in Dingtao also planned by Cao Cao and others?
However, will Cao Cao and others really have the soldiers they have finally trained to perform this big drama with them?

What's more, can Cao Cao really guarantee the safety of Cao Ren and Xun You in the battle?
Among these two people, Cao Ren is Cao Cao's brother, and Xun You is Cao Cao's nephew Wang Zuo. Can Cao Cao really be so cruel?

Even if Cao Cao could be ruthless, how could the civil servants and generals under his command willingly send their colleagues out as bait?

If this is really done, there is a high probability that Cao Cao and his civil servants and generals will become disloyal.

Now this situation is just going along with the flow. Since it can't stop Yang Ji's attack, then save your strength and hang around behind Yang Ji's army, ready to give Yang Ji a heart-wrenching attack at any time.

Of course, Huang Zhong didn't think so much. Although he was many years older than Yang Ji, his ability mainly focused on force, and he could only add so many ability points to his brain.

Huang Zhong pondered for a while, and then said to Yang Ji, "Do you need me to bring people to support General Zhao and the others?"

Since Yang Ji has thought of this aspect, it proves that Yang Ji has already made arrangements for this matter.

However, Yang Ji actually sent out Zhao Hong, who was temporarily leading the White Horse Yi Cong, and also sent out two guys, Xu Shu and Fazheng. Huang Zhong couldn't help but be careless.

As early as the beginning of the war, Yang Ji told them that Cao Jun's military advisor was a spiritually gifted person.

As for the extent to which spiritually gifted awakeners can achieve, you will know by comparing the group of people in Taishan and Yang Ji in front of you.

Although Huang Zhong was not very familiar with Xu Shu and Fazheng, after more than half a month of fighting, he finally knew what kind of abilities those two young men had.

Although Xu Shu and Fazheng have not fully converted their potential into strength, they are still far away from their peak.

But... forget it, let's not talk about it. If you talk too much, you will easily doubt whether your brain is a brain.

And Yang Ji actually sent Xu Shu and Fa Zheng out, which also showed Yang Ji's fear of Xun You from the side.

Looking at Huang Zhong with a solemn expression, Yang Ji always felt that Huang Zhong had misunderstood something.

However, it is not a big problem. After all, the solemn expression also means that Huang Zhong has realized the importance of this matter.

It also means that Yang Ji can leave this matter to Huang Zhong to implement, and he doesn't have to worry about Huang Zhong's execution strength, which is great.

So Yang Ji lowered his head and pretended to think for a while, then nodded decisively, "Well, although the white horse is enough to deal with all invading enemies,
But it’s not a bad thing to be more prepared. After all, Hakuba can’t mow grass on all terrains.

Let's do this. You can take your headquarters to support them. After joining them, you can just listen to Motonao and Takanao.

If the two of them quarrel, then you have to make your own decision. Anyway, whether Cao Zixiao and Xun Gongda can be caught is that matter. "

Huang Zhong's face moved. What was going on with Yang Ji's casual tone? He clearly seemed to attach great importance to Cao Ren and Xun You just now, so why did he suddenly become like this?

Seeing Huang Zhong leave in confusion, Yang Ji just smiled and shook his head, without explaining anything to him.

After all, if Huang Zhong knew that Yang Ji had dumped his job on him, it would be strange if Huang Zhong didn't have a passionate collision with Yang Ji.

While there was nothing going on, Yang Ji decided to walk into the city and check whether the soldiers he had trained had the bad habits of ancient bandit soldiers.

If anything, Yang Ji wouldn't mind a general reorganization of the entire army. The soldiers he brought out would not be allowed to have such bad habits.

After reducing his sense of presence, Yang Ji walked on the streets of the city. The people coming and going were all Taishan soldiers he brought with him, not any local people.

But yes, after all, the sound of the swords clashing had only stopped not long ago, that is, for more than half an hour. How could the people run out and risk death.

The people in troubled times have their own way of life. For them, no matter who the ruler above is, they don't care.

What they care about is whether they can survive in this troubled world. It would be better if they could survive with their families.

In an era when ordinary people can't even read a few Chinese characters, you can't ask too much of them. If you insist on asking too much, you will be the one who suffers the backlash in the end.

Fortunately, Yang Ji's ideological education was still effective, although Yang Ji saw the situation where he violently opened the door of the common people's house and then dragged out one or two of Cao's soldiers.

However, Yang Ji also saw that these soldiers dragged away Sergeant Cao's soldiers and left sufficient or even more compensation for the injured people, although the compensation was recorded in the army's account.

However, after all, it is an army and a violent group. When facing unarmed people, they will always use some violent methods unconsciously.

After all, this is their home. Faced with the "evil men" who burst into their homes in full force, no matter how scared the people are, they will pick up hoes and sticks to resist.

Although there are flaws, time is still short after all. There is no way to reform or even reshape their thinking in a short period of time. We can only work on the code of conduct first.

"General, all Cao's troops in the city have been captured. Should we arrange for manpower to escort them back to Mount Tai, or resettle them on the spot?" Guan Hai suddenly appeared next to Yang Ji and asked Yang Ji.

If it weren't for the placement of these prisoners of Cao's army that had to be decided by Yang Ji, the supreme commander, otherwise Guan Hai would not bother Yang Ji at this time.

No matter what others think, Guan Hai strongly agrees with the code of conduct formulated by Yang Ji. While he requires himself to do it, he also requires his headquarters to abide by it.

It was precisely because of the code of conduct compiled by Yang Ji that Guan Hai felt that staying in the Taishan Army was not an unacceptable thing.

Otherwise, when the Qingzhou Yellow Turban completed the registration process, he would have chosen to become an ordinary Qingzhou citizen instead of joining the Taishan Army and becoming a regiment commander.

Yang Ji glanced at the former Qingzhou Yellow Turban Commander Chen Xi assigned to his command.

At this time, Guan Hai didn't have the aura of a warrior with internal energy at all. Instead, he looked more like an old farmer.

The fish scale armor that he was supposed to wear was replaced by paper armor that was uniform across the army, like a soldier.

"Guan Hai, well, I don't want to give myself a name or anything. After all, the inner energy has left the body?" Yang Ji did not answer Guan Hai's question, but first asked about Guan Hai's own affairs.

"Haha," Guan Hai smiled, "I am not a child of one of those wealthy families, nor am I a scholar.

Even if I am lucky enough to become a warrior with inner energy leaving my body, I am just a farmer. Whether I am a farmer or not has no impact on me at all. "Guan Hai shook his head and said.

For Guan Hai, although the Tiangong General Zhang Jue has passed away, it does not mean that his ideals have perished with Zhang Jue. Therefore, when he knew about the existence of Zhao Yun and Cookie, he would run directly to Zhao Yun and Cookie and ask them about farming techniques with excitement.

Then he taught the techniques he learned to his old brothers. However, he also knew that his identity was very sensitive, so he taught these techniques to his neighbors and the soldiers under his command.

Guan Hai knew himself as an old farmer, and the rest were just vests that he had to wear for some reasons.

Yang Ji shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, since you don't want to, I can't force you. I can't just give you one unilaterally."

Guan Hai lowered his head. He knew why Yang Ji kept nagging him about this matter every time she saw him. He didn't think it was wrong for her to ask Yang Ji to persuade him.

It's just that he doesn't want to, there is no other reason.

Maybe he will choose one for his descendants, but he himself will not.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about the captured soldiers of Cao Cao." Yang Ji changed the topic from Guan Hai to the captured soldiers of Cao Cao.

"Can you tell me why you suggested escorting these prisoners back to Mount Tai?" Yang Ji asked Guan Hai curiously.

Logically speaking, even if Guan Hai is not very involved in this type of affairs, he must be aware of the relevant situation. Wouldn't it be better to handle it according to common practice?

Did something unexpected happen?

Guan Hai was silent for a while, and then replied: "There are a lot of prisoners this time. I'm afraid they will cause trouble and disrupt the general's arrangement."

Yang Ji was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect it to be because of this. He asked Guan Hai with interest: "How many are there?"

Yang Ji really wanted to know how many people they captured in this battle. Guan Hai, who had seen the world, thought that the number of prisoners he captured was too many.

"Thirty thousand regular soldiers." Guan Hai reported a number.

"How much?" Yang Ji took a breath, and then he noticed the noun Guan Hai added after the number.

Yang Ji took a breath of cold air again and asked Guan Hai in surprise: "Are you sure these are 30,000 regular soldiers and not 30,000 miscellaneous soldiers?"

"I can confirm that there are 30,000 regular soldiers. Their quality has reached the standard, and their organizational power has reached the level of sublimating the collective will.

As long as there is a general who unites their will, they can immediately become a talented army of 30,000 people. "Guan Hai replied seriously.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Guan Hai wouldn't have believed that the soldiers he captured were soldiers of this level.

That's 30,000 regular soldiers. As long as you find a general who can unite the will of these soldiers, you can inspire the elite talents of the legion.

Yang Ji let out a long breath. Fortunately, his side had captured these soldiers, otherwise...

However, Yang Ji was still confused. Since the quality and organizational power of these soldiers had reached this level, why did Cao Ren and Xun You still use them as a miscellaneous army when commanding?
Could it be that neither of them saw the changes in the miscellaneous soldiers they brought, but only saw the changes in the 10,000 regular soldiers?

But it shouldn't be, even if Cao Ren only saw the changes in his two main battle legions.

Xun You shouldn't have noticed the changes in these miscellaneous soldiers. After all, these miscellaneous soldiers were also fighting with them on the battlefield.

Yang Ji was puzzled and couldn't imagine what Cao Ren and Xun You were thinking.

"Could it be..." Yang Ji suddenly thought of a possibility.

"General, does he know what's going on?" Guan Hai quickly asked Yang Ji.

Guan Hai was also shocked when he realized the quality and organizational skills of the soldiers they captured.

Which of the middle and high-level generals of the Taishan Army has not listened to Yang Ji's military knowledge class, and who has not read "The Relationship between Elite Talent, Soldier Quality and Legion Organizational Strength" compiled by Yang Ji.

Although this book doesn't talk much about the talents of elites and the will of the legion, it does talk more clearly about the quality of soldiers and the organization of the legion.

At least like him, after learning 3,500 common words, he can already read and understand the book compiled by Yang Ji very fluently.

Yang Ji nodded, "The reason why they left these thirty thousand soldiers unused..." Guan Hai nodded quickly.

"It's because..." Guan Hai looked at Yang Ji expectantly.

"They forgot..."

"..." Guan Hai's face froze.

Then he stared at Yang Ji with a ferocious expression. If Yang Ji didn't say one, two, three, four, five, don't blame him for showing off his "old skills" again today.

"Don't look at me like that. It's really possible that they didn't notice the changes in these miscellaneous soldiers.

If you haven't read the book I compiled, do you think you can detect the changes in these miscellaneous soldiers? "

Yang Ji sighed. Regardless of whether others believed that Cao Ren and the others really didn't notice the changes in these miscellaneous soldiers, Yang Ji believed it anyway.

After all, according to the tradition of those military masters, if you have not reached that level, even if you know the relevant knowledge, it will only increase your troubles.

As for whether the military strategist wants to trick the younger generation, that is a matter of judgment and wisdom.

Guan Hai thought carefully about whether he could have noticed the changes in the miscellaneous soldiers if he had not read the book.

The answer is so obvious that I can't even notice it.

"But aren't those two children of aristocratic families? Why can't they even see it?" Guan Hai was still confused.

Yang Ji shook his head, "You have to know that not everyone can learn military knowledge."

(End of this chapter)

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