The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 206: It’s easy to mislead others’ ideas

Chapter 206 Words that easily mislead others
After Chen Xi regained Qingzhou, he has been busy building Qingzhou. Although most things can be left to the people below, there are always some things that Chen Xi must review and handle personally.

On the eve of sending troops to Yanzhou, Chen Xi and Zhao Yuncai finally straightened out the government affairs in Qingzhou.

This is because the farming work presided over by Zhao Yun resulted in a good harvest, allowing the people of Qingzhou to see the green crops in the fields, and allowing the people to personally move the food from the fields into their homes.

At the same time, the Qingzhou infrastructure construction plan presided over by Chen Xi allowed the people who came to work to really get their own wages, and also allowed them to truly enjoy the convenience from the infrastructure.

Through various aspects of governance, Chen Xicai allowed the people of Qingzhou to re-recognize the credibility of the government and re-established a trusting relationship between the people and the rulers.

And all of this requires the participation of grassroots officials. Without these grassroots managers as plan executors, even Chen Xi, no matter how capable he is, can only stare blankly.

The problem lies here. They don't have enough grassroots managers. Qingzhou has already exhausted the grassroots managers they saved.

Now that Yanzhou has been annexed and Yingchuan and Nanyang counties are included, Chen Xi really can't find that many managers in Taishan and Qingzhou.

Fortunately, when sending troops to Yuzhou and Yanzhou this time, Chen Xi consciously recruited a lot of scholars, and he should be able to gather some grassroots managers from them.

Now that Qingzhou has restored its productivity, it can barely spare some manpower to take over the management of Yanzhou.

“What I mean is that officials will be transferred from Qingzhou to Yanzhou, and the vacant officials will be selected downwards.

The original officials in Yanzhou will not be moved for the time being. If there are outstanding officials, they can be moved to Qingzhou to fill the vacancies. "Chen Xi put forward his own idea.

The officials in Yanzhou must be replaced, otherwise even if Cao Cao is captured and Cao Cao is willing to surrender, someone will definitely cause trouble in Cao Cao's name.

Therefore, for the benefit of both parties, it would be best to replace all the management personnel in Yanzhou.

After replacing all the officials in Yanzhou, there is no need to encounter some inexplicable obstacles when implementing the policy of popularizing Taishan and Qingzhou.

Although there are many aristocratic families in Yanzhou gathered here, their influence is of no use in the face of Mount Tai's army, because the sons of aristocratic families are in the minority in Mount Tai.

Even though the reputation of these aristocratic families is very high in the hearts of local people, when faced with Taishan's policies, people who want to live a good life will definitely automatically block the voices of the aristocratic families.

Although the aristocratic families of this era are really considered to have both ability and political integrity compared to the wealthy and powerful Confucian scholars who followed them.

But an aristocratic family is an aristocratic family. No matter how talented and moral they are, their demands for land are still unlimited, even if they only want to occupy the land and not use it for farming.

As long as the aristocratic families did not stop their demands for land, there would be people who would sell their fields because they could not survive and then become tenants of the aristocratic families.

Even if aristocratic families really give up their demands for land, there will be other things to force the people into bankruptcy.

Therefore, as long as Taishan's policies can be truly implemented, then Taishan Liu Xuande's rule will naturally spread to all parts of Yanzhou.

As long as Zhao Yun's farming order can be truly implemented, allowing the people to harvest food from their own fields and put the food into their own home granaries, then the people will definitely support Liu Bei's rule.

As long as the people can live a better life, then even if Liu Bei wants to ascend to that position, they will dare to send Liu Bei to that position.

Moreover, the selection of officials with outstanding performance from Qingzhou can not only show the rewards of Taishan senior officials for good performance, but also free up some positions to give those who want to perform a chance to perform.

Letting these officials serve as managers in the newly recovered areas not only valued them, but also promoted them.

If you can achieve excellent results in this mission, you will not only be able to advance further up the ladder, but you may also be appreciated by the bosses above.

Maybe the boss will remember you at some point.

"What does it mean that Yanzhou officials are temporarily immobile?" Jia Xu asked with a frown.

Jia Xu had no objection to the replacement of officials in Yanzhou, but he was a little confused about Chen Xi's proposal regarding the handling of the original officials in Yanzhou.

Now that we have decided to replace Yanzhou from top to bottom, why should we keep the original officials? Isn’t this just taking off our pants and farting, which is unnecessary?
According to Chen Xi's habit, he would not leave such a flaw that could easily lead to ulterior motives.

Either Chen Xi is fishing, or Chen Xi is calculating something, and this is bait.

Having worked with Chen Xi for so long, Jia Xu can't say that she has a clear understanding of Chen Xi's character, but 99% of it is still there.

Therefore, there must be some conspiracy behind Chen Xi's arrangement, otherwise it would be unworthy of the words "preparing for a rainy day" that Yang Ji used to describe or actually describe it.

Jia Xu narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Chen Xi to see if Chen Xi could give any reason or catch some trace of what Chen Xi wanted to hide.

Although Jia Xu's actions were a little strange, Chen Xi still explained to Jia Xu: "That's it, literally.

There is no need to move the top leaders of Yanzhou counties and counties. Put our people in the positions of their deputies and evacuate the power of these top leaders to prevent them from affecting the implementation of our policies. "

"Then why not just remove these people?" Xu Shu asked from the side. He was also very curious about what Chen Xi was thinking.

"Alas -" Chen Xi sighed, "Xuan Degong is a clan member of the Han Dynasty after all. There are some things that he must abide by even if others don't abide by them.

Unless one day, Xuande Gong no longer aims to help the Han Dynasty, then he does not need to abide by these rules. "

If possible, Chen Xi would also like to replace all Yanzhou officials.

Although Cao Cao was captured by them, he was not dead. As long as people are still alive, someone will remember his existence.

However, precisely because they only captured Cao Cao and did not kill him, they were able to take over Yanzhou in a relatively relaxed way.

Otherwise, someone who has been favored by Cao Cao might jump out to avenge Cao Cao.

Although with their strength, these guys who jump out may not be their opponents.

However, apart from being unable to deal with them, the senior officials of Taishan, they can also create Xiaohuang Yao for Chen Xi and others in Yanzhou or Qingzhou.

Bringing mental pollution to them.

Although the people of this era are very simple, some people can't help but play too fancy, causing themselves to be incompatible with the simple mainstream of this era.

Even if they don't spread rumors about Chen Xi and others, they can still cause destruction in Yanzhou and delay the recovery of Yanzhou's productivity.

Chen Xi and others are not afraid to directly target their own people, but it would be disgusting to sabotage the recovery of Yanzhou's productivity and delay the recovery of Yanzhou's productivity.

This is why Chen Xi chose to temporarily retain these Yanzhou officials to prevent these guys from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

In order to prevent the recovery of Yanzhou's productivity from being damaged, and thus affecting Taishan's dominance among the people of Yanzhou. Restoring productivity is Chen Xi's top priority. Only in this way can Liu Bei's rule in Yanzhou be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When Liu Bei's rule is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even if they "accidentally" lose Yanzhou, the people of Yanzhou will welcome Liu Bei's rule back on their own.

Because in this era, except for Liu Bei, no prince would put the people in a position that was more important than the hegemony.

Except for Liu Bei, no one would care about those people at the bottom who are digging in the dirt.

You can say that Liu Bei's kindness to the people is just an act.

You can also say that Liu Bei's benevolence is just a personality created by him.

However, when Liu Bei pretended to be kind to the people for most of his life until his death. Liu Bei maintained the character of benevolence for most of his life until his death.

So, it doesn't matter whether it's a pretense or not.

Because, this is true.

If this is not considered benevolent, then how many people in the same generation, or even counting forward and backward, can be considered benevolent?

Except for Yang Ji, everyone who heard Chen Xi say, "Unless Liu Bei no longer has the primary purpose of supporting the Han Dynasty", their eyes widened.

Can this be said?

Even if you want to say it, you have to say it secretly in a dark corner. The righteousness of the Han Dynasty is still weighing on the heads of the big guys!
Except for Yang Ji, everyone else's eyes were darting around. If there were any idle people around, they wouldn't mind making a move.

As for what they are thinking in their hearts, only they themselves know.

Although Liu Bei's first ambition was to super-zong Yuezu, not Kuangfu Han, but hadn't Chaozong Yuezu already included the Kuangfu Han clan?

Yang Ji sighed silently in his heart. Chen Xi was so unobtrusive that he said such words that could easily mislead others.

If Yang Ji didn't know Liu Bei's first ambition, he would have been shocked by Chen Xi's revelations and thought wildly.

[Forget it, never mind, it was Chen Zichuan who caused the trouble himself, let him deal with it in the future. ] Yang Ji silently put away a secret mirror.

Chen Xi did not notice the strangeness of Jia Xu and the others, but continued: "No matter how you describe it, these Yanzhou officials are all officials canonized by the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, Xuande Gong certainly could not arrange these officials according to his own ideas.

What's more, behind these officials are one or even multiple aristocratic families. "

“Although our current strength does not require us to worry about the aristocratic families’ counterattack, we alone can defeat all the aristocratic families in the world.

But that’s not how the accounts work out. "

"No matter how many faults a noble family has, it cannot be denied that 90% of the elites in the world are from noble families.

The remaining 10% is also inextricably linked to the aristocratic family. "

At this time, Jia Xu and the others finally understood what Chen Xi meant. These Yanzhou officials were basically supported by aristocratic families.

Although there are no aristocratic families in Taishan and Qingzhou now, they did have some in the past, and there were more than a few.

It's just that the aristocratic families in Qingzhou either moved or were wiped out by the Yellow Turbans.

Even though there are not many aristocratic family members among their senior officials in Taishan, Chen Xi and Liu Bei have tried their best to promote many officials and officials from poor families and even from the lower classes.

However, among the middle and lower classes, there are still more than 70% or even 80% of officials who are inextricably linked to aristocratic families.

With their current strength, they can choose to compete with the aristocratic family, but what next?

Wouldn't those officials who are related to the aristocratic family really choose to hang their seals because of this?
A force, especially a force of their level, cannot operate by relying on one or two or even seven or eight top civil servants.

A large number of lower-level managers are also needed to implement the instructions and decrees issued by you.

"So, what do you mean?" Jia Xu raised his eyebrows, having some guesses about Chen Xi's plan.

“Since we can still reduce the number of officials belonging to the family to less than 50% for the time being.

Then paralyze them first and don't let them realize what their greatest advantage is. "At this time, Chen Xi's eyes were a little cold.

If it weren't for his lack of time to train enough grassroots officials, Chen Xi would not be willing to leave this loophole to be dealt with later.

But the current situation makes it impossible for Chen Xi not to choose aristocratic family.

If they don't choose aristocratic families, they really have no way to take over all the Yanzhou they just conquered. At least Nanyang and Yingchuan will have to give up because there are too many aristocratic families there.

"The current aristocratic families have set their sights too high. Even if they can realize what their biggest advantage is, the aristocratic families cannot unite.

So this is what we can take advantage of and use the noble family to check and balance the noble family. "Chen Xi said softly.

As mentioned before, even in Taishan and Qingzhou where there are basically no aristocratic families stationed there, there are still a large number of aristocratic family members among the middle and low-level officials.

If these people move, although it will not overturn them, their vitality will definitely be severely damaged.

However, the prerequisite for these people to move is that the families behind them can unite. Only when all the families behind these people unite can they shake their rule over Mount Tai and Qingzhou.

However, can creatures like the aristocratic family really put aside their differences and prejudices to unite?

"How are you sure they won't join forces?" Jia Xu never thinks that the worst case scenario won't happen.

“If the aristocratic families all squatted in one place, it would be possible to unite.

But who told them to be scattered all over the world? "

(End of this chapter)

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