The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 208 Cao Cao, whose danger level was lowered

Chapter 208 Cao Cao, whose danger level was lowered

Listening to Yang Ji's description of what Liu Bei did in the military camp, Chen Xi and the others felt a little confused.

Look what Yang Ji just said. Liu Bei actually went to Fenggao Camp to ask the generals and soldiers a series of questions such as their names, past achievements, family situations, etc.

What on earth is Liu Bei going to do?

Liu Bei doesn't think he can record the relevant information of so many people, does he?
Now their Taishan Army has almost 250,000 troops. This is because they did not include the number of soldiers in the field.

If you include them...forget it, don't include the field soldiers. If you include them, it will be a little unfriendly to the princes of the Han Dynasty.

After all, the field soldiers under their command will also undergo a certain amount of military training.

Although the amount of training is not as good as that of front-line combat troops, compared with the subordinates of other princes, the field soldiers under Taishan have completed the entire military training process.

Although their basic quality may not be as good as the conventional combat troops of other princes, their Taishan field soldiers are definitely better in organizational ability.

While the frantic Yang Ji tried to imbue the combat troops with the collaborative talent of strengthening organizational strength, he also did not forget to imbue the garrison soldiers with the collaborative talent of Danyang soldiers.

Damn it, how much does Yang Ji love the talent of collaboration that is sublimated from the organizational power of the legion?

As long as it is a legion that has been trained by Yang Ji, there is no one who has not been imprinted with the talent of collaboration by Yang Ji.

Even the talents of Yang Ji's own legion were whitewashed by Yang Ji and then melted into collaborative talents. I don't know what Yang Ji was thinking.

Now Yang Ji's headquarters has upgraded the synergy to the corps synergy. It is said that Yang Ji specially adjusted it to facilitate the infusion of synergy talent in the recruits.

The consequence of this is that basically all the soldiers under Liu Bei's command have their own organizational strength, that is, Danyang soldiers.

Including those field soldiers who basically would not go to the front line, Yang Jilai also came over for a month of organizational strengthening training and completed military training by the way.

After Yang Ji completes the organizational strengthening training, the recruits will be taken away by Yu Ban for the next step of training. Those who are unqualified or do not want to join the front-line combat troops will return to the field soldiers.

Chen Xi and the others really couldn't figure out why Liu Bei wrote down the specific circumstances of every general and soldier he met.
Or to put it another way, can Liu Bei really remember so many people?
Even though Liu Bei achieved the separation of inner Qi from the body, his life level made a leap, his brain capacity was redeveloped to a certain extent, and his memory was expanded to a certain extent.

However, there are hundreds of thousands of people. If you want to recall everything you know about this person in a very short time when you see the person and hear the name at the same time.

This is not something that normal people can do.

"So, Mr. Xuande can write down specific information about everyone he meets?" Chen Xi seemed to have thought of something outrageous, and quickly asked Yang Ji.

Liu Bei's ability to build a foundation in the late Han Dynasty when strong men emerged in large numbers must be due to his own factors.

However, compared to Cao Cao, who has the strongest comprehensive ability, and Sun Ce, who has the protagonist's luck, what does Liu Bei rely on to fight in the world?

Yang Ji nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xuande remembers. He remembers every general, every soldier, and every citizen he met."

Although Yang Ji himself didn't believe that Liu Bei could do this, "Remember everyone he meets," it takes a strong memory to support this sentence.

However, Liu Bei can do it.

In this era when human life is at stake, a noble man like Liu Bei can remember his name.

Even when Liu Bei saw him again, he was able to match his name with his appearance, and when he told his specific situation, how could he not be remembered by these humble people?

Just remember them for Liu Bei, they will really fight for Liu Bei.

"Now Mr. Xuande has gotten to know all the generals under his command, including the camp commander and above, plus many soldiers and many common people." Yang Ji said lightly.

At first, Yang Ji didn't know what Liu Bei was going to do, but simply thought that Liu Bei was really trying to appease the military.

It wasn't until Yang Ji discovered that Liu Bei could accurately tell the specific situation of everyone he met that Yang Ji gradually realized the importance of this matter.

In other words, Yang Ji recalled what he saw in the novel and thought of Liu Bei's extraordinary abilities displayed in the novel.

In the alternative imperial art taught by Chen Xi, Liu Bei realized the ultimate trick: the method of recognizing people.

Although this was an ability that Liu Bei naturally manifested when he was wandering around the military camp, he himself did not know that he had such a characteristic.

If he hadn't been told that something was wrong with him, he probably wouldn't have been able to realize the difference between himself and ordinary people.

Liu Bei didn't really want to remember his generals and soldiers in the military camp, and he never wanted to remember everyone.

He came to the military camp just because Chen Xi told him that as a lord, you don't have to know anything else and can leave it to your subordinates to handle it.

However, the military power and the power to appoint rewards and punishments must be in his own hands and cannot be passed on to others.

Liu Bei implemented this very well. Now when he is not going out to observe people's livelihood, he will appear in the military camp and talk to every general and soldier he meets.

Although he still refreshes himself in the Government Affairs Office from time to time, he only shows his presence in the Government Affairs Office.

He would only make trouble for the civil servants of the Government Affairs Department, and hand over the problems he encountered when observing people's livelihood to the people of the Government Affairs Department to solve. This is how Liu Bei showed his presence in the Government Affairs Department.

Because of Liu Bei's own conditions, he was basically not recognized by anyone when he was wandering around.

Moreover, as a strong man with inner energy separated from his body, Liu Bei could go wherever he wanted without bringing any guards. If it wasn't for the peace of mind of his subordinate Wen Wu, Liu Bei wouldn't even want to take Xu Chu with him.

Even though the people below complained that he wandered too frequently, Liu Bei still enjoyed wandering around Mount Tai and Qingzhou.

However, Liu Bei could also understand the nervousness of those officials when faced with the possibility of appearing under his rule at any time.

Therefore, although Liu Bei will still appear in various places in Taishan and Qingzhou from time to time, the frequency is not that high.

Liu Bei still wanders around the streets and alleys every day, but his main activity location now becomes Fenggao City.

"That's why I'm asking you, what exactly did you teach Duke Xuande?" Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi and asked.

If Yang Ji hadn't dug out the relevant descriptions from his memory, he wouldn't have been able to pinpoint the source of Liu Bei's changes to Chen Xi. Although it is said that Liu Bei in Yang Ji's memory only showed this characteristic in the narration after offering sacrifices to the Two Cauldrons of Heaven and Man, who knows when Liu Bei started.

If the narrator hadn't mentioned Chen Xi's education for Liu Bei, who could be sure whether this was Liu Bei's own ability or whether it was something he acquired.

Chen Xi was silent, recalling what he said to Liu Bei, it seemed that he did not ask Liu Bei to remember the words of every general, soldier and common people he met.

So, how did Liu Bei do it?
Chen Xi sighed, "I have said so much to Mr. Xuande, but I don't know which words inspired Mr. Xuande."

"Perhaps Mr. Xuande developed his extraordinary talent -" Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji calmly.

Let's just say that it was not only him, Chen Xi, but also Yang Ji who contributed to Liu Bei's change. It was even the main driving force.

Yang Ji's expression did not change at all. Ever since he learned that Liu Bei had the ability to use a camera, Yang Ji already knew the power behind Liu Bei's changes.

To say this here now is just to take advantage of this opportunity to reveal Liu Bei's changes.

Although Cao Cao was defeated in this battle, it was a huge defeat, and he was even captured.

However, this does not mean that Cao Cao is no longer a threat.

Although Cao Cao has most likely not yet developed ambition at this time, after all, the awakening of ambition must be supported by strength.

Those guys who have had great ambitions since childhood, just listen, unless they have also experienced dreams from gods and men.

Otherwise, how could a kid with a big butt determine what his ambition is based on his own three views that he has not yet established?

Those who can figure out what they want to do in the future at that age must have the conditions at home to make them realize what step they can take.

Otherwise, if they have not had the experience of being taught dreams by gods and men, or if they have experienced something themselves, their inner awakening will definitely increase with the growth of their abilities.

Unless the awakening of ambition is restricted, just like the young people who choose to lie down now, can you say that they are incapable?

How can a guy who can come out of college smoothly have nothing in him? It's just that their efforts and rewards are not equal.

Faced with Chen Xi's teasing, Yang Ji didn't react at all. The reason why he revealed Liu Bei's abilities at this time was just to make them let go of their fear of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao is very capable, and Cao Cao's civil and military personnel are also very capable. This is something they all recognize.

It is precisely because of their strong abilities that Chen Xi, Jia Xu and the others are so afraid of Cao Cao and others.

While limiting the threat of Cao Cao, we must also play a good role as a benchmark for Cao Cao.
Let those who are not determined enough to have one more choice when facing Liu Bei's army in the future, instead of choosing to resist to the end.

That's why Chen Xi transferred officials from Taishan and Qingzhou to replace the original officials in Yanzhou.

Cut off all Cao Cao's arrangements in Yanzhou, so that Cao Cao can only rely on the Taishan system.

Before they reunited the Han Dynasty and went abroad, Cao Wei could form its own system within the Taishan system, but without the support of the huge army in the past.

However, Cao Wei's generals who have formed their own legions can still retain their legion sequence.

And those generals of Cao Wei who have not yet formed their own legions will need certain achievements to form their own.

Of course, the soldiers who formed the headquarters for Cao Wei's generals were also soldiers from Cao Wei.

However, Yang Ji will definitely reshape these prisoners so that they will be of the same camp in the future.

If others ask in the future, why are the generals from the same camp? The generals from Liu Bei's line are all elites, while the generals from your Cao Wei line are just blank slates?

Yang Ji didn't want to take the blame.

Of course, this is not all the reason why Cao Wei generals are qualified to retain the order of their own legions.

The main reason is that doing so can further reduce the resistance of Cao Cao and others.

After all, we have retained your legion sequence. If you still make any trouble, don't blame them for not giving you a chance.

Face is given to each other and achieved by each other.

After Yang Ji exposed Liu Bei's method of identifying people, he stood quietly and stopped talking. After all, he had nothing to say.

He has already said what needs to be said. What to do next is Chen Xi's business.

"Humph~" Everyone chuckled. The news that Yang Ji broke really shocked them.

Since Liu Bei has such ability, they don't need to go to great lengths to restrict Cao Cao and the others, but should absorb them into their Taishan system.

After all, Cao Cao, Xun Yu Xi Zhicai and others are not fuel-efficient lamps. In this case, they can also extend Taishan's tentacles in more fields.

However, there is one thing that is not good. Most of Cao Cao's people are descendants of aristocratic families, which may affect the purity of their Taishan.

Jia Xu couldn't help but look at Chen Xi. Fortunately, this guy was also a son of an aristocratic family. Although he was from a different branch, he was from the Yingchuan Chen family in the world.

After they annexed Yanzhou this time, the aristocratic families of the Han Dynasty should also bet on Mount Tai, and isn't Chen Xi the best leader of the aristocratic family?

By then, those aristocratic families who have entered the Taishan system will most likely gather under Chen Xi's account, hoping that Chen Xi will lead them to continuously encroach on Liu Bei's power.

[When the time comes, what will you choose? Chen Zichuan...] Jia Xu’s eyes were dark.

Chen Xi didn't know what Jia Xu was thinking. He was currently talking to Guo Jia and others about how to let Cao Cao see the camera held by Liu Bei, so that Cao Cao could put down his unnecessary thoughts.

At the same time, he was also asking Yang Ji what step Liu Bei could take now.

(End of this chapter)

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