The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 210 Xun Yu: It’s broken. Could it be that I’m holding it back?

Chapter 210 Xun Yu: It’s broken. Could it be that I’m holding it back?

Chen Xi and the others did not know at this time that Chen Gong used his inhuman wisdom to connect all the information he knew, and saw Liu Bei's benevolence from it.

It is further speculated that Liu Bei will most likely not take action against them, but will absorb them into the Taishan system.

However, even if Chen Xi, Yang Ji and the others knew about this, they probably wouldn't have any other ideas, but Jia Xu might have some other ideas.

After all, Jia Xu has never been afraid to speculate on the worst side of human nature in others, so that he can be prepared in advance for any accidents that may threaten his sense of security.

Guo Jia may have some ideas, but he will not take action and will only quietly watch what Cao Cao and the others do next.

After all, if possible, he still hopes to become comrades with Xi Zhicai. It would also be good to torture Cao Cao by the way. Who told Xi Zhicai to seek refuge with Cao Cao~
Fazheng was very interested in whether Cao Cao would cause trouble. After all, studying Cao Cao's inner changes after joining the Taishan system was also a change in people's hearts.

For a guy like him who is about to awaken, Cao Cao's inner changes are an extremely rare research material.

Now Fazheng has basically determined what talent he will awaken, but he has postponed the date of awakening for a long time.

After all, spiritual talent is the product of the sublimation of spiritual power, wisdom, knowledge, memory, experience, so Fazheng still hopes to improve it before awakening.

Although spiritual talents can be developed and completed after awakening, wouldn't it be better to complete some of them before awakening?
If he had that time, he might as well find a way to deeply develop his talents in order to achieve the effect of two sides.

Although Chen Xi and Guo Jia have been shouting that they can achieve this level even if they have no spiritual talent.

But just listen to the words of these two guys. You can reach the level of them without spiritual talent. What are you thinking!

That is to say, the two of them dare to say this because their spiritual talents have no blessing for them.

If their spiritual talents had blessed them as much as Yang Ji did, let's see if they would say such things.

What's more, their spiritual talents just don't seem to have any blessing for them, but in fact they still have a certain proportion of blessing.

Otherwise, since the birth of spiritual talent, why would there be so many sages and wise men pursuing spiritual talent?

Because spiritual talent is a personal sublimation, the ability of spiritual talent also varies with each person.

Regardless of whether the awakening is internal or external, active or passive, spiritual talent will have a certain blessing effect on the awakened person after awakening.

This kind of blessing is a blessing of all attributes. Although the proportion of blessing is not very high, at their level, even a subtle blessing is still a huge improvement.

Just like the current Xi Zhicai, even though his current mental talent has been blocked, as long as Xi Zhicai repairs the damaged mental sea, re-accumulates mental power, and continues to strengthen his basic abilities, then he can regain his ability. His spiritual talent is no longer just a dream.

Don't look at it, Zhicai's spiritual talent has been blocked, but the blessing brought by the spiritual talent has not disappeared, but is permanently blessed on the awakened person.

Therefore, this is the reason why after awakening the spiritual talent, the learning ability will be greatly enhanced.

"By the way, Ziyu, who are you going to arrange to stay in Yanzhou this time?" Guo Jia suddenly remembered something and asked Yang Ji.

Although this time they captured all of Cao Cao and his subordinates except for Xun Yu, it did not mean that they did not need to arrange for people to be stationed in Yanzhou.

Although Yanzhou was disgraced by the Yellow Turbans, its population cannot be underestimated.

After Chen Xi and the others took Cao Cao and other senior officials away, someone had to stay here to handle various affairs in Yanzhou.

Even Xun Yu, who was still in Chenliu City, wanted them to take them back to Mount Tai. How could a mere Chenliu stop their army?

Some people will stay in Yanzhou, that's for sure, and they will be chosen from among them.

As for the generals, Guan Yu should have stayed. After all, if you want to prevent the two Yuans from suddenly uniting to annex the Yanzhou they just acquired, you still have to arrange a general with sufficient commanding ability to guard it.

Yang Ji will definitely not stay in Yanzhou to take charge. The base camps of Taishan and Qingzhou still need Yang Ji to take charge.

After hearing Guo Jia's inquiry, Yang Ji lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked at Guan Yu: "Second Master, the task of garrisoning Yanzhou falls on you."

Just as Guo Jia and the others thought, besides Yang Ji, the general in Taishan who is qualified and capable of guarding Yanzhou is Guan Yu.

Zhao Yun's ability and qualifications are sufficient, but Zhao Yun is busy dealing with farm affairs, so how can he have time to sit in Yanzhou.

What's more, neither Zhao Yun nor Liu Bei and others can make Zhao Yun put aside his farming affairs and take charge of one side.

As for Zhang Fei, he must have the qualifications. Compared with Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei's ability to command troops is not a little bit behind.

In terms of commanding troops at the legion level, Zhang Fei may not be weaker than anyone now. Even if it is a decisive battle between arms, he has to fight a battle first.

But when a group army of more than 100,000 people fought, Zhang Fei's dominance was no longer enough.

Although Zhao Yun's group combat command is not very good, at least he has crossed that line.

Although he is not very flexible, Zhao Yun is not weaker than others in his ability to stand strong and fight stupidly. His cautious character determines that Zhao Yun rarely takes the initiative to create fighting opportunities.

Those orthodox legion commanders will also feel like Muggles when facing a cautious commander like Zhao Yun.

As for Zhang Fei, everyone knows what this guy's character is, so don't expect him to stay where he is.

Guan Yu seemed to have expected it, so he didn't say anything more and just nodded to show that he understood.

As early as when Liu Bei took Zhang Fei back to Mount Tai, Guan Yu realized that if Yanzhou was really captured, he would be the one in charge of Yanzhou.

After Yang Ji finished speaking to Guan Yu, he set his sights on Guo Jia. Since this guy came here specifically from Mount Tai, don't blame him for holding him here.

"What kind of look are you looking at? Could it be that the civil servant who stayed in Yanzhou is me?" Seeing Yang Ji staring at him, Guo Jia pointed at himself and said in disbelief.

Guo Jia really didn't expect that he just ran over to see his friends, and ended up being detained in Yanzhou.

"Isn't this what you requested? Otherwise, why would you come from Mount Tai at this time?" Yang Ji pretended not to see the friendship between Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai.

"Tsk..." Guo Jia didn't say anything anymore. After all, he was the one who ran over and grabbed Yang Ji's pigtail. Although it was a pity that I couldn't see the surprised expression on Xi Zhicai's face when he arrived at Mount Tai.

But Guo Jia also knew that since Yang Ji had arranged for him to be sent to Yanzhou, it proved that both Liu Bei and Chen Xi agreed to this matter.

Even if he didn't come to Yanzhou this time, Yang Ji would transfer him from Taishan to Yanzhou.

Guo Jia looked at Chen Xi, who indeed had the right expression.

"Wenhe, during the days I am in Yanzhou, I will leave the intelligence work to you." Guo Jia greeted Jia Xu.

He is not lazy, after all, he is about to be transferred to Yanzhou, so of course he can no longer take care of Taishan's intelligence work.

Moreover, Jia Xu has helped him handle intelligence work for so long. In addition to some private lines, Jia Xu also knows what is going on with the relevant intelligence nodes.

What's more, based on Jia Xu's talent, he is simply a master of intelligence.

Unlike him, he has to rely on his own brain to analyze all the information in series.

Jia Xu nodded and said that he would manage Taishan's intelligence organization well.

But he always felt that Guo Jia seemed happy to leave the intelligence work to him.

Dumping the intelligence work in his hands to Jia Xu was something Guo Jia had been planning for a long time. This time he finally took advantage of the opportunity of being stationed in Yanzhou to dump it on Jia Xu.

Guo Jia had a smile on his lips and ran to talk to Guan Yu. After all, they would probably have to stay in Yanzhou for a long time in the future. They needed to get used to Guan Yu's personality first to avoid mutual embarrassment in the future.


When Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others helped Guo Jia sort out Yanzhou's government affairs, Liu Bei's official transfer order also came down.

Let Guan Yu and Guo Jia lead an army of 100,000 to garrison Chenliu, forming a horns with Mount Tai, watching each other to prevent attacks from the north and south.

At the same time, Wei Yan was left in Yanzhou and asked to follow Guan Yu to fight, and Guan Ping was asked to escort officials transferred from Taishan and Qingzhou to Yanzhou, and then stayed in Yanzhou to fight.

Yang Ji, Chen Xi, Jia Xu, Huang Zhong and others returned to Mount Tai, saying that there was a change in Jizhou.

However, after receiving Liu Bei's order, Chen Xi, Yang Ji and others did not immediately set off to return to Mount Tai. Instead, they waited for the officials to be in place and sorted out all the government affairs in Yanzhou before leading the troops back to Mount Tai.

After all, the 50,000 troops led by Zhao Yun and Li Ru are still squatting in Pingyuan County. Even if Jizhou wants to make a stumbling block, it must first ask the white horse under Zhao Yun if he agrees.

What's more, Liu Bei's transfer order also included the content of asking Chen Xi and others to help Guo Jia sort out the political affairs, so Chen Xi and the others could sit safely in Chen Liu's Government Affairs Office to sort out the Yanzhou government affairs.

Oh, by the way, Chenliucheng was finally breached by Guan Yu and Xun Yu was captured.

At this point, the Cao Wei Group officially announced that it would withdraw from the stage of fighting for hegemony in the Central Plains.

It may not be until the world peak competition that we can see the Cao Wei Group on the world stage again.

Adhering to his responsible attitude towards the people of Yanzhou, Xun Yu came to the Government Affairs Office today, intending to see what policies Chen Xi and the others would implement in Yanzhou.

After Guan Yu broke through Chenliu City and captured Xun Yu, Chen Xi and the others no longer restricted Cao Cao's activities. After all, there was nothing to restrict.

After learning that their activities were no longer restricted, Cao Cao, Cheng Yudianwei, Xia Houyuan and other generals immediately walked out of the small dark room and went straight to the military camp.

Cao Cao and the others wanted to know how Yang Ji and the others would deal with the more than 100,000 captured Cao soldiers.

However, Xi Zhicai did not follow Cao Cao to the military camp, nor did he follow Xun Yu to the Government Affairs Office.

He had to follow the doctor's orders, lie in bed and have a good rest, and let his spiritual sea recover first.

Otherwise, if Xi Zhicai saw something exciting and stabbed his own spirit, he would be asking for death.

It seemed that he had locked himself in a small room and could not come out. He probably didn't want to see Chen Xi, or he was too embarrassed to see Chen Xi.

After all, when Liu Bei passed through Yingchuan, it was only more than a year ago.

Of course, the reason why Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others would let go of the restrictions imposed by Cao Cao and others was to allow them to wander around within the visible range.

It was just because Yang Ji accidentally dropped a scroll of extraordinary secrets and then accidentally picked it up for Xi Zhi...

Then Xun Yu played Zhicai, Chen Gong, Cheng Yu, and Chen Qun and the five of them collectively persuaded Cao Cao to surrender. Taishan's current strength is enough to dominate the world, and he is still struggling.

However, this is just because they have been captured and they are just giving up on themselves. If they had not been captured yet, even if they knew the strength of Taishan Liu Bei, they would still want to touch him before talking, otherwise they would really not be reconciled.

Of course, now that they have all been captured, they no longer have the idea of ​​​​willing to do so. They now want to see the expressions of the other princes when they see Taishan reveal his trump card.

Cao Cao and others, who had transformed into Aha's followers, let themselves go and chased Yang Ji to ask various questions.

For example, elite talents, will-distorted reality, martial arts, extraordinary secret techniques...etc., whenever they discover something they don't know, they will run to ask Yang Ji.

It's strange that Cao Cao and the others didn't go to Chen Xi and the others, but insisted on running to the military camp to ask Yang Ji...

Yang Ji said: Could it be that you were bribed by Chen Xi?
Cao Cao and the others said: It's so boring over there in the Government Affairs Department. It's more interesting to watch Yang Ji train in the military camp.

Just like that, Cao Cao, Cheng Yu and the generals ran to the military camp every day, while Xun Yu came to the Government Affairs Office after resting for a few days and relieving his inner depression.

When he stepped into the familiar Government Affairs Hall, what he saw was not the piles of bamboo slips filled with government affairs, but the pastries and tea in front of Chen Xi...

Xun Yu rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had been holding back his illness for the past few days and saw something he shouldn't have seen in a serious place like the Government Affairs Office.

(End of this chapter)

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