Chapter 221 The indifferent Chen Xi

Looking at the road paved with bluestones in front of him, as well as the three huge silver-clad iron city gates in front of him, and Liu Bei standing at the city gate with an awkward smile on his face.

Yang Ji couldn't help but fell silent. He really didn't expect that it was another time and Liu Bei still couldn't escape Zhang's deception.

Yang Ji glanced at Mrs. Zhang, who was holding a velvet fan and a smile on her face. It was obvious that she was taking advantage of the time.

Yang Ji sighed and left the scene while Liu Bei, Zhang and Chen Xi were talking. This kind of thing was none of Yang Ji's business. It was better to go home and lie down to sleep first.

As for what may happen in the Government Affairs Department, it has nothing to do with Yang Ji. After all, he belongs to the military system and his position in the government affairs system is not high.


Yang Ji looked fiercely at the guy in front of him who came to inform him to go to the Government Affairs Office. Although he knew that it was useless to anger a messenger, Yang Ji still couldn't help it.

Damn Chen Xi, he had only been lying at home for less than an hour. How could he coax his little sister so quickly?
Although it is now time for Chen Xi to adjust his future plans, assign tasks to the people in the Government Affairs Department, and launch the first phase of the Han Dynasty strategy.

But why should we call him too?
Yang Ji is not a permanent member of the Government Affairs Department, so why should he be assigned tasks?

"Eh? Ziyu, why are you here at the Government Affairs Office free? Are you looking for us or Zichuan?" The good old man Lu Su asked Yang Ji.

Suddenly, Chen Xi's roar came from inside: "Weishuo, wait for me!" Then he saw Liu Yan walking out of the room with a sneer on his face.

Yang Ji waved his hand, and after sending the messenger away, he rubbed the hair on his head irritably, [Damn Chen Zichuan, he always makes trouble for others. 】


Yang Ji sighed helplessly, "Well, if nothing happened, I wouldn't want to come here. It wasn't that guy Chen Zichuan who asked the messenger to call me here.

You must know that if Yang Ji had nothing to do, he would basically not come to the Government Affairs Office. Why did he come to the Government Affairs Office just after returning from the expedition? Shouldn't he be lying at home?

Others looked at Yang Ji with curiosity on their faces, waiting for Yang Ji's answer. It must be a very interesting answer.

After Liu Ye heard Lu Su, who usually looked like an honest person, say these words, his heart suddenly suddenly thought, "I shouldn't have offended Lu Su in normal times, right?" 】

And it seems that these guys are planning to go to Liu Bei's place to disturb people's blind dates or something...

Does Zichuan think that we are trying to punish him? "Liu Ye looked at Yang Ji's frozen expression and said a little unnaturally.

Yang Ji calmed down the expression on his face and calmly said to the messenger who delivered the news: "Okay, you go back first. I will go to the Government Affairs Office by myself later."

By the way, don’t you think there is a huge difference between Zichuan and Xiaonao? "Lu Su looked at Fazheng who was full of excitement.

"Well, what, the conditions we proposed are a bit harsh, especially those from Wei Shuo.

Lu Su turned his head and glanced at Liu Ye, then asked with a calm and natural expression, "Is he being punished or is he being punished?"

"..." Lu Su and others looked at Yang Ji who entered the door with his right foot in great surprise.

By the way, why are you all staying outside? Where is that guy Chen Zichuan? "Yang Ji asked them.

The others also looked at Lu Su with a strange expression, not expecting that Lu Su would pick up this conversation.

"..." Yang Ji's expression froze, as if he remembered what this scene corresponded to.

Lu Su, Jia Xu, Li Ru and others were laughing in the yard and planned to go to Liu Bei's place for a meal, but they saw Yang Ji stepping into the door of the Government Affairs Hall with his right foot.

When Yang Ji came to the Government Affairs Office, Chen Xi had already arranged most of the things.

Lu Su sighed with a serious face: "Oh, there are not many opportunities all year round——

Youth is your greatest asset.


"So, why did you come to me?" Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi expressionlessly.

"Of course... I went to Mr. Xuande's house to eat meat. I have some little things to tell you." Chen Xi changed the order without hesitation.

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi expressionlessly. Chen Xi notified him to come to the Government Affairs Office half an hour ago, and the smell of meat from Liu Bei's house came from a quarter of an hour ago...

"By the way, before I go to Mr. Xuande's house to have dinner, let me tell you a little something." Chen Xi said without changing his expression.

Chen Xi ignored Yang Ji's increasingly darker face and continued: "Aren't you going to Pingyuan County to replace Zilong? Then you can take care of Qingzhou's government affairs."

Chen Xi patted Yang Ji on the shoulder, "Okay, let's do that. Next, let's go to Xuande Gong's place to have dinner..."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in walking out of the Government Affairs Hall and towards Liu Bei's mansion.

"Well, you don't have much to do in the plains anyway. Help with Qingzhou's government affairs and relieve your boredom - I guess this is what Zichuan really wants to say." Guo Jia patted Yang Ji's shoulder, and then Followed in Chen Xi's footsteps.

"At least, compared to Yanzhou, Qingzhou's political organizational structure has been sorted out clearly." Lu Su patted Yang Ji's shoulder.

Although Chen Xi and others had sorted out the government affairs of Yanzhou before returning from Yanzhou.

But it only roughly established a Yanzhou government structure subordinate to Taishan.

Lu Su's next focus is to refine and fill in Yanzhou's government affairs organizational structure.

Li Ru and Jia Xu, both one of the four great kings of paddling, stepped forward and patted Yang Ji on the shoulder and said this: "Young people still need to practice more."

"Ahem, um, how about I help you find some helpers?" Liu Yan did not dare to step forward and pat his shoulder, but planned to help Yang Ji find some suitable helpers. After all, Taishan now wants to enter the system. There are many scholars, so finding a few talented ones is not a big problem.

"Ziyu, don't worry. After I finish working on Fenggao's landmark buildings, I will take the construction corps to Qingzhou to accompany you." Sun Qian stepped forward and patted Yang Ji on the shoulder.

After everyone else had left, Fazheng dared to step forward and say to Yang Ji: "Um, Ziyu, I'm a soft-spoken person, so I really can't stop their decision.

However, if you need it, my law is unstoppable! "Fazheng looked at Yang Ji with burning eyes, full of expectation.

"Okay, stop looking at me like this, I will take you to Qingzhou when the time comes." Looking at Fazheng's expectant look, Yang Ji said angrily.

"Okay!" Fazheng wanted to hug Yang Ji, but Yang Ji held him down with one hand. He could only keep waving his hands to express his excitement. There is no reason for Fazheng not to be excited. You know, Chen Xi left Xu Shu in Yanzhou to serve as Guan Yu's military advisor.

Although this has a lot to do with Xu Shu's choice to go into the military field, the fact that Xu Shu can be left by Guan Yu by Chen Xi has already explained a lot of problems.

Although neither Xu Shu nor Fazheng has awakened spiritual talent, Xu Shu's background in this area is not as deep as Fazheng's.

But compared to Xu Shu, who had determined his direction early, Fazheng was a little bit more frustrated. He has not yet determined whether his direction is more political or military.

Although the military and government are not separated these days, there must always be one main body, and then the other will be the auxiliary.

In addition, Fazheng's character is still a bit out of touch, so until Fazheng stabilizes his character, Chen Xi and the others will still stick to Fazheng and will not make it up to the system.

But it's different now. Now that Chen Xi and the others have decided to let Yang Ji take charge of Qingzhou's political affairs, Fazheng can follow Yang Ji to Qingzhou to hang out.

Whether it is to follow Yang Ji or to be the leader somewhere in Qingzhou, Fazheng can accept it.

[Damn Chen Zichuan, he just doesn’t do other people’s business. If he can’t take time off to drink tea and have snacks, he can’t stand to see others take time off, right? 】Yang Ji angrily scolded Chen Xi in his heart for not doing human affairs.

However, even though Yang Ji said these words, Yang Ji still had to take over the job.

Since Chen Xi could bring it up, he must have a way to convince Liu Bei to order Yang Ji to also take charge of Qingzhou's political affairs.

Facing Liu Bei's orders, what else could Yang Ji do, he could only obey.

If Chen Xi had proposed it himself, Yang Ji would have ignored Chen Xi, but Liu Bei was different.

When Yang Ji slowly walked into Liu Bei's mansion, Liu Bei, Chen Xi and the others had already started eating and drinking.

Yang Ji stood outside the door and tried hard to adjust his facial expression, making himself appear as sinister as possible.

But it's a pity that Yang Ji may have never seen what it means to be gloomy from the inside out, so Yang Ji's expression looked a little funny.

[Oh, as expected, it’s because I haven’t been severely beaten by society. I can’t even show a ruthless expression. I have really clear and stupid eyes. 】

Looking at the stiff expression reflected in the secret mirror in his hand, Yang Ji sighed and reluctantly threw away the secret mirror.

Yang Ji patted his cheek and tried to control his facial expression to be expressionless. If not, a calm expression would do.

When Yang Ji stepped into the front hall, the group of people eating and drinking, except Liu Bei, all paused for a moment, and then looked at Yang Ji, who had a look of nothing on his face.

"Eh? Ziyu, why did you come just now?
Come on, add another spot! "

Liu Bei was first surprised that Yang Ji, who had run away early, would show up to him, and then ordered someone to give Yang Ji a new position.

No matter why Yang Ji appeared in his house at this time, but now that Yang Ji is here, of course Liu Bei will add a chair and a pair of chopsticks to Yang Ji.

"Thank you, Mr. Xuande." Yang Ji didn't show any pretense and sat down directly on the newly added chair.

Liu Bei waved his hand, telling Yang Ji that he didn't have to do these things here.

After greeting Yang Ji, Liu Bei suddenly found that the noise at the scene was much quieter.

He turned around and looked around, only to find that these people were peeking at Yang Ji, but Yang Ji didn't even look at them, he just picked up a plate of wild vegetables in front of him.

Liu Bei turned to look at Chen Xi beside him and asked in a low voice: "Zichuan, what is going on?"

After hearing Liu Bei's inquiry, Chen Xi smiled awkwardly, "It's nothing, it's just that we are going to suggest to you that when Ziyu goes to Pingyuan County, he should also take care of Qingzhou's political affairs..."

Li Ru, Jia Xu and others were focusing on the food in front of them and did not even look at the situation on Chen Xi's side, even though they could all hear the conversation between Liu Bei and Chen Xi.

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Yang Ji, who was motionless over there, and then realized what Chen Xi was doing.

Liu Bei thought about Chen Xi's suggestion carefully. Although Chen Xi seemed to have tricked Yang Ji, well, he did.

After all, Yang Ji didn't really want to take care of things, but Chen Xi just gave Yang Ji a big project...

However, Chen Xi's proposal is quite interesting. It would be a good thing for Yang Ji to take charge of Qingzhou's political affairs as well.

In Liu Bei's view, although Yang Ji's political strategy was a little inferior, at least it was not as good as Chen Xi, Jia Xu and others present here.

After all, Yang Ji also showed his political skills at the beginning of Mount Tai. It cannot be said to be very powerful, but it is not far behind.

Moreover, Yang Ji is very similar to Chen Xi. They are both the kind of people who like to distribute their own government affairs.

But the difference between Yang Ji and Chen Xi is that Yang Ji is very good at selecting a person who is suitable for carrying out government affairs among a group of people.

Many managers in Taishan were promoted by Yang Ji among the people, and then were taken away by Chen Xi and others...

If Yang Ji hadn't promoted a group of grassroots managers among the people, Chen Xi wouldn't have swept away all the yellow turbans in Qingzhou in one go.

Liu Bei turned to Yang Ji and asked, "Ziyu, what do you think of this matter?"

Yang Ji stood up and offered his hand to Liu Bei calmly: "If it's Duke Xuande, I have no objection."

"Uh... Well, since you have no objection, I will trouble you to take care of Qingzhou's affairs." Liu Bei smiled awkwardly.

[Hiss, why do you always feel a sense of guilt brewing in your heart? 】Liu Bei glanced at Chen Xi from the corner of his eye.

After deciding that Yang Ji would also take charge of Qingzhou affairs, everyone started eating and drinking again.

However, Yang Ji did not participate in it, but looked pensive, as if he was worried about Qingzhou's affairs.

After Chen Xi and others had eaten and drank, Chen Xi indeed mentioned the separation of public and private matters to Liu Bei.

Then, under Chen Xi's reasoning, Liu Yan decisively surrendered his own power and successfully won Chen Xi's eyes.

Li Ru, Jia Xu and others each had their own ways of pretending to be dead, while Liu Yan was still impassioned and Yang Ji was quietly thinking about the meaning of Chen Xi's misty words.

(End of this chapter)

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