Chapter 224 Chen Xi was boycotted

Because of Yang Ji's existence, the civil servants and generals on Mount Tai basically knew something about the division of the legion system.

In this era of miracles, the military soul is the pinnacle of the legion system. The rest are either the Imperial Guard legion that can match it, or the three-talented legion that is difficult to replenish.

Nowadays, the three military souls that have survived from the Han Dynasty all experienced many bloody battles before they finally broke through the barriers of will and became military souls.

Although it is said that the Yulin Guards among them may have been created by the soldiers of the reserve legion of Huo Qubing's personal guard through Emperor Xiaowu and General Wei with the help of Huo Qiaoqi's glory.

But you still can't deny the power of the three who shaped the Habayashi Guards. Even the reserve army can create the Habayashi Army Soul after sublimation of will.

Although the Yulin Military Soul is an artificial military soul, after two hundred years of hard work by the Han Dynasty, Yulin Wei has already adjusted his own state to the posture that a normal military soul should have.

Although the Habayashi Guards of this generation are more stretched out, they are still a military spirit army. If you give them some time, they will reach the top again sooner or later.

Let's talk about Fei Xiong, that is a powerful army forged in more than ten years of bloody battles with the Qiang people in Xiliang, and then the spirit of the army was sublimated after Li Ru gave it the will to recognize it.

Let's talk about the formation. Before coming to the Central Plains, the formation was a powerful bodyguard who followed Lu Bu in the bloody battle with the barbarians outside the Great Wall in Bingzhou.

I just don't know whether Zhenzhen became a military spirit after putting on the armor of the Yulin Guards, or whether he was promoted after destroying most of the flying bears who did not ride horses.

But what about Ju Yi's Euphorbia and Xiandeng? Do they have any records of bloody battles?
Could it be that just a few years of training can bring the quality and will to the peak, and then under the guidance of the general's will, the military soul can be achieved?
Please stop joking, the other legions who have persisted for more than ten years will cry.

Or is Ju Yi really that strong, able to sublimate the will of Euphorbia and Xianden without the support of the will of the empire, and prove his military soul in the radiance of will?

"How do you know that Ju Yi cannot prove his military soul without the support of the empire's will?" Yang Ji asked Zhang Fei with a solemn expression.

"Never underestimate human will - Yide."

Zhang Fei was silent, yes, before seeing it with his own eyes, who can deny that Ju Yi cannot prove his military soul?
"Has Ju Yi succeeded now?" Zhang Fei asked with a bitter look on his face.

Listening to Yang Ji's words that Ju Yi could prove his military soul without the support of the empire's will, Zhang Fei couldn't help but feel a trace of bitterness lingering in his heart.

It is extremely difficult for people like them to create a super-elite army with dual talents, and they are already proving their military spirit.

Are the differences between people really that big?

Listening to Zhang Fei's bitter inquiry, Yang Ji couldn't help but laugh. It seems that the comparison between people can easily create an imbalance of mentality.

Yang Ji shook his head, "What are you thinking? Where can there be a legion that can achieve the soul of the Taoist army without going through bloody battles?

Today's Euphorbias and Xianden only have the basis for self-certification of the military soul. If they want to prove the military soul, they should first pass the current level. "

Zhang Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. If Ju Yi could really get the general's soul out through training, he would have to persuade Yang Ji and the others to send troops now.

Although sending troops now may cause great turmoil in Qingzhou and the newly recovered Yanzhou, it is better than facing a ridiculously strong guy then.

"Huh? Wait!" Zhang Fei's brows suddenly frowned. Yang Ji seemed to have said something just now.

"Unless he can destroy Baima Yicong?" Zhang Fei stared at Yang Ji, hoping he could give an explanation.

Yang Ji nodded, "What you think is indeed correct. If Ju Yi can destroy Baima Yicong this time, his Xian Deng and Euphorbia Soldiers can indeed prove the military soul, or the three talents may not be certain."

"Then why don't you go and help General Gongsun?" Zhang Fei asked loudly. He didn't understand why people like Yang Ji and others, who used to be unparalleled in wisdom, allowed Yuan Shao to have an extra army of military souls or three legions of talents.

Although sending troops to Jizhou now will cause some turmoil in his family, it is still better than having one more military soul or three more talents in Jizhou.

Because the Flying Bear Army is in Mount Tai, the civil servants and generals in Mount Tai still have a certain understanding of the combat effectiveness of this level of legion.

Although the combat power held by Feixiong cannot represent the combat power of all decisive battle legions in the world, the line has been drawn.

Yang Ji patted his ears. Zhang Fei's voice was really powerful. He could actually emit such a sound. If combined with a suitable secret technique, he might be able to create a lion's roar or something like that. ah.

"What's your name? Do you think we don't want to help? You don't even think about whether General Gongsun needs our help, or in other words, whether he will let us help.

We said he would lose miserably, would he believe this to be true? It would be strange if he didn't kick us out and then sever ties with us. "

"..." Zhang Fei was silent. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that what Yang Ji said is true, and it is something that may really happen.

Just like himself, if someone said in front of him that he couldn't beat Lu Bu, he would throw the guy out and not beat him out of favor in the past.

Although it is true that he can't beat Lu Bu now, if you see through it, don't tell it. Even if you have this idea, don't say it in front of the person involved, otherwise you will be the one who gets beaten.

And even if Zhang Fei knew that he couldn't beat Lu Bu, wouldn't he stop challenging Lu Bu and stop thinking about how to challenge Lu Bu?

This is obviously impossible. It doesn't matter if you can't beat Lu Bu now. Just hone your martial arts with the mentality of challenging Lu Bu. Those who work hard will always gain something.

If you can beat Lu Bu, then you have to challenge Lu Bu. Now that you can beat Lu Bu, when can you not take the title of No. 1 in the world?
"What's more, how do you know that this time will not be Baima Yicong's chance to prove his military soul or his third talent?" Yang Ji added.

Zhang Fei silently led his Youyunqi and 10,000 Danyang elite soldiers to Leling. In this battle, he wanted to have a good time with Zhang He and Gao Lan to vent his frustration.

Yang Ji is right. Since Ju Yi's Xian Deng and Euphorbia Shi can use this to prove their military soul or three talents, why can't Gongsun Zan's white horse Yi Cong use this to prove his Tao?
Although Yang Ji, Chen Xi and others judged that Gongsun Zan must lose, they did not say to what extent Gongsun Zan would lose.

Gongsun Zan might be completely defeated, losing all his 10,000 white horses in the hands of Ju Yi, and then fall into despair and withdraw from the stage of the world's princes. It is also possible that Baima Yicong ascended the military spirit or the three talents in this decisive battle, destroyed Ju Yi and his subordinates Xianden and the Euphorbia warriors, and thus occupied most of Jizhou and became the first prince in the north.

Of course, it is also possible that the two came to the Army Soul or Three Talents at the same time, and then started a long stalemate. In the end, Gongsun Zan had no choice but to withdraw from Jizhou due to reasons at the rear.

These are all possible, and no one dares to determine what the results will be before the results come out.

Yang Ji looked at Zhang Fei's retreating figure and couldn't help but sigh. He also wanted to save Gongsun Zan.

Not only Gongsun Zan, but also the 10,000 white horse followers under Gongsun Zan, Yang Ji also wanted to save them.

Of course, it is best to first board and white horse each board the military soul or three talents in the battle, and then continue the stalemate at the boundary bridge.

It would be best to maintain a stalemate at Jieqiao for two or three years. After Chen Xi and the others have completely digested Qingzhou and Yanzhou and solved all the problems that need to be solved under their rule, any changes will be made.

At that time, they from Mount Tai can pull 200,000 troops out of Jizhou and let Gongsun Zan cooperate with them to jointly destroy the effective forces in Jizhou.

However, with Gongsun Zan's current background, it is simply impossible to maintain a stalemate with Jizhou for two or three years, and it is impossible for Taishan to support Gongsun Zan with food supplies for two or three years, right?
Under Tai Shici's hint, after this battle, Gongsun Zan will definitely send Liu Yu away from Youzhou and turn Youzhou into his one-man hall.

And Gongsun Zan is a pure military general. Even if he is familiar with some political strategies, but if you want him to govern Youzhou well, it is better to hope that a civil servant who is proficient in political strategy will appear under Gongsun Zan.

However, in a place like Youzhou where there are not even a few aristocratic families, will there really be a civil servant who can run the government affairs team in Youzhou?
However, it seems that the Gongsun family in Lingzhi County, Liaoxi County, where Gongsun Zan lives, can be considered a two-thousand-ton official family. There must be some civil servants in the family, right?
But maybe, after all, after Gongsun Zan executed Liu Yu in history, no one from his family came out to help govern.

Maybe it was Gongsun Zan who caused a conflict at home. Who knows what happened.


After Taishi Ci arrived at Donglai Port, he waited here for several days before waiting for Gan Ning's ship. The two people looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, but they didn't like each other.

Taishi Ci didn't have any objections to Gan Ning. After all, after receiving the order, it only took him a few days to arrive at the designated location. This was already a god-like speed.

Not to mention that Gan Ning was wandering somewhere on the sea when he received the order. Being able to run from nowhere on the sea to Donglai Port within a few days was already a sign of Gan Ning's ability.

As for why Taishi Ci disliked Gan Ning, we have to ask why Gan Ning disliked Taishi Ci.

Taishi Ci himself didn't understand why Gan Ning felt unhappy with him. It was obviously the first time they met, and they had only heard each other's name before.

Gan Ning looked at Tai Shici's aura across from him, which was about the same intensity as his own, and couldn't help but mutter to Chen Xi.

Obviously he and the guy opposite him are about the same strength, why can Taishi Ci just go to the battlefield and wander around, while he can only do work like transporting supplies, and from time to time he has to test ships for the Jiangdong Lu family.

He also wanted to spend some time on the battlefield.

In the end, a close battle broke out between Gan Ning and Tai Shi Ci. The two fought for a long time, but they could not overpower each other.

Otherwise, the best way for warriors to communicate is to have a fight. After the fight, the two quickly became close friends and then fought again.

Then Gan Ning began to misinterpret the order Chen Xi gave to Taishi Ci, or it should not be called a misinterpretation. After all, the order Chen Xi gave to Taishi Ci was still very flexible.

It's just that Gan Ning's ideas were too out of the ordinary. Based on his own understanding, Gan Ning came up with plans that Chen Xi didn't expect...

In the end, Taishi Ci was deceived by Gan Ning, and coupled with Gan Ning's extremely deceptive power, he successfully believed Gan Ning's evil deeds.


At this time, Chen Xi did not know about the actions of Gan Ning and Taishi Ci, because he was now caught in the resistance of all officials in Taishan and could not spare much time to pay attention to the actions of Taishi Ci and Gan Ning.

By the way, Li Ru, Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others knew about the mansion that Chen Xi planned to build for Liu Bei, but they didn't know that the materials Chen Xi used to build the mansion for Liu Bei would be like this.

When Chen Xi took out the building materials, everyone who knew where these building materials were going to be used was shocked.

Then Liu Ye was the first to jump out, followed by Lu Su Fanqin and others. Jia Xu and Li Ru, who knew what Chen Xi was going to do and had experienced it, didn't jump out. Guo Jia, who knew people's hearts, didn't either. Jumping out, Fazheng, who could barely touch people's hearts, wanted to say a few words, but was suppressed by Chen Xi.

Then when Chen Xi showed the manufacturing costs of those building materials, everyone was dumbfounded.

Afterwards, with Jia Xu's explanation, everyone finally understood why Chen Xi built such a mansion for Liu Bei.

However, after Chen Xi came up with the new tax law, these people jumped out again. Even Jia Xu, Li Ru, and Guo Jia, who usually stood by Chen Xi, did not stand by Chen Xi this time.

"So, you are coming to me now to support your tax laws?" Yang Ji looked strangely at Chen Xi, who came to the plains from Mount Tai to look for him.

At this time, Yang Ji didn't know how to evaluate Chen Xi's actions. It was really amazing to be able to come up with something like transaction tax in this era.

At least Yang Ji didn't know how to deal with things like commercial tax. He knew a little bit about the general direction, but when it came to the details, he had no idea.

And Chen Xi can not only do it, but he can also do it in detail, and he can do it in a relatively complete way.

Is this Chen Xi who has received an education from a top aristocratic family?
This time I saw it.

"Didn't you go to see Mr. Xuande?" Yang Ji asked Chen Xi in surprise. He remembered that Chen Xi forcibly passed the new tax law after getting Liu Bei's support.

And it seems that Chen Xi can force the new tax law to pass without even informing Liu Bei, right?
(End of this chapter)

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