The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 231 The White Horse That Lost Its Speed

Chapter 231 The White Horse That Lost Its Speed
When more than 300 White Horse Volunteers fell off their horses, the front of the White Horse Volunteers suddenly became chaotic, and the originally orderly formation suddenly became messy.

We don't know what happened. We only know that after the White Horse Volunteers in the front fell off their horses, it directly affected the White Horse Volunteers behind them, causing chaos in the front formation.

Perhaps it was because the speed of the Baima Yicong was too fast, causing the soldiers of the Baima Yicong to have to watch themselves crash into their colleagues who fell off their horses in front of them.

After all, with the speed of the white horse, it might have hit the horse before the soldier who fell off the horse in front hit the ground.

The short spear thrown by the halberd warrior carries great power. After colliding with the white horse, it will greatly hinder the white horse's forward speed.

Endless car accident scenes were created, created by the incredible speed that accompanied the white horse, and created by the surprise that Ju Yi specially prepared for the incredible speed of the white horse followers.

The White Horse Volunteers, whose speed had already slowed down, directly crashed into the erected shields of the Halberd Soldiers, knocking many of them away.

Unfortunately, more Baima Yicong who had not yet slowed down crashed into the Baima Yicong who had already slowed down from behind.

The already chaotic White Horse formation became even more crowded, just like a chain reaction in the news reports, with those caught in the middle suffering the most.

Gongsun Zan looked at the car accident scene in front of him in shock, cold sweat already streaming down his back and forehead.

Although from the letters from Lu Zhi and Liu Bei, he already knew what kind of tragedy would happen to the White Horse Volunteers who could not control their own speed when they encountered heavy armored infantry who could not be knocked away or penetrated.

At that time, he felt that his teacher and fellow apprentice were simply worrying too much. How could there be an army in this world that could stop the White Horse Volunteers?

Even if such a legion existed, wouldn't the Baima Yicong avoid it?
Isn't it enough to just naturally shift the angle slightly to both sides like this, divide the legion into two parts, and then pass directly over the legion blocking the front like separated water streams?
Gongsun Zan looked at the narrow terrain around him with a grim face. There was no way to divert the legion. He could only form a stream according to the terrain, then hit the reef in front, and then crash into a ball of foam.

At this time, Gongsun Zan knew very well that in this situation, he must not slow down his pace, otherwise he would really become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Gongsun Zan looked back at Taishi Ci who had already started to take action, and the instructions of his teacher and fellow apprentice flashed through his mind.

Touching the special saber on his waist, Gongsun Zan's originally livid face became ferocious. Although he was still angry, Gongsun Zan felt that he was unusually calm at this moment.

[Is it the zero-time dodge that can only appear with the military soul or the third talent?] Gongsun Zan remembered the advice that Lu Zhi and Liu Bei gave to their own White Horse Volunteers, as well as the letter that the veteran White Horse Volunteers under Zhao Yun had sent him.

Gongsun Zan took a deep breath, looked at the white horses that had slowed down, suppressed the grief in his heart, and ordered Yan Gang to speed up further.

"General, if we speed up any further, we will also collide with them, and then we will be even more passive!" Yan Gang wanted to dissuade Gongsun Zan from giving up the idea of ​​a forced charge.

Just now, he had tried to divert the white horses and try to bypass the interception of the halberd soldiers.

However, this broken place did not allow them to separate the legions, as the halberd warriors had blocked the width that would allow them to divert in a short period of time.

Even though there were only 800 soldiers with the Great Halberd, they blocked the way for the White Horse Volunteers. They wanted to wipe out the White Horse Volunteers here!

"Just follow the order, I'll take care of the rest!" Gongsun Zan said with a cold face and a stern tone.

[Since there is no way around it, then forget about it and just rush in! ] Gongsun Zan made up his mind and decided to try his luck.

Now Ju Yi has forced the front part of the Baima Yicong to stop, and the speed of the Baima Yicong behind has also decreased. If they delay any further, all the advantages of the Baima Yicong will be gone.

As a veteran of the battlefield, Gongsun Zan knew very well that since Ju Yi had achieved the swiftness that could destroy the Baima Yicong, which was their proudest force, he must have come up with a trump card that could kill the Baima Yicong.

The first to ascend - the legion mentioned in the letters between Lu Zhi and Liu Bei might be the legion of strong crossbowmen. The White Horse Volunteers, having lost their swiftness, had no way of resisting the powerful crossbow arrows.

Although the fragile defense of their Baima Yicong could not withstand slightly stronger arrows.

However, if the White Horse Volunteers' extraordinary speed remained, no arrow or crossbow bolt of any strength would be able to touch a single hair of the White Horse Volunteers.

Unfortunately, the White Horses, whose speed was restricted, were just an ordinary super elite light cavalry corps. Facing the direct fire from powerful crossbows at such a close distance, they had no way to dodge.

When Gongsun Zan made up his mind to sacrifice those White Horse Volunteers who were forced to slow down, Gongsun Zan never lacked the will to sacrifice.

Ju Yi has already taken out another surprise prepared for the Baima Yicong, the powerful crossbowmen who were converted from halberd soldiers - the vanguard death soldiers!
Although now it can only fire one crossbow arrow due to its powerful crossbow... It seems very useless that it can only fire one crossbow arrow.

The first group of soldiers raised the powerful crossbows in their hands and pulled the triggers. Three thousand crossbow arrows flew straight towards the chaotic Baima Yicong.

After firing the only crossbow arrow in his hand, the first soldier did not care how much damage the crossbow arrow caused, but took the big knife from his back.

Then he rushed forward with all his might, killing those White Horse Volunteers whose speed had been weakened by the halberd warriors on the battlefield.

Yuan Shao looked at the White Horse Volunteers who were in complete disarray, drew his sword and shouted at the heavily armored cavalry led by Yan Liang and Wen Chou: "Kill them!"

As soon as Yuan Shao gave the order, Yan Liang and Wen Chou led their thousands of heavily armored cavalrymen to gallop forward, although these heavily armored cavalrymen could only run a dozen kilometers at most before being exhausted.

The huge roar attracted the attention of Gongsun Zan and Ju Yi. When they saw the heavy armored cavalry rushing towards the battlefield, they each had a different reaction.

Ju Yi's will instantly rose, and the look he gave to the Baima Yicong was filled with indifference, the indifference towards the dead.

At the same time, it became increasingly easier for Ju Yi to mobilize the will of the vanguard and the halberd soldiers. The strength of the elite talents of the two legions of the same origin was also raised to a higher level by the will of Ju Yi and the soldiers.

It turns out that a super elite legion cannot be trained simply by training. Although the Vanguard and Halberd Soldiers before this battle can also be called super elite legions, these two legions have not experienced many bloody battles.

Although their quality and willpower have reached the limit of what a super elite army can achieve, without going through a bloody battle, there is no going through a bloody battle.

Without the integration and forging of bloody battles, how can will and quality resonate and then burst out with a higher level of combat effectiveness?
When Gongsun Zan saw the heavily armored cavalry cutting through the middle of the Baima Yicong, his already bad mood was hit hard again. In a trance, Gongsun Zan seemed to see the shadow of his own defeat at the hands of Yuan Shao's army.

"No!" Gongsun Zan's eyes suddenly widened, his pupils full of bloodshot. What about the White Horse Volunteers that he had worked so hard to build!
Yan Liang and Wen Chou led the heavy armored cavalry and cut directly into the center of the Baima Yicong. The fragile defense of the Baima Yicong was simply unable to withstand the impact of the heavy armored cavalry whose speed was increased to the limit.

"Kill!" Yan Liang and Wen Chou squandered their internal energy wantonly. Although their internal energy had little effect under the suppression of the cloud energy, they were able to fully display their strong physical fitness after being cleansed by the essence of heaven and earth.

They have now seen Gongsun Zan's flag. As long as they cut down Gongsun Zan's flag, the war will be over.

The chaotic Baima Yicong were unable to stop the reckless charging of the heavy armored cavalry. They were violently knocked away and then trampled under the feet of the heavy armored cavalry.

"My lord, quickly order the archers to shoot arrows at where the halberd soldiers are!" Shen Pei shouted to Yuan Shao. He had discovered that as long as the halberd soldiers did not fall, the speed of the White Horse Volunteers would not be increased.

Moreover, as heavy infantrymen, the halberd warriors were not afraid of the power of arrows at all. After all, the archery corps under Yuan Shao did not have any elite talents.

How could they, wearing heavy armor, be hurt by a mere rain of arrows? But the White Horse Volunteers, wearing light armor or even cloth armor, had to worry about how to avoid the rain of arrows.

Yuan Shao didn't care whether Shen Pei was right or not, and directly ordered the archers: "Shoot!"

Yuan Shao, who was still in the hero mode, said directly to Feng Ji: "Yuan Tu, this battle is now handed over to you to command. Only if I lead the troops can we overwhelm the White Horse Volunteers before Gongsun Zan can react and win!"

“My fellow generals, follow me to kill the enemies. Today is the day to defeat Gongsun Zan!” After saying this, Yuan Shao strode into the battlefield with his sword in hand.

As Yuan Shao joined the battlefield, the Jizhou soldiers fighting in various places on the battlefield all stood up, inspiring even higher morale, and their will gradually unified on Yuan Shao.

The soldiers with the halberds also saw Yuan Shao personally coming to the battlefield, and their explosive will was their greatest recognition of Yuan Shao.

The halberd warriors burst out with even more terrifying combat power, squeezing the White Horse Volunteers' range of activities to an even smaller size.

"If the lord is not afraid, why should we be afraid? Kill, kill, kill!!!" Ju Yi roared and rushed towards the flag where Gongsun Zan was.

Ju Yi knew what Yuan Shao's personal participation meant, which meant Yuan Shao's trust in him, although Yuan Shao only participated after seeing the shadow of victory.

Yuan Shao's choice to join the fight at this time was already accompanied by huge risks, especially when the White Horse Volunteers still had a certain degree of mobility.

However, Yuan Shao still went to fight.

Ju Yi led the vanguard of the death squad, holding his breath, and killed his way through the White Horse Volunteers who were squeezed together by the halberd soldiers, and saw Gongsun Zan's general flag.

"Kill!" Ju Yi had already seen Gongsun Zan. Although the ferocious face was not as angry as he had imagined, it didn't matter anymore. It would be the same if he could kill Gongsun Zan right here.

Gongsun Zan glanced coldly at Ju Yi who was rushing towards them, and then said to Yan Gang: "Yan Gang, you go!"

"Yes, General!" After Yan Gang responded to Gongsun Zan, he looked at Ju Yi who was still rushing towards him with resentment, then stepped forward with a knife and killed Ju Yi.

"Ju Yi!!!" Yan Gang let out a long roar and swung the saber in his hand directly towards Ju Yi, who was still slashing at another white horse soldier.

Ju Yi's pupils shrank. He really didn't expect that Gongsun Zan would actually send people to stop his progress at this time. Shouldn't he be extremely angry and lose his composure?

However, Ju Yi did not have much time to think about these things at this time. Yan Gang's blade was about to fall, and it was too late for Ju Yi to retract the sword he had handed over.

"Dang!" A centurion who was the first to climb up used his broadsword to block Yan Gang's sword for Ju Yi, and then was stabbed in the body by another soldier on white horse.

However, this time was enough for Ju Yi to take back the knife he had handed over, and then slashed at Yan Gang who was trying to slash at him again.

Ju Yi used his body to block Yan Gang's knife attack, and then before Yan Gang could put away the knife, the blade went straight to Yan Gang's neck.

"Ding!" An arrow pierced Ju Yi's sword, deflecting the blade that was heading towards Yan Gang.

"Swish!" Gongsun Zan shot another arrow. As a cavalry general, how could his archery skills be bad?

The letter that Lu Zhi and Liu Bei sent to Gongsun Zan had made it very clear that the reason why Yuan Shao's army was able to build a legion to target the White Horse Volunteers was because of Ju Yi in front of them.

If Ju Yi died in this battle, half of Yuan Shao's army would be destroyed.

Although Yuan Shao's army still had a large-scale elite regular army, but after losing Ju Yi, if Yuan Shao wanted to build another double-talented super elite army, he needed more than just training and simple bloodshed.

Unfortunately, perhaps it was Yuan Shao or Ju Yi's destiny to die, as another vanguard soldier appeared beside Ju Yi and blocked an arrow for him.

More vanguard soldiers emerged from behind Ju Yi and directly blocked the dismounted White Horse Volunteers led by Yan Gang.

Although the Baima Yicong, as experienced warriors, are most proficient in horse combat, it does not mean that their infantry combat is bad. After all, they have gained enough experience from the Hu people in the northern border.

However, even as a super elite light cavalry, only one step away from stepping into the ultimate double talent of military soul or three talents, after dismounting, what they have to face are the vanguard soldiers specially trained by Ju Yi to deal with the white horses.

How could the Xiandeng Death Soldiers, both of whom were super elite, lose to the Baima Yicong in an infantry battle? Moreover, the Xiandeng Death Soldiers were originally a heavy infantry corps.

Ju Yi endured his injuries and took advantage of the time when the vanguard soldiers were swinging their swords wantonly to wrap his energy and a wisp of the vanguard's will around the sword.

Then throw it hard towards the flag next to Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Zan's flag must fall down!

(End of this chapter)

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