The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 238 Liu Bei's Generous Assistance to Gongsun Zan

Chapter 238 Liu Bei's Generous Assistance to Gongsun Zan

"Well, Zichuan is not at home?" Guo Jia was a little surprised. He had just come out of Chen Xi's house, so why was he not at home?
"Zichuan is indeed not at home. Xiaozhi and I met him at the door of Zichuan's house. Mrs. Fan said that Zichuan had just gone out, but Zichuan didn't say where he went." Liu Bei took over the conversation.

After hearing what Liu Bei said, Guo Jia looked outside and took a look at the current sky. "At this time, if Zichuan is not at home, where can he go?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have brought Xiaozhi straight to the Government Affairs Office. With Zichuan's personality, he has nowhere else to go except the Government Affairs Office."

Liu Bei was also very surprised. In Liu Bei's impression, Chen Xi either did not go out, or if he went out, his first choice would definitely be the Government Affairs Department. This was the content he specifically summarized related to Chen Xi.

"But Zichuan has not appeared in the Government Affairs Hall since that day." Liu Ye touched his nose and said somewhat embarrassedly.

After all, what happened to Chen Xi in the Government Affairs Office that day was indeed his fault. Not to mention Liu Ye's nonsense that he was not directly involved, Liu Ye still had the courage to admit it.

After Lu Su heard Liu Ye's voice, he glanced at Liu Ye out of the corner of his eye. Among the events of that day, Liu Ye was the one who secretly pushed the most.

Although I know why Liu Ye secretly pushed the situation forward, making Chen Xi bear greater pressure and then give up the implementation of the new commercial law.

However, Lu Su still felt extremely uncomfortable with Liu Ye's approach. Everyone gathered under Liu Bei's command for a common goal.

As a result, you treat the core figures among them like this. Wouldn't this destroy everyone's unity?

You know, the neighboring Jizhou has been fighting overtly and covertly, and has not yet decided on a strategist or chief civil servant, because there is no one like Chen Xi who can dominate everything.

Even though the strength of Jizhou's civil and military personnel is comparable to that of Taishan's, if a real fight breaks out, the combat power that Taishan can display will be much stronger than that of Jizhou.

[Lord Xuande hasn't even reached that step yet, but he's already thinking about the future. He's really...] Lu Su sighed in his heart, expressing his great disdain for Liu Ye's behavior.

Although if we think about the relationship between Liu Bei and Chen Xi from the perspective of Liu Ye's clan, the two are indeed too close.

For the royal family, it is not a good thing for the lord to trust a minister too much, even though it is beneficial to the development of the country.

"Is it possible that Zichuan went to Manxianglou? After all, everyone is saying that Zichuan is the owner of Manxianglou." Guo Jia directly threw out a bold statement, shocking everyone.

"This is not Zichuan's character, right?" Liu Bei said hesitantly.

Liu Bei really wanted to defend Chen Xi, but it was not like he had not seen Chen Xi in Manxianglou before. It was Chen Xi who brought Guan Ping to Manxianglou to snatch people.

Moreover, everyone knew why Manxianglou was able to openly open its way on South First Street and keep watch over Mijia Restaurant and Zhenjia Fur.

Therefore, it seems very likely that Chen Xi went to Manxianglou at this point in time.

Guo Jia looked at the surprised expressions on Liu Bei and others' faces, and after a little thought he knew that these people were thinking in the wrong way, although the outrageous remarks he made were already very distorted.

"What are you thinking about? What I said about Zichuan going to Manxianglou is not what you think." Guo Jia said unhappily. If Chen Xi knew that he was spreading rumors, who knows what would happen to him.

"You should also know what the current situation of Manxianglou is like. The reason why Manxianglou can stand upright on South First Street is because of Zichuan."

While saying this, Guo Jia's eyes kept glancing at Lu Su. After all, it was Lu Su who finally approved the matter and awarded the land to Manxianglou.

Lu Su turned away from Guo Jia's gaze with some embarrassment. Although he was the one who finally approved the document, he was extremely busy at that time and had no time to carefully check the status of Liu Luo who passed the note to him. Therefore, Chen Xi was still the main person in charge.

"If we want to move Manxianglou to another place, wouldn't it be better to come directly to the Government Affairs Office? Why do we have to go there in person?" Liu Bei still couldn't figure out what Guo Jia's idea was based on.

"My lord, Zichuan has no intention of moving Manxianglou. Instead, he wants to renovate Manxianglou and enrich the cultural atmosphere of Fenggao." Guo Jia explained to Liu Bei.

"Although I don't know why he had to go and notify them in person." Guo Jia shrugged, indicating that he didn't know why Chen Xi had to go to find the old lady in Manxianglou in person.

Liu Bei thought about the scene when he was wandering around Fenggao. It seemed that it was just as Guo Jia had relayed from Chen Xi, the cultural atmosphere in Fenggao was indeed a bit desolate.

After all, Fenggao is a place where people are either very low-key or very quiet, except for the Fengshan ceremony, which is usually a busy place.

After knowing what Chen Xi was going to do, Liu Bei no longer interfered too much in Chen Xi's operations. After all, Chen Xi was the best at this kind of thing.

After Liu Bei ordered people to go to Manxiang Tower to see if Chen Xi was there, Liu Bei heard Guo Jia's slightly curious question.

"My Lord, you went to see Zichuan at this time. Could it be that you also want to persuade Zichuan?"

Guo Jia thought that Liu Bei met certain people and heard certain things while wandering outside, so he decided to have a talk with Chen Xi or something.

"No, I didn't go there to have a heart-to-heart talk with Zichuan." Liu Bei shook his head, denying Guo Jia's guess.

Liu Bei's words also attracted other people's attention. After all, Liu Bei's trust in Chen Xi was obvious to all.

If it wasn't a big deal, why would Liu Bei run to the Government Affairs Office to look for Chen Xi after failing to find him at his home?
Liu Bei continued, "I went to find Zichuan because Ziyu sent a letter back from Pingyuan. I felt that I couldn't handle it, so I wanted to ask Zichuan for advice."

Everyone's eyes suddenly understood that Liu Bei's trust in Chen Xi was well-founded. When Liu Bei encountered something he couldn't control, the first person he went to ask for advice was indeed Chen Xi.

Then everyone couldn't help but look at Li Ru. Could this guy be slacking off? Why did Liu Bei look for Chen Xi instead of you first when he encountered a problem he couldn't solve?
Of course Li Ru knew what the gazes on him meant, but who was he? It was just a strange gaze, what could he do to me!
Seeing the indifferent expression on Li Ru's face without any change, everyone knew that Li Ru was ignoring their gazes.

Seeing that Li Ru did not make any response, Guo Jia could only continue to ask: "Did something happen over at Jie Bridge?"

Since it was a letter sent by Yang Ji, and this letter made Liu Bei want to find Chen Xi, apart from the things happening at Jie Bridge, Guo Jia couldn't think of anything else that would make Liu Bei so anxious to find Chen Xi.

Liu Bei nodded, "The letter from Zi Yu does talk about what happened at Jie Bridge, but it may be very different from your previous judgment." Liu Bei took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Guo Jia, "Yes, this is the letter from Zi Yu, you can take a look first."

Guo Jia lowered his head to look at the contents on the envelope. Although he didn't know why Yang Ji's letter to Chen Xi ended up in Liu Bei's hands, it didn't matter. What was important was the contents of the letter.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Guo Jia couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. No wonder Liu Bei would subconsciously go to find Chen Xi. If he encountered such a thing, he would also have to go to Chen Xi.

After reading the letter, Guo Jia handed it directly to Jia Xu beside him, then took a deep breath and said, "My lord, we really need to find Zichuan for this matter."

After saying this, Guo Jia couldn't help but wail in his heart. What is this? How did things turn out like this?

After reading the letter, Jia Xu handed it to Lu Su with an expressionless face, but everyone still noticed the drastic changes in his heart.

Combined with Guo Jia's previous performance, everyone was now even more curious about what was written in Yang Ji's letter, which even made Jia Xu almost unable to control his emotions.

Lu Su is young after all, and although his wisdom should not be underestimated, compared with an old fox like Jia Xu, he still lacks a little in emotional management.

So after Lu Su finished reading Yang Ji's letter, his whole face showed a subtle expression of doubt about life.

After seeing Lu Su's expression, the other people who had not seen it yet became even more curious about what was in Yang Ji's letter that could make Lu Su show such an expression.

When the letter was passed back to Liu Bei from Fa Zheng, everyone present knew what had happened at Jie Bridge.

Although it was a good thing that Gongsun Zan won, it was also a good thing that Gongsun Zan retreated to Youzhou, and it was even better that Gongsun Zan invited Yang Ji to go to the Jieqiao camp.

But, for some reason, everyone just felt absurd. Is it so easy to achieve military spirit?
As for Ju Yi and Gongsun Zan, they are so powerful that they can lead their legions to prove their legion spirit in this situation of the Han Dynasty. It is really incredible.

Just as they were speechless, Chen Xi came in holding a small box and greeted Liu Bei, "Hey, Lord Xuande, I heard you were looking for me?"

After greeting Liu Bei, Chen Xi also greeted everyone else in turn. After all, they were all colleagues. Although there had been some conflicts before, they were in the past now and no longer important.

It was only when greeting Liu Ye that Chen Xi paused. After all, Chen Xi knew who was the biggest driving force behind the anti-Chen movement.

But now that the matter has passed, Chen Xi does not intend to pursue it any further. After all, he has to give Liu Bei some face.

"Ah, Zichuan, you're here. This is a letter from Ziyu. Please take a look first." Chen Xi had just sat down when he saw the letter that Liu Bei had sent to him.

When Chen Xi took the letter handed over by Liu Bei, he glanced at the various expressions of Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others out of the corner of his eye.

Chen Xi opened the folded letter paper, "I hope it doesn't say anything bad."


"I really don't know how to evaluate this matter." Chen Xi touched his forehead with a headache.

He really didn't expect that during the time he was staying at home, the war situation on the Jie Bridge battlefield would change like this.

Chen Xi tapped the table and said, "The development of the situation deviated from our expectations probably from the time when the White Horse Volunteers proved their military spirit. What do you think, Lord Xuande?" Chen Xi looked at Liu Bei.

"Well, I don't know what's going on..." Liu Bei said hesitantly, "My teacher and I just told you some knowledge about the military soul and the three talents.

By the way, I also included Zi Yu’s argument about the ultimate form of the Speedy White Horse…”

As it turned out, Gongsun Zan did not disappoint him and Lu Zhi's expectations and successfully brought out the ultimate form of the Speedy White Horse.

Moreover, the reason why Gongsun Zan invited Yang Ji to the Jieqiao camp was most likely because of this.

Otherwise, with Gongsun Zan's pride, how could he invite Yang Ji to discuss the temporary transfer of command of the Youzhou infantry?

For Gongsun Zan, is the most important thing to do to participate in the Central Plains Chicken Dinner Contest?
No, Gongsun Zan did not want to participate in the Gu-raising War in the Central Plains. All he wanted was how to wipe out all the Hu people in the northern border and return a peaceful northern border to the people of Youzhou.

As for why they went to war with Yuan Shao, apart from Yuan Shao's betrayal and taking Jizhou for himself, the most fundamental reason was that Gongsun Zan's younger brother Gongsun Yue died at the hands of Yuan Shao.

Liu Bei learned this information from his teacher Lu Zhi. Liu Bei didn't know why Gongsun Zan told Lu Zhi this.

However, it did not prevent Liu Bei from learning from Lu Zhi what his senior brother Gongsun Zan actually thought about the world.

Moreover, when Yuan Shao, who occupied Jizhou, felt the pressure from Liu Bei, Liu Bei also felt a little pressure from Yuan Shao of Jizhou.

Although it was only a little, Liu Bei did feel the pressure from Yuan Shao of Jizhou.

The impression Yuan Shao left on Liu Bei during the Hulao Pass period was so deep that once Liu Bei felt the pressure from Yuan Shao, he couldn't help but put some pressure on Yuan Shao.

Although Liu Bei's way of making trouble for Yuan Shao was to give Gongsun Zan the ultimate speed white horse.

After hearing what Liu Bei said, everyone including Chen Xi looked at Liu Bei with incredible eyes. They really couldn't imagine that Liu Bei would actually hand over Yang Ji's argument about the speedy white horse to Gongsun Zan.

It has come to this, what else can be done? Chen Xi can only say: "Lord Xuande's move... is really incredible."

(End of this chapter)

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