Chapter 240 Tian Kai's Shock

Yang Ji looked at Gongsun Zan who was talking eloquently, and felt that his previous understanding of Gongsun Zan could basically be thrown away.

Gongsun Zan, who is now discussing with Yang Ji how to take advantage of the opportunity of Yang Ji leading the White Horse Army to return to Youzhou in the north to trick Yuan Shao, is the White Horse General who dominates the north.

"By the way, Zi Yu, can you transfer the mutant White Horse Volunteers under your command here? Otherwise, I'm afraid that these 100,000 infantrymen won't be able to stop Ju Yi's advance."

As he was talking, Gongsun Zan suddenly remembered that Yang Ji had a group of mutant white horse volunteers who dreamed of flying.

Although the Baima Yicong had just achieved the ability to control the wind for a short time, they were unable to make any useful response to the cloud arrows and will lock of the vanguard death soldiers.

But after all, the White Horse Volunteers were forged with the talent of super speed. As long as they didn't run into the large-scale cloud arrows and will lock of the first-line, the Wind-controlling White Horse was still a god on the plain battlefield~
Besides, with a current force of less than a thousand people, it is still unclear what scale of cloud arrows they can launch.

Moreover, no one knows how many halberd soldiers are left among the ones used to restrict the White Horse Volunteers, and it is even a question whether they can be reorganized in a short period of time.

Although the Vanguard Death Soldiers and the Halberd Soldiers basically belong to the same legion, the Halberd Soldiers can also be replenished through the Vanguard Military Soul. After all, the Vanguard is an advanced type of soldier of the Halberd Soldiers.

That is, can the vanguard who has just achieved military spirit really accumulate enough military spirit power to transform reserve soldiers?
Gongsun Zan directly assumed that the vanguard and the large halberd soldiers had a sufficient number of reserve soldiers. After all, he could just pull some people from any of the White Horse Volunteers to reinforce the White Horse Army.

These refer to Zhao Yun's Agile White Horse and Yang Ji's Wind-controlling White Horse. These two White Horse Volunteers are the most suitable to add the Military Soul White Horse. After all, these two legions are White Horse Volunteers with double talents.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Zan couldn't help but shook his head. It was because he only had a few of the double-talented White Horse Volunteers left under his command.

Although there are many cavalry corps in Youzhou’s hometown, those are Youzhou cavalry composed of mixed-colored horses.

Gongsun Zan had to find a way to get enough pure white horses first and then prepare to add those legions to the battle sequence of the White Horse Volunteers.

Therefore, before Gongsun Zan reorganized the new double-talented super elite White Horse Volunteer Corps, it seemed that the Military Soul White Horse could only draw reinforcements from the two legions of Yang Ji and Zhao Yun.

Although the White Horse Volunteers under Zhao Yun and Yang Ji belong to the legion under Liu Bei, Liu Bei and his men would agree to let him recruit troops from these two legions. Liu Bei might even have to pay for some food and supplies.

Yang Ji glanced at Gongsun Zan and said, "Oh, General, let's not talk about whether Ju Yi can complete the formation of the vanguard and the halberd soldiers in such a short time.

Even if he really completes the organization, you don't really think that his army of souls alone can fight against an army of 100,000, right?"

Gongsun Zan listened to Yang Ji's words and fell silent, as if what Yang Ji said made sense.

Even if Xiandeng completes its own organization, it will be impossible for it to contend against an army of one hundred thousand... Bullshit!

Yuan Shao's Jizhou army had more than one powerful army, the Xiandeng. Although the other legions under his command were not as strong as the Xiandeng and the Dajishi, they were not even as strong as the Xiandeng before they had established their military spirit.

However, even if those legions are not as good as the previous vanguards and halberd warriors, they are still elite legions with elite talents.

Although Gongsun Zan didn't know how many elite troops with elite talents Yuan Shao had under his command, it was definitely a lot.

If it weren't for the absolute dominance of the Swift White Horse over the legions below a certain level, it would have been difficult for Gongsun Zan to reach this place.

"Hey, Zi Yu, you have to know that Yuan Shao has more than just the Xiandeng army under his command." Gongsun Zan said to Yang Ji seriously.

"I know. Yuan Shao certainly has more than just Xiandeng under his command, otherwise he would not have been able to firmly occupy Jizhou." Yang Ji said as he looked at Gongsun Zan, his meaning was very clear.

Gongsun Zan's face turned red with embarrassment. Of course he could hear what Yang Ji was saying, but he did not care about Yang Ji's offense. After all, Yang Ji was speaking the truth, and Gongsun Zan did have some magnanimity.

"Although I have pushed Yuan Shao to this point before, I still don't know where his bottom line is until now."

Gongsun Zan said solemnly that he really didn't want Yang Ji to underestimate the enemy and cause his own infantry to suffer heavy losses.

Yang Ji nodded, "General, are you talking about the super elite and elite corps hidden in Yuan Shao's army?

Don't worry, although I will not transfer troops from Pingyuan County, the 100,000 troops under your command are enough to deal with Yuan Shao's attack."

One hundred thousand troops are enough for a large legion commander to be invincible. Unless a stronger army commander appears on the opposite side, or someone on the opposite side is best at creating miracles, Yang Ji will naturally be invincible.

Gongsun Zan looked at Yang Ji deeply and said, "Since you know all this, I won't say anything more."

Gongsun Zan sighed in his heart. Since Yang Ji had said this, Gongsun Zan didn't say anything more. In the current situation, even if Gongsun Zan wanted to find someone else to replace Yang Ji, he wouldn't be able to find one.

Gongsun Zan continued, "I will leave Tian Kai to assist you. After all, you don't know these soldiers under my command. If there are any orders, just issue them directly through Tian Kai."

Yang Ji nodded and agreed to Gongsun Zan's solution. After all, this was what should be done.

Moreover, Gongsun Zan was not a foolish person, and it was impossible for him to really hand over the command of an army of 100,000 to Yang Ji.

If he really was such a person, Gongsun Zan would not have earned the title of White Horse General in the north.

Tian Kai couldn't help but nodded after listening to Gongsun Zan's arrangements. It seemed that his general was still clear-headed and left a few people to look after his army.

After explaining this to Tian Kai, Gongsun Zan said to Yang Ji again: "I think Ju Yi might attack the camp tonight. After I leave with my troops, please be careful, Zi Yu."

Listening to Gongsun Zan's words, Yang Ji was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect Gongsun Zan to think of this.

Could it be that the Military Soul Corps also has the effect of improving intelligence?

Yang Ji nodded and said, "Don't worry, General. I will handle it carefully." He should not refute Gongsun Zan's warning at this time. Even if he wanted to refute it, he had to wait until Gongsun Zan left.

Looking at the smiling Yang Ji, Gongsun Zan was not at all reassured, even though Yang Ji had proven his ability on the battlefield in Yanzhou.

But Gongsun Zan had never seen it with his own eyes, so he was quite cautious about Yang Ji. After all, Yang Ji's taking over the command would affect the lives of 100,000 brothers under his command. Gongsun Zan gave Tian Kai a very secretive look, and then led the military soul white horse to leave the Jieqiao camp with the blessings of Tian Kai and the officers who stayed here.

With Yang Ji's strength, he certainly noticed the little moves between Gongsun Zan and Tian Kai, but Yang Ji didn't care about it.

After all, even if Gongsun Zan did not arrange for anyone to stay, Yang Ji would have to ask Gongsun Zan to leave behind a few senior officers as military supervisors.

Only after he could no longer see the back of the white horse of the military soul did Tian Kai say to Yang Ji, "Yang Sicheng, please."

Yang Ji glanced at Tian Kai and his eyes flickered. Yang Ji remembered that Tian Kai seemed to be the governor of Qingzhou in the official history, and he also blocked Yuan Shao for two years.

At the same time, Yang Ji also knew what Tian Kai meant by what he said just now. Gongsun Zan has already left. It’s up to you to perform next. Whether you can convince them depends on now. Don’t say that you didn’t give me a chance.

Yang Ji didn't care about Tian Kai's attitude. After all, the military is not about reputation, but about real ability.

Well... at least in this era, what matters is ability. Otherwise, even if you have a great background, don't expect the soldiers below you to have much faith in you.

Taishi Ci shrank his body, feeling that the atmosphere here was deliberately changed after Gongsun Zan left.

Under the gaze of Taishi Ci, Tian Kai and others, Yang Ji looked up at the white clouds above his head.

It was not known whether it was influenced by the White Horse Volunteers, but the cloud of gas formed by the Youzhou infantry was actually pure white, which was completely different from the ink color that Yang Ji had imagined.

However, this is not a big problem. The essence of the clouds is the same anyway. As long as they can be controlled by Yang Ji, there will be no problem.

Yang Ji's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his mental power was suddenly injected into the cloud. In front of Tian Kai and others, he repeatedly combed and refined the cloud of the Youzhou Infantry Group several times.

Then he used his mental power to control the clouds and weave out cloud tracks, arranging the cloud nodes needed to solidify the military formation.

In the perception of Tian Kai and others, they saw a powerful spiritual power injected into the clouds above, and then the condensation level of the clouds rose by several levels.

Then, they saw the clouds were woven into tracks, which was an area they had never touched before.

After the cloud trajectories below the clouds closed together to form a cloud-solidified military formation, Yang Ji directly opened the cloud channel connecting to the cloud group above and injected the clouds into the military formation.

When the light wings... no (crossed out), the military formation was deployed, Tian Kai and others felt that they had received a blessing. The fatigue accumulated on the battlefield today seemed to have dissipated a lot, and the minor injuries on their bodies seemed to have been healed.

[Is this not an illusion?!] Tian Kai's pupils shrank. He didn't think that the fatigue and injuries in his body would disappear for no reason.

Moreover, as time goes by, Tian Kai can be sure that if he can maintain this recovery efficiency, he will be a lively and vigorous warrior again tomorrow.

Of course, Tian Kai knew that he was not a powerful general, but the abundant energy that kept surging up gave Tian Kai an illusion that it might not be impossible for him to pretend to be a powerful general.

"Ah~ That's the feeling~" Taishi Ci felt the fatigue quickly dissipating from his body and couldn't help but stretching.

Tian Kai and the others couldn't help but look at Yang Ji. Now they finally knew what Yang Ji was doing just now. It turned out that he was arranging the military formation...

Is it so easy to arrange a military formation?
Don't bully them for not knowing how to form military formations. Let me tell you, they do know a little bit about military formations, although they are only the simplest ones such as circular formation, square formation, and sharp arrow formation.

But, doesn't a military formation require soldiers to arrange themselves in a specific formation before they can be deployed? Why can a military formation be formed after injecting spiritual power into the clouds?
In an instant, Tian Kai and others no longer had any objection to Yang Ji taking over the command of the army. Yang Ji, who was able to achieve such a level of military formation, was their most powerful supporter here.

If Yang Ji's military strategy was a little more powerful, perhaps they could take advantage of Yuan Shao's attack on his camp to counterattack Yuan Shao's main camp!

No, it seems that Yang Ji’s military strategy is very strong, and he has proved it once in Yanzhou.

After arranging the cloud-solidified military formation, Yang Ji clapped his hands and said to Tian Kai, "Okay, although Yuan Shao is likely to attack the camp tonight, we still need to rest well.

You just need to organize the personnel and strengthen the patrols, and let the rest of the soldiers... put on their armor and rest for a night.

Is that okay?" Yang Ji looked at Tian Kai.

"Yes, General, I will arrange people to strengthen patrols right away to ensure that the enemy does not have the opportunity to attack the camp!" Tian Kai said calmly.

Yang Ji waved his hand, "Alright, don't make promises here. As long as they are human, there will inevitably be omissions. Just let them prepare for the attack on the camp."

"Yes," after Tian Kai saluted Yang Ji, he took the few people left by Gongsun Zan to arrange the patrol.

As Tian Kai left, he glanced at the army formation gradually disappearing into the clouds above him, and couldn't help but sneer, "Come on, come on, I'll prepare a surprise for you."

Tian Kai, who had not walked far, looked up at the cloud above his head again as if he had sensed something, and saw that a solid military formation had condensed again in the cloud above.

Tian Kai only felt that his perception seemed to be expanded. He had never felt such a range of perception before.

"Yang Sicheng, was the effect of the military formation just now to expand the range of perception?" Taishi Ci asked with some confusion.

For a master of internal energy like Taishi Ci, the expanded perception brought by the military formation has almost no effect and can be easily ignored.

If Taishi Ci had not had a good grasp of his own perception and had not seen Yang Ji arrange the military formation with his own eyes, he might have ignored it.

Yang Ji glanced at Taishi Ci and said, "You have sensed it, right? Although it may not be of much use to you, it will be very useful to those patrolling soldiers."

Taishi Ci's eyes widened. "Will Yuan Benchu ​​really send people to attack the camp? Haven't their vanguards and halberd soldiers suffered heavy losses?"

(End of this chapter)

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