The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 245 Gan Ning: This is called tacit understanding

Chapter 245 Gan Ning: This is called tacit understanding

"No!" Before Gan Ning could even finish his words, Gan Lan directly refused Gan Ning's task arrangement. After all, this was not the first time.

Every time Gan Ning showed this attitude, it meant that he was about to do something fatal.

Gan Lan still remembers that the first time Gan Ning showed this attitude was when he took on the task that Chen Xi said was difficult but was actually a life-threatening task.

Those were truly unbearable memories, and they were a tormenting one.

"..." Gan Ning's movements suddenly froze, and his defense was broken by Gan Lan's straightforwardness. What was going on?

"I haven't even told you what it is, how can you just refuse?" Gan Ning said somewhat dissatisfiedly.

"Then tell me, when was there any time when you were doing something wrong that you considered the feelings of us normal people?" Kale didn't want to be on the same channel as Erha about this kind of thing, and normal people wouldn't connect to this channel with Erha.

"Um, this..." Seeing the faces of rejection from several brothers who followed him out of home, Gan Ning couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

However, this time even if they collectively refused, Gan Ning would drag them onto the sled. We all eat in the same trench, so how could we let you be left alone?

"Gan Lan, have you forgotten that I am the chief steward of the navy?" Gan Ning looked at Gan Lan with a smile. Since you are unwilling to follow the advice of your boss and friends, don't blame him for giving orders as the chief steward of the navy.

Gan Lan and several other men who came out of the Gan family paused. If Gan Ning really wanted to give orders as the chief of the navy, they would really have to go crazy with Gan Ning.

Well, it seems that after leaving Yizhou, they and Gan Ning embarked on a path of no return. It sounds like a really sad thing.

"What are you going to do?" Gan Lan asked Gan Ning with some annoyance. Since he couldn't stop him, he should think about how to improve the plan.

"Well, is that right..." Gan Ning listened to Gan Lan's question with great satisfaction. This was the prestige that the Chief of the Navy should have.

"What are you doing? Tell us your purpose!" Gan Lan interrupted Gan Ning's fantasy in a very annoyed manner. Several other men with the surname Gan also looked at Gan Ning with displeasure.

Things have come to this point. Don’t even think about expecting Gan Lan and the others to maintain their respect for Gan Ning.

“Ahahaha——” Gan Ning didn’t mind the aggressive attitude of these little brothers at all. After all, he knew how crazy his ideas were, and being willing to go crazy with him was already a sign of loyalty to him.

"We did this and that... this and that..." Gan Ning looked at Gan Lan excitedly, as if he wanted to get some expression of surprise from Gan Lan's face.

"..."Gai Lan looked at Gan Ning with a painful expression on his face. He thought he could get a more complete plan from Gan Ning, but he didn't expect it was just an idea.

Can anyone come and rescue him?

He is just an ordinary person, not one of those people with unparalleled wisdom and strategy. How can he improve Gan Ning's idea that is not even a plan?

Gan Lan tried hard to convince himself in his heart that the passionate young man in front of him who exuded a middle school vibe was his own young master, and he could not make too many demands.

Gan Ning didn't care at all about the painful expression on the face of the strategist his father arranged for him. He just looked at Gan Lan with expectation, hoping that he could give some suggestions and complete his plan.

The other men with the surname Gan silently moved away a few meters, and at the same time, they were glad that their brains were not as good as Gan Lan's, otherwise they would be the ones showing painful expressions.

"Xingba, let me ask you a question first. Do you know how the camp of Yuan army is arranged?" Gan Lan asked Gan Ning tiredly.

"..." Gan Ning's mouth twitched, and in the end he could only force out a few awkward smiles. Gan Lan's question really stumped him. He really didn't know how the camp of Yuan army was arranged.

Kailan squatted on the deck with a painful expression on his face. He knew that Gan Ning's idea of ​​burning Yuan's camp was a spur-of-the-moment idea and he had not thought about it at all.

"Forget it, Xingba, take me to observe Yuan Jun's camp." Gan Lan said helplessly. Since he had already decided to do it, he might as well do it more perfectly.

"No problem, I'll take you there right now!" Gan Ning said, patting his chest, then he picked up Cabbage and flew straight into the sky with him.

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Lan." A man named Gan said this as he watched Gan Ning and Gan Lan gradually getting smaller.

After the others looked at each other, they couldn't take off the smiles on their faces. They could only pray for Kale in their hearts to express their blessings.

In the evening, the orange-red sunset hung early on the horizon. Gan Lan sat on the deck with a pale face, flipping through the Thirty-Six Strategies that Chen Xi had given to Gan Ning.

Next to him, Gan Ning set up a fishing rod, ready to catch a few fish from the river for dinner. After all, it would always feel a bit awkward if the navy didn't have fish for dinner.

"Sigh..." Gan Lan sighed, put down the book in his hand, and took the bowl of fish soup handed to him by his brother next to him.

"Gan Lan, what's the situation? Can you find some flaws so that we can break in?" Gan Ning asked Gan Lan while holding his bowl and chopsticks and drinking fish soup.

Gan Lan did not answer Gan Ning immediately, but drank a mouthful of fish soup before saying, "Boss, this time, I don't recommend you to go straight to the Yuan army camp for food and logistics.

It is better to go directly to Yuan Benchu's main camp. After all, there are fewer guards there."

Gan Ning listened to Gan Lan's analysis but did not respond immediately. Instead, he drank the fish soup in the bowl in one gulp, chewing the fish meat and fish bones in the bowl and swallowing them into his stomach.

Gan Lan ignored Gan Ning's actions and asked him word by word, "There is one more thing I need to confirm. Do you want to focus on killing Yuan Shao or damaging the morale of Yuan's army?"

"Is there any difference?" Gan Ning scooped another bowl of fish soup and asked Kailan.

"If your main goal is to kill Yuan Shao, I don't think our limited military strength can achieve any effect.

If we focus on damaging the morale of Yuan's army, I think we have a great chance of accomplishing this feat." Gan Lan said calmly.

"Is there any difference? Things on the battlefield will not happen step by step according to the plan." Gan Ning shook his head, indicating that he wanted both.

"Being greedy is not a good habit." Gan Lan shook his head and continued, "You also saw the situation in Yuan Jun's camp today. They are about to retreat.

It is not easy to find an opportunity to rush into the camp."

Gan Ning said indifferently: "Opportunities are not something that can be waited for. Instead of sitting and waiting, it is better to create opportunities ourselves." "With so few people like us, how can we take the initiative to create opportunities...ah?" Gan Lan thought of Yang Ji on the opposite side.

He has an army of 100,000 at his command. Wouldn't it be easy for him to create some opportunities for these little shrimps?
"How about it? This is how I create opportunities!" Gan Ning said proudly.

"But, Boss, how can you ensure that the opportunities created by Yang Sicheng are our opportunities?" Gan Lan said with some confusion.

"You don't have to worry about this. Just follow my orders when the time comes." Gan Ning said, patting his chest.

Gan Ning's confident aura and eyes made Gan Lan mistakenly believe that Yang Ji had greeted Gan Ning. However, as Gan Ning's personal soldier, he was not qualified to know the news.

Looking at the back of Gan Lan organizing people to modify the ox cart, Gan Ning turned his head and secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead, [Huh, I almost got exposed. I hope the sneak attack tonight will go smoothly. ]

While Gan Ning was preparing the props for attacking the camp, Yang Ji was also making preparations for attacking the camp.

After all, when he first came, Yuan Shao gave him a surprise. Now that Yuan Shao is leaving, he should also prepare a surprise for Yuan Shao. After all, reciprocity is the right thing to do.

"What's the current situation at Yuan's army camp?" Yang Ji asked Tian Kai who was standing nearby. In the Gongsun camp, Tian Kai was the one in charge of scouts.

"General, the Yuan army camp is already packing up, and it looks like they are planning to retreat tomorrow." Tian Kai said respectfully.

There was no way. During the offensive and defensive battles of the past few days, the abilities demonstrated by Yang Ji made Tian Kai feel in awe.

Just as Gongsun Zan suggested when he left, Tian Kai originally thought that Yang Ji would transfer a legion from Pingyuan County that could stop the vanguard's death squad.

After all, an army of vanguard death soldiers is not something that an ordinary army can contend with. The attack power of the vanguard death soldiers is simply too strong.

The sharpest ones are the first to arrive. I'm not kidding you.

Although the current Vanguard does not have an independent general soul, it still needs Ju Yi's command to show its strongest side.

Although Xiandeng has not completed his organization in the past few days, he is fighting them in an incomplete posture.

However, the vanguard of death squads, which consisted of only a thousand regular soldiers, led by thousands of reserve soldiers, launched a massive rain of arrows attack.

If it weren't for the cloud barrier opened by Yang Ji to offset the cloud rain of arrows from the vanguard, Tian Kai couldn't imagine how many of the 100,000 infantrymen in the camp would be able to return by then.

Of course, if it was just the control of the clouds, it would not be enough to make Tian Kai feel genuine awe for Yang Ji.

After all, it's just cloud control, and he talks as if everyone can do it, although Yang Ji's level is indeed not something that everyone can reach.

What really made Tian Kai feel awe was Yang Ji's command ability. His command on the front line, as smooth as water, really opened Tian Kai's eyes.

It turns out that the battle line can be commanded in this way——

On the second day after Yuan's army's night attack, Ju Yi led an army of 50,000 to attack Gongsun's camp as the vanguard.

The terrifying attack power of the sharp first-line troops directly shattered the defensive line arranged by Yang Ji. The subsequent army followed the passage dug out by the first-line troops and almost cut the Youzhou infantry into two.

At the critical moment, Yang Ji directly deployed the Xuanxiang Formation, dividing the vanguard led by Ju Yi and the other troops into several parts, greatly reducing the advance speed of Yuan's army.

Afterwards, under the large-scale simultaneous formation changes that Tian Kai could not understand, Yuan's army was cut off and surrounded by Yang Ji and divided into dozens of small circles.

If Ju Yi had not realized that something was wrong and led the vanguard to forcibly fire cloud arrows, consuming a large amount of cloud energy on their side and breaking the Xuanxiang Formation set up by Yang Ji, perhaps the 50,000 troops commanded by Ju Yi would have been trapped in Yang Ji's encirclement.

After suffering a loss, Ju Yi once again organized an attack. Unfortunately, if the troops led by Ju Yi had not been the first to attack, Ju Yi himself might not have been able to return.

Afterwards, the frightened Yuan Shao did not allow Ju Yi to enter the battle line. This time they finally understood where the strength of the large army commander lay.

It is true that they cannot stop the elite vanguard, but why should they try to stop them? Wouldn't it be better to just confuse you and then annihilate the rest of your manpower?

Ju Yi is indeed very strong. He can see the fluctuations in Yang Ji’s command line and can even judge where Yang Ji will attack next.

But it was useless, because Ju Yi's command line and command nodes had been destroyed by Yang Ji.

Even if the flags and drums could convey Ju Yi's orders to the front-line officers, it would be difficult for them to organize an effective offensive line as they were surrounded and divided at various levels.

The occasional organized battle lines were also quickly destroyed by Yang Ji's command nodes, and the organized hundred-man teams were disbanded.

Ju Yi was forced into a corner and had to activate the arrow rain mode. He directly drew on the army's cloud energy and, with the assistance of physical arrows, successfully launched a large-scale cloud energy rain of arrows.

A rain of arrows of that magnitude really covered the sky and the sun. If it weren't for the light that could still come in from all directions, Tian Kai would have suspected that it was already night.

"They are planning to retreat now. What's going on? Didn't they say they were going to train troops here?" Yang Ji said in surprise, his eyes wide open.

"Si Cheng Yang, this is the news from the navy. Please take a look first." Taishi Ci stepped forward and handed the news from Gan Ning to Yang Ji.

Yang Ji was stunned for a moment. News from the navy?
Speaking of the navy, Yang Ji reacted immediately. Isn't this Gan Ning? It must be Gan Ning who has made a name for himself.

[Damn it, Gan Ning is finally causing trouble, or else I would have been planning to cause trouble.]

Yang Ji took the information handed over by Taishi Ci, read it carefully, and then read it carefully again.

"Tsk, Gan Xingba is really bold." Yang Ji shook his head. Although he had known Gan Ning's temperament for a long time, he still felt emotional when he actually met him.

"Si Cheng, is there any problem with Xingba's actions?" Taishi Ci asked cautiously. You know, Gan Ning acted on his own.

"What's the problem? Besides, Gan Xingba's position as the chief of the navy already gives him this authority." Yang Ji waved his hand and said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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