Chapter 247 A hundred people raided the camp!

Yuan Shao waited for a while, but Wen Chou didn't show up. Then he turned to Yan Liang and asked, "Where is Wen Chou? Why didn't I see him?"

Yuan Shao never doubted Yan Liang and Wen Chou's loyalty to him. As long as Yan Liang and Wen Chou were by his side, Yuan Shao never had to worry about his own safety.

Before Yuan Shao fell, the first to fall would definitely be Yan Liang and Wen Chou. This was their oath to Yuan Shao.

However, why did only Yan Liang show up this time, while Wen Chou did not come? This made Yuan Shao quite uncomfortable.

"My lord, Military Advisor Shen asked Wen Chou to go to the front camp to help rectify the situation. Where did this warrior with internal energy leaving his body come from?" Yan Liang said while holding up his spear.

After listening to Yan Liang's explanation, Yuan Shao frowned and turned his gaze to the front camp again. It was just as Yan Liang said.

Two extremely ostentatious auras appeared in the front camp. One was Wen Chou, who was very familiar to Yuan Shao, and the other should be the only general in the opposite camp who had internal energy out of his body.

It should be a guy named Taishi Ci. Yuan Shao had a deep impression of him. After all, he was the only general on the opposite side who could use internal energy to leave his body.

Yuan Shao nodded and said nothing more. The night had indeed brought them a lot of trouble, especially since they were the ones who were ambushed.

Not to mention anything else, the problem of organization alone is enough to make the army's morale extremely loose.

In this kind of loose cloud environment, especially in the dark night, the destructive power of a warrior with internal energy leaving his body is really not something that ordinary soldiers can stop.

In this situation, it is understandable that Shen Pei mobilized Wen Chou to help. At this time, it is necessary to stabilize the chaotic soldiers in the front camp.

Just as Yang Ji led his troops to break into Yuan Shao's front camp, Gan Ning on the other side also noticed the chaos in Yuan Shao's front camp.

Gan Lan looked at the flames rising from the front camp in disbelief. Did his young master really say hello to Yang Ji?

Gan Ning calmly looked at the flames that were rising up, the two martial arts wills that were rising up into the sky, and the murderous momentum of the first batch of death warriors.

What attracted Gan Ning the most was the scarlet murderous momentum of the first batch of death warriors. After all, he also had the martial arts will of leaving the body with internal energy, so it was not something worthy of attention.

[Such a terrifying aura, is it worthy of being called the Military Soul Corps?] Gan Ning was secretly shocked. This was the first time he had seen the so-called Military Soul Corps with his own eyes.

When Yang Ji and Hua Xiong brought Fei Xiong and Yu Lin back from Chang'an, Gan Ning had already gone out to sea with the pirates he recruited from the Yangtze River.

Later, I was busy with the sea trials of the ship and had no time to return to Mount Tai to take a good look at what the rumored military spirit looked like.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Gan Lan asked Gan Ning excitedly.

What Gan Lan feared most was that no one would divert the attention of Yuan Shao's army, which would lead to Yuan Shao's officers and soldiers reacting quickly and surrounding them before they could withdraw.

Gan Ning glanced at Gan Lan, then turned around to look at the hundreds of ox carts behind him. These were specially modified ox carts, and on them were the tung oil that Gan Ning had looted from the granary in Handan, which was packed in a wooden barrel.

"Of course we'll go straight ahead!" Gan Ning whispered, then he casually pointed to a few of his men and led them to pretend that they were soldiers coming from the front camp, and walked straight to the camp gate.

If this location was not a bit close to Yuan Shao's central camp, Gan Ning would have shouted loudly to arouse the emotions.

Gan Lan stared in amazement as Gan Ning walked straight towards the camp gate without any concealment. His outstretched arm froze in mid-air, and the shout that was about to be shouted at stopped in his throat.

A group of people just went out from the camp gate. Young master, you just approached the camp gate without any concealment. Is this really okay?
Gan Lan was really annoyed. Every time he encountered something that Gan Ning was interested in, he couldn't stop him.

PS: I really want to go back and tell the master that he wants to change the young master. Otherwise, how about you train a small account?
Gan Ning ignored Gan Lan's actions and led his men directly to the camp gate. Then he was discovered by the guards at the camp gate when he was still fifty steps away.

"Who is it!" The camp guard raised his spear and shouted at the shadow in the darkness where the torches could not reach.

There was a blaze of fire in the front camp now, and the guards at the camp gate were very suspicious that the shadow in the darkness had come from the front camp.

Gan Ning staggered into the circle of light created by the torches, allowing the guards at the camp to see Gan Ning's embarrassed figure.

Gan Ning, with his face covered in stains, wanted to get closer to the guards, but unfortunately, after seeing Gan Ning's actions, the guards immediately raised their spears and drew their swords.

"Stop! Don't come any closer, just stop there!" The guards looked at Gan Ning vigilantly as he walked alone into the area illuminated by the fire.

"Answer my question, who are you?" The guard looked at Gan Ning's attire and relaxed his vigilance a little.

It's impossible for those attackers in the front camp to change into the clothes of Yuan Shao's army in such a short time, right?
"Cough, cough, cough..." Gan Ning coughed violently a few times, and a hoarse voice came out, "The attackers' attack was too fierce, General Ju was almost unable to hold on, so he asked me to find reinforcements.

Let me in quickly to report to the Lord. If we delay, it will be too late!" Gan Ning shouted angrily to the guards with a worried look on his face.

"Ah?" What are you talking about? The guards were all stunned. Do you know what you were talking about just now?

That was Ju Yi, General Ju Zhengli, the creator of the vanguard death squad and the halberd soldiers. How could he be defeated by a small night attack and have to call for support?

Besides, 50% of Yuan Shao’s army is gathered in the front camp. How could it need support from the troops in the central camp?
However, the guards had no time to think about or question Gan Ning about what was going on.

Because a clear green knife light flashed before their eyes.

The guards whose consciousness was trapped in darkness could not see that after they fell, more than a dozen dark shadows quickly walked out from outside the firelight.

"Hurry, move these barricades away. Go and ask Gan Lan to drive the ox cart here." Gan Ning whispered to the dozen or so men under his command.

While greeting his brothers, Gan Ning was also carefully observing the situation in the central army camp.

Although everyone in the central camp is now attracted by the fire from the front camp, there is no guarantee that anyone will want to go to the front camp to help, just like Shen Pei and Wen Chou just now.

Thinking of this, Gan Ning couldn't help but complain about Shen Pei, Wen Chou and the others. You should at least trust Ju Yi. After all, he is the general who led you to defeat Gongsun Zan. How could he not be on guard against Yang Ji's night attack?

Of course, this is just Gan Ning's complaint and should not be taken seriously.

After all, even if he was sitting in that position, even if he knew that Ju Yi could beat Yang Ji out, he still had to send someone to help.

This is not a question of ability or not, but something else.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Gan Ning urged Gan Lan to quickly poke a hole in the oil barrel on the ox cart and get the ox running quickly.

Gan Ning had already sensed that the soldiers in Yuan Shao’s central camp had begun to assemble under the supervision of the grassroots officers.

There is not much time left for them.

Hundreds of pirates moved quickly. In less than a minute they had reorganized the ox carts into a formation and then poked a hole in the oil barrel.

"Come on!" Gan Ning picked up a torch and directly lit the tung oil on the ox cart, then stabbed the ox's butt with a knife.

"Moo!" The bullocks screamed and rushed to pull the burning oil barrels on the carts to the tents. "Kill!" Gan Ning threw the torch in his hand into the tents not far away and shouted to his men.

Oh, I can finally raise my arms and shout.

Gan Ning's soldiers rode their horses and rushed into the line of fire ignited by the ox, followed by two horses with oil bags hanging on them.

"Enemy attack!" The soldiers gathered by the officers finally discovered the burning tent.

When the fire came, they were still wondering why the fire in the front camp was so fierce that even the middle camp could feel the fire...

Chaos engulfed Yuan Shao's central camp. The shouts of the soldiers and the orders of the officers intertwined, breaking down Yuan Shao's defenses.

Yuan Shao's defeated army could no longer hold back the blood in his throat and spat it out.

"My lord!" Yan Liang cried out miserably, holding Yuan Shao with one hand, and looked at Yuan Shao with a worried look on his face as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm fine. Send someone to put out the fire, especially where the grain and grass are." Yuan Shao said tremblingly.

After Yan Liang used his internal energy to calm his breath, Yuan Shao drew his sword and said sternly, "Yan Liang, follow me to kill the enemy. I want to see who is so bold as to attack my central camp."

Then Yuan Shao saw Gan Ning riding a horse and rushing into his sight, and both sides were stunned for a moment.

Yuan Shao was confused. His subordinates were still riding horses in the camp at this time? They must be punished.

Gan Ning was stunned that he was so lucky to meet Yuan Shao directly. You know, he had never planned to look for Yuan Shao originally.

Although Gan Ning himself had never met Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao had too many auxiliary identification features.

Gan Ning could not think of anyone else except Yuan Shao who could hold such a sword, wear such luxurious robes, and possess such a powerful aura in the Yuan army camp.

More importantly, the man holding a spear who was guarding him on both sides was very strong. He was a martial artist with the ability to separate internal energy from his body like him.

"Hahaha, it doesn't take any effort at all," Gan Ning grinned, and his terrifying momentum instantly pressed towards Yuan Shao.

"Yuan Shao, die!" Gan Ning swung the iron chain in his hand and stabbed Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao remained motionless, just looking coldly at the arrogant Gan Ning.

"Ding!" Yan Liang swung his spear and knocked the iron chain that was stabbing at Yuan Shao away.

"Who is coming?" The blood-colored internal energy gushed out from Yan Liang's body, and vaguely, completely blocked all of Gan Ning's attack directions.

Gan Ning's face turned cold. This feeling of being locked in will could not be wrong. [Is the inner energy leaving the body on the path of divine cultivation? ]

[But I’m not bad either!] Gan Ning swung up the iron chain in his hand and said, “I am Gan Xingba, the admiral of the navy! Yuan Shao, prepare to die!”

Seeing Gan Ning's iron chain piercing Yuan Shao, Yan Liang wanted to repeat his previous action and use his spear to pry the iron chain apart.

Unfortunately, Yan Liang had never seen a general using a strange weapon like the Cross-River Iron Chain, otherwise he would not have suffered this loss.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that the iron chain in Gan Ning’s hand is extremely straight, almost like a wooden stick. At most, the wooden stick in Gan Ning’s hand is made of iron chain.

However, if that were the case, why would Gan Ning use the Hengjiang Iron Chain as his weapon?

After all, with the infusion of internal energy to shape it, even the iron chain across the river would become extremely straight.

With a thrust of Yan Liang's spear, he indeed broke Gan Ning's iron chain.

However, Gan Ning directly withdrew his internal energy infusion into the iron chain, allowing it to regain its original properties.

The iron chain that Yan Liang had opened with his spear suddenly turned a corner and continued to stab Yuan Shao.

Yan Liang's pupils shrank, and in desperation he stretched out his hand to grab the iron chain.

Gan Ning frowned, shook the iron chain in his hand, and then the end of the chain turned and hit Yan Liang's chest.

Yan Liang moved his spear, knocking away the iron chain that was hitting his chest, and at the same time loosened the iron chain in his hand.

After Gan Ning retracted the iron chain, he wiped his waist and a crossbow appeared in his hand.

Gan Ning raised his hand and shot an arrow at Yuan Shao, shouting, "Yuan Shao, die!"

Yan Liang gave up on Gan Ning and turned around to pounce on the arrows shot at Yuan Shao.

As a result, Yan Liang's spear easily destroyed the arrow shot by Gan Ning.

Yan Liang subconsciously looked at Gan Ning, only to see that Gan Ning had shot another arrow.

However, Gan Ning's arrow was not aimed at Yuan Shao, but at Yuan Shao's flag not far away.

The arrow, imbued with internal energy, directly nailed the flagpole, smashing the lower half of the flagpole into pieces.

"Bang!" Yuan Shao's flag fell down directly after losing its support.

Many soldiers at the scene, including Yuan Shao and Yan Liang, who saw Gan Ning's actions, showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Gan Ning ignored all this and just threw away all the remaining oil bags in his hand. Then the iron chain shook, and the oil bags broke instantly, and the tung oil in them spilled out instantly.

"Swish!" The iron chain hit the stone and a cluster of sparks flew out, and then a ball of fire blocked Yuan Shao and Gan Ning.

After doing all this, Gan Ning rode away on his horse without looking back. He could already feel the gradually recovering cloud energy suppressing him. If he didn't leave, he would have to enjoy the fire that he had lit with his own hands.

Yan Liang used his internal energy to build a barrier, blocking the erupting flames one meter away from Yuan Shao.

After making sure that the flames could not hurt Yuan Shao, Yan Liang's internal energy surged, directly suppressing the flames spreading on the ground.

"My lord, let's leave this place first. The tung oil on the ground may rekindle." Yan Liang said to Yuan Shao.

"Hu——" Yuan Shao took a deep breath, took one last look at Gan Ning's back, and followed Yan Liang away from the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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