The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 249 Yuan Shao: Gan Ning, come and be my naval admiral!

Chapter 249 Yuan Shao: Gan Ning, come and be my naval admiral!
Taishi Ci put his own thoughts into Ju Yi's mind at that moment, and found that he really couldn't find a better way to solve the current situation than with his fists.

If you want to calm down the soldiers who are in chaos and nervous and ready to kill anyone they see, it is impossible to do it just by talking nonsense, unless your mouth cannon can emit lasers to make the soldiers calm down and listen to your reason.

However, Taishi Ci still had a question about this night attack. Why didn't Ju Yi and Xian Deng come out earlier to stop the chaos, but had to wait until the situation was unstoppable? Isn't this just a waste of time and causing greater losses to themselves?

After hearing Taishi Ci's question, Yang Ji shook his head, "Do you really think Ju Yi doesn't want to bring Xian Deng out to calm the situation?

Wrong, Ju Yi had already assembled the vanguard shortly after we started knocking on the door, the organizational ability of the military soul is no joke."

“The reason why they failed to appear on the main battlefield in the first place was simply because I used their soldiers to block them somewhere.

The reason why you, the rest of the soldiers, and others didn't notice the existence of the vanguard was that I used some special means to temporarily isolate the vanguard's sense of existence."

As for what means he used to isolate others from their perception of the vanguard, apart from secret techniques and military formations, did Yang Ji have other ways to isolate others from their perception?
"When Ju Yi and his men were suppressing the soldiers who were in chaos, they must have thought that their presence could effectively awaken those soldiers who were in a state of stress.

Unfortunately, Ju Yi and the Xiandeng Death Soldiers didn't expect that I would directly block their presence, so that people outside of that circle would not be able to sense them for the time being."

Speaking of this, Yang Ji couldn't help but sigh. When he first came up with this idea and put it into practice, Yang Ji himself thought that this little trick would be cracked quickly.

As a result, unexpectedly, Ju Yi did not realize that his existence was blocked until the very end. It was only after they decided to step out of the circle that Yang Ji had specially built for them that they broke the shielding ritual set up by Yang Ji.

I don’t know if Ju Yi will be able to realize that his presence has been blocked when he makes a post-war summary after this incident.

After listening to Yang Ji's explanation, Taishi Ci was silent for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but ask Yang Ji: "When did you deploy the shielding secret technique or military formation on the battlefield?"

Although the answer given by Yang Ji was very surprising, after all, before this, who the hell would have thought of blocking the enemy's presence and making it impossible for other enemy forces to sense the existence of friendly forces.

However, Taishi Ci did not doubt whether Yang Ji could block the enemy's sense of the presence of a certain legion on the battlefield. After all, who could figure out how novel Yang Ji's secret technique could be.

Even if one day you told Taishi Ci that the secret rituals arranged by Yang Ji gave a group of miscellaneous soldiers without any talent foundation the blessing of elite talent, Taishi Ci would not be surprised at all, after all, he would be able to do it too.

What puzzled Taishi Ci the most was when Yang Ji set up the secret rituals or military formations.

Taishi Ci remembered very clearly that apart from issuing corresponding command orders from time to time, Yang Ji did not take any other action on the battlefield.

Wait, command orders?
Taishi Ci suddenly realized that what Yang Ji said was right. He really should read more books because his imagination was too poor.

Touching his forehead, Taishi Ci really wanted to ask Yang Ji, are you a human, a ghost, a god, or an immortal?
Seeing that Taishi Ci seemed to have thought of something, Yang Ji did not want to explain too much. After all, even if he explained it, they would be able to come up with an explanation that they could understand.


"Please punish me, my lord!" Ju Yi half-knelt on the ground, lowered his head and pleaded guilty to Yuan Shao, whose face was ashen.

Although Yang Ji's night attack had been suppressed by him forcefully, the target of the suppression was not the legion commanded by Yang Ji, but the legion belonging to their Jizhou.

And most importantly, after he found that his command could not be conveyed, he did not immediately lead the charge to the front of the confused soldiers, which led to greater chaos.

Ju Yi and Xiandeng did not appear in front of the soldiers immediately, allowing the soldiers who had lost their command to find their backbone immediately. This was Ju Yi's biggest mistake this time.

Yuan Shao did not respond to Ju Yi immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes, pinched his forehead and asked Shen Pei beside him: "Zhengnan, have you calculated the losses of this night attack?"

Ju Yi ignored Yuan Shao's indifference, but lowered his head and listened silently to the data reported by Shen Pei.

“Reporting to the lord, in this night attack, apart from the broken flag and burned tents, there was almost no loss of personnel in the central army camp.

As for the main battlefield of this night attack, the front camp suffered heavy losses..." At this point, Shen Pei paused and glanced at Ju Yi.

"Don't waste time there. Tell me how many casualties there were in the front camp." Yuan Shao waved his hand, motioning Shen Pei to continue. Now that things had come to this, he had nothing to worry about.

“The damage in the front battalion was over thirty thousand, most of it self-inflicted.

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but a large part of the soldiers killed this time are our veterans.” Shen Pei expressed his guess tactfully.

"Fuck..." Yuan Shao held it in for a long time but still couldn't help cursing. Even though Yuan Shao had a wealthy family, he couldn't resist squandering like this.

"Oh, forget it. There's no point in talking about this now." Yuan Shao no longer wanted to listen to this. The more he listened, the more heartbroken he felt.

Yuan Shao turned his head and looked at Ju Yi who was half-kneeling on the ground. "Zhengli, can you tell me now why you and Xiandeng didn't appear on the battlefield at the first time?"

Just as Ju Yi was about to speak, Shen Pei beside him interrupted him and said, "My lord, can you let me explain the situation?"

Yuan Shao glanced back and forth between Shen Pei and Ju Yi for a few times before saying, "Then Zhengnan, you can speak."

Ju Yi wanted to say something, but was held down by Shen Pei. With Ju Yi's strength, he could easily break free from Shen Pei's hand.

Then Shen Pei's voice was heard, "General Ju, let me tell you. Given the situation at the time, you probably didn't have the time to observe the surrounding situation."

Ju Yi looked up at Shen Pei and finally agreed to let Shen Pei speak. Just as Shen Pei said, the situation at that time did not allow him to observe the surrounding environmental factors.

Moreover, after the war, Ju Yi brought the vanguard to the central camp to apologize to Yuan Shao. Ju Yi did not participate in the subsequent arrangements and post-event investigations at all.

"My lord, General Ju did appear on the battlefield at that time. Although he was restrained by our chaotic soldiers, he was the first to appear on the battlefield."

Shen Pei looked at Yuan Shao and said, of course Shen Pei knew what Ju Yi and Xian Deng were doing at the time. After all, he was with Ju Yi at the time, so how could he not know the specific situation.

Yuan Shao and others frowned when they heard Shen Pei's words. They all knew Shen Pei's character. Since Shen Pei could say this, it meant that Xiandeng and Ju Yi did appear on the battlefield at that time.

However, considering Xiandeng's swagger, why did the surrounding troops say they didn't see Xiandeng and Ju Yi appear? It's really scary when you think about it. It's really scary when you think about it.

"Just tell me the conclusion, Zhengnan. We don't have time to listen to your analysis here." Yuan Shao closed his eyes. This feeling of the unknown was really terrible.

Shen Pei took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said to everyone, "General Ju and Xiandeng's existence was blocked, which is why it looked like they didn't appear on the battlefield."

"..." Hey! Do you know what you are talking about?

Everyone stared at Shen Pei with wide eyes, including Yuan Shao and Ju Yi, but their expressions were not as obvious as the others.

"How do you know that Xiandeng's existence has been blocked?" Feng Ji said with a frown.

"Remember what I told you about the first step being blocked by the battle line built by our soldiers?" Shen Pei sighed.

"I asked the soldiers around the first landing and the soldiers who were farther away from the first landing, and they gave two completely opposite answers."

When Shen Pei said this, everyone's expressions began to become serious. Blocking the presence of a military soul was not a big deal that could be easily ignored.

There was a hint of gloom in Ju Yi's eyes. No wonder he felt vaguely out of touch with his surroundings at that time. It turned out to be because of this.

"I believe General Ju was also aware of this problem at the time." Shen Pei looked at Ju Yi.

Even Shen Pei himself could sense the abnormality, so Shen Pei didn't believe that Ju Yi, who had mastered the military soul, couldn't sense it.

"That's right, is it true?" Perhaps knowing that the main responsibility this time was not on Ju Yi, Yuan Shao asked Ju Yi slowly.

“My Lord, I did sense something at the time, but I felt that I could break through the barrier with just a rush of cloud energy or military spirit, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.

Please punish me, my lord." Ju Yi asked Yuan Shao to punish him again. This time it was indeed his mistake. If he could use the military soul to shatter the barrier in his perception, perhaps that situation would not have happened.

"Alright," Yuan Shao shook his head, "Anything can happen on the battlefield, so just be more careful next time.

However, although the main responsibility is not yours, you still cannot avoid being beaten with fifty military sticks." Yuan Shao casually decided on Ju Yi's punishment.

After all, he will have to rely on Ju Yi to fight against two powerful enemies, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan. If he puts Ju Yi in hiding at this time, there will be no general under his command who can replace Ju Yi.

"My lord, there is one more matter I would like to ask you to decide." When everyone thought that the matter was over, Feng Ji stepped forward and said that there was one more matter.

Yuan Shao frowned, looking a little annoyed. "Yuan Tu, if you have anything else to say, please tell us now. After that, we will hurry up and arrange for the withdrawal of our troops."

"My lord, the horses and bulls ridden by the enemy that attacked our central camp tonight had our army's markings on them." Feng Ji said with his head down.

"Ah?" Yuan Shao stared at Feng Ji in a daze, then roared angrily, "What did you say! The people who cut off our army's flag were the ones who burned down the granary in Handan?!"

"Find Gan Xingba alive!" Yuan Shao covered his chest with his hands. He almost fell ill from anger.

"Tell him that I, Yuan Benchu, need warriors like him, and I need generals like him who are bold, careful, brave and unparalleled.

What Liu Xuande can give him, I, Yuan Benchu, can also give him. No matter when he comes, I, Yuan Shao, will always welcome him. "

After realizing what kind of achievements Gan Ning had made, Yuan Shao wanted to recruit Gan Ning to his side.

Yuan Shao had no shortage of brave generals who could fight, no shortage of generals who could command troops, and no shortage of generals who could serve as legion commanders.

However, Yuan Shao did not have a general like Gan Ning who was good at seizing opportunities in battle and dared to lead more than 300 people to attack a camp of 10,000 people. At least Yuan Shao did not find such a person in his own army.

Moreover, Gan Ning was also a naval general, which further strengthened Yuan Shao's idea of ​​poaching Gan Ning from Liu Bei.

As for not being able to poach him, this possibility had never occurred to Yuan Shao. Who was he, Yuan Shao? He was the legitimate son of the Yuan family, a family of three generations of officials.

Besides, even if Gan Ning didn’t want to leave Liu Bei, the Yuan family could go look for Gan Ning’s family or something. After all, Yuan Shao was very caring about the families of his generals.

At this moment, Yuan Shao was already imagining what kind of treatment he would give Gan Ning after he came to his side.

Needless to say, Gan Ning must be a naval general on his side. After all, they in Jizhou don't even have a navy now, let alone a naval general, so they just need to give him the highest salary.

As for the problem of not having a navy, that's easy. The Yuan family has plenty of connections. When the time comes, they can just purchase ships and let Gan Ning select the navy soldiers from the army.

Although the northern soldiers are not good at naval battles, they can recruit soldiers from the south. Isn't the Jingzhou navy ready-made?

Yuan Shao didn't want to say anything about Liu Biao's current condition. He could just ask Yuan Shu for the Jingzhou navy when the time comes.

As for Yuan Shu's refusal to agree, Yuan Shao had never considered this issue at all. After all, as long as he, Yuan Shao, took action, there was no problem that could not be solved.

"My lord is wise!" Everyone complimented Yuan Shao, even Ju Yi echoed a few words.

After all, they all knew why Yuan Shao wanted to recruit Gan Ning, and they also knew what position Yuan Shao would arrange for Gan Ning.

If they knew how to fight on water, they would have some idea about the position of naval commanders.

It's a pity that they know nothing about water battles and can't even swim. What if they fall into the water?

(End of this chapter)

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