Chapter 255: The First Prince in the World
"My Lord, my opinion is to send them to Pingyuan County first and settle them there, and then send them to the eastern counties of Yanzhou in the spring of next year.

It is already November now, and it is not easy to migrate in such cold weather. After all, the people are not the army, and their resistance to this kind of weather is still much weaker. "Guo Jia told Liu Bei about his plan.

Although when Guo Jia first made the plan, he was planning to have Zhao Yun come from Yanzhou with thousands of soldiers in an "air-conditioned" military formation to pick up people.

However, the Yuan army's soldiers' ruthless plundering of the people made Guo Jia realize that the food and fodder he had prepared for the people who wanted to migrate seemed to be insufficient.

According to the judgment made by Guo Jia when he received Liu Bei's order, the number of people willing to migrate with Liu Bei was estimated to be no more than a few hundred thousand.

After all, there are only so many people living around Jie Bridge, and at most a few people from nearby counties and prefectures. It is impossible for Yuan Shao to rob all the food supplies of hundreds of thousands of people in the surrounding area, right?

Unfortunately, looking at the current situation of Yuan’s army, it is estimated that they will have to gather food and supplies here for the army of more than 100,000 to return to Yecheng.

Even if they couldn't gather enough food and fodder here to return to Yecheng, they had to gather enough to reach another more prosperous county, otherwise ordinary counties would not be able to supply food and fodder for an army of more than 100,000.

Although the counties around Jie Bridge were unable to supply the food and fodder needed for an army of more than 100,000 in a short period of time.

But who made Liu Bei want to evacuate the surrounding people?

Before Liu Bei came up with this idea, Yuan Shao might have left a way out for the local people.

But you will all become Liu Bei's subjects in the future, so don't blame me for squeezing all your food supplies dry.

(By the way, if the White Horse Volunteers hadn't been watching, Yuan Shao would have let his soldiers relieve the tension in their hearts during this process.)
Guo Jia didn't know whether Yuan Shao and his men had this in mind, which was why they did such a thing to the people, plundering all the remaining food rations from them.

Even things with a little value were looted. I don't know who gave the order, but they said that even the utensils used by the people for eating were smashed.

They even had to pretend that the soldiers who were looting had to fight back because the people were dissatisfied with their rations being stolen and then accidentally broke the rations.

In short, Yuan Shao's behavior this time was extremely ugly. If Liu Bei had not been on the same page, countless people would have died in this man-made disaster.

Although the reason why Yuan Shao did this was because Gan Ning burned the granary in Handan to the ground, Yuan Shao had to resort to this desperate measure.

However, Yuan Shao, who could do such a thing, was definitely not a good person. He should at least leave some food for the people to survive the winter.

After all, there is food and fodder in their camp. If you have the guts, send people to rob them. Why would you rob the poor people of their food?
Liu Bei turned his head and looked at Guo Jia. He remembered that the plan Guo Jia submitted yesterday seemed to be to load the ship in Pingyuan County and transport it directly to Puyang where Zhao Yun was. How come it has now become to place it in Pingyuan first and then send it to Puyang?

"My lord, the number of people we need to relocate in Jizhou this time may be more than 300,000." Guo Jia said seriously.

"Ah?" Liu Bei was stunned. What was going on? When the plan was first made, wasn't it said that there would only be a few hundred thousand people? How come it suddenly became more than three hundred thousand?

"My lord, considering the way Yuan's army is plundering, three hundred thousand is still an underestimate." Guo Jia said with a wry smile.

"..." Liu Bei opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

However, Liu Bei quickly figured out why Yuan Shao and the others did this. It turned out that someone was paying for his actions.

"This is the fact. When we use open conspiracy to plot against Yuan Benchu ​​and others, they can also use the same open conspiracy to plot against us." Guo Jia spread his hands and said helplessly.

After listening to Guo Jia's explanation, Liu Bei's expression gradually calmed down. After thinking for a long time, he turned around and said to Yang Ji seriously:
"Zi Yu, how is your control over the soldiers in the camp? Can you make them abide by our discipline?"

"If Lord Xuande just wants them to obey the organizational discipline of our army for a short period of time, it is enough to implant a secret technique of collective restraint suggestion into the will of the army. It is a very simple matter."

Yang Ji shrugged and said that there were many ways to achieve Liu Bei's idea. The simplest way was to release a collective restraint suggestion secret technique to the army.

"..." Liu Bei and Guo Jia looked at Yang Ji in shock. Discipline could also be improved by relying on the secret technique of controlling the will of the army?
"What are you two surprised about? This secret technique is just a variation of the will-guided talent. It's not a difficult change to achieve." Yang Ji said speechlessly.

"This secret technique can only work for two or three days, and then the collective will of the army will clear the anchor point set by the secret technique, allowing the soldiers to return to their original behavior trajectory.

Furthermore, if it is a super elite or will-side legion, the secret technique can be effective for a shorter time, and it may be erased by the legion's will as soon as the secret technique anchor is cast."

"Then, why can the Youzhou soldiers in the camp last for two to three days after being dropped with the secret anchor point?" Guo Jia asked Yang Ji subconsciously.

"Are you serious about asking this question?" Yang Ji looked at Guo Jia in confusion. Shouldn't this guy be unable to react?

"Forget it, I'll explain it to you." Yang Ji shrugged and decided to explain it to these two confused guys.

“You should also know that the legions we now call elite can only be called elite legions after their organizational capabilities and basic qualities have been sublimated to give birth to elite talents.

Please note that I am talking about the elite corps at this stage, not the elite corps defined by General Huangfu or in earlier times.

The reason why our so-called elite legions at this stage can condense elite talents is only because the difficulty of condensing elite talents has decreased due to the recovery of the essence of heaven and earth, so they have the combat effectiveness that only elite legions in the past could possess.

But do you know why veterans like General Huangfu always say that today's elite troops were only considered as reserves in the past?" Yang Ji asked Liu Bei and Guo Jia.

Without waiting for Liu Bei and Guo Jia's answer, Yang Ji said directly: "Because their will is not worthy of the basic qualities they possess."

"Now that I've put it this way, you can understand why the dual-talented super elite legion with the willpower side can be immune or resist this secret technique, right?"

Liu Bei and Guo Jia looked at each other and nodded to indicate that they understood what Yang Ji was saying.

At this stage, if the essence of heaven and earth wants to advance to a super elite with dual talents, it can only advance through the dual sublimation of quality and will.

"So, for the real elites, this secret technique is just a small thing that can be easily wiped out. Only those small fry with insufficient willpower will think that this is a huge threat."

Yang Ji said casually, after all, he really thought that the elite corps defined today was far different from the elite corps he knew. It was not the difference in basic quality, but the difference in will.

The combat effectiveness that a soldier can exert is the value obtained by multiplying the basic quality and willpower by the talent multiplier.

The basic qualities and talent multipliers are already fixed. Apart from equipment, the only thing that determines combat effectiveness is willpower.

In this world where will distorts reality, will is also one of the cornerstones that determines everything.

You see, the basic quality of Kusroyi's Dawn Legion is at most the level of talent, but their extremely brilliant will has raised their combat effectiveness to another level.

The Holy Death Knights under Ardashir belong to the Legion of Miracles, but if we really talk about basic qualities, they only have two extreme talents. However, they rely on their brilliant will to raise their combat effectiveness to an sky-high level.

Unfortunately, in this era when the essence of heaven and earth is about to run wild, the right way is to let the overflow of talent strength feed back to quality. Otherwise, when others are quickly forming combat effectiveness and starting to explode, you are still consolidating the foundation? Isn't that courting death?

The basics can be learned after the combat effectiveness is formed, and then supplemented by constantly honing the corresponding skills.

As for those legions that think that the overflowing strength of their talents will feed back into their quality, reality will teach them a lesson.


Liu Bei shook his head and turned his attention back to the matter of relocating the people. "In other words, Zi Yu, you can indeed guide the discipline of these soldiers to a higher level in a short period of time, right?"

Yang Ji nodded. "That's true. I can use the will of the army to implant a secret anchor point in the consciousness of all soldiers and guide the soldiers' actions towards order."

"Is that so..." Liu Bei pondered for a moment and said, "Well, let Bai Ma go to investigate the surrounding areas to see which people have been plundered by Yuan's army in recent days.

Then send soldiers to bring those people to the camp and escort them to Pingyuan County in batches."

After Liu Bei finished speaking to Yang Ji, he turned to Guo Jia and said, "Feng Xiao, while you are organizing the relocation of the people, notify Zilong to lead his troops to cut down trees and build boats, and transport some of the people who were resettled in Pingyuan County back to Yanzhou by water."

"Yes!" Yang Ji and Guo Jia took over Liu Bei's order and went to handle it respectively.

After watching Yang Ji and Guo Jia leave, Liu Bei turned around and looked at the people who were still struggling with Yuan’s soldiers, and couldn’t help but sigh.

If the White Horse Volunteers had not been watching here, the Yuan army soldiers would not have allowed the people to fight with them like this and would have just killed them with their swords.


"Zichuan, have you prepared the supplies I asked you to prepare? Ziyu and the others are already taking action." Liu Bei rushed into the Government Affairs Hall and shouted at Chen Xi.

Chen Xi opened his squinting eyes and looked at the impetuous Liu Bei in front of him, "Lord Xuande, you have come to ask three times.

The grain stored in Pingyuan County plus the grain transferred from the surrounding counties is enough for 300,000 people to eat for half a month. As for winter cotton clothes, we have to wait for a while. It takes some time to collect and transport them. "

Perhaps it was the first time that Liu Bei presided over a project of this scale, so he was a little agitated. Relying on the mobility of his internal energy, he would check the progress of the project from time to time.

Seeing that Liu Bei was still excited, Chen Xi had no choice but to look at Xu Chu outside the door, "Zhongkang, I'll have to keep an eye on Lord Xuande for a while. Who knows, someone might get desperate and send out assassins."

"Yes!" Xu Chu saluted Chen Xi and didn't say much. He still stood outside the door, his strong body like a wall.

Just now he was planning to go to Yanzhou to see the progress of Zhao Yun's logging and shipbuilding, but then he heard what Chen Xi said and was completely dumbfounded.

"Zichuan, what's going on? Have you received news that someone is going to assassinate me?" Liu Bei asked Chen Xi with wide eyes.

"Lord Xuande, do you know how many people are under your rule now?" Chen Xi asked Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, somewhat puzzled as to why Chen Xi shifted the topic to the population issue. Although Liu Bei did not know the specific data, he still knew the approximate numbers.

After making an estimate in his mind, Liu Bei said proudly, "The population under my rule has exceeded 10 million." After saying this, Liu Bei realized what Chen Xi was talking about.

"Yes, with tens of millions of people under your rule, you are already the most worthy prince in the world. Do you think those unwilling guys will let you go of the opportunity to wander around outside?" Chen Xi said with a smile.

In other words, Liu Bei's internal energy had already left his body at this time, otherwise Chen Xi and others would not allow Liu Bei to run around around with Xu Chu.

Liu Bei looked a little dazed as he listened to Chen Xi's description of who was the best prince in the world.

It turns out that he is now the number one prince in the world. It really seems... unreal.

"Don't doubt yourself, Lord Xuande. You deserve the title of the number one prince in the world." Chen Xiqing said calmly, as if being the number one prince in the world was nothing more than that.

The others just watched this scene quietly without saying anything in rebuttal. Although they have not yet completely digested Yanzhou, Yingchuan County and Nanyang County, there is nothing wrong with saying that they are the number one princes in the world. After all, they really are the number one princes in the world.

"Ha——" Liu Bei took a deep breath and shook his head, "Zichuan, you really gave me a big surprise.

The first prince in the world, it's really a great title." Liu Bei said leisurely.

Now he understood why Chen Xi had such a nonchalant expression when he mentioned the number one duke in the world.

After all, being the number one prince in the world is just an empty title and cannot bring him any substantial changes.

Of course, if this title can make other princes of the Han Dynasty surrender directly, then it will be of some use.

(End of this chapter)

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