The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 257: Dazzling Spectacular Architecture

Chapter 257: Dazzling Spectacular Architecture
Yang Ji, who was organizing the relocation of more than 300,000 people, did not know that Chen Xi and others had already planned the military reform. He only found out about it when Zhang Fei came to discuss this matter with him.

"Didn't Zichuan and the others consult you when they were planning the military reform?" Zhang Fei widened his eyes and looked at Yang Ji in disbelief.

What on earth were Chen Xi and the others thinking? After all, Yang Ji was the highest military commander under Liu Bei's rule. Yet they kept such a major event as the military reform a secret from him... What did they want to do?

"Come on, Third Brother will go and help you seek justice from Big Brother!" Zhang Fei angrily pulled Yang Ji up and wanted to go to Liu Bei to reason with him. He shouldn't bully others like this.

"Okay, stop pretending. Don't think I don't know what you want to do." Yang Ji directly slapped Zhang Fei's big hand away.

"Don't you just want to resist this reform and want to drag me into it? I know what you are thinking." Yang Ji directly exposed Zhang Fei's little thoughts.

"..." Zhang Fei looked at Yang Ji in silence. Why did Yang Ji look so calm and didn't he have any intention of rejecting the reform?

"Zi Yu, aren't you worried that your military power will be affected?" Zhang Fei asked his doubts.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It seems like my military power has been affected." Yang Ji said unhappily.

After all, Chen Xi's reform this time requires the dismissal of soldiers who are obviously not up to standard in age. What does it have to do with those strong young men in their twenties and middle-aged uncles who are at most thirty-five years old in his own legion?

Obviously, the disarmament had nothing to do with him. If that was the case, why did Yang Ji refuse the reform?
"Well, it seems... it really has no effect." Zhang Fei was immediately choked by Yang Ji's words.

What Yang Ji said just now was correct. Yang Ji is already the highest military commander under Liu Bei's rule. Even if he expands the army further, his military power seems to have come to an end.

"No, no, that's not what I wanted to say." Zhang Fei shook his head violently, only then did he realize that he was almost fooled by Yang Ji.

“What I want to say is that when Zichuan and his men were planning the military reform, they didn’t even consult you, but made the decision on their own.

Not even one military officer participated in the meeting, which is not good." Zhang Fei shook his head.

Zhang Fei himself was not opposed to the military reform. After all, even if he opposed it, it would be of no use because it was Chen Xi who proposed the reform.

Facing Chen Xi, Zhang Fei didn't think he could win the argument.

As a military general, Zhang Fei certainly hopes that the legion under his command will be stronger, and one of the manifestations of strength is the organization of the legion.

The reason why Zhang Fei came to find Yang Ji was about the organization of the legion.

However, before Zhang Fei could express his thoughts, he heard a big news from Yang Ji:
When Chen Xi was planning the reform, he did not even call Yang Ji to discuss it with him.

"Even if there are military commanders attending the meeting, what can we do? Since it was Zichuan who proposed the plan, he must have already anticipated what we would ask for, and even thought of an excuse to silence us."

Yang Ji was not surprised that Chen Xi would propose a motion to reform the military, because Yang Ji already knew what Chen Xi was going to do.

"What's more, who knows whether Zichuan's so-called disarmament is disarmament or expansion." Yang Ji added casually.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Fei was confused. What exactly did Yang Ji mean? How did disarmament become expansion?
Yang Ji sighed, "Who knows which legions Zichuan is going to lay off? What if they are the garrison soldiers, what if they are the miscellaneous soldiers, what if they are...anyway, it's all possible.

Moreover, maybe after some cuts and selections, the total number of our troops will increase.”

"Uh..." Zhang Fei was completely confused by Yang Ji. How could military cuts increase the total number of troops?

Can you teach me? I want to learn it too.

Zhang Fei pressed his forehead. He was still fooled by Yang Ji. What he wanted to know was the organization of the legion, not the total number of troops.


Zhang Fei sighed. It seemed that he would not get the answer he wanted from Yang Ji. And just as Yang Ji said, this reform would not affect Yang Ji's military power.

Because it is already the top, unless Yang Ji wants to move down, Yang Ji's position will probably not change for a long time.

Although Zhang Fei was surprised that Chen Xi did not find Yang Ji to discuss the reform, it was understandable.

After all, Chen Xi wants to reform, can you still refuse?

Moreover, do you believe that Chen Xi and Yang Ji have no tacit understanding in this regard? Zhang Fei didn't believe it anyway.

The tacit understanding between these two people is not the first or second time, but this time it is the military field that Yang Ji is in charge of.

"General Zhang, what did Yang Sicheng say?" Taishi Ci asked Zhang Fei hurriedly after seeing Zhang Fei come out, and Huang Zhong next to him also looked at Zhang Fei.

Facing Taishi Ci and Huang Zhong's inquiries, Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "Zi Yu is not in charge of the military reform. If you want to know the details, you still have to go back and ask Zichuan and the others who are in charge."

"Ah?" Taishi Ci and Huang Zhong were stunned. Wasn't Yang Ji the chief of their Taishan military? But he was not the person in charge of the military reform. What was going on?

"Okay, you guys go back first." Zhang Fei waved his hand, "My second brother, Zilong and the others will go and ask what's going on."

After saying that, Zhang Fei left. He had to arrange military affairs and then return to Fenggao. I guess Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and others should have already set out to return to Fenggao.

Taishi Ci and Huang Zhong looked at each other, and finally Taishi Ci said, "Didn't General Zhang mention Yang Sicheng just now?"

"Uh, it seems that it was not mentioned?" Huang Zhong said hesitantly. He was not sure whether the 'they' in Zhang Fei's words included Yang Ji.

Yang Ji, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Hua Xiong are the most senior generals in Liu Bei's army, and they also form the largest faction in Liu Bei's army.

However, recently, Yu Jin seems to have the tendency to set up his own faction, especially after Yang Ji and Chen Xi handed over the hundreds of thousands of troops in Yanzhou to his command.

Although, most of the soldiers in the army of more than 100,000 were soon taken away by Zhao Yun and incorporated into the Yanzhou Military Farm Group Army.


After Liu Bei came back from Yanzhou, he was sent by Chen Xi to inspect the house which had just had its rainproof cloth removed. Then Liu Bei covered his heart with his hands, and he almost used the powerful vitality of his internal Qi leaving his body.

Liu Bei pointed with a trembling hand at the courtyard in front of him. The glittering walls and translucent windows almost reflected his own floor...

Looking at these luxurious decorations, Liu Bei felt his heart broken, and kept asking himself, can this really be built with one million dollars? Li Ru, who came with Liu Bei to inspect the project, saw Liu Bei's actions and couldn't help shouting, "Mr. Xuande, are you okay?"

Although Li Ru looked calm at the moment, his heart was already in turmoil. This was completely different from the materials he had seen before!

If Li Ru had not seen with his own eyes what these things looked like when they were just taken out of the kiln, he would not have dared to associate these golden things in front of him with the gray things that had just been taken out of the kiln.

"It's okay," Liu Bei took a few breaths and waved to Li Ru, indicating that he was fine. He just had heart pain after seeing such an expensive building for the first time.

"Wenru, you say, one million dollars can build something like this?" Liu Bei asked with his hands covering his heart, his face twitching. No wonder Chen Xi asked Sun Qian to cover it up before it was built.

"Maybe one million dollars can really build it." Li Ru said calmly, because Chen Xi really built it with one million dollars.

However, looking at the golden appearance, no one would believe it if you said it was one million dollars, just like Liu Bei in front of him.

"Bullshit! If those merchants from the trading street come here to negotiate the price, they won't be able to do it without 500 million yuan." Liu Bei sneered, as if he really thought he wouldn't go to the trading street.

"This price was given by Zichuan." Li Ru directly brought Chen Xi out. After all, it was Chen Xi's fault, so let Chen Xi take the blame.

"..." Liu Bei was silent. This was actually the price offered by Chen Xi.

"Okay, since this is the cost price given by Zichuan, it must be true." Liu Bei put down his hand that had just covered his heart and turned to walk towards the library.

"..." Li Ru blinked his eyes. Liu Bei's attitude had changed too much. And why did you believe the price given by Chen Xi? Although this was indeed the cost price given by Chen Xi.

Well, it is indeed the cost price, mainly the wages of the craftsmen.

As for the materials, they are just made of sand and clay, so they are essentially free of charge. You just need to pay the craftsmen’s wages.

From a distance, Liu Bei saw the bright red glazed tiles glittering in the sun, although these tiles were called counterfeit and shoddy products by Chen Xi and were almost destroyed on the spot.

However, for people like Liu Bei who have never seen the world, this kind of thing is still too high-end.

After Liu Bei put down the glazed tiles that blinded his eyes, he finally came close to the library and saw the glass embedded in the door.

Although this piece of glass is uneven and contains many impurities, it even emits a colorful halo under the sun.

If Chen Xi and Yang Ji were to evaluate the glass in front of them, they would definitely smash it first before making any evaluation.

But for now, let these inferior products enjoy people's eager eyes, it won't be long anyway.

"Xuan De, you are here too." The sharp-eyed Lu Zhi immediately spotted Liu Bei walking towards them, and then greeted Liu Bei in front of Huangfu Song and a group of great Confucian scholars.

"Hello, teacher." After discovering that his teacher was also there, Liu Bei immediately squeezed over here. It was so crowded.

After hurriedly greeting Huangfu Song and other great scholars, Liu Bei asked Lu Zhi, "Teacher, why are you free to come here today?"

Although Liu Bei himself had some guesses about why Lu Zhi appeared here, Liu Bei was not the kind of person who could see through people's hearts after all, so he still had to ask what he should ask.

Moreover, if it were an ordinary matter, Lu Zhi would not put down his research and come to watch the completion of the library.

"It's because Chen Zichuan made too much noise." Lu Zhi nodded towards the library. Even such a spectacle made Lu Zhi very curious.

"Alas, I didn't know that the library that Zichuan wanted to build would look like this now." Liu Bei said with a wry smile.

If he had known that the library Chen Xi was going to build would be of its current style, he would never have agreed to Chen Xi building it like this.

It's really too dazzling.

You see, even the glass inlaid on the gate will emit colorful light under the sunlight, not to mention the red glazed tiles that can be seen from a distance.

"Forget it. Now is the era for you young people. We old guys won't comment so much." Lu Zhi shook his head and said.

Having said that, if the people in Fenggao and even under Liu Bei's rule were not living better than they were in their time, Lu Zhi would definitely go to the Fenggao Government Affairs Office to have a talk with Chen Xi.

"Um, Xuande, can I ask, how much does this building cost?" Huangfu Song suddenly asked Liu Bei after he came back to his senses.

"According to Chen Zichuan, the price of these materials is even cheaper than the wages of craftsmen." Li Ru stepped forward and said.

What Chen Xi wanted was to make Liu Bei feel that "such things can only be found in heaven" when he saw these spectacular buildings. How could he possibly let Liu Bei know the cost price in advance?

Huangfu Song's eyes flashed, "Since Chen Zichuan said it, it should be credible."

After all, he had experienced Chen Xi's arrogance.

"Xuan De, when will the library be open?" Lu Zhi asked Liu Bei. He wanted to see how many books were collected in a library of this size.

"I don't know about this. These things are usually arranged by Zichuan. But since Zichuan has people remove the blocking cloth, the opening time should be soon." Liu Bei shook his head and said.

Liu Bei thought about it and decided that he should go in and take a look. After all, he had already seen the outside, so he had to take a look inside as well.

Liu Bei glanced at the captain blocking the door and took out his seal from his pocket. "Zhang Yi, go find someone who can make the decision. I want to go in and take a look."

"Yes!" Zhang Yi took Liu Bei's seal with a serious face. After asking his soldiers to guard the gate, he went to find Hua Xiong, the main general who was guarding the place.

Soon, Zhang Yi brought Hua Xiong over and said, "Greetings, my lord!" Hua Xiong saluted to Liu Bei.

"Greetings to General Huangfu, Lu Zhonglang, Cai Zhonglang, and all the great scholars!" Hua Xiong then saluted the circle of great scholars behind Liu Bei.

Seeing that it was Hua Xiong, Liu Bei did not hesitate and said directly: "Open the door. I want to see what Zichuan has built the library into."

(End of this chapter)

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