The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 27 The Secret Technique of Version 20

Chapter 27 The Secret Technique of Version 2.0

What Chen Xi took away from Yang Ji was not just a volume of secret techniques, but an idea on how to construct a secondary phase organ.

It should be said that it is the idea of ​​constructing extraordinary lucid state organs, the initial idea of ​​how to realize the leap of life level through the breakthrough of spiritual level.

Don't look at it. Yang Ji has now constructed the lucid state organ in the secret method.

But the knowledge of runes that needs to be mastered here is the most important, but who can have the same knowledge of runes as Yang Ji, so on this basis, Yang Ji readjusted the secret technique.

The adjusted secret technique was called version 2.0 by Yang Ji, which was different from the initial version 1.0.

The difference between versions 2.0 and 1.0 is huge. Version 2.0 of the secret technique eliminates the steps of etching runes in the organs and warming the secret spirit, and instead relies directly on spiritual talent to condense the phase embryo.

Yang Ji also discovered after successfully practicing the first version of the secret technique and condensing the Yin Shen for the first time that secondary lucid thinking organs similar to the Yin Shen could be conceived without the physical body.

Instead, it can be conceived directly through spiritual talent. It does not require a second awakening before etching runes in the body's organs to breed the arcane spirit, and then integrating the arcane spirit to breed the embryo.

Relying on spiritual talent through secret techniques, you can directly construct a phase organ embryo, and then use your own knowledge to promote the development of the embryo until the embryo hatches and grows into a complete secondary phase organ.

The development of the embryo will absorb the essence of the outside world and at the same time emit the life essence that carries the spiritual imprint.

These life essences will be replenished into the body, prompting the body to produce inner energy, and the inner energy will accelerate the rendering of the spirit to the body.

In this world, the breakthrough in the spiritual level and the jump in the life level will eventually return to the degree of rendering of the body.

The inner Qi is the best medium for the spirit to render the body, because the inner Qi is always born from the body.

During the development of the embryo of the phase organ, martial arts practice will accelerate the embryo's absorption of the essence of heaven and earth.

It also accelerates embryonic development.Of course, strong mental power will also accelerate the development of the embryo. If not for this, Yang Ji would not have completed the condensation of the lucid state organs so quickly.

The condensation of extraordinary spiritual organs represents that the spiritual warrior has broken the limits of the human body and made a life transition.

Just like a warrior whose inner energy leaves the body, he breaks the shackles of the human body, connects the bridge between heaven and man, and affects the essence of heaven and earth through the spiritual organs.

The difference in the way of controlling the essence of heaven and earth is the biggest difference between spiritual warriors and internal energy warriors.

Internal Qi warriors directly control the essence of heaven and earth through internal Qi or will, while spiritual warriors need to control indirectly through the lucid state organs.

Spiritual talents did not play a high role in the first edition of Secret Art, and they only served as a background for the practice of Secret Art.

But the adjusted secret technique directly uses the spiritual talent as the mother body of the embryo of the phase organ.

Because the phase organ constructed by the secret technique of version 1.0 has a lot of flaws.

Therefore, Yang Ji rebuilt the 2.0 version of the secret technique. It can only be said that it is the 2.0 version of the secret technique. It directly spans the entire major version and is better than the predecessors.

The new phase organ directly covers the original phase organ, and its functions are better and more powerful than the old version.

First of all, the difficulty of cultivation has been reduced, and then the efficiency of absorbing and transforming essence has become higher. Furthermore, the spiritual talent has been fed back, materialized, and the form of the spiritual talent has changed.Of course, in order to realize the spiritual talent, it is necessary to complete the second awakening of the spiritual talent, or to fully gestate the phase organ.

This is why people who have awakened for the second time will gestate the phase organ very quickly, because the prerequisites have been prepared and they only need to wait for the embryo to develop completely. There is no need for in-depth study and development of basic qualities, because it has already been developed. .

Just like Yang Ji, his original talent after his second awakening was just an additional talent effect called [Time Traveler].

However, after re-cultivating the secret technique, the spiritual talent directly manifested as a dragon in the spiritual sea, which was indeed in line with the saying "when water forms an abyss, a dragon emerges".

Although the spiritual talent at this stage cannot be directly embodied in the present world.

But Yang Ji had a hunch that if he continued to develop his talent, he might be able to manifest it into the real world next time or after the next awakening, and live the addiction of a dragon knight.

This is not nonsense that Yang Ji is talking about. The talent of the time traveler allows him to stand on the long river of time, overlook the traces of the past, and perceive the changes in the future.

Although the past is unchangeable and the future is not certain, you can still pretend to be a prophet.

The secret technique of version 1.0 was created by Yang Ji a few years ago, and was created intermittently for several years. It was not completed until a few months before Chen Xi found him.

It's just because I don't have enough mental power to etch the rune set, so I postponed it until now, waiting until the second awakening of the spiritual talent to start practicing.

Don't naively think that Yang Ji succeeded in practicing the secret technique in a few days and that this secret technique is easy to practice.

In fact, it is very difficult to practice. The accumulation of time and knowledge is essential. If you want to practice successfully within a few days.

Unless you have already paid your time and completed the accumulation of knowledge before.

Even the threshold for practicing the secret art of the lucid state has been lowered to the point where only a top civil servant with awakened talent can practice it.

However, there will still be very few people who can succeed in cultivation. After all, there are many people who are addicted to the past and do not want to make progress, even those who have awakened their spiritual talents.

There will always be people who think that they have no way forward, so they give up further study and progress, and then start doing things. Their minds no longer yearn for a higher world, so how can they still sink their minds to settle themselves.

Therefore, this secret technique is suitable for people who want to go further and see the scenery from higher places. It is not suitable for those who are unwilling to look up at the sky.

This secret technique seems to also give those warriors the opportunity to awaken their spiritual talents. It just changes the petri dish from spiritual talents to the body of the warrior.

The secondary lucid thinking organ that was conceived is estimated to be enough to carry the birth of spiritual talent.

However, the development of this project is not something Yang Ji should worry about. It should be left to Zhao Yun.

As a top warrior, he is still doing the work of a civil servant, and he is also one of the best in the development of secret techniques.

After Zhao Yun wrote down his farming experience, he was probably able to awaken his spiritual talent. If his inner energy had not suppressed the birth of his spiritual talent, he would have been among the top civil servants long ago.

Zhao Yun, who has spiritual talent, sounds very touching. Now my brother Yun is even more perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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