The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 277 Chen Xi realized the magic of the Qin and Han family

Chapter 277 Chen Xi realized the magic of the Qin and Han family

"One month?" Chen Xi thought for a moment and asked casually, "Will he send the news of Yuan Yao's recovery back to Shouchun?"

Before Yang Ji could speak, Jia Xu next to him said rather coldly: "How about we spread this news directly to Shouchun?"

Li Ru and Cheng Yu's eyes lit up, and they felt that Jia Xu's method was truly ingenious.

Xun Yu, Fan Qin, Xi Zhicai and others did not react as quickly as Li Ru and Cheng Yu, the two ruthless guys.

But with their wisdom, they quickly figured out why Jia Xu said that.

Two dogs fight, play off.

If Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and those aristocratic families continued to fight, the ones who would benefit would be those who stabbed them in the back.

"Before you take any action, I have to tell you something." Yang Ji took a sip of tea.

"What's the matter?" Fa Zheng urged Yang Ji to speak quickly. He was busy handling the matter himself and had no time to play the Riddler game with Yang Ji.

If they succeed in stirring up chaos in Shouchun this time, perhaps they won't even have to send troops to fight back, as Shouchun will raise its own flag to revolt.

What's more, regardless of whether this plan is successful or not, there will definitely be a certain record of merit.

Although if the plan to disrupt Shouchun failed, there would not be much achievement to speak of, but if small amounts add up to a large amount it would not be a small amount.

For Yang Ji and Chen Xi, this achievement is indeed nothing, but for a guy like Fa Zheng whose goal is to become a marquis, every achievement is precious.

Fa Zheng was so conflicted that he refused to say that he was a marquis, unless one day his title of Guannei Hou was changed to Lie Hou.

Only Fa Zheng would claim to be alone in front of others and be willing to admit that he is a marquis of the Han Dynasty.

One of Fa Zheng's goals is to cook mutton in a bronze tripod, and the prerequisite is to be granted a title of nobility and appointed as prime minister.

Because in Fa Zheng's cognition, Guannei Hou was just a monkey trainer.

So Fa Zheng is still enjoying the boiled mutton that Liu Bei cooked in the bronze tripod.

Except for a few people like Xun Yu who didn't want to get involved in this matter, the rest of the people looked at Yang Ji to see what reason Yang Ji would use to stop their actions.

Although the main theme set by Chen Xi in the recent period is to develop the people's livelihood economy, at the same time, actively digest the areas that have already been occupied.

However, it also does not say that we cannot stir up unrest in the areas ruled by other princes.

So, now that there is a ready-made opportunity for them to disrupt the situation in Shouchun, they will certainly try their best.

Yang Ji put down his teacup and said to them, "Yuan Gonglu intends to use this incident to clean up the scum in the aristocratic families in the three states of Yu, Jing and Yang.

If you want to muddy the waters of these three states, you can also pay attention to this aspect."

Although Yuan Shu did not show such tendency in front of Yang Ji this time.

In this timeline, Yuan Shu did not pay attention to what kind of life the lower-class people lived because of Yuan Yao's death.

However, does Yuan Shu need to pay special attention to how the lower-class people are exploited by those aristocratic families?
There is no need for that. His Yuan family is a member of the exploiting class. How could he not know what methods the aristocratic families use to exploit the lower classes?

The reason why I pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't see it before was simply because I had no comrades.

Liu Bei and Yuan Shu were not on the same path, at most their ambitions had some overlap.

Yuan Shu wanted the aristocratic families to return to the position of leaders and bearers rather than exploiters.

Judging from the oath Liu Bei made at the Jingling Hall ceremony today, if Liu Bei really wanted to create the world he talked about.

It is almost certain that they will stand in opposition to all the aristocratic families of the Han Dynasty.

Although the aristocratic families of the Han Dynasty had almost no communication, the top figures of the aristocratic families were all planning to solidify the aristocratic class.

Liu Bei wanted to tear open this gradually closing channel by popularizing education.

Liu Bei's oath in the Jingling Hall would indeed put him and the forces under his rule in opposition to the aristocratic families.

However, this does not mean that Liu Bei would not receive investment from aristocratic families.

Just like Xun Yan, Xun Yue and other Xun family members who have similar ideas.

Xun Yan and Xun Yue are the leaders among this group of Xun family members. Both of them are top wise men who have awakened their spiritual talents.

However, the ideas of these two people cannot be said to be contrary to the mainstream ideas of the family, but they can only be said to be heretical.

Therefore, these two most outstanding people were banned within the Xun family. Even if they awakened their spiritual talents, they could not be released to choose a wise master to assist them.

After arriving at Fenggao, after Xun Shuang's consideration and evaluation, the Xun family sent these two people to serve Liu Bei.

In the entire Han Dynasty, except for Liu Bei, there is probably no other place that can accommodate the thoughts of these guys.

It is estimated that after Liu Bei's oath today is spread, those young men from aristocratic families who share the same ideas as Liu Bei will come over on their own.

Speaking of it, the aristocratic families in the late Han Dynasty were quite magical. They could even tolerate a noble family member like Xun Yue who wanted to destroy the foundation of the aristocratic family.

Sure enough, the aristocratic families at the end of the Han Dynasty had developed to the extreme, and no one knew which direction to develop in.

Although the mainstream trend of the aristocratic families is to solidify the aristocratic family class, they themselves do not know whether this mainstream is correct.

That is why they allow people like Xun Yue, who want to destroy the foundation of the aristocratic family, to exist.

When Liu Bei's ideological trends spread to the aristocratic families that had such relatives in their families, the decision makers of those families would probably have breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, those tribesmen who share the same ideas as Liu Bei will be packaged and sent to Liu Bei.

Although this trend will most likely not appear on a large scale until Chen Xi becomes the flag bearer of the aristocratic family.

However, the large-scale investment of the Chen and Xun families in Liu Bei would definitely attract the attention of quite a few aristocratic families.

The two major branches of the Chen family were under the rule of Liu Bei, and the Xun family also sent several top figures to Liu Bei's rule.

Although Xun Yu and Chen Qun cannot be considered as Liu Bei's subordinates in a strict sense.

But does it matter?
Even if he was not Liu Bei's subordinate, he was still assisting Liu Bei in accomplishing things.

After hearing what Yang Ji said, Xun Yu and Chen Qun, two top wise men from ancient families, immediately guessed what Yuan Shu wanted to do. Xun Yu looked at Chen Qun, who frowned, and sent a message to him, "Do you want to get involved?"

After receiving Xun Yu's message, Chen Qun glanced at the top wise men gathered around Chen Xi and Yang Ji.

In an almost indifferent voice, he sent a message to Xun Yu: [Do you dare to say that you don’t want to clean up the scum in the family? ]

Xun Yu was silent for a while, then ended the secret communication between him and Chen Qun.

He didn't want to get involved in this matter. Let Yuan Shu do whatever he wanted. Anyway, he couldn't stand those guys in his family who relied on their family background to stir up trouble, bully men and women, and bring disaster to the village.

Moreover, he, as the head of the family, doesn't have to do anything, so he's the one making the profit no matter how you look at it.

Xun Yu sighed. That being said, how could he possibly watch his clansmen being executed by Yuan Shu?

[Forget it, let me talk to my uncle and ask him to restrain those people.]

Xun Yu ignored those guys who refused to listen. If there were anyone who dared to commit crimes at this time, it would be a good thing if they died.

Yang Ji looked at the people who were discussing enthusiastically how to disrupt the situation in the three states of Yu, Jing and Yang, and hesitated whether to tell them his ideas.

After all, my ideas are a way out for those children from certain families.

Chen Xi, who was standing next to him, saw the hesitation on Yang Ji's face and sent a message to him: [Zi Yu, do you have anything to say? ]

Yang Ji hesitated for a while, but still replied to Chen Xi: [Zichuan, after the unification of the Han Dynasty, we will need a large number of scientific researchers.

I don't want to care about other noble families, but some of the families in Yuan Shu's target have family studies that belong to cutting-edge disciplines or applied sciences, or disciplines that are of great use to the people of the Han Dynasty. 】

Chen Xi frowned. What was Yang Ji talking about? Was there anyone studying science in the family tradition of the aristocratic families in the late Han Dynasty?
Then Chen Xi thought of a great man in the Eastern Han Dynasty - Zhang Heng.

According to the behavior style of the Qin and Han dynasties, some members of the Nanyang Zhang family, where Zhang Heng was located, would definitely study and inherit the knowledge left by Zhang Heng.

Chen Xi glanced at Yang Ji. Since Yang Ji would specifically remind him, it must be that there will be a time in the future when he will need these dregs.

[For example?] Chen Xi asked Yang Ji calmly. This was a rare opportunity to get information from Yang Ji in a fair and aboveboard manner.

Yang Ji thought about it, [The Wang family of Kuaiji studies electromagnetism, and they can create a device to trigger thunder and synthesize nitrogen fertilizer.]

Although the King of Kuaiji may not be within the scope of Yuan Shu's handling, Yang Ji feels it is necessary to open Chen Xi's eyes and let Chen Xi know what some of the Qin and Han dynasties are up to.

"What did you say? Electromagnetism? Nitrogen fertilizer synthesis!?" Chen Xi stood up suddenly and screamed.

Do you know what you are talking about? This was the end of the Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago. How dare you tell me that people are studying electromagnetism these days?
Moreover, this family can synthesize nitrogen fertilizer in the atmosphere by inducing natural thunder?
Okay, okay, you are from the Wang family of Kuaiji, right? I will remember you. I will send someone to move your whole family here later!
"That's the fact, don't be too surprised." Yang Ji shrugged and advised Chen Xi.

This is just the beginning. There will be more families in the future that will shock historical common sense.

"Give me a few more examples." After suppressing his shock, Chen Xi still wanted Yang Ji to drop a few more items.

Yang Ji thought for a moment and said, "The Xiangli family invented the assembly line during the Qin Dynasty. Standardization should also be invented by them."

Yang Ji had a deep impression of the two Qin and Han dynasties, the Wang family of Kuaiji and the Xiangli family.

Among the many aristocratic families of the Han Dynasty, only a few could suppress Li Ru, and the Wang family of Kuaiji was one of them.

To punish the scum of the family with thunder is extremely brutal and cruel.

As for the Xiangli family, I believe that anyone who knows what this family has done will have a deep memory of it.

Assembly line and standardization! No wonder the Qin army is always known to use bows and crossbows to sweep the land.

Chen Xi licked his lips. Xiangli family, compared to the popularity of Kuaiji Wang family in later generations, Xiangli family is much more famous.

Lu Su, Xun Yu and others watched the conversation between Yang Ji and Chen Xi with expressionless faces.

Just now I was thinking that Chen Xi would say something that shocked himself, so that everyone would be shocked as well.

As a result, these two people actually played the role of Riddler. After talking for so long, they still haven't mentioned anything worthy of their attention.

From the information revealed in the communication between Yang Ji and Chen Xi, the only family that truly understood its meaning was a family called Xiangli, who had invented assembly lines and standardization during the Qin Dynasty.

They could understand what assembly line and standardization meant. After all, Chen Xi had been promoting assembly line and standardization from the very beginning in Fenggao.

What surprised them was that Xiangli had invented the assembly line and standardization during the Qin Dynasty.

However, think carefully about the Qin army's rain of crossbow arrows, and then think about the power of the assembly line and standardization that you have seen in Taishan and Qingzhou.

It seems that the Qin army's powerful crossbows are not something to be proud of. If even with assembly lines and standardization they cannot reach that level, it would be better for the Qin army to be buried back in the ground.

Chen Xi waited there for a long time, but Yang Ji stopped talking after he finished talking about Xiangli.

So Chen Xi said angrily: "Zi Yu, stop pretending to be dead there, and mention a few more families."

Yang Ji looked up at the other people around him who had expressionless faces, then shook his head.

“I can remember these two families because they left a deep impression on me.

As for what the family traditions of other families are, I think it would be more appropriate for you to ask Wen Ruo and Chang Wen."

Chen Xi stared at Yang Ji for a long while. After making sure that he could not get any more information from this guy, Chen Xi turned his attention to Xun Yu and Chen Qun.

However, Chen Xi's gaze only stayed on Xun Yu for a moment, and then fixed on Chen Qun.

"Changwen, do you know what the family traditions of the major families are, or who they were inherited from?"

Chen Qun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Chen Xi would choose to ask him, but this question caught him off guard.

"This... I'm not very clear about it. Maybe the elders of the clan know something." Chen Qun said helplessly.

To be honest, if Chen Xi was asking about families that the Chen family was more familiar with, such as Chen Xun, Sima Yuan, Chen Qun would be able to talk to Chen Xi about it.

However, Chen Xi was asking about the family tradition of the entire Han Dynasty. Chen Qun thought it would be simpler to ask the elders of the Chen family to convene a meeting of all the major families and then ask them one by one.

"Is that so? Forget it. I'll collect them again when I have the chance." Chen Xi also saw Chen Qun's dilemma, and he immediately guessed why Chen Qun was in such a dilemma.

Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh, what a way of transferring knowledge this era is.

(End of this chapter)

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