The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 279 Gan Ning: My heart is about to break

Chapter 279 Gan Ning: My heart is about to break down...


Looking at these guys who were no more than 1.5 meters tall in front of them, Gan Ning, Taishi Ci and Liu Yu looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Lord Bo'an, are you sure this is the place where the Japanese country was enfeoffed by Emperor Guangwu?" Taishi Ci said, pointing at the Japanese people huddled behind a fence less than one meter high.

Liu Yu slapped his forehead and said with his eyes closed: "Don't ask, I just don't know."

Liu Yu expressed his disappointment with Japan. He originally thought that Japan was a very powerful kingdom that could cross the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea and go to Luoyang to pay tribute to the Han court.

So, you told me that this place in front of us, which is similar to a village in the Central Plains, is the Japanese country that crossed the mountains and seas to Luoyang?

Liu Yu did not want to acknowledge that such a place was conferred by his ancestor Emperor Guangwu.

At this moment, an idea popped into Liu Yu's mind, which was to take back the document of enthronement and the golden seal given by Emperor Guangwu to this place.

"Hey, if you want to know whether it is true or not, just go and ask." Gan Ning wiped his face and walked forward against the cloud.

"Yes, if this is really Japan, there must be people who can speak and understand Chinese." Liu Yu followed Gan Ning.

"I hope the envoys' families can pass down the Chinese language." Taishi Ci shook his head and followed Gan Ning and Liu Yu.

"Listen to me, everyone inside. This is the Qingzhou Fleet of the Han Navy. Is there anyone who can speak Chinese? Come out and answer the questions!" Gan Ning shouted to the Japanese who were huddled in the settlement.

"It's been less than two hundred years, they shouldn't have forgotten all of Chinese, right?" Liu Yu said doubtfully as he looked at the quiet village.

"That shouldn't be the case. It's been less than two hundred years..." Taishi Ci hesitated.

"That's hard to say." Gan Ning recalled Yang Ji's description of the Japanese.

"Did Xingba learn any news from General Yang?" Taishi Ci asked Gan Ning, and Liu Yu also looked at Gan Ning.

Gan Ning glanced at the somewhat agitated Japanese village, then turned to Taishi Ci and Liu Yu and said, "General Yang's evaluation is that the Japanese are very forgetful in certain areas."

"So, when we meet them, it's best to just beat them into submission."

After saying this, Gan Ning connected his internal energy with the clouds, swung the long sword in his hand, and a legion attack flew towards the Japanese who were coming towards them.


The legion released by Gan Ning attacked the Japanese warriors in the front and then blew the wooden fence to pieces.

On both sides of the hundred-meter-long ravine were Japanese soldiers who were not affected by the legion's attack.

However, Gan Ning, Taishi Ci, Liu Yu and others did not recognize this chaotic group of dwarfs less than 1.5 meters tall as an army.

Liu Yu looked at the terrified Japanese soldiers, then turned to look at Gan Ning, who had a strange expression on his face.

Just when Liu Yu was about to say something, Gan Ning interrupted him directly.

"If Lord Bo'an wants to persuade me not to resort to violence, then forget it. The Japanese are not the northern barbarians who are related to me by ancestry."

Listening to Gan Ning's somewhat cold words, Liu Yu said, "Compared to this, I am more interested in the Hu people you mentioned as relatives.

Can you tell me, Xingba, how did you come to this conclusion? "

Liu Yu sighed in his heart. Gan Ning was the commander here, and he, who was just a freeloader, did not have the authority to interfere with what Gan Ning wanted to do.

"It came from Taishan Academy." He answered Liu Yu's question while commanding the naval soldiers to attack the Japanese.

Although Gan Ning heard this news from Yang Ji, Yang Ji also told him that he also heard the news from Taishan Academy.

Taishi Ci glanced at Gan Ning, whose expression remained calm. How come he had never heard of this legend?
However, Taishi Ci did not doubt that Gan Ning was lying. After all, Gan Ning was the chief of the navy, so it was normal for him to know some secret information.

"Taishan Academy?" Liu Yu stroked his beard with his right hand, frowned and asked, "Is it the Taishan Academy that has gathered more than a dozen great scholars?"

"If there is no second academy called Taishan Academy in the Han Dynasty, then it would be that Taishan Academy." Gan Ning said nonsense.

"It seems that I have to pay a visit after arriving in Fenggao." Liu Yu nodded and said.

Liu Yu expressed great interest in the fact that the northern Hu people were descendants of the Miao people of the Xia Dynasty, and he also wanted to participate in this research.

Before the two generals Taishi Ci and Gan Ning could take action, a team of 100 men from the 1,000 infantrymen brought by Taishi Ci had already broken through the Japanese front line.

There were about five hundred Japanese soldiers rushing out from the village of an unknown country.

Including the leading Japanese warriors, about a hundred people were wiped out by Gan Ning's legion attack.

Then the remaining Japanese soldiers were easily defeated by a team of 100 people under Taishi Ci, and the Japanese failed to cause any damage to the Han army.

Oh, by the way, Taishi Ci was not very willing to admit that it was his own infantry who broke through the Japanese front line.

However, after much thought, Taishi Ci could not find any other words to describe the Japanese's defensive line at that time.

Just when Taishi Ci was about to order his troops to attack the Japanese village in front of them.

A little old man rushed out of the village and knelt down in front of the Han soldiers who were about to take action.

While kneeling, he shouted to the Han army in broken Chinese with many mistakes: "Izhima, a descendant of the Japanese, pays homage to the Han court's heavenly army!"

The Han soldier swung his sword and put the blade on Yizhima's neck, looking coldly at the old man kneeling on the ground in front of him.

The nearby Han soldiers also set their sights on Yizhima, and the murderous aura of more than a hundred people pressed towards Yizhima.

A line of blood appeared on Yizhima's neck, and cold sweat rolled down Yizhima's forehead.

Yizhima held up a golden seal with both hands and said tremblingly: "This is a token given to my ancestor by the Emperor of Hanting more than a hundred years ago. Please check it, General Hanting."

Gan Ning did not rush to respond to Yizhima, but turned to Taishi Ci and said, "Ziyi, go and capture the others."

"Yes!" Taishi Ci led his soldiers to capture all the remaining Japanese soldiers.

After Taishi Ci captured all the visible Japanese soldiers, Gan Ning walked up to Yizhima and took the golden seal that Yizhima was offering to him with both hands.

Gan Ning took a look at the inscription on the golden seal and then threw it to Liu Yu.

Liu Yu took the golden seal and carefully checked the inscription on it. "[King of Han Wei Nu] is indeed the golden seal granted by my Han court to a vassal state."

Gan Ning took the Japanese gold seal handed over by Liu Yu and looked at Yizhima who was obviously relieved.

"Get up." Gan Ning waved his hand and asked the soldier with the knife to remove the blade from Yizhima's neck.

Yizhima clearly heard the sigh of the soldier who held the knife to his neck, as if he regretted not having tested whether his knife was sharp.

After feeling the blade leave his neck, Yizhima's body shook violently and he collapsed to the ground.

Gan Ning poked Yizhima with his scabbard and said with imperial arrogance: "I'll count to three. If you still don't get up, I'll melt this thing." Liu Yu watched Gan Ning's operation quietly, even though Gan Ning had just said that he wanted to melt the gold seal that the Han Dynasty bestowed on Japan.

Yizhima's pupils shrank, and he jumped up from the ground, saying in fear and trepidation, "General Han Ting, please show mercy!"

"Oh, old man, you can actually use idioms, but the pronunciation is a mess." Gan Ning picked his ears and said in surprise.

Gan Ning didn't understand a thing about the slogans shouted by the Japanese soldiers when they charged just now. He didn't expect that this little old man in front of him who claimed to be a descendant of Japan could actually use idioms, which have extremely refined semantics.

"When our ancestors went to China to pay homage to the Han emperor, they were blessed with letters by the emperor. Generations have studied them and hope to go to China to pay homage to the Han emperor again." Yizhima said respectfully.

Although most of Yizhima's long string of words were pronounced incorrectly, Gan Ning still understood it.

"Well, alright, whatever you say is what it is." Gan Ning could not deny it.

"Since you in Japan admire the Han court, why didn't you come to pay tribute in the past hundred years?" Gan Ning said threateningly.

Yizhima knelt down again with a thud and hurriedly explained to Gan Ning that it was not that they didn't want to go.

When they were still in Japan, they thought about going to China every year to pay homage to the Han emperor.

However, the countries surrounding Japan did not give Japan another opportunity to pay tribute to China.

Yizhima tearfully denounced the bullying that Japan had suffered over the past hundred years... Well, his Chinese was getting better and better.

"So, your country of Japan did not pay tribute to the Han court later because it was invaded by the surrounding countries?"

Gan Ning asked Yizhima while tossing the golden seal, causing Yizhima's eyes to move up and down following the trajectory of the golden seal.

"Yes, that's right, that's right." Yizhima quickly nodded and acknowledged Gan Ning's statement.

"Heh..." Gan Ning didn't say anything else, but threw the golden seal in his hand back to Yizhima.

Gan Ning turned to Liu Yu and Taishi Ci and shouted, "Lord Bo'an, Ziyi, come over and tell me what's going on."

After hearing Gan Ning's greeting, Liu Yu and Taishi Ci, who were studying the Japanese, looked at each other, stood up, brushed the dust off their clothes, and walked towards Gan Ning.

Yizhima hurriedly took the golden seal that Gan Ning threw to him and checked whether it was damaged.

"Is this guy really a royal family?" Taishi Ci looked at Yizhima with suspicion.

"Who cares whether he is or not? As long as the golden seal is here, he is the royal family of Japan canonized by our Han court." Gan Ning didn't care whether Yizhima really had the blood of the royal family of Japan.

What Gan Ning wanted was only the submission of Japan to the Han Dynasty. As for other miscellaneous matters, they were not worth the concern of outsiders like them.

"This place is quite suitable as a port, so let's build our bridgehead here.

It just so happens that there is a group of Japanese descendants here who admire the Han court." Gan Ning glanced at Yizhima.

Taishi Ci understood what Gan Ning meant and subconsciously looked at Liu Yu.

In Taishi Ci's impression, Liu Yu, who belonged to the educational faction, would not agree with such an approach.

However, Liu Yu did not oppose Gan Ning's actions as Taishi Ci imagined.

"What do you plan to do to integrate these descendants of Japan?" Liu Yu said to Gan Ning quite seriously.

"Integrate the descendants of Japan?" Gan Ning pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "No, we don't have much time to stay here.

General Yang just asked me to find a suitable place here to build a bridgehead.

Now is not the time to conquer the Yingzhou Islands.

Besides, Lord Chen’s wedding is coming soon, and I still have to go to Yizhou and Zhuya County.”

"Yizhou and Zhuya County?" Liu Yu and Taishi Ci were full of questions.

They knew where Zhuya County was, but the overseas Yizhou?
Liu Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Have you found the location of the overseas Yizhou?"

Taishi Ci looked at Gan Ning and Liu Yu in confusion, not quite understanding what Liu Yu was shocked about.

Gan Ning nodded, "I found it. I found it under the guidance of Lord Chen."

Liu Yu was in trouble and even found the overseas Yizhou. To what extent did the country develop under Liu Bei's rule?
Gan Ning smiled. Even he, the chief of the navy with extremely high authority, did not know how much strength Liu Bei had accumulated, let alone those who had not truly experienced it.

"Yizhou is fine, after all, it is an overseas province that has been passed down since ancient times, but what about Zhuya County? Could that place also contain some treasures?"

Liu Yu reacted and realized that Gan Ning actually listed Yizhou and Zhuya County in the same group. Could it be that there were some treasures buried in Zhuya County that they didn't know about?

"Well, how should I put it?" Gan Ning thought for a while, "Actually, I am confused. Yizhou is fine, after all, it is just a rumored state.

However, Zhuya County is different. The rice there can be harvested three times a year. I don’t know why Emperor Yuan wanted to give up Zhuya County.

"Does Lord Bo'an know the reason?" Gan Ning asked Liu Yu in confusion.

Ever since he learned about the rice yield in Zhuya County, Gan Ning has been curious about why Emperor Yuan of Han gave up Zhuya County.

Liu Yu was no longer able to answer Gan Ning's question at this time. After hearing Gan Ning say that the rice in Zhuya County could be harvested three times a year, Liu Yu's head exploded with a loud bang.

Considering the area of ​​Zhuya County and the land that can be harvested three times a year, why did Han Ting suffer such disasters in recent years?

"..." Liu Yu's eyes rolled back and he fainted.

"Lord Bo'an, Lord Bo'an!" Gan Ning hurriedly supported the fallen Liu Yu.

"Ship's doctor, ship's doctor!" Taishi Ci, who was standing next to him, also noticed Liu Yu's condition and hurriedly called for the ship's doctor.


"How is it?" Gan Ning asked the ship's doctor anxiously. God knows how many times he had imagined his own death when he saw Liu Yu faint.

When Liu Yu was in Youzhou, he did not die at the hands of Gongsun Zan, but instead died at the hands of Gan Ning.


Gan Ning couldn't even imagine how much public opinion Liu Bei would have to endure if this news reached the Han Dynasty.

The more Gan Ning worried about the public opinion Liu Bei would suffer, the more he regretted accepting this commission.

[If I don’t accept this order, if I don’t talk about the matter of Zhuya County…]

"It's okay, he will wake up after resting for a while." The ship's doctor knew what Gan Ning was most concerned about.

"Huh..." This time it was Gan Ning's turn to collapse on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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