Chapter 3 Yang Ji’s spiritual talent

"..." Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi and didn't intend to answer his question. He had nothing to say about those years when he was a player in another world, and he didn't want to tell Chen Xi.

Now he has joined Chen Xi's camp. With Chen Xi's employment methods, if Chen Xi knows his experience, he may be able to arrange some work for him.

"Since you didn't come here for evil reasons, then what else drove you to come here?"

After blocking Chen Xi's murmurings for a while, Yang Ji suddenly remembered that the aura on Chen Xi was not put into this world line by the nine-tailed fox himself because of him.

"Some of the defeated people just fled to this world. It's not a big problem." After hearing Yang Ji's question, Chen Xi did not hide it, but told the truth.

After all, things like evil gods are nothing in the face of the current encirclement and suppression by the human army, except for evil gods like Yang Ji. After all, they are human beings, but they are just defined as evil gods by the world.

But even if Yang Ji really plans to do something, there is probably nothing the world can do. After all, with Yang Ji's ability, if he wants to cause trouble, no one can stop him.

After Yang Ji untied himself just now, Chen Xi notified Yang Ji's aura and the evil news to the deity squatting in the river of time.

In addition to the test report, the news from the deity was also transmitted along with Yang Ji's information. He only said that he was a very interesting rune mage, and not much else.

After all, Yang Ji also had a strong background in that world, and his academic attainments in runes were at least on the same level as his own, but his own cultivation was much lower.

Forget it, don’t think about it so much, anyway, now they have joined their own camp, time will tell us everything we want to know. may also be buried in time and never see the light of day, a story that only those who have experienced it can know.

"By the way, with your rune attainments, you should have awakened your spiritual talent. Can you tell me what it is?"

It can only be said that Chen Xi is still very thick-skinned. For wise men in this era, spiritual talent is their biggest trump card. It is still very offensive to ask others about their most secret trump card.

Unfortunately, for people like Yang Ji, spiritual talent is not his pursuit.

Although this spiritual talent is an extremely heavy weight for his journey as a mage, it is even the key to reaching higher peaks.

"[Accumulating Water into an Abyss], this is my spiritual talent. It is a passive talent that can also be actively stimulated. The effect can be seen from its name."

Yang Ji didn't care if others knew about his spiritual talent. Anyway, others couldn't use his spiritual talent to plot against him. Even if they knew it, they would be temporarily confused by the name and lament that he was a late bloomer.

But if he is really underestimated because his mental talent is a late-stage talent, then if he is hacked to death, he will not be responsible for calling an ambulance. After all, he does not rely on his mental talent to make a living.

"[Standing water forms an abyss, and a dragon emerges from it.] It seems that you have got a late-stage card." After hearing about Yang Ji's spiritual talent, even Chen Xi was temporarily fascinated by Xunzi's famous saying. .

"No, aren't you a rune mage? Your spiritual talent is just proof that you have reached a certain level on the path of a mage. You didn't embark on the path of a mage because of your spiritual talent. Why do I think you are a late-stage hero? "

Chen Xi was silent. With his own knowledge, he would be confused by his own thinking inertia. So would other people be confused by his own thinking inertia?
"Huh, it seems that this spiritual talent is a key node on your journey to become a mage." Chen Xi exhaled and couldn't help but sigh about the importance of this spiritual talent for a mage who requires accumulation of knowledge to progress.

As for the specific development results, Chen Xi didn't ask any more. After all, it was a key node on someone's path, and it would be impolite to ask any more.

During the next journey, Chen Xi was in the carriage explaining to Chen Lan the knowledge about extracting spiritual power, while Old Man Chen was driving the carriage on the shaft.

Yang Ji, on the other hand, rode Xuanyan and followed the carriage, listening to the knowledge Chen Xi told, and reflecting on the knowledge he had collected to prepare for the future development of secret techniques.

Then under Chen Xi's random command, a group of people who wanted to go to Suanzao finally got lost without following the advice of local Yang Ji.

"Master, we are probably going to sleep outdoors tonight. We must have gone in the wrong direction when we were on a fork in the road." Old man Chen told Chen Xi with a wry smile.

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi's deliberate act and didn't want to say anything, nor did he want to get involved in Chen Xi's affairs. Maybe he wanted to relive the past, or the nine-tailed white fox had taken back Chen Xi's memory of the future. .

Anyway, it’s Chen Xi’s fault that I made the wrong move. I’m just a bastard. Bastards don’t deserve to have the right to make suggestions, they only deserve to do it, haha, Yang Ji said to himself.

"Ha, it's okay. Oh, the rice cakes are pretty good." Feeling a little ashamed, Chen Xi quickly took out a few rice cakes from his bag and distributed them to several others, but when he saw Yang Ji biting the fruit after.

"Hey, Ziyu, where did you get this fruit from? You didn't even give me a piece." Chen Xi complained to Yang Ji angrily.

"Picked by the roadside." Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi who stuck his head out, took out a fruit from his pocket and handed it to Xuan Yan.

Chen Xi's outstretched hand suddenly froze, and in Xuan Yan's enjoying eyes, he pretended that nothing had happened, and slowly retracted his hand.

"Hey, sir, look if there is any smoke from the kitchen over there." Chen Lan, who was quietly eating cakes next to her, accidentally glanced into the distance, and her sharp eyes saw a wisp of smoke floating in the distance.

"Someone, come on, let's go get some food! The rice cakes are still too unpalatable, and you dare to eat this fruit without knowing whether it's poisonous or not. It's really life-threatening."

Chen Xi hugged Chen Lan overjoyed, and then overturned his previous words without hesitation.

He also raked the ground, scolded Yang Ji, and then arrogantly ordered Mr. Chen to drive the carriage to the side of the smoke.

If the time is correct, the smoke in front represents where the troops of Liu Bei, Chen Xi's destined master, are located.

"Sir, I don't know which prince's army is ahead. Let's retreat." After seeing the military camp in front of him, old man Chen persuaded Chen Xi not to get close to the military camp.

After all, the army of this era is not like the army of later generations. It does nothing to the common people and even helps them.

However, Mr. Chen's words could not sway Chen Xi's decision. As a last resort, Mr. Chen turned his attention to Yang Ji and begged Yang Ji to help Chen Xi with a word of advice.

(End of this chapter)

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