Chapter 30 Fire and Book

——After Dong Zhuo withdrew from Luoyang

Hulao Pass was finally broken. Dong Zhuo gave up on himself, but who would admit that Dong Zhuo gave up on himself.

In the propaganda, under the leadership of the alliance leader Yuan Shao, all the princes worked together to break through Hulao Pass.

As for how many soldiers fell among them, they didn't care. What they cared about was that Luoyang was just ahead, and the wealth from the sky was coming.

Hua Xiong sat under the dilapidated Hulao Pass and stared at Luoyang in the distance. When he saw Dong Zhuo push his respected military advisor to the ground and run down the city gate in a hurry, he knew the friendship between him and Dong Zhuo. It's over.

The Prime Minister who once dared to kill the enemy immediately, how did he become like this now?Even the brothers in Xiliang can't believe it.

I gave up before the enemy could win. Is this kind of Prime Minister really the Prime Minister I once followed?

Forget it, just Duke Xuande. Anyway, among the princes in the world, he is the only one who cares about us idiots.

Seeing that Luoyang was just ahead and his unparalleled feats were about to be obtained, Yuan Shao waved his hand, poured out a lot of money, and arrived in Luoyang at an extremely fast speed.

Liu Bei listened to Chen Xi's plan and followed the coalition forces unhurriedly. He didn't want to snatch things from the other princes who were stunned by the great power of the sky. After all, he couldn't hold those things now.

Boss Cao followed Liu Bei. Smart people knew that Dong Zhuo would definitely leave something dangerous in Luoyang.

Under the temptation of the bright road, not everyone can see the corpses buried underneath like Boss Cao.

When approaching Luoyang, the firelight was so desolate under the sky, and the screams and cries could be heard for miles.

After Hua Xiong saw the fire in Luoyang, the remaining light in his eyes was immediately extinguished, tears flowed down uncontrollably, and the last trace of friendship for Dong Zhuo disappeared.

"How dare he? This is the imperial capital of my great Han Dynasty. How dare he!"

Liu Bei, who was originally calm, immediately became angry when he saw Luoyang shrouded in fire dragons.

Even though Chen Xi had told him long ago that Dong Zhuo might burn down Luoyang, he still had some expectations for Dong Zhuo as a Han official, but the reality slapped him hard.


Yang Ji's face turned a little pale, and even the inner energy that had been separated from the body and the secondary purified mental power could hardly support it.

The cost of pulling rain clouds from dozens of miles around in a short period of time is really outrageous.


"If Mr. Xuande wants the people on this land to no longer suffer such suffering, he needs to personally break the rules of these aloof carnivores."

"Otherwise, even the most prosperous dynasty will still fall at the feet of the people who are driven crazy by these rules."

Even now Chen Xi's face is a little pale, but he still wants to convey the people's thoughts to Liu Bei.

In this era, no prince cares more about the people than Liu Bei.

After hearing what Chen Xi and Yang Ji said, the anger on Liu Bei's face was gone. As for whether he had let go in his heart, I don't know.

Without any further hesitation, Liu Bei led his soldiers and horses directly into the burning city of Luoyang.

There were screams everywhere in the city, and the people whose bodies were burned by the flames were black and black. They stood blankly in front of the burned-down houses, looking at their homes at a loss, not knowing what the future would hold. what to do.

Yang Ji hung a heat-insulating cloud formation on the soldiers to protect them from being injured by the heat released by the flames.

At the same time, another cloud formation is called to extract the air from the fire area within a certain range.

The flame will be extinguished due to lack of oxygen, and the rainwater will not be directly evaporated by the flame.

Although the area of ​​the rain cloud is a bit small, it cannot cover the entire Luoyang flames.

But after struggling with the phase organ, Yang Ji has now mastered some of the rules of energy transformation.It is still possible to use the five elements runes as the core to construct a special cloud formation that converts essence into water.

Directly change the structure of the cloud and gas, and superimpose two more layers of formation on the cloud that has already been superimposed with two layers of formation.

One is to gather the essence, and the other is the essence transformation formation with the water rune array as the core.

After the new water vapor was added to the rain clouds, the rain clouds that were already about to collapse suddenly became stunned.

Heavy rain descended on Luoyang City again. The surviving people in Luoyang City were saved, but many people still lost their lives in the fire.

After putting out all the fires, Liu Bei took Chen Xi, Yang Ji and Guan Zhang Zhao to pay homage to the imperial tomb.

Although it has been dug into ruins by Li Jue, among the people who are loyal to the Han Dynasty, there are still ancestors here who will protect the Han Dynasty.

After burning incense, Chen Xi led a group of people to the official residence area in Luoyang. Because of the rain, the burning here was not too bad.

"When Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang, the wealthy families in Luoyang were worried that Dong Zhuo, a warrior from Xiliang, would do the same stupid thing as Xiang Yu, so they divided the 30 volumes of books in Dongguan. Most of the mansions here can be divided It belongs to the official who collects books.”

"And Li Ru moved to Chang'an so fast that he didn't give these officials any time to prepare."

"Most of the books in the collection are made of bamboo slips. They are heavy and large in quantity. Those officials cannot take away too many, which means that there should be some books in their mansion that have not been taken away."

Chen Xi explained the purpose of bringing people here. The books recording knowledge will be a benefit for recruiting people in the future.

Just the fact that meritorious people are allowed to copy books is enough for those scholars to work hard.

"In that case, let's speed up, otherwise when the coalition princes react, we won't have our share."

Liu Bei gave the order. From Chen Xi, he already knew that these books would be the best weapon to abduct scholars in the future.

Let Yang Ji stay here and lead the soldiers to collect the books hidden in this mansion, while he and Chen, Guan, Zhang and Zhao went to Cai Yong's mansion.

"According to our information, when the books were divided, Cai Zhonglang was originally compiling the history of the country in Dongguan, so after dividing the books, he took a little more and gave [-] volumes to Wang Zhongxuan. Now there should be [-] volumes left in Cai Zhonglang's residence. Book."

Chen Xi told the information he knew.

"The books in the officials' mansions are fine, but are we really qualified to take away the books in Cai Zhonglang's mansion?"

Zhao Yun expressed his worries. After all, Cai Yong was a world-famous scholar.

"Zilong, you have to know that these books belong to the Han Dynasty, and Xuande Gong is a clan member of the Han Dynasty. It is the right thing to take back these books. Those who know will not say anything."

"Zichuan, since it is necessary to take back these books, where is that guy Wang Can? I am going to take back the collection of my Han Dynasty and return to Dongguan."

When Guan Yu heard that the recovered books were treasures of the Han Dynasty, he immediately picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and said righteously.

"If the books in the hands of the noble family could be taken back now, would I still let you come here? Okay, I will let them return the books by themselves in the future."

Chen Xi looked at the three people gnashing their teeth and said.

"But for those aristocratic families, family inheritance is the most important, and family inheritance is based on family knowledge and land. So if these books are in their pockets, can they really get them back?"

Zhao Yun is quite familiar with the situation of the aristocratic family, so he knows what the nature of the aristocratic family is like. It is extremely difficult to take back the things in the pockets of the aristocratic family, especially the simple books that record knowledge.

"Don't worry, this is not a big problem for me. As long as we are strong enough in the future, they will pay it back on their own, and they can't help but not pay it back!"

"Okay, now Luoyang has been captured, Dong Zhuo has returned to Chang'an, the alliance to fight against Dong is coming to an end, and it's time for us to return to our own territory."

Chen Xi ended the topic and turned the topic to the territory he would own.

Liu Bei did not speak. He just silently sorted out the bamboo slips and books he had just taken out of the room. He did not say any bold words about conquering the world, but the determination in his eyes shone more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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