The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 306: Confrontation between Rain Clouds

Chapter 306: Confrontation between Rain Clouds
"Bofu, the Lu family's reinforcements have arrived. They are the Qingzhou Fleet of the Taishan Army. We may have to face a big battle next."

When Zhou Yu saw Sun Ce walking towards him suspiciously, he told Sun Ce the news he had received without any further ado.

"It turned out to be the Taishan Army." Sun Ce frowned. No wonder he always felt that someone was spying on him. It would not be surprising if it was the Taishan Army.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yu looked at Sun Ce. Why did he feel that Sun Ce was not surprised at all about the arrival of Lu family reinforcements?

"Huh? Gongjin, didn't you notice the spying from the Qingzhou fleet just now?" Sun Ce asked Zhou Yu with a frown.

Since Zhou Yu said that the Lu family’s reinforcements were from the Qingzhou fleet, then the people who had spied on him before were from the Qingzhou fleet.

Based on Sun Ce's understanding of Zhou Yu's abilities, he should have sensed the detection from the Qingzhou fleet a long time ago. Why does he act like he hasn't sensed anything now?
"What? You sensed someone is spying on you?" Zhou Yu frowned. If he calculated correctly, the Qingzhou fleet was at least thirty miles away from here.

Is the Qingzhou fleet so fast? And why was it that only Sun Ce sensed the spying, but he didn't?
Could it be that the Qingzhou fleet specially sent warriors with internal energy out of their bodies to come for reconnaissance?
But, that shouldn't be the case. According to the intelligence they received, the Qingzhou fleet should only have two people whose internal energy left their bodies, Gan Ning and Taishi Ci. How could there be other generals whose internal energy left their bodies?
And they even do a luxury of sending him out as a scout. Do they still want to save the face of a military commander with internal energy leaving his body?
Or has the internal energy of the generals under Liu Bei's command overflowed to this extent?

[Impossible!] As soon as the thought came to his mind, Zhou Yu immediately extinguished it.

The leaving of internal energy from the body is a leap in the level of life, how can it be achieved so easily?

[So, is it some kind of reconnaissance talent or detection technology?] Zhou Yu thought to himself.


Zhou Yu and Sun Ce both frowned and looked around, trying to find the guy who was spying on them casually.

"Gongjin, you felt it too, right?" Sun Ce looked around several times but still found no useful clues.

Sun Ce was silent for a while, then turned to look at Zhou Yu. This was not just his illusion.

"Well, I feel it. It should be some kind of detection talent, or an unknown technology or something like that." Zhou Yu said calmly.

“Is there any way to isolate it?” Sun Ce thought about it and felt that it would be better to isolate the prying sight. After all, vision is very important.

As for the certain detection talent or technology that Zhou Yu mentioned, Sun Ce was not surprised. Under Zhou Yu's constant nagging, he also remembered a lot of strange talents.

After all, Yuan Shu handed over his foundation to Sun Ce, so he must have made a copy of some special information for Sun Ce.

What's more, the Sun family and the Zhou family are aristocratic families after all, and some news that only circulates among aristocratic families is still recorded.

After hearing Sun Ce's question, Zhou Yu thought for a moment and said, "The Xuanxiang Formation should be able to isolate them. The original application of the Xuanxiang Formation was to disrupt the enemy's vision."

"Then, Gongjin, do you know the Xuanxiang Formation?" Sun Ce scratched the back of his head in a naive manner. Such a high-end thing as the Xuanxiang Formation really made it difficult for him.

"Yes, it's just the initial Xuanxiang Formation. However, the initial Xuanxiang Formation is enough to block the enemy's vision." Zhou Yu said calmly.

Originally, Zhou Yu was not a member of the Xuanxiang Formation, but who made Sun Ce inherit Yuan Shu's legacy?

When Yuan Shu came back from Fenggao, he asked Sun Ce to copy some special information and asked Zhou Yu to copy the information about the initial Xuanxiang Formation as well.

The Yuan family, with three generations of officials, can reveal any special information. It just depends on whether anyone can remember what kind of treasure is buried in their own database.

Sun Ce's eyes lit up and he urged Zhou Yu, "What are you waiting for? Make arrangements quickly." The enemy's spying made him extremely annoyed.

If Zhou Yu hadn't come to him for something, Sun Ce would have followed his instincts and found the spy, although it wasn't certain that he would be able to do so.

"Bofu, you go and lead the troops and deploy the troops according to my command." Zhou Yu gave Sun Ce an order to prevent Sun Ce from going directly to challenge the Qingzhou fleet.

"Okay!" Sun Ce responded, and then ran excitedly to organize his troops. He was finally able to get rid of the surveillance from the enemy.

Looking at Sun Ce's somewhat excited back, Zhou Yu's eyes flickered, and he whispered: "Let me test what kind of strength your Taishan Army has!"

Zhou Yu did not recall Cheng Pu and others from Shucheng who were chasing Lu Kang and his party, but directly commanded the tens of thousands of auxiliary troops who remained outside the city.

Anyway, what they need is the ability of the Xuanxiang Formation to block the enemy's vision, and they do not need the combat effectiveness of the Xuanxiang Formation.

As Zhou Yu began to command the auxiliary troops to set up the military formation, a layer of fog gradually shrouded Sun Ce's army.

"It seems that Zi Yu's secret technique of beyond-visual-range light and shadow detection can be improved." Liu Bei shook his head when he saw the mist rising from the secret mirror.

"Isn't the purpose of Zi Yu having someone send this secret technique to us just to let us test it?" Chen Xi shook his head and did not turn off the detection of the secret technique, but continued to keep it on.

Although Zhou Yu used the Xuanxiang Formation to temporarily block the secret technique's detection of Sun Ce's army, the only areas Zhou Yu could block were those covered by clouds.

Those places not covered by clouds are still within the detection range of the secret technique, and they are exactly what Chen Xi needs to detect.

"That's true." Liu Bei thought about it and agreed with Chen Xi's test. After all, this secret technique did have many areas that needed improvement.

"Okay, it's time to hurry up and march. Lu Jining and the others have already run out of Shucheng." Chen Xi glanced at the picture shown in the secret mirror and said to Liu Bei.

"Report, Shucheng has been captured!" When the fog gradually rose, a messenger rushed over to report to Sun Ce.

"Good!" Sun Ce shouted excitedly while riding on his horse. He finally let out his anger. Even if he met Lu Kang, Lu Jun and others again in the future, he would not get so angry that he would sicken his body. After all, Sun Ce would have to rely on Lu Jun's ships in the future.

"By the way, where are the four guys from the Lu family?" Sun Ce thought of the "culprit" who had kept him in Shucheng for more than ten days.

"General Huang shot Lu Kang with an arrow, and then Lu Kang and Lu Jun escaped from the city wall under the cover of Lu's private soldiers.

When we chased to the Lu family mansion, it was already engulfed in flames, and now the fire has been put out." The messenger lowered his head and answered, without giving the specific situation of the four people in the Lu family.

"What I want to ask is how the four members of the Lu family are doing now." Sun Ce frowned and looked at the messenger in front of him.

"After we put out the fire at the Lu family's residence, we found four charcoal corpses that looked very similar to the four members of the Lu family, as well as a dozen corpses wearing the clothes of the Lu family's retainers." The messenger lowered his head even more.

"A charcoal corpse that is extremely similar to the four members of the Lu family?" Sun Ce frowned. "Forget it, now is not the time to pursue this." Sun Ce waved his hand to dismiss the messenger.

"Taishan Army?" Sun Ce turned his head and looked in the direction of Chaohu Lake. That was the enemy they were going to face next. As for the Lu family? They were just losers, not worth Sun Ce's attention.

If Lu Kang had not opposed Yuan Shu and Sun Ce, and scolded Yuan Shu, Sun Ce would not have paid any attention to the Lu family.

According to Zhou Yu, when they take over Jiangdong, the Lu family will surrender to them. This is the survival rule of the aristocratic family.

"Gongjin, how is the Taishan army doing now?" Sun Ce found Zhou Yu.

Before Zhou Yu could respond to Sun Ce, he suddenly looked up at the sky and the celestial phenomena in Shucheng began to change.

"Damn it! So many strong men have come!" Zhou Yu cursed.

"Bofu, go and dismantle all the camps, then organize the soldiers to form a defensive formation on the spot, and send someone to call back General Cheng and others in Shucheng." Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce with a stern face.

"Okay." Sun Ce replied in a deep voice without saying anything more. Zhou Yu's will was his will.

Sun Ce understands Zhou Yu, just as Zhou Yu understands Sun Ce. Zhou Yu's spiritual talent is a range-type talent. As long as there is a spiritual talent or legion talent within dozens of miles, Zhou Yu can sense it.

Sun Ce looked up at the sudden change in the sky in Shucheng. This was a change in the sky that could only be caused by those civil officials who focused on spiritual cultivation.

[Fifteen miles at most?] Relying on his intuition, Sun Ce came up with a number. This was the distance between the Qingzhou fleet and himself.

[They are really powerful. They can sneak to this distance without being noticed by Gongjin's innate detection mechanism. They are worthy of being the Taishan Army, right?] Sun Ce thought as he walked.

"Is this the rainy season in the south? It's really easy to gather rain clouds." Chen Xi said with some emotion as he looked at the turbulent sky.

"The rainy season in the south is one reason, but without your terrifying mental power, it would be difficult to gather such a large number of rain clouds." Liu Bei looked up, feeling the suffocating feeling of the dark clouds pressing down on his head, and shook his head.

"I'm just trying to find an excuse for Zhou Gongjin. After all, we are all of the same age." Chen Xi didn't finish the rest of his words, but Liu Bei understood.

"You bastard." Liu Bei shook his head. "I've heard that Zhou Gongjin has cultivated his Qi into a Gang. If it weren't for Zi Yu's help, the internal Qi in your body would have dissipated."

"So what? If Zhou Gongjin has the ability, he can find a teammate as powerful as Zi Yu.

Oh, his teammates are Sun Ce, the Little Overlord of Jiangdong. "Chen Xi teased.

"The Little Overlord of Jiangdong is not the Overlord of Western Chu after all. People are still willing to listen to what Zhou Yu says." Liu Bei said based on the facts.

"That's true." Chen Xi nodded and agreed with Liu Bei's point of view. This was a fact and there was nothing worth refuting.

"Huh? Is this the start of a counterattack?" Chen Xi looked up at the sky. A big hole was torn in the dark clouds, and dazzling sunlight poured down from the hole.

"Hey, Zhou Gongjin, ah Zhou Gongjin, let me, Chen Zichuan, have a fight with you." Chen Xi showed his big white teeth, as if he wanted to eat someone alive.

After meeting Zhuge Liang, who said “If there is Yu, why is there Liang?”, Chen Xi is still very interested in another protagonist, Zhou Yu.

Just when Zhou Yu was about to tear the clouds apart completely, Chen Xi's mental power instantly withdrew a large mass of clouds from other places and stuffed it into the crack torn apart by Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu groaned, "Damn it, what's wrong with Chen Zichuan's spiritual energy?" Zhou Yu looked at the black clouds in the sky with some horror in his eyes.

"Boom!" Zhou Yu listened to the rising thunder with a grim expression. He didn't expect that he would lose to Chen Xi in the contest of mental power.

"Gongjin, are you okay?" Sun Ce jumped to Zhou Yu's side and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Zhou Yu wiped his forehead, "Bofu, prepare the army to attack and break the clouds. We can't let the rain form. Our navy is not here."

"Okay." Sun Ce didn't ask any more questions. He believed that Zhou Yu would handle it well.

"Bofu, you gather the clouds and I will assist you. Remember not to use your full strength, but to save some for sudden attacks by the enemy."

When Sun Ce unified the clouds, Zhou Yu no longer used his mental power to fight against Chen Xi. Chen Xi's mental power was really unreasonable.

After withdrawing his mental power from the clouds, Zhou Yu mobilized his mental power to connect with his own cloud energy, allowing it to flow faster and more smoothly.

As Zhou Yu's mental power joined the connected clouds, veins bulged on Sun Ce's forehead, and the legion's attack showed signs of disintegration.

"Youping, come too, help Bofu divert the cloud pressure!" After seeing Sun Ce's condition, Zhou Yu hurriedly shouted to Zhou Tai.

This was only because the officers under Sun Ce's command were not strong enough, otherwise Sun Ce's body would not have been under such great pressure when he coordinated and mobilized the cloud energy.

If a general in the Taishan army with internal energy leaving his body were to launch a legion attack, the middle and low-level officers in his legion would basically be able to bear part of the cloud energy pressure.

Unlike Sun Ce, launching a legion attack requires the commander to bear all the pressure of the clouds.

If this happened in the Taishan Army, the officers in the legion would definitely be retrained.

"Boom!" With Zhou Tai's diversion, Sun Ce was finally able to spare the energy to launch his legion attack.

This legion attack created a big hole in the black clouds in the sky and also offset a part of Chen Xi's mental power.

"Youping, hit the point I marked!" Zhou Yu took the time to make a mark in the clouds. That was the point where the clouds and Chen Xi's mental power met.

"Boom!" As Zhou Tai's legion attacked, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly broke into pieces. If it happened a few more times, the dark clouds would be completely dispersed.

"As expected of Zhou Gongjin, he found the combining point of the clouds and mental power so quickly." Chen Xi praised Zhou Yu.

"Unfortunately, it's too late for you to disperse the clouds, because I have already arranged them, hahaha!" Chen Xi laughed and closed the rain clouds.

"Boom!" Thunder roared and rain fell.

(End of this chapter)

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