Chapter 317 A Magical Siege War
After hearing Gan Ning's order, Chen Dao couldn't help but look at Gan Ning. He wanted to ask Gan Ning what support he planned to use?

Arrows? Sure. But does the Qingzhou fleet have elite archer corps? If not, super elite archers will do, at least they can kill the enemy with one blow.

Legion attack? It seems that it is indeed possible. After all, the cloud gas storage tank equipped on the ship can still be operated.

As long as Gan Ning could control this huge cloud, he could force the enemy to flee in panic.

[Maybe...] Chen Dao looked at Fa Zheng who was standing next to Gan Ning. He could assist Gan Ning in sorting out the clouds and enhance the efficiency of using the clouds.

"Yes." Chen Dao didn't say anything else. Although Gan Ning was a very adventurous person, you couldn't deny that Gan Ning was still a very reliable general.

Without any other action, Chen Dao led the Bai Li soldiers to jump off the boat, then raised his hand and a legion attacked to clear the way, blowing the defenders on the shore to pieces.

Because Gan Ning and his men arrived so quickly, Shouchun City had no time to set up a blocking line on the shore, so they had to hastily dispatch several nearby legions to organize a defensive line on the spot.

However, even if you use your brain, you can know how solid the battle line organized in a hurry is, so Chen Dao blew away hundreds of people with just one legion attack.

"Follow me and kill!" The moment he stepped onto the river bank, Chen Dao shouted to the Bai Li soldiers.

This is the first battle since the formation of the Bai Li Army. They must show their strength, prestige, and the reputation of Liu Bei's personal guards!
"You hid an elite group of archers on the boat?" Fa Zheng asked Gan Ning with a strange look on his face after seeing Chen Dao rushing to the river bank.

He remembered that some of the sailors of the Qingzhou fleet were converted from pirates. Even with Chen Xi's logistical support, it would not be possible to form an elite archer corps so quickly, right?

Although Chen Xi had previously established a marine training base that looked quite formal, it seemed that the training base had only been officially put into use in the last one or two months.

In other words, the soldiers who can now serve as marines in the Qingzhou fleet are either transferred from pirates or trained with Gan Ning in the storms on the sea.

Therefore, Gan Ning either trained an elite archer force at sea, or had other ways to support Chen Dao on the shore from the ship.

"Elite archer corps? I would like to have one, but unfortunately there is none on my ship." Gan Ning shook his head and denied Fa Zheng's guess.

After a pause, Gan Ning continued, "However, we still have several teams of elite archers."

After all, most of the marines in the Qingzhou fleet were recruited from the southern states, and even the pirates who initially followed Gan Ning were from the southern states.

If we talk about infantry and cavalry, the soldiers of our southern states dare not speak. But if you talk about archers and sailors, our southern states can beat the northern states!

Fa Zheng remembered a radical theory put forward by Yang Ji, that is, the soldiers in the southern states were naturally stronger than the soldiers in the north in water battles and archery, just like the infantry and cavalry in the north.

Seeing Gan Ning's smug look, Fa Zheng couldn't help but say, "You only have a few teams of elite archers. There are two super elite archer corps in the Fenggao camp."

"They are the two super elite archer corps, Changshui and Shesheng. I know that. I even recruited a few veterans from them to serve as centurions." Gan Ning ignored Fa Zheng's sarcastic words and said with a proud look on his face.

"Ah?" Fa Zheng was stunned when he heard Gan Ning's words. Gan Ning was actually able to get away from Huangfu Song's hand. What kind of operation was this?

"How could you actually get people from General Huangfu's subordinates, and from the Shesheng and Changshui camps?" Fa Zheng said with some amazement.

If Fa Zheng remembered correctly, Gan Ning had not stayed in Fenggao for many days since he took office as the commander-in-chief of the navy. He only came back for a few days during Chen Xi's wedding and the Jingling Hall grand ceremony.

Gan Ning is really amazing. He was able to snatch several archery coaches from Huangfu Song in such a short time. He is really amazing.

"Hehe——" Gan Ning just laughed a few times and did not say how he took away several archery coaches from Huangfu Song.

"Come, let the enemy see the mass artillery attack of our Qingzhou fleet." Gan Ning called out to several teams of archers holding longbows on the deck.

"Replace the etched arrows, charge for three breaths, ready - fire!" Following the order of a centurion, the elite archers on Gan Ning's flagship began to gather strength for the attack.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"……

Hundreds of streams of light shot up into the sky and fell towards the enemy's dense battle line, blowing the enemy soldiers to pieces.

Hundreds of streams of light shot up into the sky and landed on the city wall of Shouchun City and exploded. If Ji Ling had not put up the cloud protection in time, the defenders on the city wall might have suffered heavy losses.

"Archers, release a rain of arrows towards the enemy's flagship!" Ji Ling organized the archers with a serious expression to launch a rain of arrows attack on Gan Ning's flagship.

The arrows fired from Gan Ning's flagship were definitely not regular arrows. If Ji Ling remembered correctly, they should be the explosive arrows of the Changshui Camp.

[Not everyone can afford the explosive arrows of Changshui Camp...] Ji Ling's eyes were solemn.

Unlike regular archer corps, if the two super elite archer corps, Changshui Camp and Shesheng Camp, want to unleash their true strength, they must be prepared to spend money, and a lot of it.

Conventional arrow rain can recover some arrows, but as soon as these two archer legions start the tactical strike mode, they will start spending money, and there is no way to recover and reuse the arrows they shoot out.

"Is this... the explosive arrows from the Changshui Camp?" Fa Zheng stared in amazement at the arrows that exploded in the enemy's front line.

"Yes and no." Gan Ning shook his head. "The ordinary version of the Changshui Explosive Arrow does not have this kind of power after exploding."

Before Fa Zheng could continue to ask, Gan Ning took out an arrow and said, "See, the etching on it is the secret technique of Qi shock blast etching developed by General Yang.

After the explosion of the explosive arrows of Changshuiying, it can trigger the explosion of the surrounding heaven and earth essence, causing an explosion with greater lethality. "

Fa Zheng pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty a few times. Yang Ji was really idle in Qingzhou. He even developed this kind of secret technique of energy explosion.

As for why the secret technique can be etched on arrow branches, we have to ask how those immortal cultivators turned the secret technique into talismans. Although they are not the same thing, the results are similar.

"There shouldn't be many people who can make this level of etching, right?" Fa Zheng just took a quick look at the etched arrow that Gan Ning brought over, and he knew that the cost of this thing must be very high.

“Of course, General Yang has trained a group of craftsmen in the workshop who can perform simple etching work.

But it is limited to the primary etching work. If it involves intermediate and higher etching, General Yang will have to do it himself. "Gan Ning sighed and said. "What are you doing?" Fa Zheng asked in confusion. Since Chen Xi has not yet built the production line for etching arrows, how did Gan Ning think of using this kind of etching arrows in the first round of attacks?

"Oh, you're asking that." Gan Ning's fingertips traced the etchings on the arrow, "Of course it wasn't rubbed out by General Yang.

I etched it myself after I learned the secret technique of the energy explosion." Gan Ning's face was filled with bitterness when he talked about the days of etching the arrows by hand.

“However, the power of the arrows etched with the secret technique of energy shock explosion really lived up to my hard work in practicing etching techniques.” Gan Ning wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"So you have mastered the advanced etching technology now?" Fa Zheng widened his eyes, unable to believe that Gan Ning, a military general, actually mastered the advanced etching technology. That was a technical means that even spiritual wise men like them did not have mastered.

"No, I just learned the etching ritual of the secret technique of vital energy explosion." Gan Ning touched the back of his head, wondering how Fa Zheng came to the conclusion that he had mastered the advanced etching technology.

"What's more, this Essence Shock Explosion Secret Technique is only an intermediate secret technique and does not require high-end etching technology."

"Look, Chen Shuzhi has already penetrated the enemy's coastal defense forces, allowing us to continue our operation." Fa Zheng shouted, diverting Gan Ning's attention from the etching technology.

"Fuck, he is indeed a guy who can say that he can distort reality with his will, his fighting ability is really strong.

Quick, send three more rounds of special arrows to further suppress the enemy's actions and create opportunities for friendly forces to climb the city!" Gan Ning ordered decisively.

Hearing Gan Ning's order, Fa Zheng just frowned and did not object to Gan Ning's order to continue attacking the city.

Although the siege force consisted only of Chen Dao's Bai Li soldiers, they were too strong. With the coordination of Gan Ning's artillery fire, they defeated the defending troops and made them unable to even raise their heads.

"Ladder!? When did they get the ladders?" roared the city defending general Ji Ling.

The enemy troops who had just defeated the coastal defense forces suddenly had dozens of ladders in their hands.

"Boss, change the crossbows and nail the crossbow arrows on the city wall!" Gan Lan shouted to Gan Ning on the shore. This was the request passed down from Chen Dao.

"Fuck, come here, change the crossbows, shoot in disorder, and nail the crossbow arrows on the city wall to provide a foothold for the brothers in the siege troops!" Gan Ning also discovered the ladder that was overturned by the defending troops.

"Buzz~" The buzzing sound when the ship-borne crossbow explodes is so pleasant.

"Haha, you are worthy of being the Navy Chief, this support comes just in time.

Brothers, step on the crossbow arrows nailed to the city wall to climb the city!" Chen Dao roared loudly, transmitting his will to the will of the Bai Li soldiers through the legion's talent.

"Kill the duck!" The Bai Li soldiers roared excitedly. They never expected that they could achieve such results in their first battle. They lived up to the reputation of Liu Bei's personal guard!
"Has the support from behind arrived?" Ji Ling grabbed the messenger by the collar and roared. If the city defense supplies from behind had not arrived yet, this section of the city wall would have to change hands.

Ji Ling really didn't expect that even at this point, the support from behind hadn't arrived yet. What on earth were those idiots in the Government Affairs Department doing?

In addition, there were not enough defense supplies on the walls of Shouchun City, and he didn't even have enough horses.

Was it because Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were too lazy to notice this problem when they were in power, or was it that the original city defense supplies were sufficient but were later moved away?
Ji Ling didn't know, but he was very clear about one thing: if there was no support from behind, this section of the city wall would change hands.

Ji Ling put down the messenger who looked terrified, and said, "Go to the Government Affairs Office and inform the Lord of the situation here."

After saying that, Ji Ling took his personal guards to the front line of the battlefield. At this time, Chen Dao had already climbed onto the city wall.

In Shouchun Government Affairs Hall, Yuan Shu looked at the many officials in the hall with a stern face. Most of these officials were from aristocratic families.

"That's great! This is what you said at the beginning: we don't have to worry about the enemies on the Huai River. Now the enemies have reached Shouchun City through the Huai River.

Tell me, what did you arrange along the Huai River?

"Speak!" Yuan Shu slammed the table, scaring many officials in the Government Affairs Hall who had guilty consciences so much that they broke out in sweat.

Yuan Shu didn't understand. These people were so smart when they were in Yuzhou. Why did they become like this after arriving in Shouchun?
Because they already had something to hide, most people here didn't even look up at Yuan Shu. They could only lower their heads and feel Yuan Shu's wrath.

"Report! Our army is running low on supplies for the city defense, the enemy has already climbed onto the city wall, and the reinforcements have not yet arrived." A messenger rushed in in a panic.

The officials who had originally thought that they could take this opportunity to get rid of Yuan Shu broke out in cold sweats upon hearing the news.

It was not because the enemy had already climbed the city wall or the reinforcements had not yet arrived, but the lack of city defense supplies was their biggest fatal flaw.

"Okay, okay!" After hearing the news, Yuan Shu, who was already angry, drew his sword angrily and overturned the table in front of him.

The trembling crowd dared not make a sound, for fear that Yuan Shu would chop them all down in a rage.

The main thing is that Yuan Shu’s battle record can be checked.

Yuan Shu took his sword and went to mobilize the troops. These guys could no longer be relied upon and would be killed sooner or later.

After Sun Ce and Zhou Yu returned from Jiangdong, Yuan Shu forced these guys to cooperate with Zhou Yu and Sun Ce in the power transfer that should have taken place long ago.

"Fuck, is there really a problem in Shouchun city?" Fa Zheng stared in amazement at the city wall where no reinforcements had appeared yet.

"Not only is there a problem inside the city, but there is also not enough defense supplies on the city walls." Gan Ning said, pointing at the city wall where hand-to-hand combat had begun.

If there were enough city defense supplies, Ji Ling would not have allowed so many Bai Li soldiers to climb the city wall.

"It's time to retreat. Yuan Gonglu is still inside." Fa Zheng suddenly said after he came to his senses.

Gan Ning turned his head to look at Fa Zheng, who had a gloomy look in his eyes, and understood what Fa Zheng meant.

The news of this section of the city wall must have reached Yuan Shu. As long as Yuan Shu knew the situation here, he would definitely lead reinforcements here in person.

(End of this chapter)

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